White Privilege


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Public school teaches 'white privilege' class

Published: 12 hours ago
By Todd Starnes

Students exposed to radical leftist thinkers

(RADIO.FOXNEWS) — A school district in Wisconsin said they will review a high school diversity class that exposed students to radical leftist thinkers and promoted a critical race theory that alleges white people are oppressors.

The “American Diversity” class was taught to students at Delavan-Darien High School in Wisconsin, Fox News has learned.

“They’re teaching white guilt,” one parent told Fox News. “They’re dividing the students. They’re saying to non-whites, ‘You have been oppressed and you’re still being oppressed.’”

Read the full story › Public School Teaches ?White Privilege? Class | FOX News & Commentary: Todd Starnes

Read more at Public school teaches ?white privilege? class
well, I cant blame the teacher, its true.

My father told me at a young age, as a white male I have certain privileges in this country and I need to be respectful and sensitive to those privileges.

Sage advice.
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I wonder what actually happened?

It was probably taught, but I wonder what the actual truth is.

Plus it was a diversity class, what did they expect?
well, I cant blame the teacher, its true.

My father told me at a young age, as a white male I have certain privileges in this country and I need to be respectful and sensitive to those privileges.

Sage advice.

So daddy taught ya white guilt and how to self-loath...:confused:

It's not guilt or self loathing, it's realizing you have some advantages being a white male and not being arrogant about it.
well, I cant blame the teacher, its true.

My father told me at a young age, as a white male I have certain privileges in this country and I need to be respectful and sensitive to those privileges.

Sage advice.

So daddy taught ya white guilt and how to self-loath...:confused:

It's not guilt or self loathing, it's realizing you have some advantages being a white male and not being arrogant about it.

Not sure what advantages a while male has. I remember when my brother came back from Vietnam. He'd done radio shows there for the military. He went to every radio station in the area and there were a lot back then and he was told to his face that if he were a black woman they'd hire him on the spot. Whatever advantages white males once had in this society, it's long gone. The truth is there is a bigger different between a poor white man and a rich white man than there is between a poor white man and a poor black man. Of course, if people realized that, our country just might get better instead of being divided all the time.
well, I cant blame the teacher, its true.

My father told me at a young age, as a white male I have certain privileges in this country and I need to be respectful and sensitive to those privileges.

Sage advice.

So daddy taught ya white guilt and how to self-loath...:confused:

It's not guilt or self loathing, it's realizing you have some advantages being a white male and not being arrogant about it.

What advantages are those, exactly?
I agree that as a white man I have certain responsibilities to myself, my family and my neighbors. I'm supposed to dress, talk and act like a white man. That means I can't walk around with my pants hanging down to my knees and I can't lace my conversations with vulgar language. I can't spend my days lazing around making babies I can't afford while drawing a welfare check from the state. I also can't put massive bass speakers in my car and 24" tires with spinners on my car. I can't drive up and down the road blaring my radio with the bass thumping so that everyone in a five mile radius can hear me coming and going. I also can't foul my neighborhood schools with drugs and shooting up neighborhoods of people who refuse to let their children work for me selling my drugs to their friends.
Yes, I'm proud to be a white man. If I weren't I'd be sorely tempted to swallow poison and hang myself while simultaneously setting myself on fire and putting a bullet into my own brain.
well, I cant blame the teacher, its true.

My father told me at a young age, as a white male I have certain privileges in this country and I need to be respectful and sensitive to those privileges.

Sage advice.

Fools leading the idiots the story of our nation
that's a disadvantage when walking through a black neighborhood

I've never had a problem walking through black neighborhoods.

Me neither, and I used to go to frequent after hours clubs in Harlem.

My occupation forces me to be in some pretty shady neighborhoods in the late hours of the night. I admit I've gotten into some fist fights and had to pull my knife a few times on some vatos and various street trash but I've never had problems in the black community. My experience with blacks is they go out of their way not to cause racial shit. That's a generalization but that's been my experience.

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