White Replacement is Happening in All Western Democricies

A lot of black replacement has already happened. Blacks are 12.4% of the population. Hispanics are 19%. Blacks are being buried right now. Between murdering one another and abortion, black Americans will be gone in just a few more generations.
I forgot a replacement factor. Gay black men who will never propagate. Homosexuality is very prevalent among blacks which contributes to their disappearance.
I'm mixed you moron. You are being replaced by the likes of me. 😁
No. (click click)You are being replaced by Jose Hernandez (whistle click)who has no objection to blowing your brains out to get your job or the street corner you stand on to sell your (whistle) drugs. Jose and Jesus are assisted (whistle whistle) by the black murder rate, black abortion (click), rate and black ass fuck rate. (Whistle, Whistle click).
You change ethnicities like fuck Biden changes (whistle) diapers. Now we all know you for what you are, (click) a poseur.
I know simple concepts like mixed raced individuals confuse you but it really isn't that difficult to understand short bus. 😄
I recently read in a liberal magazine that demographers in Europe predict that eventually maybe up to 25% of the European population will be people of sub-Saharan African ancestry.

The article said that young African men have given up on their countries' efforts to improve economic conditions.

So young African men are emigrating to Europe. And nothing can ultimately stop them.

The United States is set to become the first majority Caucasian nation to become a majority non-Caucasian nation. It will be an earth-shattering moment in world history.

There are optimistic people today that say the change will not affect this nation's leading role in world events.

Other people respectfully disagree.
Looks like 'Christian West' is another name for USA...
One drop rule means you get the shackles.
In the time when your ancestors ran shit. In this time you're a cuck and you only have the power to sit impotently and watch as your country, the country they left to you, gets taken from your soft cuck hands. 😄
And I'm not worried about you. You are being replaced, stop trying to impress me by telling me what you would do about it if you had any balls. 😄
Take into consideration other demographics. We are in decline. Big ticket manufacturing and government items are more and more expensive with some employee issues. Being a sovereign nation with borders, culture and language would certainly help us all. But many people are convinced a global government is going to make them wealthier than a crooked lifetime politician. We will most likely become even more regionalized with tribal tendencies.
Satan seems to be kicking your ass. Maybe you're not paying to baby Jesus hard enough?
I think he prays to the Orange Jebus...Almighty Trump~

I recently read in a liberal magazine that demographers in Europe predict that eventually maybe up to 25% of the European population will be people of sub-Saharan African ancestry.

The article said that young African men have given up on their countries' efforts to improve economic conditions.

So young African men are emigrating to Europe. And nothing can ultimately stop them.

The United States is set to become the first majority Caucasian nation to become a majority non-Caucasian nation. It will be an earth-shattering moment in world history.

There are optimistic people today that say the change will not affect this nation's leading role in world events.

Other people respectfully disagree.
Of course we will no longer affect world events. We will probably break up before that.

When people talk about the United States no longer being a majority Caucasian nation they mean in the aggregate. There will be more Arabs, blacks, Hispanics, Asians etc, all added together that will be more than 50%. There will still be more whites than blacks, more whites than Hispanics, etc. It will be several hundred years before whites are a true minority. American blacks will be extinct long before that happens.

None of these immigrant groups has the slightest interest in being American. In the title yes. Public benefits yes. Not in the rights or responsibilities. As soon as they can they elect their own to impose their own cultural norms. Hamtramck took less than 20 years to go from mostly Polish to an entire city administration of Muslims. Minneapolis just approved the call to prayer over loudspeakers. Lewiston Maine is ground under Somali gangs answerable only to the council of Somali elders. These enclaves of not Americans will come into conflict. Instead of affecting world events, we will be more like Africa, endlessly warring tribes.
Take into consideration other demographics. We are in decline. Big ticket manufacturing and government items are more and more expensive with some employee issues. Being a sovereign nation with borders, culture and language would certainly help us all. But many people are convinced a global government is going to make them wealthier than a crooked lifetime politician. We will most likely become even more regionalized with tribal tendencies.
Whites were a distinct minority when they gave smallpox infected blankets to the natives that vastly outnumbered them.

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