“White Privilege Conference” Proposes Government Guaranteed Jobs and Reparations


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012

“White Privilege Conference” Proposes Government Guaranteed Jobs and Reparations

March 12, 2013
By Daniel Greenfield



Anyone who invokes a claim of White Privilege is already a racist. Holding a conference on the topic of why some people are evil based on the color of their skin with the backing of the University of Denver and Goddard College is like a Klan rally being held at MIT. The White Privilege Conference is predictably backed by the Seattle Housing Authority, which has been going rather crazy lately. And even more predictably, most of these social justice projects are really about the money.

The theme of the White Privilege Conference is “The Color of Money: Reclaiming our Humanity.” It’s the money part that really matters because 99% of these racial social justice gimmicks are about ways to drag more money out of the government for the benefit of hucksters running social justice organizations.

There’s a reason that Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton will never have to work for a living and they have a legion of imitators promising social justice at cut rate prices.

The White Privilege Conference stays true to its name by offering the next generation of radical money grabs for social justice.


I want to hear about more religious privilege, but I want to hear even more about ability privilege. And if you want to learn more about why you should feel ashamed at your skin color, religion, gender, nationality, sexuality, ability to get up out of bed in the morning…

… come to the White Privilege Conference and Matrix Center at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs. It’s got the word Matrix in it, so it’s bound to be good.

If you don’t go, you’re racist.

?White Privilege Conference? Proposes Government Guaranteed Jobs and Reparations
A federal appeals judge has upheld most of a 2010 Arizona state law that prohibits school districts from offering coursework that endorses the overthrow of the United States government or stokes resentment toward a race or class of people.

Friday’s ruling, by A. Wallace Tashima of the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, declared three of the four sections of the law constitutional, reports the Arizona Daily Independent.

The ruling stems from a case concerning a school district’s intervention to forcibly alter coursework in a controversial Mexican-American studies program in Tucson schools. The highly race-conscious program taught history, civics and literature from a pointedly Mexican-American vantage point.

The judge agreed with a prior evidentiary finding by an administrative law judge that the program contained “classes or courses designed for Latinos as a group” and promoted “racial resentment against ‘Whites.’”

The relevant sections of the contested law, commonly known among locals as House Bill 2281, forbid Arizona school districts and charter schools from:

1. Promoting the overthrow of the United States government.

2. Promoting resentment toward a race or class of people.

3. Designing courses primarily for pupils of a particular ethnic group.

4. Advocating ethnic solidarity instead of the treatment of pupils as individuals.

Federal judge: Arizona can ban classes promoting 'racial resentment against 'whites' | The Daily Caller

“White Privilege Conference” Proposes Government Guaranteed Jobs and Reparations

March 12, 2013
By Daniel Greenfield



Anyone who invokes a claim of White Privilege is already a racist. Holding a conference on the topic of why some people are evil based on the color of their skin with the backing of the University of Denver and Goddard College is like a Klan rally being held at MIT. The White Privilege Conference is predictably backed by the Seattle Housing Authority, which has been going rather crazy lately. And even more predictably, most of these social justice projects are really about the money.

The theme of the White Privilege Conference is “The Color of Money: Reclaiming our Humanity.” It’s the money part that really matters because 99% of these racial social justice gimmicks are about ways to drag more money out of the government for the benefit of hucksters running social justice organizations.

There’s a reason that Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton will never have to work for a living and they have a legion of imitators promising social justice at cut rate prices.

The White Privilege Conference stays true to its name by offering the next generation of radical money grabs for social justice.


I want to hear about more religious privilege, but I want to hear even more about ability privilege. And if you want to learn more about why you should feel ashamed at your skin color, religion, gender, nationality, sexuality, ability to get up out of bed in the morning…

… come to the White Privilege Conference and Matrix Center at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs. It’s got the word Matrix in it, so it’s bound to be good.

If you don’t go, you’re racist.

?White Privilege Conference? Proposes Government Guaranteed Jobs and Reparations

I only have 1 word, FUCK'EM.
I havent done anything to hurt anyone because of race. And I have no privileges above my brothers. So how would it be just for them to take anything I have?

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