White House Watch - Clinton 45, Trump 38

And on election day every under and unemployed American who was never polled will come out and vote for Trump.
Every American who has to purchase Health Insurance through the ACA will come out and vote for Trump.
Every American who is paying 45% taxes so some minority can own a house, a smartphone and a large screen TV will come out and vote for Trump.
And you'll be crying foul because no one like myself, or ANYONE I know, was called by a pollster.

What percent of your total taxes go to pay for someone else's house?
I don't know.
How many cities or counties have 1,000s of minorities who are baby sitters who own homes?
And on election day every under and unemployed American who was never polled will come out and vote for Trump.
Every American who has to purchase Health Insurance through the ACA will come out and vote for Trump.
Every American who is paying 45% taxes so some minority can own a house, a smartphone and a large screen TV will come out and vote for Trump.
And you'll be crying foul because no one like myself, or ANYONE I know, was called by a pollster.

That's nice. Get back with us when that happens.
You must have a pretty boring life.
If you're so sure Hillary's going to win, why are you here 24/7?
The definitive loser post. It's generic. Never, ever think you get cred by complaining about another's presence when you're a frequent flier. LOL
I'm not quite as obsessive an ideologue as you are.
But you claim to be certain of an outcome, so why all the wasted energy?
Unless you're an arrogant asshole.
Whatever, but I don't call out others for posting more than I'd like. and go fuck yourself
But hurt?
The problem with you is that you're boring.
Post something thoughtful once in a while.
For instance, how much will Hillary's programs cost us?
The money HAS to come from SOMEWHERE?
Whatever, but I don't call out others for posting more than I'd like. and go fuck yourself
But hurt?
The problem with you is that you're boring.
Post something thoughtful once in a while.
For instance, how much will Hillary's programs cost us?
The money HAS to come from SOMEWHERE?
Fuck you. And I'm a republican. I do loath what Trump represents, however. If you want me to seriously respond to a thread, SUPPORT it
Whatever, but I don't call out others for posting more than I'd like. and go fuck yourself
But hurt?
The problem with you is that you're boring.
Post something thoughtful once in a while.
For instance, how much will Hillary's programs cost us?
The money HAS to come from SOMEWHERE?
Fuck you. And I'm a republican. I do loath what Trump represents, however. If you want me to seriously respond to a thread, SUPPORT it
You're a Neo-Con; I get it.

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