White people to the back!

White people are stupid to show up for a hate group rally in the first place.
Most kkk rallies are stupid so stupid people tend to show up.
I was just thinking that! KKK has a guy with 3 teeth that are tobacco stained, heavy drawl, spitting between sentences and maybe scratching his crotch as he makes a speech in their behalf. Stupid is as stupid does. However, if someone better trained and with a tad less tolerant...they would have gotten more members perhaps. I'm betting they are getting A LOT of new members now, though, whereas they have been pretty stagnant for some years.

BLM needs well spoken people to do the representing. Not angry ones spitting on people trying to help...regardless of skin color. Which is what KKKs prob is. They hate blacks, jews, hispanics, you-name-it.
I think what happens is that white people expect all Blacks to be passive, tolerant, and inclusive. The reality of the anger Blacks feel is something most whites dont understand. Just like you have outliers in any group you will see the same with Black groups. if all BLM members felt that way then there would be no whites there.
No white's at all shown hang with a hate group. There are much better ways to spend ones life.
White people are stupid to show up for a hate group rally in the first place.
Most kkk rallies are stupid so stupid people tend to show up.
I was just thinking that! KKK has a guy with 3 teeth that are tobacco stained, heavy drawl, spitting between sentences and maybe scratching his crotch as he makes a speech in their behalf. Stupid is as stupid does. However, if someone better trained and with a tad less tolerant...they would have gotten more members perhaps. I'm betting they are getting A LOT of new members now, though, whereas they have been pretty stagnant for some years.

BLM needs well spoken people to do the representing. Not angry ones spitting on people trying to help...regardless of skin color. Which is what KKKs prob is. They hate blacks, jews, hispanics, you-name-it.
I think what happens is that white people expect all Blacks to be passive, tolerant, and inclusive. The reality of the anger Blacks feel is something most whites dont understand. Just like you have outliers in any group you will see the same with Black groups. if all BLM members felt that way then there would be no whites there.
No white's at all shown hang with a hate group. There are much better ways to spend ones life.
That made no sense. Try rephrasing your post.
This is nothing more than blacks trying to "repay" whites for events long gone......get to the back of the bus.........racism pure and simple......
Brother Martin didnt do it that way.......ooooops
and then a white guy shot him.
IF only he had been in the back........LLMMAAOOOOOO what an idiotic response.......
I agree. Your response was pretty idiotic.
Gee ummm ummmmmm why cant we get support for our agenda,.........llmmaaoooooo I know lets shoot some more innocent cops
Brother Martin didnt do it that way.......ooooops
and then a white guy shot him.
IF only he had been in the back........LLMMAAOOOOOO what an idiotic response.......
I agree. Your response was pretty idiotic.
Gee ummm ummmmmm why cant we get support for our agenda,.........llmmaaoooooo I know lets shoot some more innocent cops
Why would you shoot innocent cops? We need more innocent cops not less.
Smart. Move. I dont have a problem with whites marching but they do need to recognize this is a Black issue and should be Black led. Too often letting whites in positions of leadership for Black causes either makes us look weak or creates a convenient spy network.

First off, you're ignorance couldn't be more pronounced. But just logistically speaking, telling the media to go to the back when exposure is what is presumably needed is kind of stupid. Not only that, playing the villain won't do anything. This is just separatism; and it won't accomplish anything at the end of the day.
White people are stupid to show up for a hate group rally in the first place.
Most kkk rallies are stupid so stupid people tend to show up.
I was just thinking that! KKK has a guy with 3 teeth that are tobacco stained, heavy drawl, spitting between sentences and maybe scratching his crotch as he makes a speech in their behalf. Stupid is as stupid does. However, if someone better trained and with a tad less tolerant...they would have gotten more members perhaps. I'm betting they are getting A LOT of new members now, though, whereas they have been pretty stagnant for some years.

BLM needs well spoken people to do the representing. Not angry ones spitting on people trying to help...regardless of skin color. Which is what KKKs prob is. They hate blacks, jews, hispanics, you-name-it.
I think what happens is that white people expect all Blacks to be passive, tolerant, and inclusive. The reality of the anger Blacks feel is something most whites dont understand. Just like you have outliers in any group you will see the same with Black groups. if all BLM members felt that way then there would be no whites there.
Makes sense to me.

I have a friend married to a black man. It's a really long story, his trials he has experienced, so I will refrain. I'll just say that although he loves his wife, cares very much for MrG and I and his wife's son from a previous marriage (white) and his wife (white), his boss (white) and all their friends (white) he turned to drugs soon after they moved out and went to LA. He told me he told his therapist that he loves us all...but he needs his own people. He feels....outside. Looking in. Even though he knows he is loved in return.
So although I do not understand much of it, I "get it" sometimes with an epiphany. Like when I started this thread, I was pissed. Then you said what you said and I thought "gee. I didn't think of it that way".
Brother Martin didnt do it that way.......ooooops
and then a white guy shot him.
IF only he had been in the back........LLMMAAOOOOOO what an idiotic response.......
I agree. Your response was pretty idiotic.
Gee ummm ummmmmm why cant we get support for our agenda,.........llmmaaoooooo I know lets shoot some more innocent cops
Why would you shoot innocent cops? We need more innocent cops not less.
that would be your sides doings ...try not to act so ignorant
Smart. Move. I dont have a problem with whites marching but they do need to recognize this is a Black issue and should be Black led. Too often letting whites in positions of leadership for Black causes either makes us look weak or creates a convenient spy network.

lol. Blacks and whites need to realize that the whole BLM thing, and the cop killings are paid for, thought up schemes of George Soros' to cause enough trouble and death to warrant martial law. He said that watching people suffer makes him feel exhilarated. Pure evil, and he is winning because the stupids think this is a dem/repub issue. It is not. It is an American/Brussels issue.
Who is this George Soros?
A bad RICH man that wants chaos.
Smart. Move. I dont have a problem with whites marching but they do need to recognize this is a Black issue and should be Black led. Too often letting whites in positions of leadership for Black causes either makes us look weak or creates a convenient spy network.
Maybe lib whites will learn there is no reasoning with insanity
You think its insanity to stand up for yourself without having a white savior?
I loathe "trans allies".

"Allies" are all about using minority groups to further feminism, these days

Australian aboriginals booted out the white help in about the 70s. Then, they started to get places. If they needed a white lawyer( say none were at hand) they would use one, but as far as the actual activism was concerned, they were very clear, and to this day won't let any non-aboriginals manage their activism.

I don't support BLM but I get this OP.
Smart. Move. I dont have a problem with whites marching but they do need to recognize this is a Black issue and should be Black led. Too often letting whites in positions of leadership for Black causes either makes us look weak or creates a convenient spy network.

First off, you're ignorance couldn't be more pronounced. But just logistically speaking, telling the media to go to the back when exposure is what is presumably needed is kind of stupid. Not only that, playing the villain won't do anything. This is just separatism; and it won't accomplish anything at the end of the day.
That's why he said she was not the best speaker to be bullhorning what she was bullhorning. Well..in so many words, anyway.
Smart. Move. I dont have a problem with whites marching but they do need to recognize this is a Black issue and should be Black led. Too often letting whites in positions of leadership for Black causes either makes us look weak or creates a convenient spy network.

First off, you're ignorance couldn't be more pronounced. But just logistically speaking, telling the media to go to the back when exposure is what is presumably needed is kind of stupid. Not only that, playing the villain won't do anything. This is just separatism; and it won't accomplish anything at the end of the day.
You shouldnt presume things you have no clue about and its really none of my business if you feel i am ignorant.
Smart. Move. I dont have a problem with whites marching but they do need to recognize this is a Black issue and should be Black led. Too often letting whites in positions of leadership for Black causes either makes us look weak or creates a convenient spy network.
Maybe lib whites will learn there is no reasoning with insanity
You think its insanity to stand up for yourself without having a white savior?
I loathe "trans allies".

"Allies" are all about using minority groups to further feminism, these days

Australian aboriginals booted out the white help in about the 70s. Then, they started to get places. If they needed a white lawyer( say none were at hand) they would use one, but as far as the actual activism was concerned, they were very clear, and to this day won't let any non-aboriginals manage their activism.

I don't support BLM but I get this OP.
They werent trying to manage anything from what was presented.........
Smart. Move. I dont have a problem with whites marching but they do need to recognize this is a Black issue and should be Black led. Too often letting whites in positions of leadership for Black causes either makes us look weak or creates a convenient spy network.

First off, you're ignorance couldn't be more pronounced. But just logistically speaking, telling the media to go to the back when exposure is what is presumably needed is kind of stupid. Not only that, playing the villain won't do anything. This is just separatism; and it won't accomplish anything at the end of the day.
You shouldnt presume things you have no clue about and its really none of my business if you feel i am ignorant.

I presume nothing. You've given me one racist demonstration after another. And now you're showing me that you are a professional victim, which I also already knew.
I am sure that if Negroes had been in charge for the last 10,000 years then they would be treating white peoples no better today than white peoples are now treating them.

Those white people were supporting them and I wonder why she did that except to power trip on them .....Who cares where they are standing..they were supporting BLM..

White people are stupid to show up for a hate group rally in the first place.
Most kkk rallies are stupid so stupid people tend to show up.
I was just thinking that! KKK has a guy with 3 teeth that are tobacco stained, heavy drawl, spitting between sentences and maybe scratching his crotch as he makes a speech in their behalf. Stupid is as stupid does. However, if someone better trained and with a tad less tolerant...they would have gotten more members perhaps. I'm betting they are getting A LOT of new members now, though, whereas they have been pretty stagnant for some years.

BLM needs well spoken people to do the representing. Not angry ones spitting on people trying to help...regardless of skin color. Which is what KKKs prob is. They hate blacks, jews, hispanics, you-name-it.
I think what happens is that white people expect all Blacks to be passive, tolerant, and inclusive. The reality of the anger Blacks feel is something most whites dont understand. Just like you have outliers in any group you will see the same with Black groups. if all BLM members felt that way then there would be no whites there.
Makes sense to me.

I have a friend married to a black man. It's a really long story, his trials he has experienced, so I will refrain. I'll just say that although he loves his wife, cares very much for MrG and I and his wife's son from a previous marriage (white) and his wife (white), his boss (white) and all their friends (white) he turned to drugs soon after they moved out and went to LA. He told me he told his therapist that he loves us all...but he needs his own people. He feels....outside. Looking in. Even though he knows he is loved in return.
So although I do not understand much of it, I "get it" sometimes with an epiphany. Like when I started this thread, I was pissed. Then you said what you said and I thought "gee. I didn't think of it that way".
Thats what happens with most white people. One of the hardest things I had to do was break up with this girl I was with for a year because she was white. Nothing else was wrong but she was never going to understand me simply because she was not Black. Her world and experiences kept her from understanding what I am about.
White people are stupid to show up for a hate group rally in the first place.
Most kkk rallies are stupid so stupid people tend to show up.
I was just thinking that! KKK has a guy with 3 teeth that are tobacco stained, heavy drawl, spitting between sentences and maybe scratching his crotch as he makes a speech in their behalf. Stupid is as stupid does. However, if someone better trained and with a tad less tolerant...they would have gotten more members perhaps. I'm betting they are getting A LOT of new members now, though, whereas they have been pretty stagnant for some years.

BLM needs well spoken people to do the representing. Not angry ones spitting on people trying to help...regardless of skin color. Which is what KKKs prob is. They hate blacks, jews, hispanics, you-name-it.
I think what happens is that white people expect all Blacks to be passive, tolerant, and inclusive. The reality of the anger Blacks feel is something most whites dont understand. Just like you have outliers in any group you will see the same with Black groups. if all BLM members felt that way then there would be no whites there.

Asc, is the solution to be aggressive, intolerant and exclusive? Because that is not working for you. And why did it take some nazi in Brussels to tell you you are angry and why did it take a paycheck from him before you acted on your aggression.
And do you take ANY responsibility for the racism you harbor? Why is it ok for you to hate whites for being racist and yet want to punish whitey for the exact same thing you feel?
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Smart. Move. I dont have a problem with whites marching but they do need to recognize this is a Black issue and should be Black led. Too often letting whites in positions of leadership for Black causes either makes us look weak or creates a convenient spy network.
Maybe lib whites will learn there is no reasoning with insanity
You think its insanity to stand up for yourself without having a white savior?
I loathe "trans allies".

"Allies" are all about using minority groups to further feminism, these days

Australian aboriginals booted out the white help in about the 70s. Then, they started to get places. If they needed a white lawyer( say none were at hand) they would use one, but as far as the actual activism was concerned, they were very clear, and to this day won't let any non-aboriginals manage their activism.

I don't support BLM but I get this OP.
They werent trying to manage anything from what was presented.........
SJWs are whitish. minorities hate them as conservatives do. My point is they are asshats.
and then a white guy shot him.
IF only he had been in the back........LLMMAAOOOOOO what an idiotic response.......
I agree. Your response was pretty idiotic.
Gee ummm ummmmmm why cant we get support for our agenda,.........llmmaaoooooo I know lets shoot some more innocent cops
Why would you shoot innocent cops? We need more innocent cops not less.
that would be your sides doings ...try not to act so ignorant
My sides? You must be a retard. Dont bother responding unless you can use your intellect.
I am sure that if Negroes had been in charge for the last 10,000 years then they would be treating white peoples no better today than white peoples are now treating them.

Those white people were supporting them and I wonder why she did that except to power trip on them .....Who cares where they are standing..they were supporting BLM..


Thugs just being thugs, tbh.

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