White House: "We won't coddle rioters" - it's about damn time!

Coyote, so you can't eh?

Just did. And I reiterate - post examples of individual acts and, like you I'll denounce those actions. I believe we are on the same page or are you still expecting me to denounce and entire movement while you denounce individual actions :dunno:
what about Madonna?

She's a fucking looney.
what about the muslim lady enciting violence? What about Ashley Judd? There was also a male actor in someone's face attacking a smaller male. dude, it's all over the fking news the pure evil that was marching in DC. See all those ladies dressed as vi jay, jays? you all have no respect. I include you in it cause you approve it. You can't simply see what it is and say there's a better way to get a message out. Protesting isn't what happened in DC.

Are you talking about violence or respect?

Did anyone in the women's march assault someone or deliberately damage property - break windows for example? If they did, I'll certainly condemn those actions.

However - like YOU, I'm not going to condemn an entire demonstration or movement based on the actions of a few.

To call it "pure evil" is just as retarded as those who are comparing Trump to Hitler. The march was a huge success, with 470,000 est people in DC, and almost no violence, and I don't think there were any arrests.

There's going to be another large march, the annual Right to Lifers...I wonder if you will call them "pure evil" too...or tell supporters there is a better way to get the message out. Somehow, I doubt it, because you agree with the message.
yes, there was a girl who had her hair set on fire that was there as pro trump.

There was a young man verbally landbasted by a hollywood actor in the street.

Inciting violence is an assault against our national interests. Claiming to blowing up the white house to set some whackamole off is unacceptable. Claiming hitler's name and nazism is unacceptable. Over zealous people don't get to claim they were peaceful. BTW, Ashley Judd, the president doesn't wear a toupee, so you don't have facts as normal. Ask Jimmy Fallon. Trump allowed him on the tonight show to mess up his hair and it was all real. ooooppps.

There were many altercations that didn't spin out of control, and the cops had their jails full from the previous 200 arrests from the idiots on Friday, they made no more.

In the other cities, the marchers shut down streets, that is not what a protest is about. I'm sorry, you can say yes all day, but that isn't the law.

Pure evil is hollywood, and that march lost all credibility once the folks from hollywood had their say.

The march wasn't even about anything except anti trump, well folks there was an election three months ago where he won and you all lost. booo fking hooo.
Just did. And I reiterate - post examples of individual acts and, like you I'll denounce those actions. I believe we are on the same page or are you still expecting me to denounce and entire movement while you denounce individual actions :dunno:
what about Madonna?

She's a fucking looney.
what about the muslim lady enciting violence? What about Ashley Judd? There was also a male actor in someone's face attacking a smaller male. dude, it's all over the fking news the pure evil that was marching in DC. See all those ladies dressed as vi jay, jays? you all have no respect. I include you in it cause you approve it. You can't simply see what it is and say there's a better way to get a message out. Protesting isn't what happened in DC.

Are you talking about violence or respect?

Did anyone in the women's march assault someone or deliberately damage property - break windows for example? If they did, I'll certainly condemn those actions.

However - like YOU, I'm not going to condemn an entire demonstration or movement based on the actions of a few.

To call it "pure evil" is just as retarded as those who are comparing Trump to Hitler. The march was a huge success, with 470,000 est people in DC, and almost no violence, and I don't think there were any arrests.

There's going to be another large march, the annual Right to Lifers...I wonder if you will call them "pure evil" too...or tell supporters there is a better way to get the message out. Somehow, I doubt it, because you agree with the message.
yes, there was a girl who had her hair set on fire that was there as pro trump.

There was a young man verbally landbasted by a hollywood actor in the street.

Inciting violence is an assault against our national interests. Claiming to blowing up the white house to set some whackamole off is unacceptable. Claiming hitler's name and nazism is unacceptable. Over zealous people don't get to claim they were peaceful.

There were many altercations that didn't spin out of control, and the cops had their jails full from the previous 200 arrests from the idiots on Friday, they made no more.

In the other cities, the marchers shut down streets, that is not what a protest is about. I'm sorry, you can say yes all day, but that isn't the law.

Pure evil is hollywood, and that march lost all credibility once the folks from hollywood had their say.

The march wasn't even about anything except anti trump, well folks there was an election three months ago where he won and you all lost. booo fking hooo.

The girl who's hair was set on fire was not even at the women's march and the other protesters were appalled at the woman who did this, it was certainly not endorsed or supported in any way.

The cops themselves said the women's march was peaceful - when you have something like 500,000 people in one place demonstrating, it's amazing. Who knows, I suspect there could have been some oppposition agitators planted there as well.

Out of all those people you come up one guy that was verbally lambasted, and one kook who set one person's hair on fire but wasn't even AT THAT MARCH and you're claiming it was a violent movement.

Pro-Trump group tries to incite violence: D.C. Group Alleges Propaganda Effort to Frame Progressives Inciting Violence at Inauguration - Rewire
Paid for by the Trump foundation: Trump Foundation paid conservative filmmaker he mentioned in the debate
what about Madonna?

She's a fucking looney.
what about the muslim lady enciting violence? What about Ashley Judd? There was also a male actor in someone's face attacking a smaller male. dude, it's all over the fking news the pure evil that was marching in DC. See all those ladies dressed as vi jay, jays? you all have no respect. I include you in it cause you approve it. You can't simply see what it is and say there's a better way to get a message out. Protesting isn't what happened in DC.

Are you talking about violence or respect?

Did anyone in the women's march assault someone or deliberately damage property - break windows for example? If they did, I'll certainly condemn those actions.

However - like YOU, I'm not going to condemn an entire demonstration or movement based on the actions of a few.

To call it "pure evil" is just as retarded as those who are comparing Trump to Hitler. The march was a huge success, with 470,000 est people in DC, and almost no violence, and I don't think there were any arrests.

There's going to be another large march, the annual Right to Lifers...I wonder if you will call them "pure evil" too...or tell supporters there is a better way to get the message out. Somehow, I doubt it, because you agree with the message.
yes, there was a girl who had her hair set on fire that was there as pro trump.

There was a young man verbally landbasted by a hollywood actor in the street.

Inciting violence is an assault against our national interests. Claiming to blowing up the white house to set some whackamole off is unacceptable. Claiming hitler's name and nazism is unacceptable. Over zealous people don't get to claim they were peaceful.

There were many altercations that didn't spin out of control, and the cops had their jails full from the previous 200 arrests from the idiots on Friday, they made no more.

In the other cities, the marchers shut down streets, that is not what a protest is about. I'm sorry, you can say yes all day, but that isn't the law.

Pure evil is hollywood, and that march lost all credibility once the folks from hollywood had their say.

The march wasn't even about anything except anti trump, well folks there was an election three months ago where he won and you all lost. booo fking hooo.

The girl who's hair was set on fire was not even at the women's march and the other protesters were appalled at the woman who did this, it was certainly not endorsed or supported in any way.

The cops themselves said the women's march was peaceful - when you have something like 500,000 people in one place demonstrating, it's amazing. Who knows, I suspect there could have been some oppposition agitators planted there as well.

Out of all those people you come up one guy that was verbally lambasted, and one kook who set one person's hair on fire but wasn't even AT THAT MARCH and you're claiming it was a violent movement.

Pro-Trump group tries to incite violence: D.C. Group Alleges Propaganda Effort to Frame Progressives Inciting Violence at Inauguration - Rewire
Paid for by the Trump foundation: Trump Foundation paid conservative filmmaker he mentioned in the debate
Soro's supposedly paid 90 Million for that march Saturday. Again you post stuff with Alleges. that ain't evidence in no man's land.

BTW, there were still folks running around on Saturday with masks on and that is against DC law. But hey, again ignored.
The march wasn't even about anything except anti trump, well folks there was an election three months ago where he won and you all lost. booo fking hooo.

And the “right” to kill innocent children in cold blood.
Soro's supposedly paid 90 Million for that march Saturday. Again you post stuff with Alleges. that ain't evidence in no man's land.

BTW, there were still folks running around on Saturday with masks on and that is against DC law. But hey, again ignored.

Over here a cop was trying to calm down the protesters and one idiot spit in the cops face. The liberal prosecutor decided not to level charges. Spitting on a cop is considered a felonious assault.
Soro's supposedly paid 90 Million for that march Saturday. Again you post stuff with Alleges. that ain't evidence in no man's land.

BTW, there were still folks running around on Saturday with masks on and that is against DC law. But hey, again ignored.

Over here a cop was trying to calm down the protesters and one idiot spit in the cops face. The liberal prosecutor decided not to level charges. Spitting on a cop is considered a felonious assault.

In a world where deadly diseases are carried by bodily fluids like saliva, you're damned right it's assault.
Soro's supposedly paid 90 Million for that march Saturday. Again you post stuff with Alleges. that ain't evidence in no man's land.

BTW, there were still folks running around on Saturday with masks on and that is against DC law. But hey, again ignored.

Over here a cop was trying to calm down the protesters and one idiot spit in the cops face. The liberal prosecutor decided not to level charges. Spitting on a cop is considered a felonious assault.

Time and time again, liberals prove they can't be trusted with ANY power or responsibility.
Soro's supposedly paid 90 Million for that march Saturday. Again you post stuff with Alleges. that ain't evidence in no man's land.

BTW, there were still folks running around on Saturday with masks on and that is against DC law. But hey, again ignored.

Over here a cop was trying to calm down the protesters and one idiot spit in the cops face. The liberal prosecutor decided not to level charges. Spitting on a cop is considered a felonious assault.

Time and time again, liberals prove they can't be trusted with ANY power or responsibility.

And our city is living proof of that. In a city that's in deep need for police, new police cars, more firemen and trucks, the city just passed a bill to construct a 2.5 million dollar dirt bike path. Why? Because the grandson of the Mayor, Frank Jackson, was arrested twice for riding his dirt bike on the street.

This is how Democrats run things in this country.
Soro's supposedly paid 90 Million for that march Saturday. Again you post stuff with Alleges. that ain't evidence in no man's land.

BTW, there were still folks running around on Saturday with masks on and that is against DC law. But hey, again ignored.

Over here a cop was trying to calm down the protesters and one idiot spit in the cops face. The liberal prosecutor decided not to level charges. Spitting on a cop is considered a felonious assault.

Time and time again, liberals prove they can't be trusted with ANY power or responsibility.

And our city is living proof of that. In a city that's in deep need for police, new police cars, more firemen and trucks, the city just passed a bill to construct a 2.5 million dollar dirt bike path. Why? Because the grandson of the Mayor, Frank Jackson, was arrested twice for riding his dirt bike on the street.

This is how Democrats run things in this country.

I'll go you one better. My city, last time I checked, has about 1 uniformed police officer for every 800 or so people living in the city limits. Just in the city limits. That's not counting all the people who technically live outside the city limits, but come into town every day for whatever reason. Every time we turn around, the city officials are telling us that we might have to cut police funding if we don't give them more and more tax money.

Meanwhile, the city spent over $2 billion dollars of taxpayer money to build a streetcar line downtown, which "serves" an area where you can basically walk to everything. And don't even get me started on the boondoggle that is the Rio Nuevo project.

Ah, but the government offices, the ultra-liberal arts district, and the University students all just HAPPEN to be in that area. Hmmm.
Soro's supposedly paid 90 Million for that march Saturday. Again you post stuff with Alleges. that ain't evidence in no man's land.

BTW, there were still folks running around on Saturday with masks on and that is against DC law. But hey, again ignored.

Over here a cop was trying to calm down the protesters and one idiot spit in the cops face. The liberal prosecutor decided not to level charges. Spitting on a cop is considered a felonious assault.

Time and time again, liberals prove they can't be trusted with ANY power or responsibility.

And our city is living proof of that. In a city that's in deep need for police, new police cars, more firemen and trucks, the city just passed a bill to construct a 2.5 million dollar dirt bike path. Why? Because the grandson of the Mayor, Frank Jackson, was arrested twice for riding his dirt bike on the street.

This is how Democrats run things in this country.

I'll go you one better. My city, last time I checked, has about 1 uniformed police officer for every 800 or so people living in the city limits. Just in the city limits. That's not counting all the people who technically live outside the city limits, but come into town every day for whatever reason. Every time we turn around, the city officials are telling us that we might have to cut police funding if we don't give them more and more tax money.

Meanwhile, the city spent over $2 billion dollars of taxpayer money to build a streetcar line downtown, which "serves" an area where you can basically walk to everything. And don't even get me started on the boondoggle that is the Rio Nuevo project.

Ah, but the government offices, the ultra-liberal arts district, and the University students all just HAPPEN to be in that area. Hmmm.

Oh they did similar here in Cleveland. They constructed a bus corridor down one of our main streets. Even though the line itself cost 50 million, with everything together, it cost 5.8 billion. To ride busses???

They funded part of it with sales tax that not only people in the city pay for, but the entire county where most never rode in a damn bus.
Soro's supposedly paid 90 Million for that march Saturday. Again you post stuff with Alleges. that ain't evidence in no man's land.

BTW, there were still folks running around on Saturday with masks on and that is against DC law. But hey, again ignored.

Over here a cop was trying to calm down the protesters and one idiot spit in the cops face. The liberal prosecutor decided not to level charges. Spitting on a cop is considered a felonious assault.

Time and time again, liberals prove they can't be trusted with ANY power or responsibility.

And our city is living proof of that. In a city that's in deep need for police, new police cars, more firemen and trucks, the city just passed a bill to construct a 2.5 million dollar dirt bike path. Why? Because the grandson of the Mayor, Frank Jackson, was arrested twice for riding his dirt bike on the street.

This is how Democrats run things in this country.

I'll go you one better. My city, last time I checked, has about 1 uniformed police officer for every 800 or so people living in the city limits. Just in the city limits. That's not counting all the people who technically live outside the city limits, but come into town every day for whatever reason. Every time we turn around, the city officials are telling us that we might have to cut police funding if we don't give them more and more tax money.

Meanwhile, the city spent over $2 billion dollars of taxpayer money to build a streetcar line downtown, which "serves" an area where you can basically walk to everything. And don't even get me started on the boondoggle that is the Rio Nuevo project.

Ah, but the government offices, the ultra-liberal arts district, and the University students all just HAPPEN to be in that area. Hmmm.

Oh they did similar here in Cleveland. They constructed a bus corridor down one of our main streets. Even though the line itself cost 50 million, with everything together, it cost 5.8 billion. To ride busses???

They funded part of it with sales tax that not only people in the city pay for, but the entire county where most never rode in a damn bus.

I could kind of see it for our bus system - although don't even get me STARTED on the money spent to end the month-and-a-half bus strike last summer because the drivers wanted EVEN MORE money and benefits - because Tucson is a very spread-out city, and transportation is an absolute necessity if one wants to be in any way productive or independent.

But not only is downtown an area - almost the only area - where one can access everything on foot, but it was ALREADY served by the regular bus system, several shuttle systems, and even a trolley. It had no need for a streetcar as well, not to mention that it fouled up much of the already incredibly-limited parking available downtown, making things much more difficult for people who live elsewhere and had to travel downtown for business (and everyone does eventually, because all the main government offices, the courthouses, etc. are down there).
That's funny.

Violent crime has been steadily decreasing and now stands at the lowest rate in over 25 years. I don't know what air you've been smelling.


Yet it continues to increase drastically in the biggest cities in the U.S.
Cracking down on protests....are the rightwing THAT thinskinned they have to silence dissent?

No violence is acceptable. But free speech and protesting are an American right.

Burning vehicles and breaking windows no longer classifies it as a protest. It's called a riot.

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