White Man Violently Resists Police and Lives


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Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015

Cop Runs From Violent White Suspect & Lets Him Flee​

A cop who was battling a violent white man in the street allowed the suspect to escape in his truck after using his stun gun on him.


Cop Runs From Violent White Suspect & Lets Him Flee​

A cop who was battling a violent white man in the street allowed the suspect to escape in his truck after using his stun gun on him.

I saw a cop taze a man, then crack his wrist with a baton. Neither worked. Then he pulled his gun and the suspect backed away non violently. Do you believe he should have shot him? If so, at which point do you believe the cop should have shot him?


Cop Runs From Violent White Suspect & Lets Him Flee​

A cop who was battling a violent white man in the street allowed the suspect to escape in his truck after using his stun gun on him.

more whites are killed by cops than blacks ..

and they didnt shoot this idiot ... not only was the guy not shot he was let back out onto the streets in less than 24 hrs !

more whites are killed by cops than blacks ..

and they didnt shoot this idiot ... not only was the guy not shot he was let back out onto the streets in less than 24 hrs !

"Back on the street within 24 hours"

Does anyone feel even the slightest bit of being sorry for New Yorkers? They consistently vote for people who run for office wanting to defund police, and want to let violent criminals back out on the street!!

Fuck 'em, I don't care how many people in the city get either beaten, robbed, or even killed! They literally ask for more of the same with their votes!

Cop Runs From Violent White Suspect & Lets Him Flee​

A cop who was battling a violent white man in the street allowed the suspect to escape in his truck after using his stun gun on him.

Apparently that was in San Diego. The cops are almost certainly under orders not to shoot people. San Diego is a very liberal city. However, you might notice that the cop gets in his car and pursues the suspect as he leaves. From my observation of the video the subject was trying to get the cop to shoot him indicating he's likely mentally ill. If the cop HAD shot him, the cop would have been crucified for shooting a poor mentally ill man. The cop made the correct choice and you claiming color had anything to do with the decision just confirms how racist you are. I've seen videos where black men and women committed far worse things and weren't shot or killed. This is an example of a good cop behaving as he should, and you should be applauding him. Instead, both you and the mealy-mouthed commentator make the cop out to be the bad guy. The suspect was unarmed and didn't actually attack the cop, he just acted in a threatening manner. There was no cause for the use of deadly force in this case regardless of the color of the suspect.
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Cop Runs From Violent White Suspect & Lets Him Flee​

A cop who was battling a violent white man in the street allowed the suspect to escape in his truck after using his stun gun on him.

As an old pal of mine used to say:

“My dog had an earache once.”
I saw a cop taze a man, then crack his wrist with a baton. Neither worked. Then he pulled his gun and the suspect backed away non violently. Do you believe he should have shot him? If so, at which point do you believe the cop should have shot him?
If he were black, he would have shot him.
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more whites are killed by cops than blacks ..

and they didnt shoot this idiot ... not only was the guy not shot he was let back out onto the streets in less than 24 hrs !

If more whites are getting killed by police then whites need to get off their rear ends and demand change in policinng with BLM.
The cop didn't want to be the next Derek Chauvin. I guess that he didn't know that no one cares when a cop murders a White man.
To be fair, I would be much more scared of a negro than a fellow white man in a confrontation, they may be concealing a shiv or he high on PCP.

Cop Runs From Violent White Suspect & Lets Him Flee​

A cop who was battling a violent white man in the street allowed the suspect to escape in his truck after using his stun gun on him.

LOL. You need to think past your extreme racism. There is more to the world than racism, racism, racism.

Cop Runs From Violent White Suspect & Lets Him Flee​

A cop who was battling a violent white man in the street allowed the suspect to escape in his truck after using his stun gun on him.

He looks more mentally ill more than “violent”. Good on the cop not shooting him.

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