White nationalists on video trying to hang a black man in Indiana

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No one was trying to hang him. This black activist was trespassing on private property and was removed by concerned citizens. He's an activist. This means he was there to start trouble. He found it.

After seeing what the McCloskys of St. Louis went through, many have vowed to oppose this kind of terrorism when they see it. Activists might want to rethink trespassing.

Did you where protesters for this Burn Loot Murder scum attacked a car? Two of them went flying when the driver refused his beating and left.

The tide of violence might just be beginning to turn.
I didn't see anything about the Indiana honkies involved in the incident being "white nationalists" at all.

From what I seen is that they were just pissed at this asshole for trespassing. Not because he is an African American. And no, they didn't "lynch" him at all, just told him to get lost.
I didn't see anything about the Indiana honkies involved in the incident being "white nationalists" at all.

From what I seen is that they were just pissed at this asshole for trespassing. Not because he is an African American. And no, they didn't "lynch" him at all, just told him to get lost.

The dog identifies as white nationalist.

The person who was caught identifies as black.

Learn your pronouns.
I didn't see anything about the Indiana honkies involved in the incident being "white nationalists" at all.

From what I seen is that they were just pissed at this asshole for trespassing. Not because he is an African American. And no, they didn't "lynch" him at all, just told him to get lost.

You are being way too charitable to the liars.
- There was no black person
- There was no noose.
- There most definitely were no white nationalists.

Just a far left moron getting caught on the act and blaming every boogeyman under the sun.
The incident is very poorly presented by the op

where did this take place and how did it begin?
Closed. No evidence to support the OP's claim
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