White Privilege Leads to Well Deserved Beating

Carl in Michigan

Diamond Member
Aug 15, 2016
She owns a coffee shop. The poor victim just wanted some coffee so he took it. This upset the fat cat business owner who tried to call the police. Thankfully he put the rich white Karen in her place as well as 3 of Portland's finest. Good job, my brother from another mother.
She owns a coffee shop. The poor victim just wanted some coffee so he took it. This upset the fat cat business owner who tried to call the police. Thankfully he put the rich white Karen in her place as well as 3 of Portland's finest. Good job, my brother from another mother.

Anyone still voluntarily living in Portland deserves this.
Such an animal should be met with an overwhelming violence. This pig is why good Americans feel the need to arm themselves...
This is how ghettos begin. The police on Portland bend over backwards for the criminal element.

This shop will close and others will follow.

Then the usual people will use the lack of businesses as "proof" that the country is racist.
She owns a coffee shop. The poor victim just wanted some coffee so he took it. This upset the fat cat business owner who tried to call the police. Thankfully he put the rich white Karen in her place as well as 3 of Portland's finest. Good job, my brother from another mother.

Why the fuck cant shit like this animal show up near me. I would have not problem sending him to hell and letting Lucifer deal with the stain of humanity...
And then make sure this mentally ill man gets the medical help he needs, for everyone's safety.

The problem is most cities don't have the funding and facilities available to treat the mentally ill properly, or at all, and changes to federal law several years ago have made it difficult to commit people without their consent.
The problem is most cities don't have the funding and facilities available to treat the mentally ill properly, or at all, and changes to federal law several years ago have made it difficult to commit people without their consent.
They sure don't. And the fed pulled its funding for mental hospitals. So, when you see a bunch of homeless people, you can call it the Reagan Project.
This is what happens when you spend over a year telling blacks they aren't responsible for anything they do, telling them to fuck the police, their lives matter more than anyone else's, the system is racist, whites are all racist and privileged, to fight back, and give them special treatment and attention.

It should be no surprise to anyone why blacks are showing up more and more committing crimes. Whether it be hitting a woman, kicking an old Asians ass, more public racist rants and comments, shooting others, stealing or what not. Despite the BLM thing there has been a definite increase in black crime in the media.

At some point they need to be put in their place and shown their lives don't matter more than others and that they are equal by prosecuting them like everyone else.

BLM has done nothing but make them more brave about doing criminal shit and not wanting to be a part of society.
This is what happens when you spend over a year telling blacks they aren't responsible for anything they do, telling them to fuck the police, their lives matter more than anyone else's, the system is racist, whites are all racist and privileged, to fight back, and give them special treatment and attention.

It should be no surprise to anyone why blacks are showing up more and more committing crimes. Whether it be hitting a woman, kicking an old Asians ass, more public racist rants and comments, shooting others, stealing or what not. Despite the BLM thing there has been a definite increase in black crime in the media.

At some point they need to be put in their place and shown their lives don't matter more than others and that they are equal by prosecuting them like everyone else.

BLM has done nothing but make them more brave about doing criminal shit and not wanting to be a part of society.
Oh boy, all the Stormfront.com refugees are going to come running to this thread.
The problem is most cities don't have the funding and facilities available to treat the mentally ill properly, or at all, and changes to federal law several years ago have made it difficult to commit people without their consent.
If you have a rabid animal loose in a city, you go out and shoot it before it harms anyone...Today, with progressives, they see someone like this and know that he will kill other people, and the progressives use that to instill fear, so the progressives can come save the day...Just despicable...

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