White house vows emergency stay of judicial order thwarting Presidents immigration order

Might want to look at Alaska's custom blend of "Castle Doctrine" + "Don't touch our shit" + "fuck criminals" + 90-fucking-% carry rate.

If someone steps foot on my property and I feel threatened, lethal force. If someone tries to break into my neighbors house, lethal force. If someone touches my car in a threatening manner, lethal force. We 'civilians' can shoot someone for touching an officer wrong. We can also do citizen's arrests, including lethal force if necessary. So much 2nd amendment up here lefties would piss themselves.

There's a reason you never hear about riots in Alaska. heh
Might want to look at Alaska's custom blend of "Castle Doctrine" + "Don't touch our shit" + "fuck criminals" + 90-fucking-% carry rate.

If someone steps foot on my property and I feel threatened, lethal force. If someone tries to break into my neighbors house, lethal force. If someone touches my car in a threatening manner, lethal force. We 'civilians' can shoot someone for touching an officer wrong. We can also do citizen's arrests, including lethal force if necessary. So much 2nd amendment up here lefties would piss themselves.

There's a reason you never hear about riots in Alaska. heh
too cold and too dark?
... You're a bit slow huh dear?

Because they'd get shot if they tried any of the lawless intimidation and destruction bullshit up here.
The oppression of Christians and other religious minorities in Syria and Iraq has led to an unspeakable humanitarian crisis,” Wicker said. “Tens of thousands have had to flee their homes to seek sanctuary from the Islamic State — whose savage treatment of these people is well-documented. The United States has historically protected minorities facing similar circumstances. We should do so again now.”

Most Christians seeking asylum are going to Lebanon. They have the means to get there and do not prefer to go to the US.

A fact Trump dupes and the Trump Admin fail to consider.

Muslims are the vast majority being persecuted in Iraq and Syria. Trump wants to ban Muslims. He is a fearmongering religious bigot and and asshole.
Boss, post: 16539357
No, the Constitution doesn't either.

You are a whacko. Pence would call you a whacko if you told him the Constitution does not give Federal Judges the authority to restrain or place an injunction on Trump's foolish attempting ban some Muslims.

Do you think Pence is a lib and knows nothing about the Constitution?

You are a Liberty hating fascist. Mike Pence is not. Trump appears to be.
boss of no one....

Yet, you all seem to get some sort of rise out of being able to strut around and crow because some obscure left-wing judge perverted the Constitution to make a political statement. So you get a few days of being able to run around waving the Constitution like you're all James Fucking Madison... only to end up losing yet another battle.

Seems like more Judges have decided to follow the law and Constitution rather than get on the "sniff trumps ass" tour (like you), so the "fact" of the matter is that real Americans and not the racist nationalist have prevailed,,,,
The oppression of Christians and other religious minorities in Syria and Iraq has led to an unspeakable humanitarian crisis,” Wicker said. “Tens of thousands have had to flee their homes to seek sanctuary from the Islamic State — whose savage treatment of these people is well-documented. The United States has historically protected minorities facing similar circumstances. We should do so again now.”

Most Christians seeking asylum are going to Lebanon. They have the means to get there and do not prefer to go to the US.

A fact Trump dupes and the Trump Admin fail to consider.

Muslims are the vast majority being persecuted in Iraq and Syria. Trump wants to ban Muslims. He is a fearmongering religious bigot and and asshole.

Then there wouldn't be so many Christians to come in so why are you idiots pitching a fit about giving them priority? The argument being presented is that it'd be 'unfair' but if there's none left to save in those countries then who gives a shit. Not to mention the clause gives priority to 'minority' religious, that would 'include' the persecuted sects of Muslims.

A point your media doesn't like to consider.

You folks are racist/white nationalist/Islamophobia fear mongering - stupid since that's /never/ been what it's about for /any/ Trump supporter nor Trump himself.
Are you blathering about your little fantasy that you and some lefty twits are going to arm up against the conservatives again?

Don't worry your little head, if it becomes necessary they'll have no problems organizing. Most of the conservatives and a bunch of the independents are military. Good luck!
View attachment 110624

The White House issued a statement vowing to file for an emergency stay of a federal judge’s order to block President Donald Trump’s executive order restricting immigration and refugees from high risk countries from the Middle East.

White House Vows ‘Emergency Stay’ of Judicial Order Thwarting President’s Immigration Order

There is one thing that is showing for sure if you go over to the MSM like MSN and read the comments on articles lets say a leftist dem would get off on, you would begin to see how many people are waking up to the bs lies, and you wold also recognize how much people are really beginning to hate those who are radical leftist Trump haters. There is a difference among people who might not like him, then there is the other group that will stoop low enough to say , write, or do anything working the propaganda pushing.

Like some tard writes how much Trump spent on Vacation WTF planet are you on, Trump hasn't even been on a vacation yet.

Sooner or later Freedom, Rights, and Liberty trump your security and communist ways, wants, and desires.
We're not as weak minded as other Countries who are lead by dictators who tell them to cry for the Camera there are serious mental issues with people who do n ot want WHAT OUR AMERICA USE TO BE!
You got to be a fool, if you don't think Trump listening to the news....how ironic, all day long after the ban comes in, all the pundents are taking about tweeking the ban...and low and behold.....Tweet is talking about doing just that.
Boss, post: 16538660
The president is clearly given the authority he has exercised under statutory law passed by Congress...

Trump has to have a rational reason to excercize his authority under statutory law. That is definitively defined as proving that the government is harmed by restraining this executive order and that a real danger exists.

The government thus far has not been able to show harm or danger. That is why he list 3 - p.

You are defending a tyrant that cannot and did not make his case in a court of law that has every right to do its job and reason for being.

Trump can't order law based upon his whims and campaign propaganda.

No, he actually doesn't. It's a good idea, and one assumes the citizenry would demand it, but since immigration to this country is NOT a right, the US can technically set its standards to whatever it pleases. And since the power to set those standards rests with the President and Congress . . .
You are a whacko. Pence would call you a whacko if you told him the Constitution does not give Federal Judges the authority to restrain or place an injunction on Trump's foolish attempting ban some Muslims.

Do you think Pence is a lib and knows nothing about the Constitution?

You are a Liberty hating fascist. Mike Pence is not. Trump appears to be.

There is nothing in the EO about Muslims. They're not mentioned.
boss of no one....

Yet, you all seem to get some sort of rise out of being able to strut around and crow because some obscure left-wing judge perverted the Constitution to make a political statement. So you get a few days of being able to run around waving the Constitution like you're all James Fucking Madison... only to end up losing yet another battle.

Seems like more Judges have decided to follow the law and Constitution rather than get on the "sniff trumps ass" tour (like you), so the "fact" of the matter is that real Americans and not the racist nationalist have prevailed,,,,

Well no. A liberal wackadoodle judge in Washington made a stupid unconstitutional ruling and the three liberal clowns on the 9th Circus upheld his ruling. That's all that has happened so far.

It's unclear if it will go to SCOTUS at this point or if Trump will simply issue a new EO. That's probably what will happen. But the nation is going to be secured and the travel restrictions will be put in place.

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