White woman branded a racist for asking black man walking in her neighborhood if he was lost

No, not always. A month or so a cable truck pulled into my parking lot. I assumed he was here for one of my tenants since it wasn't the company I used. He sat there on his cell phone and after a few minutes, I walked up and ask him who he was looking for. He gave an an address that didn't exist on my street. I asked for the name, and it wasn't anybody that lived here. I told him his company must have made a mistake somewhere. He thanked me for my help and took off.
Good for you, but that is hard to believe since you can google pretty much any address in the United States.
Good for you, but that is hard to believe since you can google pretty much any address in the United States.

You can but if no such address exists, it throws a monkey wrench in the works. As a former driver I can tell you that technology isn't perfect. It's Fd me up a couple of times. If fact a few weeks ago I went to buy a keyboard for my computer. I never been to this mall in Westlake Ohio before, so I Google mapped it. It took me to the back of the Apple store. This place is loaded with one-way streets so I had to screw around and try to figure out where the place was at........in front of the building.
That's called statistics moron. If you care to see them, let me know.
It’s plain and simple bigotry. Statistically, you’re more likely to encounter a black person who is not a criminal. Obviously you lack even the most basic skills required to live competently in society. But hey, if welfare Ray doesn’t have anyone he perceives as beneath him, he may have to reconcile the fact that he may just be a loser.
You can but if no such address exists, it throws a monkey wrench in the works. As a former driver I can tell you that technology isn't perfect. It's Fd me up a couple of times. If fact a few weeks ago I went to buy a keyboard for my computer. I never been to this mall in Westlake Ohio before, so I Google mapped it. It took me to the back of the Apple store. This place is loaded with one-way streets so I had to screw around and try to figure out where the place was at........in front of the building.
Can’t find your way in to a mall? Go figure.
It’s plain and simple bigotry. Statistically, you’re more likely to encounter a black person who is not a criminal. Obviously you lack even the most basic skills required to live competently in society. But hey, if welfare Ray doesn’t have anyone he perceives as beneath him, he may have to reconcile the fact that he may just be a loser.

The only losers are people that deny cold hard evidence because it doesn't meet their expectations. That's the problem with you leftists, you refuse to look at facts and make up your own fairy tales in your head. That's the world you want to live in.
The only losers are people that deny cold hard evidence because it doesn't meet their expectations. That's the problem with you leftists, you refuse to look at facts and make up your own fairy tales in your head. That's the world you want to live in.
Fairy tales? Like all black people should be considered suspicious? Those kind of expectations?

That is bigotry, dope. Blame your upbringing for your lack of self awareness.
Fairy tales? Like all black people should be considered suspicious? Those kind of expectations?

That is bigotry, dope. Blame your upbringing for your lack of self awareness.

My upbringing is just fine. I'm a model citizen, pay my taxes, never got involved in crime or dangerous recreational drugs. Yes, fairy tales like blacks don't lead in every category of violent crime, the FACT that over 50% of our murders in this country are committed by just 7% of our population, and that are black males.
My upbringing is just fine. I'm a model citizen, pay my taxes, never got involved in crime or dangerous recreational drugs. Yes, fairy tales like blacks don't lead in every category of violent crime, the FACT that over 50% of our murders in this country are committed by just 7% of our population, and that are black males.
You said people should see blacks as suspicious.
You’re a bigot.
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