White Privelege Conference


Recognizing that a skunk stinks does not make the skunk my enemy.

You are worse at trying to guess the motives of others than you are at trolling. :lol:

Telling someone that the skunk would hate them is creating an enemy
But I didn't say anyone was hating on anyone.

I merely pointed out the obvious; the mission of the "white privilege" meme is to instill feelings of guilt in progressives gullible enough to fall for it.

That doesn't make them my enemies, that makes them suckers.

Oh sorry I didnt realize making someone to feel guilty was a positive thing. Sorry about that.
If libs believe in collective responsibility are all blacks responsible for the crime some blacks commit like libs with white privilege?
So true. Liberals claim the reason white students commit fewer crimes and do better in school is because of "white privilege." Somehow, things like moral character and personal responsibility don't make it into the mix.

Liberals are just pathetic on racial issues.

-A culture that respects hard work.
-A culture that values the family.
-A culture that looks down on criminals.
-A culture that values moral character...

All reasons why whites get ahead...Yet, the only excuse these morons can find is white privilege? LOL...How sad.
from the link

Workshops during the four-day extravaganza included “White American Islamophobia,” “White Privilege and the Color of Wealth,” “Death of the Strong Black Sista,” “How Do We Talk About Privilege, For Real?” “Against the Tea Party Movement,” “White Women’s Guide to Teaching Black Boys,” and “Beyond Kumbaya: Promoting Privilege Discussions on College Campuses.” Film screenings included such cinematic thought-turds as The N!GGA Word, What Makes Me White, and The New Black.

Please share this article by using the link below. When you cut and paste an article, Taki's Magazine misses out on traffic, and our writers don't get paid for their work. Email [email protected] to buy additional rights. Softly Wiping the Chalk From the Blackboard - Taki's Magazine

and we paid for this, well, the taxpayers paid for it.

Our money going to teach people to hate people based on the color of their skin.

yea, we don't live under tyranny, nope, nothing to see here, move along, kill whitey.

No where does it say anything like that but dont let that stop you:lol:
from the link

Workshops during the four-day extravaganza included “White American Islamophobia,” “White Privilege and the Color of Wealth,” “Death of the Strong Black Sista,” “How Do We Talk About Privilege, For Real?” “Against the Tea Party Movement,” “White Women’s Guide to Teaching Black Boys,” and “Beyond Kumbaya: Promoting Privilege Discussions on College Campuses.” Film screenings included such cinematic thought-turds as The N!GGA Word, What Makes Me White, and The New Black.

Please share this article by using the link below. When you cut and paste an article, Taki's Magazine misses out on traffic, and our writers don't get paid for their work. Email [email protected] to buy additional rights. Softly Wiping the Chalk From the Blackboard - Taki's Magazine

and we paid for this, well, the taxpayers paid for it.

Our money going to teach people to hate people based on the color of their skin.

yea, we don't live under tyranny, nope, nothing to see here, move along, kill whitey.

No where does it say anything like that but dont let that stop you:lol:

Sure it does, they blame whitey for every failure in their life and guilty people like you let them. Thenyou guys make up hate crimes, which only apply to white criminals and then people start hating whitey, so yeah its basically true

and again, why do you feel so guilty for things you didnt do?
Libs thrive on professional victimhood. Liberals think their protected status groups are inferior

yep, all minorities are the liberals burden, because without liberals those poor minorities would be helpless and hapless
from the link

Workshops during the four-day extravaganza included “White American Islamophobia,” “White Privilege and the Color of Wealth,” “Death of the Strong Black Sista,” “How Do We Talk About Privilege, For Real?” “Against the Tea Party Movement,” “White Women’s Guide to Teaching Black Boys,” and “Beyond Kumbaya: Promoting Privilege Discussions on College Campuses.” Film screenings included such cinematic thought-turds as The N!GGA Word, What Makes Me White, and The New Black.

Please share this article by using the link below. When you cut and paste an article, Taki's Magazine misses out on traffic, and our writers don't get paid for their work. Email [email protected] to buy additional rights. Softly Wiping the Chalk From the Blackboard - Taki's Magazine

and we paid for this, well, the taxpayers paid for it.

Our money going to teach people to hate people based on the color of their skin.

yea, we don't live under tyranny, nope, nothing to see here, move along, kill whitey.

No where does it say anything like that but dont let that stop you:lol:

Sure it does, they blame whitey for every failure in their life and guilty people like you let them. Thenyou guys make up hate crimes, which only apply to white criminals and then people start hating whitey, so yeah its basically true

and again, why do you feel so guilty for things you didnt do?

I guess you can see things that arent there because what you say isnt reflected in words.

Fighting that imaginary enemy again. Keep swinging, you're winning!
No where does it say anything like that but dont let that stop you:lol:

Sure it does, they blame whitey for every failure in their life and guilty people like you let them. Thenyou guys make up hate crimes, which only apply to white criminals and then people start hating whitey, so yeah its basically true

and again, why do you feel so guilty for things you didnt do?

I guess you can see things that arent there because what you say isnt reflected in words.

Fighting that imaginary enemy again. Keep swinging, you're winning!

oh so youdo t feel guilty? You dont think we should make up for things that we personally didnt do? How conservative of you
Sure it does, they blame whitey for every failure in their life and guilty people like you let them. Thenyou guys make up hate crimes, which only apply to white criminals and then people start hating whitey, so yeah its basically true

and again, why do you feel so guilty for things you didnt do?

I guess you can see things that arent there because what you say isnt reflected in words.

Fighting that imaginary enemy again. Keep swinging, you're winning!

oh so youdo t feel guilty? You dont think we should make up for things that we personally didnt do? How conservative of you

Thats english but it dont make sense
Telling someone that the skunk would hate them is creating an enemy
But I didn't say anyone was hating on anyone.

I merely pointed out the obvious; the mission of the "white privilege" meme is to instill feelings of guilt in progressives gullible enough to fall for it.

That doesn't make them my enemies, that makes them suckers.

Oh sorry I didnt realize making someone to feel guilty was a positive thing. Sorry about that.
It is a positive thing when you are trying to exploit the guilt of others to your advantage, like the peddlers of the white privilege snake oil are doing.

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