"White privilege": the latest problem that liberals have created to bash white people with

'"White privilege": the latest problem that liberals have created to bash white people with'

Another ridiculous lie from the right.
Yes, we are privileged with our higher IQs. Except it isn't really privilege, it is a product of biology, of nature, of evolution. This is nothing new, losers always resent winners and their success. We have built the greatest civilization on Earth so of course we will have targets on our back from those with inferiority complexes.
I read the article and frankly the first thing that came to my mind after reading it was, "Wait... So it's not "fair" to discriminate against blacks because "they're born that way" but it's okay to discriminate against whites who are also "born that way"? Da fuk?

Racism goes both ways, we need to stop making excuses for it and make it unacceptable across the board, that means both sides. That is unfortunately not possible at this time because of the successful race baiters we have running the show atm. I suggest that we wait until some of the haters retire, then we can try to recoup some of the progress we'd made over the past 50 yrs, and hopefully move forward with some more progress on the heels of how horrible it's been in recent years. Pointing fingers and ranting isn't exactly a solution...
Explaining White Privilege to a Broke White Person... OCCUPY WALL STREET

I'm not sure where liberals are going with this, but we can sure it will be an unpleasant ride, and the destination will not be good.
It's a privileged to born white, but it's also a privilege to born in America, or into a wealthy family.
It isn't a privilege. It isn't luck. We are the product of our parents, our grandparents, our great grandparents, etc. We are a product of genetics, it isn't "by chance" we are born white or born American, it isn't as though we could have born to non-Americans or non-Whites.
Yes, we are privileged with our higher IQs. Except it isn't really privilege, it is a product of biology, of nature, of evolution. This is nothing new, losers always resent winners and their success. We have built the greatest civilization on Earth so of course we will have targets on our back from those with inferiority complexes.
Talk to us when you return to reality.
Yes, we are privileged with our higher IQs. Except it isn't really privilege, it is a product of biology, of nature, of evolution. This is nothing new, losers always resent winners and their success. We have built the greatest civilization on Earth so of course we will have targets on our back from those with inferiority complexes.
Talk to us when you return to reality.
You are in a fantasy world where you think all races are "equal", lol. Which has no scientific basis whatsoever.
Yes, we are privileged with our higher IQs. Except it isn't really privilege, it is a product of biology, of nature, of evolution. This is nothing new, losers always resent winners and their success. We have built the greatest civilization on Earth so of course we will have targets on our back from those with inferiority complexes.
Talk to us when you return to reality.
You are in a fantasy world where you think all races are "equal", lol. Which has no scientific basis whatsoever.
You tell yourself such things because of your insecurity.
You notice how all that became Front and Center AFTER Obama was elected?

that's what you got for voting for this black President, who attended a church for 20 years that preached, BLACK LIBERATION.

And NOTICE they never mention he is HALF white?
Yes, we are privileged with our higher IQs. Except it isn't really privilege, it is a product of biology, of nature, of evolution. This is nothing new, losers always resent winners and their success. We have built the greatest civilization on Earth so of course we will have targets on our back from those with inferiority complexes.
Talk to us when you return to reality.
You are in a fantasy world where you think all races are "equal", lol. Which has no scientific basis whatsoever.
You tell yourself such things because of your insecurity.
No, it is just reality in part proven by measured IQ differences between the races. No matter what your feelings tell you otherwise. Just as all individuals aren't equal in cognitive ability, nor are different races on average equal in cognitive ability.
Yes, we are privileged with our higher IQs. Except it isn't really privilege, it is a product of biology, of nature, of evolution. This is nothing new, losers always resent winners and their success. We have built the greatest civilization on Earth so of course we will have targets on our back from those with inferiority complexes.
Wow......I have never seen so many pseudo scientific unsupported conclusions packed quite so densely before.

You are a miracle of evolution, and you post is probably an undiscovered element
Yes, we are privileged with our higher IQs. Except it isn't really privilege, it is a product of biology, of nature, of evolution. This is nothing new, losers always resent winners and their success. We have built the greatest civilization on Earth so of course we will have targets on our back from those with inferiority complexes.
Wow......I have never seen so many pseudo scientific unsupported conclusions packed quite so densely before.

You are a miracle of evolution, and you post is probably an undiscovered element
No, the difference in IQ between the races on average is amply supported. What is not supported is claims by those who call themselves liberal that different racial groups on the aggregate are "equal", whatever the hell that means.
Yes, we are privileged with our higher IQs. Except it isn't really privilege, it is a product of biology, of nature, of evolution. This is nothing new, losers always resent winners and their success. We have built the greatest civilization on Earth so of course we will have targets on our back from those with inferiority complexes.
Wow......I have never seen so many pseudo scientific unsupported conclusions packed quite so densely before.

You are a miracle of evolution, and you post is probably an undiscovered element
No, the difference in IQ between the races on average is amply supported. What is not supported is claims by those who call themselves liberal that different racial groups on the aggregate are "equal", whatever the hell that means.
You're a consistent performer. Gotta hand it to you.

Do continue......
Yes, we are privileged with our higher IQs. Except it isn't really privilege, it is a product of biology, of nature, of evolution. This is nothing new, losers always resent winners and their success. We have built the greatest civilization on Earth so of course we will have targets on our back from those with inferiority complexes.
Wow......I have never seen so many pseudo scientific unsupported conclusions packed quite so densely before.

You are a miracle of evolution, and you post is probably an undiscovered element
No, the difference in IQ between the races on average is amply supported. What is not supported is claims by those who call themselves liberal that different racial groups on the aggregate are "equal", whatever the hell that means.
You're a consistent performer. Gotta hand it to you.

Do continue......
Claims of "equality" in a metaphysical sense between the races sound nice on their face, but have no scientific foundation.

Read "The Bell Curve" by Charles Murray and Richard Hernstein.
Yes, we are privileged with our higher IQs. Except it isn't really privilege, it is a product of biology, of nature, of evolution. This is nothing new, losers always resent winners and their success. We have built the greatest civilization on Earth so of course we will have targets on our back from those with inferiority complexes.
Talk to us when you return to reality.
You are in a fantasy world where you think all races are "equal", lol. Which has no scientific basis whatsoever.

Man with tiny penis trying to feel superior by deluding himself into believing that his IQ is something special


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