White Replacement is Happening in All Western Democricies

Take into consideration other demographics. We are in decline. Big ticket manufacturing and government items are more and more expensive with some employee issues. Being a sovereign nation with borders, culture and language would certainly help us all. But many people are convinced a global government is going to make them wealthier than a crooked lifetime politician. We will most likely become even more regionalized with tribal tendencies.
Maybe stop trying to tell people what they are rooting for, you're bad at it.
Yep, the fucking leftist fools that opened the floodgates hopefully are either dead, or they'll have a painfully slow death!
Satan seems to be kicking your ass. Maybe you're not paying to baby Jesus hard enough?
The world will go the way it wants after it rejected God. These mud people replacing whites is because the majority, like you, gave the finger to God. Now your children will be victimized by the dirty mud people. Your children will suffer because of your hatred
Multiculturalism is doomed to failure. Always.

It has never worked and never will now. When it does happen the nation always splits up into another nation around the competing group cultures and belief system.

There's a reason there's 200 nations on this planet and even that is too few as iraq could easily be three because their differences in religious belief. I think the leftist realize what they're doing and want our destruction as they feel that this country is a mistake. They're traitors for what they're doing.
Had a decent amount of non whites in my area the past year and in have to say I don't like it.

I don't like it because there are more inconsiderate drivers, more people that are rude in stores, more loud people in restaurants, more people that make it a point not to make room when you're walking around places, more people in my neighborhood that don't take care of their home, more loud cars from either it being a rusted out shitbox or blasting music and so on.

I like living with whites because on the whole things are nicer and less annoying.
Of course we will no longer affect world events. We will probably break up before that.

When people talk about the United States no longer being a majority Caucasian nation they mean in the aggregate. There will be more Arabs, blacks, Hispanics, Asians etc, all added together that will be more than 50%. There will still be more whites than blacks, more whites than Hispanics, etc. It will be several hundred years before whites are a true minority. American blacks will be extinct long before that happens.

None of these immigrant groups has the slightest interest in being American. In the title yes. Public benefits yes. Not in the rights or responsibilities. As soon as they can they elect their own to impose their own cultural norms. Hamtramck took less than 20 years to go from mostly Polish to an entire city administration of Muslims. Minneapolis just approved the call to prayer over loudspeakers. Lewiston Maine is ground under Somali gangs answerable only to the council of Somali elders. These enclaves of not Americans will come into conflict. Instead of affecting world events, we will be more like Africa, endlessly warring tribes.
Interesting comments.


I remember reading a while back that some taxi drivers in Minneapolis were refusing to pick up riders who had drunk liquor (against the tenets of the cabbies' religion).

The cabbies were told that they could not discriminate against riders like that.
Had a decent amount of non whites in my area the past year and in have to say I don't like it.

I don't like it because there are more inconsiderate drivers, more people that are rude in stores, more loud people in restaurants, more people that make it a point not to make room when you're walking around places, more people in my neighborhood that don't take care of their home, more loud cars from either it being a rusted out shitbox or blasting music and so on.

I like living with whites because on the whole things are nicer and less annoying.

Glad that you were allowed to post that.

It has given me the guts to say this: In my opinion, most people prefer to live among Caucasian people. (Maybe immigrants are more comfortable among their own kind, but their children probably want to leave the barrio or Chinatown.)

Are Caucasians the best ethnicity?

Of course, NOT!

Some of the worst human beings are Caucasians.

But when push comes to shove, Caucasians are -- generally speaking -- the least bad.

What you said would not be allowed to be said on many websites, and if you said it in public, you would lose your job. But I believe that it is accurate.

We all know that there are some wonderful African American people. Some of them have helped us while people of other ethnicities did not.

But -- for some reason -- African Americans have an unusually high percentage of really nasty and even dangerous people. In short, many people are (rightly) afraid of them.

In my opinion, this situation will -- sadly -- never end.
Interesting comments.


I remember reading a while back that some taxi drivers in Minneapolis were refusing to pick up riders who had drunk liquor (against the tenets of the cabbies' religion).

The cabbies were told that they could not discriminate against riders like that.
The cabbie conundrum at Los Angeles Airport.
Several times a day Muslim cab drivers left their vehicles in the cab line, went to wash their feet in the drinking fountains, spread prayer rugs in traffic and prayed. The traffic tie up was unacceptable. The airport put in foot baths. Muslims could not leave their cabs in traffic and could not spead prayer rugs in traffic or sidewalk. They could not pray in terminals. They were given a place to park and space to pray 5 times a day. They could not be punished for praying. They did not have to accept riders with liquor, dogs or scantily clad women

This meant that muslims lost their place in line for fares. Non muslims took riders during prayer time. Non muslims also picked up fares that had liquor, dogs or women in short skirts. Muslim cabbies sued alleging fare piracy. They were losing thousands of dollars to non muslims. The only fair outcome was to have every cab driver respect the Muslim faith. No cab could take a fare during prayer time. Those with liquor, dogs or scantily clad were prohibited from taking any cab.

As you might imagine the muslims lost. Accommodation will only go so far. But how long will that last?
The cabbie conundrum at Los Angeles Airport.
Several times a day Muslim cab drivers left their vehicles in the cab line, went to wash their feet in the drinking fountains, spread prayer rugs in traffic and prayed. The traffic tie up was unacceptable. The airport put in foot baths. Muslims could not leave their cabs in traffic and could not spead prayer rugs in traffic or sidewalk. They could not pray in terminals. They were given a place to park and space to pray 5 times a day. They could not be punished for praying. They did not have to accept riders with liquor, dogs or scantily clad women

This meant that muslims lost their place in line for fares. Non muslims took riders during prayer time. Non muslims also picked up fares that had liquor, dogs or women in short skirts. Muslim cabbies sued alleging fare piracy. They were losing thousands of dollars to non muslims. The only fair outcome was to have every cab driver respect the Muslim faith. No cab could take a fare during prayer time. Those with liquor, dogs or scantily clad were prohibited from taking any cab.

As you might imagine the muslims lost. Accommodation will only go so far. But how long will that last?
Will they demand next that prospective riders must have a certificate proving that they are NOT gay?
my little border city next to detroit, in windsor ontario canada looks like a 3rd world country downtown thanks to justin bringing in refugees by the 100s of thousands. whites are by far the minority now and the muslims have 10 kids per family and cheat the system, get 750 per child per month.
You say that with some pride eh?
As a half breed Iroquois I say it with some history. What do you think happened to the individuals that handed those blankets over? Yep. Smallpox. Whites have been the most efficient killers in history, unconcerned with collateral damages.

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