White Supremacy Terror in America

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The democrats push the "White Supremacy" myth because they have to hide the fact that in the cities they control.....Chicago, Baltimore, D.C., St. Louis.....Black democrats are murdering each other in vast numbers.....because of decades of democrat party control of those cities........their democrat party policies have destroyed the Black family, driven out jobs and businesses, and created fertile ground for fatherless boys to join criminal gangs.......

Have to hide that, because if that ever comes to be known as the real problem? The democrat party is over.

Hate crimes increased 17% during Herr Trump's first year in office, and his ignorance, arrogance, and indifference since then have done nothing to reverse that trend.

Violent white supremacy is on the rise. Here’s how we stop it. – J.

"While the shooting in Pittsburgh — the deadliest anti-Semitic attack in American history — was shocking, it did not surprise those of us who spend most of our waking hours tracking hate, because we know hate, online and off, can move extremists to violence.

"In the years prior to the shooting in Pittsburgh, the team of researchers I lead witnessed and documented a resurgence of white supremacy.

"This was evident in the record number of propaganda distributions nationwide and in countless online spaces, where violence is glorified and hate is half-masked in 'ironic' memes.

"Even as we saw the evidence building, we hoped the worst was behind us."

Trump's impeachment is the first sign the worst is behind us.

1. Bullshit. There has been no rise in violence.

2. How many white supremacists are there? How many has that number increased by? Estimates are ok.

3. Where and when is that photo from? I have never seen such a large nazi rally reported. Was that a movie? Are those actors?

4. You are an asshole.
1. Bullshit. There has been no rise in violence.

2. How many white supremacists are there? How many has that number increased by? Estimates are ok.
White supremacy is baked into the US.
It is a founding principle, and the implicit racial bias of many white Americans today is obvious to anyone willing to look:



"Most white Americans demonstrate bias against blacks, even if they're not aware of or able to control it.

"It's a surprisingly little-discussed factor in the anguishing debates over race and law enforcement that followed the shootings of unarmed black men by white police officers.

"Such implicit biases -- which, if they were to influence split-second law enforcement decisions, could have life or death consequences -- are measured by psychological tests, most prominently the computerized Implicit Association Test, which has been taken by over two million people online at the website Project Implicit."

The trans national slave trade was created by Africans and Euorpeans you moron.....and the indians here also had slavery before the Europeans ever arrived.....our Constitution is the first time that all men were recognized as being created equal, you dope.....racism was ended here...it is twits like you who fight to keep it alive.

You say our Constitution is the first time that all men were recognized as being created equal etc. but they certainly mind Blacks not being equal, did they?

"DEC. 19, 2019

"This Is America

"Eleven years after Obama’s election, and three years into the Trump presidency, the threat of domestic terrorism can’t be ignored."

There are an estimated 148 white-nationalist "hate groups" in this country. Although exact membership is impossible to calculate, their propensity for violence is equally impossible to ignore.

A Year Inside a Growing American Terrorist Movement

"White supremacists were responsible for the deaths of at least 39 people in 2018 alone.

"And the activity has not slowed this year: not in January, as neo-Nazis plastered flyers outside newspaper offices and homes in Washington State and the Carolinas and an army veteran pleaded guilty to killing a black man in New York to 'ignite a racial war';

"in February, as Vermont synagogues and LGBT centers were vandalized and a self-described white-nationalist Coast Guard lieutenant was arrested for plotting a domestic terror attack;

"in March, as WELCOME TO GERMANY and GAS THE JEWS were spray-painted outside Oklahoma City Democratic Party and Chickasaw Nation offices and, on the Upper East Side, classmates handed their school’s only black ninth-grader a note reading 'n—–s don’t have rights';

"in April, as a shooting at a synagogue left one dead and three injured and FBI Director Christopher Wray called white supremacy a 'persistent, pervasive' threat to the country;

"in May, as swastikas fell from the sky — on flyers dropped by drones outside an Ariana Grande concert — and were scrawled on public spaces in at least three states;

"in June, as far-right groups rallied in Portland, Oregon, for the first time that summer;

"in July, as a man promoted a white-power manifesto on Instagram before killing three and wounding 17 others at the Gilroy Garlic Festival in California;

"in August, as another angry young man — this one 1,000 miles away in El Paso, Texas — posted an anti-immigrant manifesto online then committed this year’s most deadly mass shooting, killing 22 and injuring 24 at a Walmart;

"in September, as the Department of Homeland Security added white-supremacist extremism to its list of priority threats, the same month a swastika appeared on its walls; in October, as swastikas also appeared on Cape Cod and invitations to a white-supremacist..."

Too much MAGA?
The Dems uses their Klan to frighten Black Voters before every election
he Dems uses their Klan to frighten Black Voters before every election
Not in Georgia

"In the weeks leading up to the 2018 midterms, no state has attracted as much attention as Georgia, where allegations of voter suppression — coupled with the potentially historic gubernatorial campaign of Democrat Stacey Abrams — have prompted several lawsuits, fueled accusations of election rigging, and placed a spotlight squarely on voting systems in the state."

Georgia, 2018’s most prominent voting rights battleground, explained

If more Americans cast Democrat ballots across the country, why would Dems try to diminish their turnout?
aaaand ya got nuttin
aaaand ya got nuttin
What Trump got
The democrats push the "White Supremacy" myth because they have to hide the fact that in the cities they control.....Chicago, Baltimore, D.C., St. Louis.....Black democrats are murdering each other in vast numbers.....because of decades of democrat party control of those cities........their democrat party policies have destroyed the Black family, driven out jobs and businesses, and created fertile ground for fatherless boys to join criminal gangs.......

Have to hide that, because if that ever comes to be known as the real problem? The democrat party is over.

Hate crimes increased 17% during Herr Trump's first year in office, and his ignorance, arrogance, and indifference since then have done nothing to reverse that trend.

Violent white supremacy is on the rise. Here’s how we stop it. – J.

"While the shooting in Pittsburgh — the deadliest anti-Semitic attack in American history — was shocking, it did not surprise those of us who spend most of our waking hours tracking hate, because we know hate, online and off, can move extremists to violence.

"In the years prior to the shooting in Pittsburgh, the team of researchers I lead witnessed and documented a resurgence of white supremacy.

"This was evident in the record number of propaganda distributions nationwide and in countless online spaces, where violence is glorified and hate is half-masked in 'ironic' memes.

"Even as we saw the evidence building, we hoped the worst was behind us."

Trump's impeachment is the first sign the worst is behind us.

1. Bullshit. There has been no rise in violence.

2. How many white supremacists are there? How many has that number increased by? Estimates are ok.

3. Where and when is that photo from? I have never seen such a large nazi rally reported. Was that a movie? Are those actors?

4. You are an asshole.
1. Bullshit. There has been no rise in violence.

2. How many white supremacists are there? How many has that number increased by? Estimates are ok.
White supremacy is baked into the US.
It is a founding principle, and the implicit racial bias of many white Americans today is obvious to anyone willing to look:



"Most white Americans demonstrate bias against blacks, even if they're not aware of or able to control it.

"It's a surprisingly little-discussed factor in the anguishing debates over race and law enforcement that followed the shootings of unarmed black men by white police officers.

"Such implicit biases -- which, if they were to influence split-second law enforcement decisions, could have life or death consequences -- are measured by psychological tests, most prominently the computerized Implicit Association Test, which has been taken by over two million people online at the website Project Implicit."

I challenge you to tell me how many more white supremacist there are, and you start talking shit about unconscious bias.

That is because, on some level, you know that your claims are bullshit and that there is no rise in white supremacy and that if you are honest about the low numbers of them, that people will realize that you are just spouting bullshit.
That is because, on some level, you know that your claims are bullshit and that there is no rise in white supremacy and that if you are honest about the low numbers of them, that people will realize that you are just spouting bullshit.
How low are the numbers, Nitwit?

New Hate and Old: The Changing Face of American White Supremacy
  • Modern white supremacist ideology is centered on the assertion that the white race is in danger of extinction, drowned by a rising tide of non-white people who are controlled and manipulated by Jews. White supremacists believe that almost any action is justified if it will help 'save' the white race.
  • "The white supremacist resurgence is driven in large part by the rise of the alt right, the newest segment of the white supremacist movement.

  • "Youth-oriented and overwhelmingly male, the alt right has provided new energy to the movement, but has also been a destabilizing force, much as racist skinheads were to the movement in the 1980s and early 1990s.
"Though aspects of the alt right date back to 2008, it was Donald Trump’s entry in 2015 into the 2016 presidential race that really energized the alt right and caused it to become highly active in support of Trump.

"This activism drew media attention that provided publicity for the alt right and allowed it to grow further.

"The alt right interpreted Trump’s success at the polls in November 2016 as a success for their own movement as well.

"Violence and crime represent the most serious problems emanating from the white supremacist movement.

"White supremacists have killed more people in recent years than any other type of domestic extremist (54% of all domestic extremist-related murders in the past 10 years).

"They are also a troubling source of domestic terror incidents (including 13 plots or attacks within the past five years)."

That is so great writing there. The entry of Trump into the presidential race, caused the "alt right" to become highly active in support of Trump?

LOL!!!! I challenge you for some serious estimates on how many more white supremacist there are now, and instead you make vague claims conflating the alt right with white supremacy.

That is a fail for you, on so many levels, that I can't be bothered to cover them all.

Know that this is not even the most important way that your statement was stupid and wrong, just the one that was most immediately annoying to me.

1. By the act of responding to a demand for real information, you making a dishonest attempt to conflate two vague groups with highly uncertain overlapp, is you DEMONSTRATING your utter inability to produce such information, because you don't have it and refuse to admit it, because you are wedded to your panic mongering.
The democrats push the "White Supremacy" myth because they have to hide the fact that in the cities they control.....Chicago, Baltimore, D.C., St. Louis.....Black democrats are murdering each other in vast numbers.....because of decades of democrat party control of those cities........their democrat party policies have destroyed the Black family, driven out jobs and businesses, and created fertile ground for fatherless boys to join criminal gangs.......

Have to hide that, because if that ever comes to be known as the real problem? The democrat party is over.

Hate crimes increased 17% during Herr Trump's first year in office, and his ignorance, arrogance, and indifference since then have done nothing to reverse that trend.

Violent white supremacy is on the rise. Here’s how we stop it. – J.

"While the shooting in Pittsburgh — the deadliest anti-Semitic attack in American history — was shocking, it did not surprise those of us who spend most of our waking hours tracking hate, because we know hate, online and off, can move extremists to violence.

"In the years prior to the shooting in Pittsburgh, the team of researchers I lead witnessed and documented a resurgence of white supremacy.

"This was evident in the record number of propaganda distributions nationwide and in countless online spaces, where violence is glorified and hate is half-masked in 'ironic' memes.

"Even as we saw the evidence building, we hoped the worst was behind us."

Trump's impeachment is the first sign the worst is behind us.

1. Bullshit. There has been no rise in violence.

2. How many white supremacists are there? How many has that number increased by? Estimates are ok.

3. Where and when is that photo from? I have never seen such a large nazi rally reported. Was that a movie? Are those actors?

4. You are an asshole.
1. Bullshit. There has been no rise in violence.

2. How many white supremacists are there? How many has that number increased by? Estimates are ok.
White supremacy is baked into the US.
It is a founding principle, and the implicit racial bias of many white Americans today is obvious to anyone willing to look:



"Most white Americans demonstrate bias against blacks, even if they're not aware of or able to control it.

"It's a surprisingly little-discussed factor in the anguishing debates over race and law enforcement that followed the shootings of unarmed black men by white police officers.

"Such implicit biases -- which, if they were to influence split-second law enforcement decisions, could have life or death consequences -- are measured by psychological tests, most prominently the computerized Implicit Association Test, which has been taken by over two million people online at the website Project Implicit."

The trans national slave trade was created by Africans and Euorpeans you moron.....and the indians here also had slavery before the Europeans ever arrived.....our Constitution is the first time that all men were recognized as being created equal, you dope.....racism was ended here...it is twits like you who fight to keep it alive.

You say our Constitution is the first time that all men were recognized as being created equal etc. but they certainly mind Blacks not being equal, did they?

What part of all men created equal, did you not understand?
Looks more like socialist europe to me
Socialist Europe looks considerably less racist than parts of the US to me.

This map shows what white Europeans associate with race – and it makes for uncomfortable reading

"This new map shows how easily white Europeans associate black faces with negative ideas.

"Since 2002, hundreds of thousands of people around the world have logged onto a website run by Harvard University called Project Implicit and taken an 'implicit association test' (IAT), a rapid-response task which measures how easily you can pair items from different categories."

The Europeans murdered 6 million Jews, and another 6 million people including the handicapped, gypsies, gays....so.....you really don't have an argument there...
Neither do you

The American Indian Holocaust, known as the “500 year war” and the World’s Longest Holocaust In The History Of Mankind - DeWereldMorgen.be

It wasn't a holocaust you moron..... lack of immunity to disease isn't murder...you moron.
It wasn't a holocaust you moron..... lack of immunity to disease isn't murder...you moron.
Holocaust Museum Houston

"When European settlers arrived in the Americas, historians estimate there were over 10 million Native Americans living there. By 1900, their estimated population was under 300,000."

Does that sound like genocide to you?
When you elect terrorists as your leaders you get this.
Explains what's happening here in the US.
You compared Hamas to our leaders? You’re a fruitcake. I suggest educating yourself as you sound stupid.
You compared Hamas to our leaders? You’re a fruitcake. I suggest educating yourself as you sound stupid.
How many innocent Muslims have "our leaders" killed since Hamas was founded, Brain-fart?
Zero. Just like your IQ.

Hate crimes increased 17% during Herr Trump's first year in office, and his ignorance, arrogance, and indifference since then have done nothing to reverse that trend.

Violent white supremacy is on the rise. Here’s how we stop it. – J.

"While the shooting in Pittsburgh — the deadliest anti-Semitic attack in American history — was shocking, it did not surprise those of us who spend most of our waking hours tracking hate, because we know hate, online and off, can move extremists to violence.

"In the years prior to the shooting in Pittsburgh, the team of researchers I lead witnessed and documented a resurgence of white supremacy.

"This was evident in the record number of propaganda distributions nationwide and in countless online spaces, where violence is glorified and hate is half-masked in 'ironic' memes.

"Even as we saw the evidence building, we hoped the worst was behind us."

Trump's impeachment is the first sign the worst is behind us.

1. Bullshit. There has been no rise in violence.

2. How many white supremacists are there? How many has that number increased by? Estimates are ok.

3. Where and when is that photo from? I have never seen such a large nazi rally reported. Was that a movie? Are those actors?

4. You are an asshole.
1. Bullshit. There has been no rise in violence.

2. How many white supremacists are there? How many has that number increased by? Estimates are ok.
White supremacy is baked into the US.
It is a founding principle, and the implicit racial bias of many white Americans today is obvious to anyone willing to look:



"Most white Americans demonstrate bias against blacks, even if they're not aware of or able to control it.

"It's a surprisingly little-discussed factor in the anguishing debates over race and law enforcement that followed the shootings of unarmed black men by white police officers.

"Such implicit biases -- which, if they were to influence split-second law enforcement decisions, could have life or death consequences -- are measured by psychological tests, most prominently the computerized Implicit Association Test, which has been taken by over two million people online at the website Project Implicit."

I challenge you to tell me how many more white supremacist there are, and you start talking shit about unconscious bias.

That is because, on some level, you know that your claims are bullshit and that there is no rise in white supremacy and that if you are honest about the low numbers of them, that people will realize that you are just spouting bullshit.
That is because, on some level, you know that your claims are bullshit and that there is no rise in white supremacy and that if you are honest about the low numbers of them, that people will realize that you are just spouting bullshit.
How low are the numbers, Nitwit?

New Hate and Old: The Changing Face of American White Supremacy
  • Modern white supremacist ideology is centered on the assertion that the white race is in danger of extinction, drowned by a rising tide of non-white people who are controlled and manipulated by Jews. White supremacists believe that almost any action is justified if it will help 'save' the white race.
  • "The white supremacist resurgence is driven in large part by the rise of the alt right, the newest segment of the white supremacist movement.

  • "Youth-oriented and overwhelmingly male, the alt right has provided new energy to the movement, but has also been a destabilizing force, much as racist skinheads were to the movement in the 1980s and early 1990s.
"Though aspects of the alt right date back to 2008, it was Donald Trump’s entry in 2015 into the 2016 presidential race that really energized the alt right and caused it to become highly active in support of Trump.

"This activism drew media attention that provided publicity for the alt right and allowed it to grow further.

"The alt right interpreted Trump’s success at the polls in November 2016 as a success for their own movement as well.

"Violence and crime represent the most serious problems emanating from the white supremacist movement.

"White supremacists have killed more people in recent years than any other type of domestic extremist (54% of all domestic extremist-related murders in the past 10 years).

"They are also a troubling source of domestic terror incidents (including 13 plots or attacks within the past five years)."

That is so great writing there. The entry of Trump into the presidential race, caused the "alt right" to become highly active in support of Trump?

LOL!!!! I challenge you for some serious estimates on how many more white supremacist there are now, and instead you make vague claims conflating the alt right with white supremacy.

That is a fail for you, on so many levels, that I can't be bothered to cover them all.

Know that this is not even the most important way that your statement was stupid and wrong, just the one that was most immediately annoying to me.

1. By the act of responding to a demand for real information, you making a dishonest attempt to conflate two vague groups with highly uncertain overlapp, is you DEMONSTRATING your utter inability to produce such information, because you don't have it and refuse to admit it, because you are wedded to your panic mongering.
Stand up for hate.

Hate Map

Percentage increase in total white nationalist groups in 2018"

Hate crimes increased 17% during Herr Trump's first year in office, and his ignorance, arrogance, and indifference since then have done nothing to reverse that trend.

Violent white supremacy is on the rise. Here’s how we stop it. – J.

"While the shooting in Pittsburgh — the deadliest anti-Semitic attack in American history — was shocking, it did not surprise those of us who spend most of our waking hours tracking hate, because we know hate, online and off, can move extremists to violence.

"In the years prior to the shooting in Pittsburgh, the team of researchers I lead witnessed and documented a resurgence of white supremacy.

"This was evident in the record number of propaganda distributions nationwide and in countless online spaces, where violence is glorified and hate is half-masked in 'ironic' memes.

"Even as we saw the evidence building, we hoped the worst was behind us."

Trump's impeachment is the first sign the worst is behind us.

1. Bullshit. There has been no rise in violence.

2. How many white supremacists are there? How many has that number increased by? Estimates are ok.

3. Where and when is that photo from? I have never seen such a large nazi rally reported. Was that a movie? Are those actors?

4. You are an asshole.
1. Bullshit. There has been no rise in violence.

2. How many white supremacists are there? How many has that number increased by? Estimates are ok.
White supremacy is baked into the US.
It is a founding principle, and the implicit racial bias of many white Americans today is obvious to anyone willing to look:



"Most white Americans demonstrate bias against blacks, even if they're not aware of or able to control it.

"It's a surprisingly little-discussed factor in the anguishing debates over race and law enforcement that followed the shootings of unarmed black men by white police officers.

"Such implicit biases -- which, if they were to influence split-second law enforcement decisions, could have life or death consequences -- are measured by psychological tests, most prominently the computerized Implicit Association Test, which has been taken by over two million people online at the website Project Implicit."

The trans national slave trade was created by Africans and Euorpeans you moron.....and the indians here also had slavery before the Europeans ever arrived.....our Constitution is the first time that all men were recognized as being created equal, you dope.....racism was ended here...it is twits like you who fight to keep it alive.

You say our Constitution is the first time that all men were recognized as being created equal etc. but they certainly mind Blacks not being equal, did they?

What part of all men created equal, did you not understand?
What part of all men created equal, did you not understand?
The part where some men owned other men as personal property:

The Congo of America: The Slave Trade of Washington, D.C.

"The building of Washington required the importation of so many highly skilled Black craftsmen, that the District became known as 'the Congo of America.'

"And as they toiled to erect the home of their oppressors, including the Capitol—the seat of the most corrupt body of misleaders in the annals of time—could these Black builders have contemplated an Obama as the future head of such a government?"
When you elect terrorists as your leaders you get this.
Explains what's happening here in the US.
You compared Hamas to our leaders? You’re a fruitcake. I suggest educating yourself as you sound stupid.
You compared Hamas to our leaders? You’re a fruitcake. I suggest educating yourself as you sound stupid.
How many innocent Muslims have "our leaders" killed since Hamas was founded, Brain-fart?
Zero. Just like your IQ.
You never answered why you care about Israel only. You were proven wrong about your Genocide claim. You have no life. You real name is Hakim.


"DEC. 19, 2019

"This Is America

"Eleven years after Obama’s election, and three years into the Trump presidency, the threat of domestic terrorism can’t be ignored."

There are an estimated 148 white-nationalist "hate groups" in this country. Although exact membership is impossible to calculate, their propensity for violence is equally impossible to ignore.

A Year Inside a Growing American Terrorist Movement

"White supremacists were responsible for the deaths of at least 39 people in 2018 alone.

"And the activity has not slowed this year: not in January, as neo-Nazis plastered flyers outside newspaper offices and homes in Washington State and the Carolinas and an army veteran pleaded guilty to killing a black man in New York to 'ignite a racial war';

"in February, as Vermont synagogues and LGBT centers were vandalized and a self-described white-nationalist Coast Guard lieutenant was arrested for plotting a domestic terror attack;

"in March, as WELCOME TO GERMANY and GAS THE JEWS were spray-painted outside Oklahoma City Democratic Party and Chickasaw Nation offices and, on the Upper East Side, classmates handed their school’s only black ninth-grader a note reading 'n—–s don’t have rights';

"in April, as a shooting at a synagogue left one dead and three injured and FBI Director Christopher Wray called white supremacy a 'persistent, pervasive' threat to the country;

"in May, as swastikas fell from the sky — on flyers dropped by drones outside an Ariana Grande concert — and were scrawled on public spaces in at least three states;

"in June, as far-right groups rallied in Portland, Oregon, for the first time that summer;

"in July, as a man promoted a white-power manifesto on Instagram before killing three and wounding 17 others at the Gilroy Garlic Festival in California;

"in August, as another angry young man — this one 1,000 miles away in El Paso, Texas — posted an anti-immigrant manifesto online then committed this year’s most deadly mass shooting, killing 22 and injuring 24 at a Walmart;

"in September, as the Department of Homeland Security added white-supremacist extremism to its list of priority threats, the same month a swastika appeared on its walls; in October, as swastikas also appeared on Cape Cod and invitations to a white-supremacist..."

Too much MAGA?

There were 16,214 murders in the US in 2018, if your numbers are accurate, that's .0024% of all murders. I think the country has much bigger fish to fry.

....we've been over this a million times on USMB--it has not been proven Trump is a racist/etc--plain and simple..and don't try to link bullshit like many others have
....we've been over this a million times on USMB--it has not been proven Trump is a racist/etc--plain and simple..and don't try to link bullshit like many others have
How do you explain the fact the first time his name appeared in the New York Times it was as a defendant in a racial discrimination lawsuit?
..it's like the POTUS being a defendant in a war atrocity because he's the CIC
..it's like the POTUS being a defendant in a war atrocity because he's the CIC
It's more like the POTUS ordering war atrocities...

Racial views of Donald Trump - Wikipedia

"In 1973 the U.S. Department of Justice sued Trump Management, Donald Trump and his father Fred, for discrimination against African Americans in their renting practices..."

"A settlement was reached in 1975 where Trump agreed to familiarize himself with the Fair Housing Act, take out ads stating that Black renters were welcome, give a list of vacancies to the Urban League on a weekly basis, and allow the Urban League to present qualified candidates for 20% of vacancies in properties that were less than 10% non-White.[39][40]

"Elyse Goldweber, the Justice Department lawyer tasked with taking Trump's deposition, has stated that during a coffee break Trump said to her directly, 'You know, you don’t want to live with them either.'[10]"

What is it with you people and lying?
It was Trump's father who was sued, and it was his Jewish renters who refused to let blacks into the buildings.
Donald and his father were sued, and their renters would not determine who was allowed to live in Trump buildings:

Racial views of Donald Trump - Wikipedia

"In 1973 the U.S. Department of Justice sued Trump Management, Donald Trump and his father Fred, for discrimination against African Americans in their renting practices..."

"A settlement was reached in 1975 where Trump agreed to familiarize himself with the Fair Housing Act, take out ads stating that Black renters were welcome, give a list of vacancies to the Urban League on a weekly basis, and allow the Urban League to present qualified candidates for 20% of vacancies in properties that were less than 10% non-White.[39][40]

"Elyse Goldweber, the Justice Department lawyer tasked with taking Trump's deposition, has stated that during a coffee break Trump said to her directly, 'You know, you don’t want to live with them either.'[10]"
You do realize Donald Trump was only 28 years old at that time.
It was his Jewish renters who didn't want to let blacks into the buildings. In Palm Beach and Miami they didn't want blacks in their fancy clubs either. Donald Trump broke with their traditions and let people in his club regardless of their skin color. I bet that really pissed some of them off. He also pissed off a group of NY Jews when he refused to pay an architect overseer of one of his projects who bid the job and then went cost plus without express written approval. As a contractor I always had to have express approval before making cost plus additions to any written contract I had. That is standard operating procedures in the contracting business. If you don't do that you take a chance on losing bigly. I also checked out the eminent domain case that was being passed around to try to discourage people from voting for Donald Trump. It was concerning an older woman where a casino had been slated to be built. Now that one kind of bothered me as I think these greedy developers and city managers using eminent domain can be abused severely but that is where people need to keep their local politics and bureaucrats in check and on a tight leash.

I can see the point on your posts about what is transpiring with innocents in Palestine by radical Jews and radical Israelis but it also appears as those many of the Palis have been made a permanent victims class by certain Jews and Muslims but not all. The ones who have war in their hearts get the innocent ones killed and maimed.

Truth doesn't actually bode well with people with agendas but this statement isn't necessarily racist, My boss took Fred’s, and I got to take Donald’s. He was exactly the way he is today. He said to me at one point during a coffee break, “You know, you don’t want to live with them either.” Without having the full text of that conversation I personally would be leery about accusing someone of being a racist.

Working people into a fire storm isn't going to prove fruitful. It will only get innocent people hurt. I believe that there are much more productive things that could be done that may possibly help people in situations like those in Palestine if planned out properly.

"DEC. 19, 2019

"This Is America

"Eleven years after Obama’s election, and three years into the Trump presidency, the threat of domestic terrorism can’t be ignored."

There are an estimated 148 white-nationalist "hate groups" in this country. Although exact membership is impossible to calculate, their propensity for violence is equally impossible to ignore.

A Year Inside a Growing American Terrorist Movement

"White supremacists were responsible for the deaths of at least 39 people in 2018 alone.

"And the activity has not slowed this year: not in January, as neo-Nazis plastered flyers outside newspaper offices and homes in Washington State and the Carolinas and an army veteran pleaded guilty to killing a black man in New York to 'ignite a racial war';

"in February, as Vermont synagogues and LGBT centers were vandalized and a self-described white-nationalist Coast Guard lieutenant was arrested for plotting a domestic terror attack;

"in March, as WELCOME TO GERMANY and GAS THE JEWS were spray-painted outside Oklahoma City Democratic Party and Chickasaw Nation offices and, on the Upper East Side, classmates handed their school’s only black ninth-grader a note reading 'n—–s don’t have rights';

"in April, as a shooting at a synagogue left one dead and three injured and FBI Director Christopher Wray called white supremacy a 'persistent, pervasive' threat to the country;

"in May, as swastikas fell from the sky — on flyers dropped by drones outside an Ariana Grande concert — and were scrawled on public spaces in at least three states;

"in June, as far-right groups rallied in Portland, Oregon, for the first time that summer;

"in July, as a man promoted a white-power manifesto on Instagram before killing three and wounding 17 others at the Gilroy Garlic Festival in California;

"in August, as another angry young man — this one 1,000 miles away in El Paso, Texas — posted an anti-immigrant manifesto online then committed this year’s most deadly mass shooting, killing 22 and injuring 24 at a Walmart;

"in September, as the Department of Homeland Security added white-supremacist extremism to its list of priority threats, the same month a swastika appeared on its walls; in October, as swastikas also appeared on Cape Cod and invitations to a white-supremacist..."

Too much MAGA?

There are no elected "white supremacists" .....it is simply one more hoax designed to have simpletons vote Democrat.

Or....let's see some examples of any American leaders, white, black, yellow....who demand "control over people of other races"

There are none.
QED....there is no such thing as "white supremacists."

The real reason the Democrat push this bogus view is that without the black vote, they would never win a national election.....and, if it causes division and violence...that Party couldn't care less.

"Syracuse Chancellor: White Supremacist Manifesto ‘Probably a Hoax’

Posted by Mary Chastain Thursday, November 21, 2019 at 3:00pm

“To date, law enforcement has not been able to locate a single individual who directly received an AirDrop.”

Earlier this week, Syracuse University police investigated reports of a white supremacist manifesto appeared on an online forum and distributed to students via AirDrop on their phones at the library.

Chancellor Kent Syverud announced today “the rumor was probably a hoax.”

From Syracuse.com:

“To date, law enforcement has not been able to locate a single individual who directly received an AirDrop. Not one,” Syverud said. “It was apparent that this rumor was probably a hoax, but that reality was not communicated clearly and rapidly enough to get ahead of escalating anxiety.”

He said law enforcement had not identified anyone responsible for the spreading of the manifesto, connected to mosque shootings in New Zealand earlier this year."
Syracuse Chancellor: White Supremacist Manifesto 'Probably a Hoax'
A Timeline of Steve King’s Racist Remarks and Divisive Actions

This guy isn't an elected official?

And bill, the rapist, clinton.......friend and student of the worst racists of the democrat party...

Selective Moral Outrage | National Review

n Tuesday, October 22, 2002, Bill Clinton traveled to Fayetteville, Arkansas to honor the life of the late Arkansas senator, J. William Fulbright by dedicating a seven-foot-tall bronze statue of the man.

#ad#According to the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, “The $100,000 sculpture is the final [expenditure] of an $850,000 fundraising campaign for a project to honor Fulbright. The $750,000 fountain was dedicated October 24, 1998.”

Among other things, Clinton said, “If [Fulbright] were here today, I’m sure he would caution us not to be too utopian in our expectations, but rather utopian in our values and vision.”

And back on May 5, 1993, in what the Washington Post characterized as a “… moving 88th birthday ceremony for former senator William Fulbright, President Clinton last night bestowed the Presidential Medal of Freedom on the man he described as a visionary humanitarian, a steadfast supporter of the values of education, and ‘my mentor.’” Clinton added, “It doesn’t take long to live a life. He made the best of his, and helped us to have a better chance to make the best of ours.…The American political system produced this remarkable man, and my state did, and I’m real proud of it.”

Of course, the man Clinton was praising, who he called his “mentor,” who supposedly embraced utopian values and made the world a better place for everyone, was also a rabid segregationist.

In 1956, Fulbright was one of 19 senators who issued a statement entitled the “Southern Manifesto.” This document condemned the 1954 U.S. Supreme Court decision in Brown v. Board of Education. Its signers stated, among other things, that “We commend the motives of those States which have declared the intention to resist forced integration by any lawful means.” They stated further, “We pledge ourselves to use all lawful means to bring about reversal of this decision which is contrary to the Constitution and to prevent the use of force in its implementation.”

He is also good friend to al sharpton.....and other racists...

obama....good friend to al sharpton, louis farakhan, jeremiah wright......
I think Fulbright was also the one who got Clinton out of the UK one step ahead of a rape charge at Oxford.
Looks more like socialist europe to me
Socialist Europe looks considerably less racist than parts of the US to me.

This map shows what white Europeans associate with race – and it makes for uncomfortable reading

"This new map shows how easily white Europeans associate black faces with negative ideas.

"Since 2002, hundreds of thousands of people around the world have logged onto a website run by Harvard University called Project Implicit and taken an 'implicit association test' (IAT), a rapid-response task which measures how easily you can pair items from different categories."

The Europeans murdered 6 million Jews, and another 6 million people including the handicapped, gypsies, gays....so.....you really don't have an argument there...
Neither do you

The American Indian Holocaust, known as the “500 year war” and the World’s Longest Holocaust In The History Of Mankind - DeWereldMorgen.be

It wasn't a holocaust you moron..... lack of immunity to disease isn't murder...you moron.
It wasn't a holocaust you moron..... lack of immunity to disease isn't murder...you moron.
Holocaust Museum Houston

"When European settlers arrived in the Americas, historians estimate there were over 10 million Native Americans living there. By 1900, their estimated population was under 300,000."

Does that sound like genocide to you?

Sounds like what happens when you introduce a host of new diseases to a virgin population.

don't blame me for what a bunch of germs do.
Explains what's happening here in the US.
You compared Hamas to our leaders? You’re a fruitcake. I suggest educating yourself as you sound stupid.
You compared Hamas to our leaders? You’re a fruitcake. I suggest educating yourself as you sound stupid.
How many innocent Muslims have "our leaders" killed since Hamas was founded, Brain-fart?
Zero. Just like your IQ.
You never answered why you care about Israel only. You were proven wrong about your Genocide claim. You have no life. You real name is Hakim.

View attachment 296672
You never answered why you care about Israel only. You were proven wrong about your Genocide claim. You have no life. You real name is Hakim.
Your racist state is a cancer on humanity; why don't you go there to die slowly?

How The Israeli-Zionist Lobby Exerts Control Over Politicians – Veterans Today | Military Foreign Affairs Policy Journal for Clandestine Services
1. Bullshit. There has been no rise in violence.

2. How many white supremacists are there? How many has that number increased by? Estimates are ok.

3. Where and when is that photo from? I have never seen such a large nazi rally reported. Was that a movie? Are those actors?

4. You are an asshole.
1. Bullshit. There has been no rise in violence.

2. How many white supremacists are there? How many has that number increased by? Estimates are ok.
White supremacy is baked into the US.
It is a founding principle, and the implicit racial bias of many white Americans today is obvious to anyone willing to look:



"Most white Americans demonstrate bias against blacks, even if they're not aware of or able to control it.

"It's a surprisingly little-discussed factor in the anguishing debates over race and law enforcement that followed the shootings of unarmed black men by white police officers.

"Such implicit biases -- which, if they were to influence split-second law enforcement decisions, could have life or death consequences -- are measured by psychological tests, most prominently the computerized Implicit Association Test, which has been taken by over two million people online at the website Project Implicit."

I challenge you to tell me how many more white supremacist there are, and you start talking shit about unconscious bias.

That is because, on some level, you know that your claims are bullshit and that there is no rise in white supremacy and that if you are honest about the low numbers of them, that people will realize that you are just spouting bullshit.
That is because, on some level, you know that your claims are bullshit and that there is no rise in white supremacy and that if you are honest about the low numbers of them, that people will realize that you are just spouting bullshit.
How low are the numbers, Nitwit?

New Hate and Old: The Changing Face of American White Supremacy
  • Modern white supremacist ideology is centered on the assertion that the white race is in danger of extinction, drowned by a rising tide of non-white people who are controlled and manipulated by Jews. White supremacists believe that almost any action is justified if it will help 'save' the white race.
  • "The white supremacist resurgence is driven in large part by the rise of the alt right, the newest segment of the white supremacist movement.

  • "Youth-oriented and overwhelmingly male, the alt right has provided new energy to the movement, but has also been a destabilizing force, much as racist skinheads were to the movement in the 1980s and early 1990s.
"Though aspects of the alt right date back to 2008, it was Donald Trump’s entry in 2015 into the 2016 presidential race that really energized the alt right and caused it to become highly active in support of Trump.

"This activism drew media attention that provided publicity for the alt right and allowed it to grow further.

"The alt right interpreted Trump’s success at the polls in November 2016 as a success for their own movement as well.

"Violence and crime represent the most serious problems emanating from the white supremacist movement.

"White supremacists have killed more people in recent years than any other type of domestic extremist (54% of all domestic extremist-related murders in the past 10 years).

"They are also a troubling source of domestic terror incidents (including 13 plots or attacks within the past five years)."

That is so great writing there. The entry of Trump into the presidential race, caused the "alt right" to become highly active in support of Trump?

LOL!!!! I challenge you for some serious estimates on how many more white supremacist there are now, and instead you make vague claims conflating the alt right with white supremacy.

That is a fail for you, on so many levels, that I can't be bothered to cover them all.

Know that this is not even the most important way that your statement was stupid and wrong, just the one that was most immediately annoying to me.

1. By the act of responding to a demand for real information, you making a dishonest attempt to conflate two vague groups with highly uncertain overlapp, is you DEMONSTRATING your utter inability to produce such information, because you don't have it and refuse to admit it, because you are wedded to your panic mongering.
Stand up for hate.

Hate Map

Percentage increase in total white nationalist groups in 2018"

and you fail again. did you even look for the information on actual numbers, or did you know that it was not there, and did not even bother?

"DEC. 19, 2019

"This Is America

"Eleven years after Obama’s election, and three years into the Trump presidency, the threat of domestic terrorism can’t be ignored."

There are an estimated 148 white-nationalist "hate groups" in this country. Although exact membership is impossible to calculate, their propensity for violence is equally impossible to ignore.

A Year Inside a Growing American Terrorist Movement

"White supremacists were responsible for the deaths of at least 39 people in 2018 alone.

"And the activity has not slowed this year: not in January, as neo-Nazis plastered flyers outside newspaper offices and homes in Washington State and the Carolinas and an army veteran pleaded guilty to killing a black man in New York to 'ignite a racial war';

"in February, as Vermont synagogues and LGBT centers were vandalized and a self-described white-nationalist Coast Guard lieutenant was arrested for plotting a domestic terror attack;

"in March, as WELCOME TO GERMANY and GAS THE JEWS were spray-painted outside Oklahoma City Democratic Party and Chickasaw Nation offices and, on the Upper East Side, classmates handed their school’s only black ninth-grader a note reading 'n—–s don’t have rights';

"in April, as a shooting at a synagogue left one dead and three injured and FBI Director Christopher Wray called white supremacy a 'persistent, pervasive' threat to the country;

"in May, as swastikas fell from the sky — on flyers dropped by drones outside an Ariana Grande concert — and were scrawled on public spaces in at least three states;

"in June, as far-right groups rallied in Portland, Oregon, for the first time that summer;

"in July, as a man promoted a white-power manifesto on Instagram before killing three and wounding 17 others at the Gilroy Garlic Festival in California;

"in August, as another angry young man — this one 1,000 miles away in El Paso, Texas — posted an anti-immigrant manifesto online then committed this year’s most deadly mass shooting, killing 22 and injuring 24 at a Walmart;

"in September, as the Department of Homeland Security added white-supremacist extremism to its list of priority threats, the same month a swastika appeared on its walls; in October, as swastikas also appeared on Cape Cod and invitations to a white-supremacist..."

Too much MAGA?
Is there any evidence connecting white supremacism violence to Trump, or is this just more speculation and childish propaganda ? The stupidity and dishonesty of which, I'm not sure the peddlers or such are stupid enough to actually believe themselves, or would bother to if they took a breath for maybe more than one minute at a time, or actually read and / or comprehended any actual serious book on the subject or similar subjets intended for thinking men and thinking women (or at least those who read at more than a 6th grade reading level, and don't think that reading 1 poorly written book maybe once a year at most, likely checked out at the local library, as opposed to online libraries and ebooks, which are becoming the new default format among young people and those who haven't been living in a cave for the last one or two decades, is anything worth bragging about to begin with, contrasted with many of the articulate businessmen and women, such as in the Ted Talks, some of whom read a single, full length book every day of their lives...)
Is there any evidence connecting white supremacism violence to Trump, or is this just more speculation and childish propaganda ? The stupidity and dishonesty of which,
Trump's well-documented history of racial discrimination and his flagrant inability to distinguish between victims and perpetrators of racially motivated violence seem like enough evidence to indicate his connection to white supremacist domestic terrorism. Maybe Moscow Mitch'll take that up in his upcome Senate trial?
Trump is a history of racial discrimination?? Huh lol

"DEC. 19, 2019

"This Is America

"Eleven years after Obama’s election, and three years into the Trump presidency, the threat of domestic terrorism can’t be ignored."

There are an estimated 148 white-nationalist "hate groups" in this country. Although exact membership is impossible to calculate, their propensity for violence is equally impossible to ignore.

A Year Inside a Growing American Terrorist Movement

"White supremacists were responsible for the deaths of at least 39 people in 2018 alone.

"And the activity has not slowed this year: not in January, as neo-Nazis plastered flyers outside newspaper offices and homes in Washington State and the Carolinas and an army veteran pleaded guilty to killing a black man in New York to 'ignite a racial war';

"in February, as Vermont synagogues and LGBT centers were vandalized and a self-described white-nationalist Coast Guard lieutenant was arrested for plotting a domestic terror attack;

"in March, as WELCOME TO GERMANY and GAS THE JEWS were spray-painted outside Oklahoma City Democratic Party and Chickasaw Nation offices and, on the Upper East Side, classmates handed their school’s only black ninth-grader a note reading 'n—–s don’t have rights';

"in April, as a shooting at a synagogue left one dead and three injured and FBI Director Christopher Wray called white supremacy a 'persistent, pervasive' threat to the country;

"in May, as swastikas fell from the sky — on flyers dropped by drones outside an Ariana Grande concert — and were scrawled on public spaces in at least three states;

"in June, as far-right groups rallied in Portland, Oregon, for the first time that summer;

"in July, as a man promoted a white-power manifesto on Instagram before killing three and wounding 17 others at the Gilroy Garlic Festival in California;

"in August, as another angry young man — this one 1,000 miles away in El Paso, Texas — posted an anti-immigrant manifesto online then committed this year’s most deadly mass shooting, killing 22 and injuring 24 at a Walmart;

"in September, as the Department of Homeland Security added white-supremacist extremism to its list of priority threats, the same month a swastika appeared on its walls; in October, as swastikas also appeared on Cape Cod and invitations to a white-supremacist..."

Too much MAGA?

There were 16,214 murders in the US in 2018, if your numbers are accurate, that's .0024% of all murders. I think the country has much bigger fish to fry.

There were 16,214 murders in the US in 2018, if your numbers are accurate, that's .0024% of all murders. I think the country has much bigger fish to fry
Like an ignorant racist POS POTUS, for example:

A Year Inside a Growing American Terrorist Movement

"After a white supremacist killed 51 people in two New Zealand mosques in March, President Trump was asked if he thought the threat of white nationalism was on the rise. 'I don’t, really,' he responded. 'I think it’s a small group of people that have very, very serious problems.'

"Hate-crime statistics are notoriously difficult to calculate.

"Local and state law-enforcement agencies are not required to submit numbers to the FBI, laws defining hate crimes vary from state to state, and experts estimate that more than half of all hate crimes go unreported.

"According to the FBI, hate-crime violence hit a 16-year high in 2018 with the black, Jewish, Latino, and transgender communities being targeted more than ever and the nation’s largest cities seeing the most activity.

"The FBI’s 2019 numbers won’t be available until next November, but indications suggest they will continue to trend upward."
1. Bullshit. There has been no rise in violence.

2. How many white supremacists are there? How many has that number increased by? Estimates are ok.

3. Where and when is that photo from? I have never seen such a large nazi rally reported. Was that a movie? Are those actors?

4. You are an asshole.
1. Bullshit. There has been no rise in violence.

2. How many white supremacists are there? How many has that number increased by? Estimates are ok.
White supremacy is baked into the US.
It is a founding principle, and the implicit racial bias of many white Americans today is obvious to anyone willing to look:



"Most white Americans demonstrate bias against blacks, even if they're not aware of or able to control it.

"It's a surprisingly little-discussed factor in the anguishing debates over race and law enforcement that followed the shootings of unarmed black men by white police officers.

"Such implicit biases -- which, if they were to influence split-second law enforcement decisions, could have life or death consequences -- are measured by psychological tests, most prominently the computerized Implicit Association Test, which has been taken by over two million people online at the website Project Implicit."

The trans national slave trade was created by Africans and Euorpeans you moron.....and the indians here also had slavery before the Europeans ever arrived.....our Constitution is the first time that all men were recognized as being created equal, you dope.....racism was ended here...it is twits like you who fight to keep it alive.

You say our Constitution is the first time that all men were recognized as being created equal etc. but they certainly mind Blacks not being equal, did they?

What part of all men created equal, did you not understand?
What part of all men created equal, did you not understand?
The part where some men owned other men as personal property:

The Congo of America: The Slave Trade of Washington, D.C.

"The building of Washington required the importation of so many highly skilled Black craftsmen, that the District became known as 'the Congo of America.'

"And as they toiled to erect the home of their oppressors, including the Capitol—the seat of the most corrupt body of misleaders in the annals of time—could these Black builders have contemplated an Obama as the future head of such a government?"

So, let me get this right. You are pretending to not understand that men do not always live up to their principles?

No. I am not gong to coddle you, like you are a retarded baby and explain something like that to you. Knock that shit off.

"DEC. 19, 2019

"This Is America

"Eleven years after Obama’s election, and three years into the Trump presidency, the threat of domestic terrorism can’t be ignored."

There are an estimated 148 white-nationalist "hate groups" in this country. Although exact membership is impossible to calculate, their propensity for violence is equally impossible to ignore.

A Year Inside a Growing American Terrorist Movement

"White supremacists were responsible for the deaths of at least 39 people in 2018 alone.

"And the activity has not slowed this year: not in January, as neo-Nazis plastered flyers outside newspaper offices and homes in Washington State and the Carolinas and an army veteran pleaded guilty to killing a black man in New York to 'ignite a racial war';

"in February, as Vermont synagogues and LGBT centers were vandalized and a self-described white-nationalist Coast Guard lieutenant was arrested for plotting a domestic terror attack;

"in March, as WELCOME TO GERMANY and GAS THE JEWS were spray-painted outside Oklahoma City Democratic Party and Chickasaw Nation offices and, on the Upper East Side, classmates handed their school’s only black ninth-grader a note reading 'n—–s don’t have rights';

"in April, as a shooting at a synagogue left one dead and three injured and FBI Director Christopher Wray called white supremacy a 'persistent, pervasive' threat to the country;

"in May, as swastikas fell from the sky — on flyers dropped by drones outside an Ariana Grande concert — and were scrawled on public spaces in at least three states;

"in June, as far-right groups rallied in Portland, Oregon, for the first time that summer;

"in July, as a man promoted a white-power manifesto on Instagram before killing three and wounding 17 others at the Gilroy Garlic Festival in California;

"in August, as another angry young man — this one 1,000 miles away in El Paso, Texas — posted an anti-immigrant manifesto online then committed this year’s most deadly mass shooting, killing 22 and injuring 24 at a Walmart;

"in September, as the Department of Homeland Security added white-supremacist extremism to its list of priority threats, the same month a swastika appeared on its walls; in October, as swastikas also appeared on Cape Cod and invitations to a white-supremacist..."

Too much MAGA?

There were 16,214 murders in the US in 2018, if your numbers are accurate, that's .0024% of all murders. I think the country has much bigger fish to fry.

There were 16,214 murders in the US in 2018, if your numbers are accurate, that's .0024% of all murders. I think the country has much bigger fish to fry
Like an ignorant racist POS POTUS, for example:

A Year Inside a Growing American Terrorist Movement

"After a white supremacist killed 51 people in two New Zealand mosques in March, President Trump was asked if he thought the threat of white nationalism was on the rise. 'I don’t, really,' he responded. 'I think it’s a small group of people that have very, very serious problems.'

"Hate-crime statistics are notoriously difficult to calculate.

"Local and state law-enforcement agencies are not required to submit numbers to the FBI, laws defining hate crimes vary from state to state, and experts estimate that more than half of all hate crimes go unreported.

"According to the FBI, hate-crime violence hit a 16-year high in 2018 with the black, Jewish, Latino, and transgender communities being targeted more than ever and the nation’s largest cities seeing the most activity.

"The FBI’s 2019 numbers won’t be available until next November, but indications suggest they will continue to trend upward."

There are no such things as 'hate crimes.'

The word 'crime' needs no modifier.

A wise long-gone mayor of NYC said on the subject that if we are to use the term, simply apply it to any ....ANY....infraction by members of one race against any member of a different race.

OK with that?
Last edited:

"DEC. 19, 2019

"This Is America

"Eleven years after Obama’s election, and three years into the Trump presidency, the threat of domestic terrorism can’t be ignored."

There are an estimated 148 white-nationalist "hate groups" in this country. Although exact membership is impossible to calculate, their propensity for violence is equally impossible to ignore.

A Year Inside a Growing American Terrorist Movement

"White supremacists were responsible for the deaths of at least 39 people in 2018 alone.

"And the activity has not slowed this year: not in January, as neo-Nazis plastered flyers outside newspaper offices and homes in Washington State and the Carolinas and an army veteran pleaded guilty to killing a black man in New York to 'ignite a racial war';

"in February, as Vermont synagogues and LGBT centers were vandalized and a self-described white-nationalist Coast Guard lieutenant was arrested for plotting a domestic terror attack;

"in March, as WELCOME TO GERMANY and GAS THE JEWS were spray-painted outside Oklahoma City Democratic Party and Chickasaw Nation offices and, on the Upper East Side, classmates handed their school’s only black ninth-grader a note reading 'n—–s don’t have rights';

"in April, as a shooting at a synagogue left one dead and three injured and FBI Director Christopher Wray called white supremacy a 'persistent, pervasive' threat to the country;

"in May, as swastikas fell from the sky — on flyers dropped by drones outside an Ariana Grande concert — and were scrawled on public spaces in at least three states;

"in June, as far-right groups rallied in Portland, Oregon, for the first time that summer;

"in July, as a man promoted a white-power manifesto on Instagram before killing three and wounding 17 others at the Gilroy Garlic Festival in California;

"in August, as another angry young man — this one 1,000 miles away in El Paso, Texas — posted an anti-immigrant manifesto online then committed this year’s most deadly mass shooting, killing 22 and injuring 24 at a Walmart;

"in September, as the Department of Homeland Security added white-supremacist extremism to its list of priority threats, the same month a swastika appeared on its walls; in October, as swastikas also appeared on Cape Cod and invitations to a white-supremacist..."

Too much MAGA?

There were 16,214 murders in the US in 2018, if your numbers are accurate, that's .0024% of all murders. I think the country has much bigger fish to fry.

There were 16,214 murders in the US in 2018, if your numbers are accurate, that's .0024% of all murders. I think the country has much bigger fish to fry
Like an ignorant racist POS POTUS, for example:

A Year Inside a Growing American Terrorist Movement

"After a white supremacist killed 51 people in two New Zealand mosques in March, President Trump was asked if he thought the threat of white nationalism was on the rise. 'I don’t, really,' he responded. 'I think it’s a small group of people that have very, very serious problems.'

"Hate-crime statistics are notoriously difficult to calculate.

"Local and state law-enforcement agencies are not required to submit numbers to the FBI, laws defining hate crimes vary from state to state, and experts estimate that more than half of all hate crimes go unreported.

"According to the FBI, hate-crime violence hit a 16-year high in 2018 with the black, Jewish, Latino, and transgender communities being targeted more than ever and the nation’s largest cities seeing the most activity.

"The FBI’s 2019 numbers won’t be available until next November, but indications suggest they will continue to trend upward."
A 7 year old black girl was shot and killed yesterday in Chicago.. democrat run Chicago. You are the party of racial oppression
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