White Supremacy Terror in America

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"DEC. 19, 2019

"This Is America

"Eleven years after Obama’s election, and three years into the Trump presidency, the threat of domestic terrorism can’t be ignored."

There are an estimated 148 white-nationalist "hate groups" in this country. Although exact membership is impossible to calculate, their propensity for violence is equally impossible to ignore.

A Year Inside a Growing American Terrorist Movement

"White supremacists were responsible for the deaths of at least 39 people in 2018 alone.

"And the activity has not slowed this year: not in January, as neo-Nazis plastered flyers outside newspaper offices and homes in Washington State and the Carolinas and an army veteran pleaded guilty to killing a black man in New York to 'ignite a racial war';

"in February, as Vermont synagogues and LGBT centers were vandalized and a self-described white-nationalist Coast Guard lieutenant was arrested for plotting a domestic terror attack;

"in March, as WELCOME TO GERMANY and GAS THE JEWS were spray-painted outside Oklahoma City Democratic Party and Chickasaw Nation offices and, on the Upper East Side, classmates handed their school’s only black ninth-grader a note reading 'n—–s don’t have rights';

"in April, as a shooting at a synagogue left one dead and three injured and FBI Director Christopher Wray called white supremacy a 'persistent, pervasive' threat to the country;

"in May, as swastikas fell from the sky — on flyers dropped by drones outside an Ariana Grande concert — and were scrawled on public spaces in at least three states;

"in June, as far-right groups rallied in Portland, Oregon, for the first time that summer;

"in July, as a man promoted a white-power manifesto on Instagram before killing three and wounding 17 others at the Gilroy Garlic Festival in California;

"in August, as another angry young man — this one 1,000 miles away in El Paso, Texas — posted an anti-immigrant manifesto online then committed this year’s most deadly mass shooting, killing 22 and injuring 24 at a Walmart;

"in September, as the Department of Homeland Security added white-supremacist extremism to its list of priority threats, the same month a swastika appeared on its walls; in October, as swastikas also appeared on Cape Cod and invitations to a white-supremacist..."

Too much MAGA?

There are no elected "white supremacists" .....it is simply one more hoax designed to have simpletons vote Democrat.

Or....let's see some examples of any American leaders, white, black, yellow....who demand "control over people of other races"

There are none.
QED....there is no such thing as "white supremacists."

The real reason the Democrat push this bogus view is that without the black vote, they would never win a national election.....and, if it causes division and violence...that Party couldn't care less.

"Syracuse Chancellor: White Supremacist Manifesto ‘Probably a Hoax’

Posted by Mary Chastain Thursday, November 21, 2019 at 3:00pm

“To date, law enforcement has not been able to locate a single individual who directly received an AirDrop.”

Earlier this week, Syracuse University police investigated reports of a white supremacist manifesto appeared on an online forum and distributed to students via AirDrop on their phones at the library.

Chancellor Kent Syverud announced today “the rumor was probably a hoax.”

From Syracuse.com:

“To date, law enforcement has not been able to locate a single individual who directly received an AirDrop. Not one,” Syverud said. “It was apparent that this rumor was probably a hoax, but that reality was not communicated clearly and rapidly enough to get ahead of escalating anxiety.”

He said law enforcement had not identified anyone responsible for the spreading of the manifesto, connected to mosque shootings in New Zealand earlier this year."
Syracuse Chancellor: White Supremacist Manifesto 'Probably a Hoax'
A Timeline of Steve King’s Racist Remarks and Divisive Actions

This guy isn't an elected official?

And bill, the rapist, clinton.......friend and student of the worst racists of the democrat party...

Selective Moral Outrage | National Review

n Tuesday, October 22, 2002, Bill Clinton traveled to Fayetteville, Arkansas to honor the life of the late Arkansas senator, J. William Fulbright by dedicating a seven-foot-tall bronze statue of the man.

#ad#According to the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, “The $100,000 sculpture is the final [expenditure] of an $850,000 fundraising campaign for a project to honor Fulbright. The $750,000 fountain was dedicated October 24, 1998.”

Among other things, Clinton said, “If [Fulbright] were here today, I’m sure he would caution us not to be too utopian in our expectations, but rather utopian in our values and vision.”

And back on May 5, 1993, in what the Washington Post characterized as a “… moving 88th birthday ceremony for former senator William Fulbright, President Clinton last night bestowed the Presidential Medal of Freedom on the man he described as a visionary humanitarian, a steadfast supporter of the values of education, and ‘my mentor.’” Clinton added, “It doesn’t take long to live a life. He made the best of his, and helped us to have a better chance to make the best of ours.…The American political system produced this remarkable man, and my state did, and I’m real proud of it.”

Of course, the man Clinton was praising, who he called his “mentor,” who supposedly embraced utopian values and made the world a better place for everyone, was also a rabid segregationist.

In 1956, Fulbright was one of 19 senators who issued a statement entitled the “Southern Manifesto.” This document condemned the 1954 U.S. Supreme Court decision in Brown v. Board of Education. Its signers stated, among other things, that “We commend the motives of those States which have declared the intention to resist forced integration by any lawful means.” They stated further, “We pledge ourselves to use all lawful means to bring about reversal of this decision which is contrary to the Constitution and to prevent the use of force in its implementation.”

He is also good friend to al sharpton.....and other racists...

obama....good friend to al sharpton, louis farakhan, jeremiah wright......
I think Fulbright was also the one who got Clinton out of the UK one step ahead of a rape charge at Oxford.
I think Fulbright was also the one who got Clinton out of the UK one step ahead of a rape charge at Oxford.
I don't know about Fulbright's contribution, but Bill might be guilty in this instance...

FACT CHECK: Bill Clinton Was Expelled from Oxford Over a Rape Incident

"Eileen Wellstone, 19-year-old English woman, said Clinton sexually assaulted her after she met him at a pub near the Oxford where the future President was a student in 1969.

"A retired State Department employee, who asked not to be identified, confirmed that he spoke with the family of the girl and filed a report with his superiors.

"Clinton admitted having sex with the girl, but claimed it was consensual.

"The victim’s family declined to pursue the case.

"In an interview with Capitol Hill Blue, the retired State Department employee said he believed the story Miss Wellstone, the young English woman who said Clinton raped her in 1969"

"DEC. 19, 2019

"This Is America

"Eleven years after Obama’s election, and three years into the Trump presidency, the threat of domestic terrorism can’t be ignored."

There are an estimated 148 white-nationalist "hate groups" in this country. Although exact membership is impossible to calculate, their propensity for violence is equally impossible to ignore.

A Year Inside a Growing American Terrorist Movement

"White supremacists were responsible for the deaths of at least 39 people in 2018 alone.

"And the activity has not slowed this year: not in January, as neo-Nazis plastered flyers outside newspaper offices and homes in Washington State and the Carolinas and an army veteran pleaded guilty to killing a black man in New York to 'ignite a racial war';

"in February, as Vermont synagogues and LGBT centers were vandalized and a self-described white-nationalist Coast Guard lieutenant was arrested for plotting a domestic terror attack;

"in March, as WELCOME TO GERMANY and GAS THE JEWS were spray-painted outside Oklahoma City Democratic Party and Chickasaw Nation offices and, on the Upper East Side, classmates handed their school’s only black ninth-grader a note reading 'n—–s don’t have rights';

"in April, as a shooting at a synagogue left one dead and three injured and FBI Director Christopher Wray called white supremacy a 'persistent, pervasive' threat to the country;

"in May, as swastikas fell from the sky — on flyers dropped by drones outside an Ariana Grande concert — and were scrawled on public spaces in at least three states;

"in June, as far-right groups rallied in Portland, Oregon, for the first time that summer;

"in July, as a man promoted a white-power manifesto on Instagram before killing three and wounding 17 others at the Gilroy Garlic Festival in California;

"in August, as another angry young man — this one 1,000 miles away in El Paso, Texas — posted an anti-immigrant manifesto online then committed this year’s most deadly mass shooting, killing 22 and injuring 24 at a Walmart;

"in September, as the Department of Homeland Security added white-supremacist extremism to its list of priority threats, the same month a swastika appeared on its walls; in October, as swastikas also appeared on Cape Cod and invitations to a white-supremacist..."

Too much MAGA?

There were 16,214 murders in the US in 2018, if your numbers are accurate, that's .0024% of all murders. I think the country has much bigger fish to fry.

There were 16,214 murders in the US in 2018, if your numbers are accurate, that's .0024% of all murders. I think the country has much bigger fish to fry
Like an ignorant racist POS POTUS, for example:

A Year Inside a Growing American Terrorist Movement

"After a white supremacist killed 51 people in two New Zealand mosques in March, President Trump was asked if he thought the threat of white nationalism was on the rise. 'I don’t, really,' he responded. 'I think it’s a small group of people that have very, very serious problems.'

"Hate-crime statistics are notoriously difficult to calculate.

"Local and state law-enforcement agencies are not required to submit numbers to the FBI, laws defining hate crimes vary from state to state, and experts estimate that more than half of all hate crimes go unreported.

"According to the FBI, hate-crime violence hit a 16-year high in 2018 with the black, Jewish, Latino, and transgender communities being targeted more than ever and the nation’s largest cities seeing the most activity.

"The FBI’s 2019 numbers won’t be available until next November, but indications suggest they will continue to trend upward."
I tend to agree with president Trump that, 'it’s a small group of people that have very, very serious problems'. I also believe that you have groups that are very divisive pushing the racial and bias divide for political gain and/or financial gain.

"DEC. 19, 2019

"This Is America

"Eleven years after Obama’s election, and three years into the Trump presidency, the threat of domestic terrorism can’t be ignored."

There are an estimated 148 white-nationalist "hate groups" in this country. Although exact membership is impossible to calculate, their propensity for violence is equally impossible to ignore.

A Year Inside a Growing American Terrorist Movement

"White supremacists were responsible for the deaths of at least 39 people in 2018 alone.

"And the activity has not slowed this year: not in January, as neo-Nazis plastered flyers outside newspaper offices and homes in Washington State and the Carolinas and an army veteran pleaded guilty to killing a black man in New York to 'ignite a racial war';

"in February, as Vermont synagogues and LGBT centers were vandalized and a self-described white-nationalist Coast Guard lieutenant was arrested for plotting a domestic terror attack;

"in March, as WELCOME TO GERMANY and GAS THE JEWS were spray-painted outside Oklahoma City Democratic Party and Chickasaw Nation offices and, on the Upper East Side, classmates handed their school’s only black ninth-grader a note reading 'n—–s don’t have rights';

"in April, as a shooting at a synagogue left one dead and three injured and FBI Director Christopher Wray called white supremacy a 'persistent, pervasive' threat to the country;

"in May, as swastikas fell from the sky — on flyers dropped by drones outside an Ariana Grande concert — and were scrawled on public spaces in at least three states;

"in June, as far-right groups rallied in Portland, Oregon, for the first time that summer;

"in July, as a man promoted a white-power manifesto on Instagram before killing three and wounding 17 others at the Gilroy Garlic Festival in California;

"in August, as another angry young man — this one 1,000 miles away in El Paso, Texas — posted an anti-immigrant manifesto online then committed this year’s most deadly mass shooting, killing 22 and injuring 24 at a Walmart;

"in September, as the Department of Homeland Security added white-supremacist extremism to its list of priority threats, the same month a swastika appeared on its walls; in October, as swastikas also appeared on Cape Cod and invitations to a white-supremacist..."

Too much MAGA?

There are no elected "white supremacists" .....it is simply one more hoax designed to have simpletons vote Democrat.

Or....let's see some examples of any American leaders, white, black, yellow....who demand "control over people of other races"

There are none.
QED....there is no such thing as "white supremacists."

The real reason the Democrat push this bogus view is that without the black vote, they would never win a national election.....and, if it causes division and violence...that Party couldn't care less.

"Syracuse Chancellor: White Supremacist Manifesto ‘Probably a Hoax’

Posted by Mary Chastain Thursday, November 21, 2019 at 3:00pm

“To date, law enforcement has not been able to locate a single individual who directly received an AirDrop.”

Earlier this week, Syracuse University police investigated reports of a white supremacist manifesto appeared on an online forum and distributed to students via AirDrop on their phones at the library.

Chancellor Kent Syverud announced today “the rumor was probably a hoax.”

From Syracuse.com:

“To date, law enforcement has not been able to locate a single individual who directly received an AirDrop. Not one,” Syverud said. “It was apparent that this rumor was probably a hoax, but that reality was not communicated clearly and rapidly enough to get ahead of escalating anxiety.”

He said law enforcement had not identified anyone responsible for the spreading of the manifesto, connected to mosque shootings in New Zealand earlier this year."
Syracuse Chancellor: White Supremacist Manifesto 'Probably a Hoax'
A Timeline of Steve King’s Racist Remarks and Divisive Actions

This guy isn't an elected official?

And bill, the rapist, clinton.......friend and student of the worst racists of the democrat party...

Selective Moral Outrage | National Review

n Tuesday, October 22, 2002, Bill Clinton traveled to Fayetteville, Arkansas to honor the life of the late Arkansas senator, J. William Fulbright by dedicating a seven-foot-tall bronze statue of the man.

#ad#According to the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, “The $100,000 sculpture is the final [expenditure] of an $850,000 fundraising campaign for a project to honor Fulbright. The $750,000 fountain was dedicated October 24, 1998.”

Among other things, Clinton said, “If [Fulbright] were here today, I’m sure he would caution us not to be too utopian in our expectations, but rather utopian in our values and vision.”

And back on May 5, 1993, in what the Washington Post characterized as a “… moving 88th birthday ceremony for former senator William Fulbright, President Clinton last night bestowed the Presidential Medal of Freedom on the man he described as a visionary humanitarian, a steadfast supporter of the values of education, and ‘my mentor.’” Clinton added, “It doesn’t take long to live a life. He made the best of his, and helped us to have a better chance to make the best of ours.…The American political system produced this remarkable man, and my state did, and I’m real proud of it.”

Of course, the man Clinton was praising, who he called his “mentor,” who supposedly embraced utopian values and made the world a better place for everyone, was also a rabid segregationist.

In 1956, Fulbright was one of 19 senators who issued a statement entitled the “Southern Manifesto.” This document condemned the 1954 U.S. Supreme Court decision in Brown v. Board of Education. Its signers stated, among other things, that “We commend the motives of those States which have declared the intention to resist forced integration by any lawful means.” They stated further, “We pledge ourselves to use all lawful means to bring about reversal of this decision which is contrary to the Constitution and to prevent the use of force in its implementation.”

He is also good friend to al sharpton.....and other racists...

obama....good friend to al sharpton, louis farakhan, jeremiah wright......
I think Fulbright was also the one who got Clinton out of the UK one step ahead of a rape charge at Oxford.
I think Fulbright was also the one who got Clinton out of the UK one step ahead of a rape charge at Oxford.
I don't know about Fulbright's contribution, but Bill might be guilty in this instance...

FACT CHECK: Bill Clinton Was Expelled from Oxford Over a Rape Incident

"Eileen Wellstone, 19-year-old English woman, said Clinton sexually assaulted her after she met him at a pub near the Oxford where the future President was a student in 1969.

"A retired State Department employee, who asked not to be identified, confirmed that he spoke with the family of the girl and filed a report with his superiors.

"Clinton admitted having sex with the girl, but claimed it was consensual.

"The victim’s family declined to pursue the case.

"In an interview with Capitol Hill Blue, the retired State Department employee said he believed the story Miss Wellstone, the young English woman who said Clinton raped her in 1969"

Clinton Misogyny - Sex
Juanita Broaddrick (AR)- rape
Eileen Wellstone (Oxford) - rape
Elizabeth Ward Gracen - rape - quid pro quo, post incident intimidation
Regina Hopper Blakely - "forced himself on her, biting, bruising her"
Kathleen Willey (WH) - sexual assault, intimidations, threats
Sandra Allen James (DC) - sexual assault
22 Year Old 1972 (Yale) - sexual assault
Kathy Bradshaw (AK) - sexual assault
Cristy Zercher - unwelcomed sexual advance, intimidations
Paula Jones (AR) - unwelcomed sexual advance, exposure, bordering on sexual assault
Carolyn Moffet -unwelcomed sexual advance, exposure, bordering on sexual assault
1974 student at University of Arkansas - unwelcomed physical contact
1978-1980 - seven complaints per Arkansas state troopers
Monica Lewinsky - quid pro quo, post incident character assault
Gennifer Flowers - quid pro quo, post incident character assault
Dolly Kyle Browning - post incident character assault
Sally Perdue - post incident threats
Betty Dalton - rebuffed his advances, married to one of his supporters
Denise Reeder - apologetic note scanned

And...just recently: "Leslie Millwee says that on two of the alleged occasions, Clinton groped her while he rubbed himself against her and reached climax." EXCLUSIVE VIDEO INTERVIEW: New Bill Clinton Sexual Assault Accuser Goes Public for the First Time | Breitbart

"DEC. 19, 2019

"This Is America

"Eleven years after Obama’s election, and three years into the Trump presidency, the threat of domestic terrorism can’t be ignored."

There are an estimated 148 white-nationalist "hate groups" in this country. Although exact membership is impossible to calculate, their propensity for violence is equally impossible to ignore.

A Year Inside a Growing American Terrorist Movement

"White supremacists were responsible for the deaths of at least 39 people in 2018 alone.

"And the activity has not slowed this year: not in January, as neo-Nazis plastered flyers outside newspaper offices and homes in Washington State and the Carolinas and an army veteran pleaded guilty to killing a black man in New York to 'ignite a racial war';

"in February, as Vermont synagogues and LGBT centers were vandalized and a self-described white-nationalist Coast Guard lieutenant was arrested for plotting a domestic terror attack;

"in March, as WELCOME TO GERMANY and GAS THE JEWS were spray-painted outside Oklahoma City Democratic Party and Chickasaw Nation offices and, on the Upper East Side, classmates handed their school’s only black ninth-grader a note reading 'n—–s don’t have rights';

"in April, as a shooting at a synagogue left one dead and three injured and FBI Director Christopher Wray called white supremacy a 'persistent, pervasive' threat to the country;

"in May, as swastikas fell from the sky — on flyers dropped by drones outside an Ariana Grande concert — and were scrawled on public spaces in at least three states;

"in June, as far-right groups rallied in Portland, Oregon, for the first time that summer;

"in July, as a man promoted a white-power manifesto on Instagram before killing three and wounding 17 others at the Gilroy Garlic Festival in California;

"in August, as another angry young man — this one 1,000 miles away in El Paso, Texas — posted an anti-immigrant manifesto online then committed this year’s most deadly mass shooting, killing 22 and injuring 24 at a Walmart;

"in September, as the Department of Homeland Security added white-supremacist extremism to its list of priority threats, the same month a swastika appeared on its walls; in October, as swastikas also appeared on Cape Cod and invitations to a white-supremacist..."

Too much MAGA?

There were 16,214 murders in the US in 2018, if your numbers are accurate, that's .0024% of all murders. I think the country has much bigger fish to fry.

There were 16,214 murders in the US in 2018, if your numbers are accurate, that's .0024% of all murders. I think the country has much bigger fish to fry
Like an ignorant racist POS POTUS, for example:

A Year Inside a Growing American Terrorist Movement

"After a white supremacist killed 51 people in two New Zealand mosques in March, President Trump was asked if he thought the threat of white nationalism was on the rise. 'I don’t, really,' he responded. 'I think it’s a small group of people that have very, very serious problems.'

"Hate-crime statistics are notoriously difficult to calculate.

"Local and state law-enforcement agencies are not required to submit numbers to the FBI, laws defining hate crimes vary from state to state, and experts estimate that more than half of all hate crimes go unreported.

"According to the FBI, hate-crime violence hit a 16-year high in 2018 with the black, Jewish, Latino, and transgender communities being targeted more than ever and the nation’s largest cities seeing the most activity.

"The FBI’s 2019 numbers won’t be available until next November, but indications suggest they will continue to trend upward."
A 7 year old black girl was shot and killed yesterday in Chicago.. democrat run Chicago. You are the party of racial oppression
A 7 year old black girl was shot and killed yesterday in Chicago.. democrat run Chicago. You are the party of racial oppression
I haven't been a Democrat for Decades.
Do you happen to know if the heroic Chicago Pig who murdered Laquan McDonald was a Republican?

"DEC. 19, 2019

"This Is America

"Eleven years after Obama’s election, and three years into the Trump presidency, the threat of domestic terrorism can’t be ignored."

There are an estimated 148 white-nationalist "hate groups" in this country. Although exact membership is impossible to calculate, their propensity for violence is equally impossible to ignore.

A Year Inside a Growing American Terrorist Movement

"White supremacists were responsible for the deaths of at least 39 people in 2018 alone.

"And the activity has not slowed this year: not in January, as neo-Nazis plastered flyers outside newspaper offices and homes in Washington State and the Carolinas and an army veteran pleaded guilty to killing a black man in New York to 'ignite a racial war';

"in February, as Vermont synagogues and LGBT centers were vandalized and a self-described white-nationalist Coast Guard lieutenant was arrested for plotting a domestic terror attack;

"in March, as WELCOME TO GERMANY and GAS THE JEWS were spray-painted outside Oklahoma City Democratic Party and Chickasaw Nation offices and, on the Upper East Side, classmates handed their school’s only black ninth-grader a note reading 'n—–s don’t have rights';

"in April, as a shooting at a synagogue left one dead and three injured and FBI Director Christopher Wray called white supremacy a 'persistent, pervasive' threat to the country;

"in May, as swastikas fell from the sky — on flyers dropped by drones outside an Ariana Grande concert — and were scrawled on public spaces in at least three states;

"in June, as far-right groups rallied in Portland, Oregon, for the first time that summer;

"in July, as a man promoted a white-power manifesto on Instagram before killing three and wounding 17 others at the Gilroy Garlic Festival in California;

"in August, as another angry young man — this one 1,000 miles away in El Paso, Texas — posted an anti-immigrant manifesto online then committed this year’s most deadly mass shooting, killing 22 and injuring 24 at a Walmart;

"in September, as the Department of Homeland Security added white-supremacist extremism to its list of priority threats, the same month a swastika appeared on its walls; in October, as swastikas also appeared on Cape Cod and invitations to a white-supremacist..."

Too much MAGA?

There were 16,214 murders in the US in 2018, if your numbers are accurate, that's .0024% of all murders. I think the country has much bigger fish to fry.

There were 16,214 murders in the US in 2018, if your numbers are accurate, that's .0024% of all murders. I think the country has much bigger fish to fry
Like an ignorant racist POS POTUS, for example:

A Year Inside a Growing American Terrorist Movement

"After a white supremacist killed 51 people in two New Zealand mosques in March, President Trump was asked if he thought the threat of white nationalism was on the rise. 'I don’t, really,' he responded. 'I think it’s a small group of people that have very, very serious problems.'

"Hate-crime statistics are notoriously difficult to calculate.

"Local and state law-enforcement agencies are not required to submit numbers to the FBI, laws defining hate crimes vary from state to state, and experts estimate that more than half of all hate crimes go unreported.

"According to the FBI, hate-crime violence hit a 16-year high in 2018 with the black, Jewish, Latino, and transgender communities being targeted more than ever and the nation’s largest cities seeing the most activity.

"The FBI’s 2019 numbers won’t be available until next November, but indications suggest they will continue to trend upward."
A 7 year old black girl was shot and killed yesterday in Chicago.. democrat run Chicago. You are the party of racial oppression
A 7 year old black girl was shot and killed yesterday in Chicago.. democrat run Chicago. You are the party of racial oppression
I haven't been a Democrat for Decades.
Do you happen to know if the heroic Chicago Pig who murdered Laquan McDonald was a Republican?
Let’s see democrats have been run by democrats for 79 years, Black police chief democratic mayor,, most cop on black shootings are black cops.. what’s your point?

"DEC. 19, 2019

"This Is America

"Eleven years after Obama’s election, and three years into the Trump presidency, the threat of domestic terrorism can’t be ignored."

There are an estimated 148 white-nationalist "hate groups" in this country. Although exact membership is impossible to calculate, their propensity for violence is equally impossible to ignore.

A Year Inside a Growing American Terrorist Movement

"White supremacists were responsible for the deaths of at least 39 people in 2018 alone.

"And the activity has not slowed this year: not in January, as neo-Nazis plastered flyers outside newspaper offices and homes in Washington State and the Carolinas and an army veteran pleaded guilty to killing a black man in New York to 'ignite a racial war';

"in February, as Vermont synagogues and LGBT centers were vandalized and a self-described white-nationalist Coast Guard lieutenant was arrested for plotting a domestic terror attack;

"in March, as WELCOME TO GERMANY and GAS THE JEWS were spray-painted outside Oklahoma City Democratic Party and Chickasaw Nation offices and, on the Upper East Side, classmates handed their school’s only black ninth-grader a note reading 'n—–s don’t have rights';

"in April, as a shooting at a synagogue left one dead and three injured and FBI Director Christopher Wray called white supremacy a 'persistent, pervasive' threat to the country;

"in May, as swastikas fell from the sky — on flyers dropped by drones outside an Ariana Grande concert — and were scrawled on public spaces in at least three states;

"in June, as far-right groups rallied in Portland, Oregon, for the first time that summer;

"in July, as a man promoted a white-power manifesto on Instagram before killing three and wounding 17 others at the Gilroy Garlic Festival in California;

"in August, as another angry young man — this one 1,000 miles away in El Paso, Texas — posted an anti-immigrant manifesto online then committed this year’s most deadly mass shooting, killing 22 and injuring 24 at a Walmart;

"in September, as the Department of Homeland Security added white-supremacist extremism to its list of priority threats, the same month a swastika appeared on its walls; in October, as swastikas also appeared on Cape Cod and invitations to a white-supremacist..."

Too much MAGA?

There were 16,214 murders in the US in 2018, if your numbers are accurate, that's .0024% of all murders. I think the country has much bigger fish to fry.

There were 16,214 murders in the US in 2018, if your numbers are accurate, that's .0024% of all murders. I think the country has much bigger fish to fry
Like an ignorant racist POS POTUS, for example:

A Year Inside a Growing American Terrorist Movement

"After a white supremacist killed 51 people in two New Zealand mosques in March, President Trump was asked if he thought the threat of white nationalism was on the rise. 'I don’t, really,' he responded. 'I think it’s a small group of people that have very, very serious problems.'

"Hate-crime statistics are notoriously difficult to calculate.

"Local and state law-enforcement agencies are not required to submit numbers to the FBI, laws defining hate crimes vary from state to state, and experts estimate that more than half of all hate crimes go unreported.

"According to the FBI, hate-crime violence hit a 16-year high in 2018 with the black, Jewish, Latino, and transgender communities being targeted more than ever and the nation’s largest cities seeing the most activity.

"The FBI’s 2019 numbers won’t be available until next November, but indications suggest they will continue to trend upward."
I tend to agree with president Trump that, 'it’s a small group of people that have very, very serious problems'. I also believe that you have groups that are very divisive pushing the racial and bias divide for political gain and/or financial gain.
tend to agree with president Trump that, 'it’s a small group of people that have very, very serious problems'
Do you believe Trump's actions and statements during his first term have increased the level of racial animus in this country?

Would his second term likely make things better or worse in this regard?

Racial views of Donald Trump - Wikipedia

"In October 2016, when Trump campaigned to be president, he said that Central Park Five were guilty and that their convictions should never have been vacated,[52] attracting criticism from the Central Park Five themselves[53] and others.

"Republican senator John McCain retracted his endorsement of Trump, citing in part 'outrageous statements about the innocent men in the Central Park Five case.'[54]

"Yusuf Salaam, one of the five defendants, said that he had falsely confessed out of coercion, after having been mistreated by police while in custody.[55]

"Filmmaker Ken Burns, who directed the documentary The Central Park Five that helped clear the names of the accused, called Trump's comments 'the height of vulgarity' and 'out and out racism'"
Supremacy racial supremacy what does it really mean?
And what Race doesn’t think it’s Supreme I grew up with every ethnicity in the world and they all told me they were better than my Race.. why is it bad for white people to say the exact same thing they’re telling us?? Hellooooo If you hate yourself you have mental issues
There are no elected "white supremacists" .....it is simply one more hoax designed to have simpletons vote Democrat.

Or....let's see some examples of any American leaders, white, black, yellow....who demand "control over people of other races"

There are none.
QED....there is no such thing as "white supremacists."

The real reason the Democrat push this bogus view is that without the black vote, they would never win a national election.....and, if it causes division and violence...that Party couldn't care less.

"Syracuse Chancellor: White Supremacist Manifesto ‘Probably a Hoax’

Posted by Mary Chastain Thursday, November 21, 2019 at 3:00pm

“To date, law enforcement has not been able to locate a single individual who directly received an AirDrop.”

Earlier this week, Syracuse University police investigated reports of a white supremacist manifesto appeared on an online forum and distributed to students via AirDrop on their phones at the library.

Chancellor Kent Syverud announced today “the rumor was probably a hoax.”

From Syracuse.com:

“To date, law enforcement has not been able to locate a single individual who directly received an AirDrop. Not one,” Syverud said. “It was apparent that this rumor was probably a hoax, but that reality was not communicated clearly and rapidly enough to get ahead of escalating anxiety.”

He said law enforcement had not identified anyone responsible for the spreading of the manifesto, connected to mosque shootings in New Zealand earlier this year."
Syracuse Chancellor: White Supremacist Manifesto 'Probably a Hoax'
A Timeline of Steve King’s Racist Remarks and Divisive Actions

This guy isn't an elected official?

And bill, the rapist, clinton.......friend and student of the worst racists of the democrat party...

Selective Moral Outrage | National Review

n Tuesday, October 22, 2002, Bill Clinton traveled to Fayetteville, Arkansas to honor the life of the late Arkansas senator, J. William Fulbright by dedicating a seven-foot-tall bronze statue of the man.

#ad#According to the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, “The $100,000 sculpture is the final [expenditure] of an $850,000 fundraising campaign for a project to honor Fulbright. The $750,000 fountain was dedicated October 24, 1998.”

Among other things, Clinton said, “If [Fulbright] were here today, I’m sure he would caution us not to be too utopian in our expectations, but rather utopian in our values and vision.”

And back on May 5, 1993, in what the Washington Post characterized as a “… moving 88th birthday ceremony for former senator William Fulbright, President Clinton last night bestowed the Presidential Medal of Freedom on the man he described as a visionary humanitarian, a steadfast supporter of the values of education, and ‘my mentor.’” Clinton added, “It doesn’t take long to live a life. He made the best of his, and helped us to have a better chance to make the best of ours.…The American political system produced this remarkable man, and my state did, and I’m real proud of it.”

Of course, the man Clinton was praising, who he called his “mentor,” who supposedly embraced utopian values and made the world a better place for everyone, was also a rabid segregationist.

In 1956, Fulbright was one of 19 senators who issued a statement entitled the “Southern Manifesto.” This document condemned the 1954 U.S. Supreme Court decision in Brown v. Board of Education. Its signers stated, among other things, that “We commend the motives of those States which have declared the intention to resist forced integration by any lawful means.” They stated further, “We pledge ourselves to use all lawful means to bring about reversal of this decision which is contrary to the Constitution and to prevent the use of force in its implementation.”

He is also good friend to al sharpton.....and other racists...

obama....good friend to al sharpton, louis farakhan, jeremiah wright......
I think Fulbright was also the one who got Clinton out of the UK one step ahead of a rape charge at Oxford.
I think Fulbright was also the one who got Clinton out of the UK one step ahead of a rape charge at Oxford.
I don't know about Fulbright's contribution, but Bill might be guilty in this instance...

FACT CHECK: Bill Clinton Was Expelled from Oxford Over a Rape Incident

"Eileen Wellstone, 19-year-old English woman, said Clinton sexually assaulted her after she met him at a pub near the Oxford where the future President was a student in 1969.

"A retired State Department employee, who asked not to be identified, confirmed that he spoke with the family of the girl and filed a report with his superiors.

"Clinton admitted having sex with the girl, but claimed it was consensual.

"The victim’s family declined to pursue the case.

"In an interview with Capitol Hill Blue, the retired State Department employee said he believed the story Miss Wellstone, the young English woman who said Clinton raped her in 1969"

Clinton Misogyny - Sex
Juanita Broaddrick (AR)- rape
Eileen Wellstone (Oxford) - rape
Elizabeth Ward Gracen - rape - quid pro quo, post incident intimidation
Regina Hopper Blakely - "forced himself on her, biting, bruising her"
Kathleen Willey (WH) - sexual assault, intimidations, threats
Sandra Allen James (DC) - sexual assault
22 Year Old 1972 (Yale) - sexual assault
Kathy Bradshaw (AK) - sexual assault
Cristy Zercher - unwelcomed sexual advance, intimidations
Paula Jones (AR) - unwelcomed sexual advance, exposure, bordering on sexual assault
Carolyn Moffet -unwelcomed sexual advance, exposure, bordering on sexual assault
1974 student at University of Arkansas - unwelcomed physical contact
1978-1980 - seven complaints per Arkansas state troopers
Monica Lewinsky - quid pro quo, post incident character assault
Gennifer Flowers - quid pro quo, post incident character assault
Dolly Kyle Browning - post incident character assault
Sally Perdue - post incident threats
Betty Dalton - rebuffed his advances, married to one of his supporters
Denise Reeder - apologetic note scanned

And...just recently: "Leslie Millwee says that on two of the alleged occasions, Clinton groped her while he rubbed himself against her and reached climax." EXCLUSIVE VIDEO INTERVIEW: New Bill Clinton Sexual Assault Accuser Goes Public for the First Time | Breitbart
Perhaps Clinton and Trump should be asked how many abortions they have paid for?

"DEC. 19, 2019

"This Is America

"Eleven years after Obama’s election, and three years into the Trump presidency, the threat of domestic terrorism can’t be ignored."

There are an estimated 148 white-nationalist "hate groups" in this country. Although exact membership is impossible to calculate, their propensity for violence is equally impossible to ignore.

A Year Inside a Growing American Terrorist Movement

"White supremacists were responsible for the deaths of at least 39 people in 2018 alone.

"And the activity has not slowed this year: not in January, as neo-Nazis plastered flyers outside newspaper offices and homes in Washington State and the Carolinas and an army veteran pleaded guilty to killing a black man in New York to 'ignite a racial war';

"in February, as Vermont synagogues and LGBT centers were vandalized and a self-described white-nationalist Coast Guard lieutenant was arrested for plotting a domestic terror attack;

"in March, as WELCOME TO GERMANY and GAS THE JEWS were spray-painted outside Oklahoma City Democratic Party and Chickasaw Nation offices and, on the Upper East Side, classmates handed their school’s only black ninth-grader a note reading 'n—–s don’t have rights';

"in April, as a shooting at a synagogue left one dead and three injured and FBI Director Christopher Wray called white supremacy a 'persistent, pervasive' threat to the country;

"in May, as swastikas fell from the sky — on flyers dropped by drones outside an Ariana Grande concert — and were scrawled on public spaces in at least three states;

"in June, as far-right groups rallied in Portland, Oregon, for the first time that summer;

"in July, as a man promoted a white-power manifesto on Instagram before killing three and wounding 17 others at the Gilroy Garlic Festival in California;

"in August, as another angry young man — this one 1,000 miles away in El Paso, Texas — posted an anti-immigrant manifesto online then committed this year’s most deadly mass shooting, killing 22 and injuring 24 at a Walmart;

"in September, as the Department of Homeland Security added white-supremacist extremism to its list of priority threats, the same month a swastika appeared on its walls; in October, as swastikas also appeared on Cape Cod and invitations to a white-supremacist..."

Too much MAGA?

There were 16,214 murders in the US in 2018, if your numbers are accurate, that's .0024% of all murders. I think the country has much bigger fish to fry.

There were 16,214 murders in the US in 2018, if your numbers are accurate, that's .0024% of all murders. I think the country has much bigger fish to fry
Like an ignorant racist POS POTUS, for example:

A Year Inside a Growing American Terrorist Movement

"After a white supremacist killed 51 people in two New Zealand mosques in March, President Trump was asked if he thought the threat of white nationalism was on the rise. 'I don’t, really,' he responded. 'I think it’s a small group of people that have very, very serious problems.'

"Hate-crime statistics are notoriously difficult to calculate.

"Local and state law-enforcement agencies are not required to submit numbers to the FBI, laws defining hate crimes vary from state to state, and experts estimate that more than half of all hate crimes go unreported.

"According to the FBI, hate-crime violence hit a 16-year high in 2018 with the black, Jewish, Latino, and transgender communities being targeted more than ever and the nation’s largest cities seeing the most activity.

"The FBI’s 2019 numbers won’t be available until next November, but indications suggest they will continue to trend upward."

There are no such things as 'hate crimes.'

The word 'crime' needs no modifier.

A wise long-gone mayor of NYC said on the subject that if we are to use the term, simply apply it to any ....ANY....infraction by members of one race against any member of a different race.

OK with that?
A wise long-gone mayor of NYC said on the subject that if we are to use the term, simply apply it to any ....ANY....infraction by members of one race against any member of a different race.

OK with that?
More or less; however, it does seem to diminish the role of motive when it comes to incentivizing future similar criminal acts:

hate crime definition - Google Search

"hate crime
  1. a crime, typically one involving violence, that is motivated by prejudice on the basis of race, religion, sexual orientation, or other grounds."
Btw, who was that former mayor?


"DEC. 19, 2019

"This Is America

"Eleven years after Obama’s election, and three years into the Trump presidency, the threat of domestic terrorism can’t be ignored."

There are an estimated 148 white-nationalist "hate groups" in this country. Although exact membership is impossible to calculate, their propensity for violence is equally impossible to ignore.

A Year Inside a Growing American Terrorist Movement

"White supremacists were responsible for the deaths of at least 39 people in 2018 alone.

"And the activity has not slowed this year: not in January, as neo-Nazis plastered flyers outside newspaper offices and homes in Washington State and the Carolinas and an army veteran pleaded guilty to killing a black man in New York to 'ignite a racial war';

"in February, as Vermont synagogues and LGBT centers were vandalized and a self-described white-nationalist Coast Guard lieutenant was arrested for plotting a domestic terror attack;

"in March, as WELCOME TO GERMANY and GAS THE JEWS were spray-painted outside Oklahoma City Democratic Party and Chickasaw Nation offices and, on the Upper East Side, classmates handed their school’s only black ninth-grader a note reading 'n—–s don’t have rights';

"in April, as a shooting at a synagogue left one dead and three injured and FBI Director Christopher Wray called white supremacy a 'persistent, pervasive' threat to the country;

"in May, as swastikas fell from the sky — on flyers dropped by drones outside an Ariana Grande concert — and were scrawled on public spaces in at least three states;

"in June, as far-right groups rallied in Portland, Oregon, for the first time that summer;

"in July, as a man promoted a white-power manifesto on Instagram before killing three and wounding 17 others at the Gilroy Garlic Festival in California;

"in August, as another angry young man — this one 1,000 miles away in El Paso, Texas — posted an anti-immigrant manifesto online then committed this year’s most deadly mass shooting, killing 22 and injuring 24 at a Walmart;

"in September, as the Department of Homeland Security added white-supremacist extremism to its list of priority threats, the same month a swastika appeared on its walls; in October, as swastikas also appeared on Cape Cod and invitations to a white-supremacist..."

Too much MAGA?

There were 16,214 murders in the US in 2018, if your numbers are accurate, that's .0024% of all murders. I think the country has much bigger fish to fry.

There were 16,214 murders in the US in 2018, if your numbers are accurate, that's .0024% of all murders. I think the country has much bigger fish to fry
Like an ignorant racist POS POTUS, for example:

A Year Inside a Growing American Terrorist Movement

"After a white supremacist killed 51 people in two New Zealand mosques in March, President Trump was asked if he thought the threat of white nationalism was on the rise. 'I don’t, really,' he responded. 'I think it’s a small group of people that have very, very serious problems.'

"Hate-crime statistics are notoriously difficult to calculate.

"Local and state law-enforcement agencies are not required to submit numbers to the FBI, laws defining hate crimes vary from state to state, and experts estimate that more than half of all hate crimes go unreported.

"According to the FBI, hate-crime violence hit a 16-year high in 2018 with the black, Jewish, Latino, and transgender communities being targeted more than ever and the nation’s largest cities seeing the most activity.

"The FBI’s 2019 numbers won’t be available until next November, but indications suggest they will continue to trend upward."
I tend to agree with president Trump that, 'it’s a small group of people that have very, very serious problems'. I also believe that you have groups that are very divisive pushing the racial and bias divide for political gain and/or financial gain.

I keep asking george for any estimates on absolute numbers and/or how much of a rise in numbers we are talking about, and he cannot or will not answer.

I've looked for any numbers on this supposed growth, myself, and have not been able to find ANYTHING.

It seems to be completely made up shit.

"DEC. 19, 2019

"This Is America

"Eleven years after Obama’s election, and three years into the Trump presidency, the threat of domestic terrorism can’t be ignored."

There are an estimated 148 white-nationalist "hate groups" in this country. Although exact membership is impossible to calculate, their propensity for violence is equally impossible to ignore.

A Year Inside a Growing American Terrorist Movement

"White supremacists were responsible for the deaths of at least 39 people in 2018 alone.

"And the activity has not slowed this year: not in January, as neo-Nazis plastered flyers outside newspaper offices and homes in Washington State and the Carolinas and an army veteran pleaded guilty to killing a black man in New York to 'ignite a racial war';

"in February, as Vermont synagogues and LGBT centers were vandalized and a self-described white-nationalist Coast Guard lieutenant was arrested for plotting a domestic terror attack;

"in March, as WELCOME TO GERMANY and GAS THE JEWS were spray-painted outside Oklahoma City Democratic Party and Chickasaw Nation offices and, on the Upper East Side, classmates handed their school’s only black ninth-grader a note reading 'n—–s don’t have rights';

"in April, as a shooting at a synagogue left one dead and three injured and FBI Director Christopher Wray called white supremacy a 'persistent, pervasive' threat to the country;

"in May, as swastikas fell from the sky — on flyers dropped by drones outside an Ariana Grande concert — and were scrawled on public spaces in at least three states;

"in June, as far-right groups rallied in Portland, Oregon, for the first time that summer;

"in July, as a man promoted a white-power manifesto on Instagram before killing three and wounding 17 others at the Gilroy Garlic Festival in California;

"in August, as another angry young man — this one 1,000 miles away in El Paso, Texas — posted an anti-immigrant manifesto online then committed this year’s most deadly mass shooting, killing 22 and injuring 24 at a Walmart;

"in September, as the Department of Homeland Security added white-supremacist extremism to its list of priority threats, the same month a swastika appeared on its walls; in October, as swastikas also appeared on Cape Cod and invitations to a white-supremacist..."

Too much MAGA?

There were 16,214 murders in the US in 2018, if your numbers are accurate, that's .0024% of all murders. I think the country has much bigger fish to fry.

There were 16,214 murders in the US in 2018, if your numbers are accurate, that's .0024% of all murders. I think the country has much bigger fish to fry
Like an ignorant racist POS POTUS, for example:

A Year Inside a Growing American Terrorist Movement

"After a white supremacist killed 51 people in two New Zealand mosques in March, President Trump was asked if he thought the threat of white nationalism was on the rise. 'I don’t, really,' he responded. 'I think it’s a small group of people that have very, very serious problems.'

"Hate-crime statistics are notoriously difficult to calculate.

"Local and state law-enforcement agencies are not required to submit numbers to the FBI, laws defining hate crimes vary from state to state, and experts estimate that more than half of all hate crimes go unreported.

"According to the FBI, hate-crime violence hit a 16-year high in 2018 with the black, Jewish, Latino, and transgender communities being targeted more than ever and the nation’s largest cities seeing the most activity.

"The FBI’s 2019 numbers won’t be available until next November, but indications suggest they will continue to trend upward."
I tend to agree with president Trump that, 'it’s a small group of people that have very, very serious problems'. I also believe that you have groups that are very divisive pushing the racial and bias divide for political gain and/or financial gain.

I keep asking george for any estimates on absolute numbers and/or how much of a rise in numbers we are talking about, and he cannot or will not answer.

I've looked for any numbers on this supposed growth, myself, and have not been able to find ANYTHING.

It seems to be completely made up shit.
The violence in these cities that they have created is pretty bad and could very well be getting worse. Adding refugees that will not assimilate and illegal aliens along with all the rhetoric I have no doubt is taking its toll. Mostly that is between the residents in those areas though (not an endorsement just fact). Those videos of refugee gangs beating up on people out in the open in Minnesota should be a clue to problems too but that doesn't seem to sick into leftist brains. So many of those NGO's who gave themselves nice sounding names or bought off certain ministries for they could use them to front the influx into areas and get grant money to enrich themselves while doing it where refugees have caused problems are a scourge. Unless they are willing to actually live among in the same housing units what they are willing to dump onto others and give up everything they have to insure that they are fully supported they need to sit down and STFU, IMO.

I have spoken with some truck drivers that make deliveries around the country and in their opinion cities are much worse as far as safety goes. I have had people ask before "don't you think you need xyz for more safety and I'm always responding "No, I have very large dogs". I do though think it is wise for my 80+ year old mom who lives in a rural area in a small developed area to invest in a security system as there are many more criminals and addicts now that seem have no respect for elderly than I recall growing up.

Rod is calling me a racist this morning because I haven't let the geese out of their pen. I let them out of their house but generally try to give the chickens and ducks a chance to enjoy the spring water and munchies for awhile before the geese are loosed from their pen. The reason for that is the geese are not as civilized as the ducks and chickens who were family raised and they are a very mean spirited gang all together towards the more civilized productive chickens and ducks.

"DEC. 19, 2019

"This Is America

"Eleven years after Obama’s election, and three years into the Trump presidency, the threat of domestic terrorism can’t be ignored."

There are an estimated 148 white-nationalist "hate groups" in this country. Although exact membership is impossible to calculate, their propensity for violence is equally impossible to ignore.

A Year Inside a Growing American Terrorist Movement

"White supremacists were responsible for the deaths of at least 39 people in 2018 alone.

"And the activity has not slowed this year: not in January, as neo-Nazis plastered flyers outside newspaper offices and homes in Washington State and the Carolinas and an army veteran pleaded guilty to killing a black man in New York to 'ignite a racial war';

"in February, as Vermont synagogues and LGBT centers were vandalized and a self-described white-nationalist Coast Guard lieutenant was arrested for plotting a domestic terror attack;

"in March, as WELCOME TO GERMANY and GAS THE JEWS were spray-painted outside Oklahoma City Democratic Party and Chickasaw Nation offices and, on the Upper East Side, classmates handed their school’s only black ninth-grader a note reading 'n—–s don’t have rights';

"in April, as a shooting at a synagogue left one dead and three injured and FBI Director Christopher Wray called white supremacy a 'persistent, pervasive' threat to the country;

"in May, as swastikas fell from the sky — on flyers dropped by drones outside an Ariana Grande concert — and were scrawled on public spaces in at least three states;

"in June, as far-right groups rallied in Portland, Oregon, for the first time that summer;

"in July, as a man promoted a white-power manifesto on Instagram before killing three and wounding 17 others at the Gilroy Garlic Festival in California;

"in August, as another angry young man — this one 1,000 miles away in El Paso, Texas — posted an anti-immigrant manifesto online then committed this year’s most deadly mass shooting, killing 22 and injuring 24 at a Walmart;

"in September, as the Department of Homeland Security added white-supremacist extremism to its list of priority threats, the same month a swastika appeared on its walls; in October, as swastikas also appeared on Cape Cod and invitations to a white-supremacist..."

Too much MAGA?

There were 16,214 murders in the US in 2018, if your numbers are accurate, that's .0024% of all murders. I think the country has much bigger fish to fry.

There were 16,214 murders in the US in 2018, if your numbers are accurate, that's .0024% of all murders. I think the country has much bigger fish to fry
Like an ignorant racist POS POTUS, for example:

A Year Inside a Growing American Terrorist Movement

"After a white supremacist killed 51 people in two New Zealand mosques in March, President Trump was asked if he thought the threat of white nationalism was on the rise. 'I don’t, really,' he responded. 'I think it’s a small group of people that have very, very serious problems.'

"Hate-crime statistics are notoriously difficult to calculate.

"Local and state law-enforcement agencies are not required to submit numbers to the FBI, laws defining hate crimes vary from state to state, and experts estimate that more than half of all hate crimes go unreported.

"According to the FBI, hate-crime violence hit a 16-year high in 2018 with the black, Jewish, Latino, and transgender communities being targeted more than ever and the nation’s largest cities seeing the most activity.

"The FBI’s 2019 numbers won’t be available until next November, but indications suggest they will continue to trend upward."
I tend to agree with president Trump that, 'it’s a small group of people that have very, very serious problems'. I also believe that you have groups that are very divisive pushing the racial and bias divide for political gain and/or financial gain.
tend to agree with president Trump that, 'it’s a small group of people that have very, very serious problems'
Do you believe Trump's actions and statements during his first term have increased the level of racial animus in this country?

Would his second term likely make things better or worse in this regard?

Racial views of Donald Trump - Wikipedia

"In October 2016, when Trump campaigned to be president, he said that Central Park Five were guilty and that their convictions should never have been vacated,[52] attracting criticism from the Central Park Five themselves[53] and others.

"Republican senator John McCain retracted his endorsement of Trump, citing in part 'outrageous statements about the innocent men in the Central Park Five case.'[54]

"Yusuf Salaam, one of the five defendants, said that he had falsely confessed out of coercion, after having been mistreated by police while in custody.[55]

"Filmmaker Ken Burns, who directed the documentary The Central Park Five that helped clear the names of the accused, called Trump's comments 'the height of vulgarity' and 'out and out racism'"
I am not familiar with the statements or the case so I wouldn't be able comment on it without having some knowledge base on it.
You compared Hamas to our leaders? You’re a fruitcake. I suggest educating yourself as you sound stupid.
You compared Hamas to our leaders? You’re a fruitcake. I suggest educating yourself as you sound stupid.
How many innocent Muslims have "our leaders" killed since Hamas was founded, Brain-fart?
Zero. Just like your IQ.
You never answered why you care about Israel only. You were proven wrong about your Genocide claim. You have no life. You real name is Hakim.

View attachment 296672
You never answered why you care about Israel only. You were proven wrong about your Genocide claim. You have no life. You real name is Hakim.
Your racist state is a cancer on humanity; why don't you go there to die slowly?

How The Israeli-Zionist Lobby Exerts Control Over Politicians – Veterans Today | Military Foreign Affairs Policy Journal for Clandestine Services
See you made yourself look stupid again. Those “Jews” represent less than 1% of the Jewish pop and they are insane. Like you. Do you wear the same funny hats?
Is this why Jews hate Trump? They blame him for anti-Semitism.
Many Jews (and others) recognize Trump as a "dehumanizer". He's been crystal clear about who he prefers to share this country with and who he wants to toss into cages. I suspect many Jews regard Trump as a latent Nazi who would have proven useful to Hitler?

Hate on the march: White nationalism in the Trump era | Reveal

You suspect? So do NaN, shitt, nads, and chuckles. That’s the new standard of fact, apparently.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

"DEC. 19, 2019

"This Is America

"Eleven years after Obama’s election, and three years into the Trump presidency, the threat of domestic terrorism can’t be ignored."

There are an estimated 148 white-nationalist "hate groups" in this country. Although exact membership is impossible to calculate, their propensity for violence is equally impossible to ignore.

A Year Inside a Growing American Terrorist Movement

"White supremacists were responsible for the deaths of at least 39 people in 2018 alone.

"And the activity has not slowed this year: not in January, as neo-Nazis plastered flyers outside newspaper offices and homes in Washington State and the Carolinas and an army veteran pleaded guilty to killing a black man in New York to 'ignite a racial war';

"in February, as Vermont synagogues and LGBT centers were vandalized and a self-described white-nationalist Coast Guard lieutenant was arrested for plotting a domestic terror attack;

"in March, as WELCOME TO GERMANY and GAS THE JEWS were spray-painted outside Oklahoma City Democratic Party and Chickasaw Nation offices and, on the Upper East Side, classmates handed their school’s only black ninth-grader a note reading 'n—–s don’t have rights';

"in April, as a shooting at a synagogue left one dead and three injured and FBI Director Christopher Wray called white supremacy a 'persistent, pervasive' threat to the country;

"in May, as swastikas fell from the sky — on flyers dropped by drones outside an Ariana Grande concert — and were scrawled on public spaces in at least three states;

"in June, as far-right groups rallied in Portland, Oregon, for the first time that summer;

"in July, as a man promoted a white-power manifesto on Instagram before killing three and wounding 17 others at the Gilroy Garlic Festival in California;

"in August, as another angry young man — this one 1,000 miles away in El Paso, Texas — posted an anti-immigrant manifesto online then committed this year’s most deadly mass shooting, killing 22 and injuring 24 at a Walmart;

"in September, as the Department of Homeland Security added white-supremacist extremism to its list of priority threats, the same month a swastika appeared on its walls; in October, as swastikas also appeared on Cape Cod and invitations to a white-supremacist..."

Too much MAGA?

There were 16,214 murders in the US in 2018, if your numbers are accurate, that's .0024% of all murders. I think the country has much bigger fish to fry.

There were 16,214 murders in the US in 2018, if your numbers are accurate, that's .0024% of all murders. I think the country has much bigger fish to fry
Like an ignorant racist POS POTUS, for example:

A Year Inside a Growing American Terrorist Movement

"After a white supremacist killed 51 people in two New Zealand mosques in March, President Trump was asked if he thought the threat of white nationalism was on the rise. 'I don’t, really,' he responded. 'I think it’s a small group of people that have very, very serious problems.'

"Hate-crime statistics are notoriously difficult to calculate.

"Local and state law-enforcement agencies are not required to submit numbers to the FBI, laws defining hate crimes vary from state to state, and experts estimate that more than half of all hate crimes go unreported.

"According to the FBI, hate-crime violence hit a 16-year high in 2018 with the black, Jewish, Latino, and transgender communities being targeted more than ever and the nation’s largest cities seeing the most activity.

"The FBI’s 2019 numbers won’t be available until next November, but indications suggest they will continue to trend upward."

LMAO, you just love propaganda. All your hyperbole is meaningless, give us numbers to back up your claims. BTW New Zealand has nothing to do with the US.


"DEC. 19, 2019

"This Is America

"Eleven years after Obama’s election, and three years into the Trump presidency, the threat of domestic terrorism can’t be ignored."

There are an estimated 148 white-nationalist "hate groups" in this country. Although exact membership is impossible to calculate, their propensity for violence is equally impossible to ignore.

A Year Inside a Growing American Terrorist Movement

"White supremacists were responsible for the deaths of at least 39 people in 2018 alone.

"And the activity has not slowed this year: not in January, as neo-Nazis plastered flyers outside newspaper offices and homes in Washington State and the Carolinas and an army veteran pleaded guilty to killing a black man in New York to 'ignite a racial war';

"in February, as Vermont synagogues and LGBT centers were vandalized and a self-described white-nationalist Coast Guard lieutenant was arrested for plotting a domestic terror attack;

"in March, as WELCOME TO GERMANY and GAS THE JEWS were spray-painted outside Oklahoma City Democratic Party and Chickasaw Nation offices and, on the Upper East Side, classmates handed their school’s only black ninth-grader a note reading 'n—–s don’t have rights';

"in April, as a shooting at a synagogue left one dead and three injured and FBI Director Christopher Wray called white supremacy a 'persistent, pervasive' threat to the country;

"in May, as swastikas fell from the sky — on flyers dropped by drones outside an Ariana Grande concert — and were scrawled on public spaces in at least three states;

"in June, as far-right groups rallied in Portland, Oregon, for the first time that summer;

"in July, as a man promoted a white-power manifesto on Instagram before killing three and wounding 17 others at the Gilroy Garlic Festival in California;

"in August, as another angry young man — this one 1,000 miles away in El Paso, Texas — posted an anti-immigrant manifesto online then committed this year’s most deadly mass shooting, killing 22 and injuring 24 at a Walmart;

"in September, as the Department of Homeland Security added white-supremacist extremism to its list of priority threats, the same month a swastika appeared on its walls; in October, as swastikas also appeared on Cape Cod and invitations to a white-supremacist..."

Too much MAGA?

There were 16,214 murders in the US in 2018, if your numbers are accurate, that's .0024% of all murders. I think the country has much bigger fish to fry.

There were 16,214 murders in the US in 2018, if your numbers are accurate, that's .0024% of all murders. I think the country has much bigger fish to fry
Like an ignorant racist POS POTUS, for example:

A Year Inside a Growing American Terrorist Movement

"After a white supremacist killed 51 people in two New Zealand mosques in March, President Trump was asked if he thought the threat of white nationalism was on the rise. 'I don’t, really,' he responded. 'I think it’s a small group of people that have very, very serious problems.'

"Hate-crime statistics are notoriously difficult to calculate.

"Local and state law-enforcement agencies are not required to submit numbers to the FBI, laws defining hate crimes vary from state to state, and experts estimate that more than half of all hate crimes go unreported.

"According to the FBI, hate-crime violence hit a 16-year high in 2018 with the black, Jewish, Latino, and transgender communities being targeted more than ever and the nation’s largest cities seeing the most activity.

"The FBI’s 2019 numbers won’t be available until next November, but indications suggest they will continue to trend upward."
A 7 year old black girl was shot and killed yesterday in Chicago.. democrat run Chicago. You are the party of racial oppression
A 7 year old black girl was shot and killed yesterday in Chicago.. democrat run Chicago. You are the party of racial oppression
I haven't been a Democrat for Decades.
Do you happen to know if the heroic Chicago Pig who murdered Laquan McDonald was a Republican?
Let’s see democrats have been run by democrats for 79 years, Black police chief democratic mayor,, most cop on black shootings are black cops.. what’s your point?
Let’s see democrats have been run by democrats for 79 years, Black police chief democratic mayor,, most cop on black shootings are black cops.. what’s your point?
There were 16,214 murders in the US in 2018, if your numbers are accurate, that's .0024% of all murders. I think the country has much bigger fish to fry.

There were 16,214 murders in the US in 2018, if your numbers are accurate, that's .0024% of all murders. I think the country has much bigger fish to fry
Like an ignorant racist POS POTUS, for example:

A Year Inside a Growing American Terrorist Movement

"After a white supremacist killed 51 people in two New Zealand mosques in March, President Trump was asked if he thought the threat of white nationalism was on the rise. 'I don’t, really,' he responded. 'I think it’s a small group of people that have very, very serious problems.'

"Hate-crime statistics are notoriously difficult to calculate.

"Local and state law-enforcement agencies are not required to submit numbers to the FBI, laws defining hate crimes vary from state to state, and experts estimate that more than half of all hate crimes go unreported.

"According to the FBI, hate-crime violence hit a 16-year high in 2018 with the black, Jewish, Latino, and transgender communities being targeted more than ever and the nation’s largest cities seeing the most activity.

"The FBI’s 2019 numbers won’t be available until next November, but indications suggest they will continue to trend upward."
A 7 year old black girl was shot and killed yesterday in Chicago.. democrat run Chicago. You are the party of racial oppression
A 7 year old black girl was shot and killed yesterday in Chicago.. democrat run Chicago. You are the party of racial oppression
I haven't been a Democrat for Decades.
Do you happen to know if the heroic Chicago Pig who murdered Laquan McDonald was a Republican?
Let’s see democrats have been run by democrats for 79 years, Black police chief democratic mayor,, most cop on black shootings are black cops.. what’s your point?
Let’s see democrats have been run by democrats for 79 years, Black police chief democratic mayor,, most cop on black shootings are black cops.. what’s your point?
My baby was a good boy haha
Supremacy racial supremacy what does it really mean?
And what Race doesn’t think it’s Supreme I grew up with every ethnicity in the world and they all told me they were better than my Race.. why is it bad for white people to say the exact same thing they’re telling us?? Hellooooo If you hate yourself you have mental issues
How many of all those other races ever had the stranglehold on the US government that white supremacists have enjoyed?

White supremacy - Wikipedia

"White supremacy was dominant in the United States both before and after the American Civil War, and it also persisted for decades after the Reconstruction Era.[4]

"In the antebellum South, this included the holding of African Americans in chattel slavery, in which four million of them were denied freedom.[5]

"The outbreak of the Civil War saw the desire to uphold white supremacy being cited as a cause for state secession[6] and the formation of the Confederate States of America"
Supremacy racial supremacy what does it really mean?
And what Race doesn’t think it’s Supreme I grew up with every ethnicity in the world and they all told me they were better than my Race.. why is it bad for white people to say the exact same thing they’re telling us?? Hellooooo If you hate yourself you have mental issues
How many of all those other races ever had the stranglehold on the US government that white supremacists have enjoyed?

White supremacy - Wikipedia

"White supremacy was dominant in the United States both before and after the American Civil War, and it also persisted for decades after the Reconstruction Era.[4]

"In the antebellum South, this included the holding of African Americans in chattel slavery, in which four million of them were denied freedom.[5]

"The outbreak of the Civil War saw the desire to uphold white supremacy being cited as a cause for state secession[6] and the formation of the Confederate States of America"
Why shouldn’t we? What race doesn’t think it’s the best? What are you?

"DEC. 19, 2019

"This Is America

"Eleven years after Obama’s election, and three years into the Trump presidency, the threat of domestic terrorism can’t be ignored."

There are an estimated 148 white-nationalist "hate groups" in this country. Although exact membership is impossible to calculate, their propensity for violence is equally impossible to ignore.

A Year Inside a Growing American Terrorist Movement

"White supremacists were responsible for the deaths of at least 39 people in 2018 alone.

"And the activity has not slowed this year: not in January, as neo-Nazis plastered flyers outside newspaper offices and homes in Washington State and the Carolinas and an army veteran pleaded guilty to killing a black man in New York to 'ignite a racial war';

"in February, as Vermont synagogues and LGBT centers were vandalized and a self-described white-nationalist Coast Guard lieutenant was arrested for plotting a domestic terror attack;

"in March, as WELCOME TO GERMANY and GAS THE JEWS were spray-painted outside Oklahoma City Democratic Party and Chickasaw Nation offices and, on the Upper East Side, classmates handed their school’s only black ninth-grader a note reading 'n—–s don’t have rights';

"in April, as a shooting at a synagogue left one dead and three injured and FBI Director Christopher Wray called white supremacy a 'persistent, pervasive' threat to the country;

"in May, as swastikas fell from the sky — on flyers dropped by drones outside an Ariana Grande concert — and were scrawled on public spaces in at least three states;

"in June, as far-right groups rallied in Portland, Oregon, for the first time that summer;

"in July, as a man promoted a white-power manifesto on Instagram before killing three and wounding 17 others at the Gilroy Garlic Festival in California;

"in August, as another angry young man — this one 1,000 miles away in El Paso, Texas — posted an anti-immigrant manifesto online then committed this year’s most deadly mass shooting, killing 22 and injuring 24 at a Walmart;

"in September, as the Department of Homeland Security added white-supremacist extremism to its list of priority threats, the same month a swastika appeared on its walls; in October, as swastikas also appeared on Cape Cod and invitations to a white-supremacist..."

Too much MAGA?

There were 16,214 murders in the US in 2018, if your numbers are accurate, that's .0024% of all murders. I think the country has much bigger fish to fry.

There were 16,214 murders in the US in 2018, if your numbers are accurate, that's .0024% of all murders. I think the country has much bigger fish to fry
Like an ignorant racist POS POTUS, for example:

A Year Inside a Growing American Terrorist Movement

"After a white supremacist killed 51 people in two New Zealand mosques in March, President Trump was asked if he thought the threat of white nationalism was on the rise. 'I don’t, really,' he responded. 'I think it’s a small group of people that have very, very serious problems.'

"Hate-crime statistics are notoriously difficult to calculate.

"Local and state law-enforcement agencies are not required to submit numbers to the FBI, laws defining hate crimes vary from state to state, and experts estimate that more than half of all hate crimes go unreported.

"According to the FBI, hate-crime violence hit a 16-year high in 2018 with the black, Jewish, Latino, and transgender communities being targeted more than ever and the nation’s largest cities seeing the most activity.

"The FBI’s 2019 numbers won’t be available until next November, but indications suggest they will continue to trend upward."
I tend to agree with president Trump that, 'it’s a small group of people that have very, very serious problems'. I also believe that you have groups that are very divisive pushing the racial and bias divide for political gain and/or financial gain.

I keep asking george for any estimates on absolute numbers and/or how much of a rise in numbers we are talking about, and he cannot or will not answer.

I've looked for any numbers on this supposed growth, myself, and have not been able to find ANYTHING.

It seems to be completely made up shit.
I've looked for any numbers on this supposed growth, myself, and have not been able to find ANYTHING.
If so, you are not looking very HARD!

Into the Abyss: White Supremacist Groups/Gangs

"Only about 25,000 Americans are hardcore ideological activists for the white supremacist movement, a tiny fraction of the white population.

"They are organized into approximately 300 different organizations. No two groups are exactly alike.

"They ranging from seemingly innocuous religious sects or tax protesters to openly militant, even violent, neo-Nazi skinheads and Ku Klux Klan Klaverns.

"The basic underpinnings of these organizations is they are rooted in religion, which is combined with a paramilitary, survivalists, or anarchists operational approach.

"Currently, Klan groups are on the decline while more Hitler-inspired groups, like the National Alliance and the Church of the Creator, are growing in numbers and influence.

"Swastikas and Uzis are replacing hoods and crosses.

"Some 150,000 to 200,000 people subscribe to racist publications, attend their marches and rallies, and donate money.

"Approximately 100 hatelines are in operation, with recorded messages that propagandize the caller with hate-motivated speeches and publicize upcoming meetings and rallies.

"Because of their increasingly sophisticated use of the media and electronic technology, there are 150 independent racist radio and television shows that air weekly and reach hundreds of thousands of sympathizers."
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