White house vows emergency stay of judicial order thwarting Presidents immigration order

Unless US citizens or business are harmed. All harm is reviewable. No exceptions you more than ignorant anti Liberty fuck.

No, all potential possible harm is not reviewable. If that were so, congress would be permanently paralyzed as we worked out through courts the assorted possible people who might be harmed by legislation. You must have actual harm that can be shown (show cause) and then take that to a court and file as a plaintiff. That never happened in this case. States filed the case claiming potential harm on behalf of possible plaintiffs. That's unconstitutional.
Boss, post: 16538660
The president is clearly given the authority he has exercised under statutory law passed by Congress...

Trump has to have a rational reason to excercize his authority under statutory law. That is definitively defined as proving that the government is harmed by restraining this executive order and that a real danger exists.

The government thus far has not been able to show harm or danger. That is why he list 3 - p.

You are defending a tyrant that cannot and did not make his case in a court of law that has every right to do its job and reason for being.

Trump can't order law based upon his whims and campaign propaganda.
So... Let's say Congress and the President declare war. Do you think the court has authority to step in and intervene, declaring that some may be harmed, therefore, they have judicial oversight and rule that we can't go to war?
Boss, post: 16538957
No, all potential possible harm is not reviewable. If that were so, congress would be permanently paralyzed as we worked out through courts the assorted possible people who might be harmed by legislation

PPP POLL SAYS more than 60% believe the courts are right and trump is wrong.

No good polling for Trump on this issue. Most Anericans are not stupid or willing to give up Liberty for tweets wanting the to be cowards.

If harm is determined to exist then judges have every right to intervene.

Congress doesn't have that much of a problem with the courts because all laws they pass are extensively vetted to pass a constitutional sniff test.

If someone claims harm from a law passed by Congress they may get nowhere, no different than if a murderer tried to claim that laws against murder cause him harm. Don't be absurd, extreme arguments come only from idiots.
Boss, post: 16539011
The statute doesn't require him to make his case in a court of law.

Issuing an executive order does. You are a fool if you think it does not.

You want fascism. It's clear. Of course he has to make his case in court. Even Mike Pence has told you that.
Boss, post: 16538998
Trump didn't order law. He exercised authority granted to him by Congress in already-existing statutory law.

Trump interpreted law and ordered his departments to execute it and it harmed people and businesses. That is his fault. He is an idiot. We pulled a publicity

Congress cannot and would never do it. They would not grant any President authority to ransack the Constitution and willy nilly harm American citizens.
Boss, post: 16538660
You say "sham of a claim" as if you're the Director of Homeland Security... how much security clearance do you have? How much of our classified intelligence have you looked at?

Don't have to, fascist. You are afraid based on Trump's word. I am not. I prefer Liberty over cowardice.

Trump's lawyers can present classified information to the courts. They didn't have any.
When it gets to SCOTUS, it's going to be reversed.

By the time it gets to SCOTUS it will expire.

Breaking News. Flynn discussed sanctions with Russians prior to Trump taking office.

Flynn denied talking to Russians about sanctions for weeks. Now issued a statement saying he does not recall if sanctions were discussed.

Stay tuned. Investigation ongoing.
But you are trying to argue they are a supreme branch, not co-equal

No I am not. The Supreme Court does have the final say. But that is normally nine justices that know more about constitutional law that one man one president.

What has been at stake so far is that once the president invokes a sham of a claim about national security the lower courts have no standing to intervene.

That is fear driven fascism. Trump makes himself above the law when he claims national security is at stake. That can be easily abused.

No, it really can't be because courts are not privy to classified intelligence. To turn your national security over to the court is like turning your police department over to a school. It's just insanity.

You say "sham of a claim" as if you're the Director of Homeland Security... how much security clearance do you have? How much of our classified intelligence have you looked at? NONE... that's how much! You're a fucking idiot on a message board, shooting off your smart ass mouth about something you don't know a damn thing about, and you're putting our nation at risk.

The president is clearly given the authority he has exercised under statutory law passed by Congress... You don't like it? Fucking change the law! It's that simple... you don't even have to change the Constitution!
just right wing propaganda. it is about the law.
So... Let's say Congress and the President declare war. Do you think the court has authority to step in and intervene, declaring that some may be harmed, therefore, they have judicial oversight and rule that we can't go to war?
We are not at war. There is no War. And, we have peace time tax rates, to prove it.
PPP POLL SAYS more than 60% believe the courts are right and trump is wrong.

The Constitution is not up to a poll. I don't give a solitary fuck what a poll says and no one else should either... if polls were correct, Hillary would have beaten Trump by double digits.

This is about statutory law, separation of powers, national security, presidential authority and the Constitution. This "stay" is nothing more than partisan political grandstanding to delay the inevitable and it comes at a serious potential risk to national security, and that should alarm everyone. If some jerkwater liberal judge can stop an EO put in place for national security, we are sitting ducks.
Lets go even further into the bullshit narrative being pushed by Dems and the media since ya'll don't seem to get it...

THIS is on the books /right/ now, and has been, part of title 8 1157 - 8 USC 1157: Annual admission of refugees and admission of emergency situation refugees

Establishing Categories of Aliens for Purposes of Refugee Determinations

"(a) In General.-In the case of an alien who is within a category of aliens established under subsection (b), the alien may establish, for purposes of admission as a refugee under section 207 of the Immigration and Nationality Act [8 U.S.C. 1157], that the alien has a well-founded fear of persecution on account of race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion by asserting such a fear and asserting a credible basis for concern about the possibility of such persecution.

"(b) Establishment of Categories.-

"(1) For purposes of subsection (a), the Attorney General, in consultation with the Secretary of State and the Coordinator for Refugee Affairs, shall establish-

"(A) one or more categories of aliens who are or were nationals and residents of an independent state of the former Soviet Union or of Estonia, Latvia, or Lithuania and who share common characteristics that identify them as targets of persecution in that state on account of race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion,[;]

"(B) one or more categories of aliens who are or were nationals and residents of Vietnam, Laos, or Cambodia and who share common characteristics that identify them as targets of persecution in such respective foreign state on such an account; and

"(C) one or more categories of aliens who are or were nationals and residents of the Islamic Republic or Iran who, as members of a religious minority in Iran, share common characteristics that identify them as targets of persecution in that state on account of race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion.

"(2)(A) Aliens who are (or were) nationals and residents of an independent state of the former Soviet Union or of Estonia, Latvia, or Lithuania and who are Jews or Evangelical Christians shall be deemed a category of alien established under paragraph (1)(A).

"(B) Aliens who are (or were) nationals of an independent state of the former Soviet Union or of Estonia, Latvia, or Lithuania and who are current members of, and demonstrate public, active, and continuous participation (or attempted participation) in the religious activities of, the Ukrainian Catholic Church or the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, shall be deemed a category of alien established under paragraph (1)(A).


More to come, I'll flood you idiots with evidence that religious persecution as standing for higher priority refugee classification is nothing new and maybe you'll get it.
Mormons could qualify for "religious persecution" status in the US; they are not allowed to practice their religion, peacefully.

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