White Woman Wins $25.6 Million Case Against Starbucks For Race Discrimination!!

Um, okay. Not sure why you think this matters to "everyday Americans", this woman was a high-level executive. I'm sure in the course of her career, she fired hundreds of everyday Americans at a blink of an eye.

Starbucks fired her because her lack of leadership in a crisis where the company got severely embarrassed. They probably should have documented her lack of leadership better, but instead, they'll spend years appealing this verdict before settling on something sensible.
It probably doesn't "matter" to most Americans. Nevertheless, it is a current event and it matters to many Americans. Had she been a black woman ... she would not have been fired by Starbucks. As you know, they went "woke" quite some time back.

But you folks routinely tell us that the Justice System works (at least where Trump is concerned) so you had better accept the "Jury Verdict" in this case. They saw it as racial discrimination.
It probably doesn't "matter" to most Americans. Nevertheless, it is a current event and it matters to many Americans. Had she been a black woman ... she would not have been fired by Starbucks. As you know, they went "woke" quite some time back.

But you folks routinely tell us that the Justice System works (at least where Trump is concerned) so you had better accept the "Jury Verdict" in this case. They saw it as racial discrimination.
Had she been a black woman, she wouldn't have told two potential black customers they couldn't use the restroom.
It probably doesn't "matter" to most Americans. Nevertheless, it is a current event and it matters to many Americans. Had she been a black woman ... she would not have been fired by Starbucks. As you know, they went "woke" quite some time back.

But you folks routinely tell us that the Justice System works (at least where Trump is concerned) so you had better accept the "Jury Verdict" in this case. They saw it as racial discrimination.

Nope, they saw it as a big corporation with deep pockets. Who do you think is going to pay for that settlement (or what little of it survives appeal)? Yup, you and every other nitwit who goes to Starbucks for an overpriced cup of coffee.

This woman didn't get to where she was without getting a lot of people fired, but it's amazing how fast you'll side with your tormentors.

Had she been a black woman, she wouldn't have told two potential black customers they couldn't use the restroom.
Except she wasn't the one who called the cops on these two. She was the manager for the region who was being kind of laxidasical while the rest of the company was going into panic mode.

Lets be honest, there are no good guys in this story Not Starbucks. Not the two guys who went into a Starbucks, stayed for hours, and didn't order anything (which is rude), not the Philly police who completely overreacted.
Nope, they saw it as a big corporation with deep pockets. Who do you think is going to pay for that settlement (or what little of it survives appeal)? Yup, you and every other nitwit who goes to Starbucks for an overpriced cup of coffee.

This woman didn't get to where she was without getting a lot of people fired, but it's amazing how fast you'll side with your tormentors.

Except she wasn't the one who called the cops on these two. She was the manager for the region who was being kind of laxidasical while the rest of the company was going into panic mode.

Lets be honest, there are no good guys in this story Not Starbucks. Not the two guys who went into a Starbucks, stayed for hours, and didn't order anything (which is rude), not the Philly police who completely overreacted.
You should know by now that I don't support woke companies if I can help it. I grind and brew my own coffee for a fraction of the cost. No, the people funding Starbucks are the Silicone Valley types and other lefties. Let them pay. No skin off of my chin.
Extremely rare that a white wins a discrimination case when discrimination against whites has become the norm. Ever hear of Affirmative Action? Total discrimination against whites.
Discrimination against whites is not the norm. Whites have benefitted most from Affirmative Action. White women are white.
Discrimination against whites is not the norm. Whites have benefitted most from Affirmative Action. White women are white.
I'm opposed to hiring based on race AND sex. So if ANYONE is benefitting from AA as a result of their skin color or sex organs, then AA is completely wrong. Period.
In the Black Community, your acquaintance is considered an "Uncle Tom." You're only a "true Black" if you remain in the ghetto and vote for Biden.
You're white and you don't know why black right wing idiots are called Uncle Toms. You like them because they repeat your racism and you use threm to validate your racist beliefs. They are called Uncle Tomes for the fact they will throw blacks under the bus to please white racists.
I'm opposed to hiring based on race AND sex. So if ANYONE is benefitting from AA as a result of their skin color or sex organs, then AA is completely wrong. Period.
White men have been hired based on RACE and SEX since America began. Those like you labor in a delusion of white male victimhood that doesn't exist.
I remember this story, it prompted Starbucks to close stores for a day of racial training. The verdict will no doubt be appealed, and who knows how much and when this woman will actually see money.
You're white and you don't know why black right wing idiots are called Uncle Toms. You like them because they repeat your racism and you use threm to validate your racist beliefs. They are called Uncle Tomes for the fact they will throw blacks under the bus to please white racists.

That's YOUR definition. I view them as individuals who think for themselves and wish to utilize the system that allows everyone to succeed if they have the desire, the drive and the ability to work hard towards their own goals.
White men have been hired based on RACE and SEX since America began. Those like you labor in a delusion of white male victimhood that doesn't exist.
Well ... to be perfectly frank, I should be able to hire whomever I want for ANY reason without government interference. But I prefer to hire based on skill, experience, education, maturity, etc. If a black meets my basic criteria, then I have no problem hiring him. But I won't hire ANYONE simply because he or she is black or a woman or a tranny. I get to draw some simple lines whether lefties like it or not.
You should know by now that I don't support woke companies if I can help it. I grind and brew my own coffee for a fraction of the cost. No, the people funding Starbucks are the Silicone Valley types and other lefties. Let them pay. No skin off of my chin.
You're supporting one right now by using their computer.

You're a hypocrite.
Nope, they saw it as a big corporation with deep pockets. Who do you think is going to pay for that settlement (or what little of it survives appeal)? Yup, you and every other nitwit who goes to Starbucks for an overpriced cup of coffee.

This woman didn't get to where she was without getting a lot of people fired, but it's amazing how fast you'll side with your tormentors.

Except she wasn't the one who called the cops on these two. She was the manager for the region who was being kind of laxidasical while the rest of the company was going into panic mode.

Lets be honest, there are no good guys in this story Not Starbucks. Not the two guys who went into a Starbucks, stayed for hours, and didn't order anything (which is rude), not the Philly police who completely overreacted.
Right wingers don't do nuance....
Been a while since I've hung out downtown, but Philly has always made finding a decent place to pee or poop difficult with a vengeance. Saying they were there for hours just to be rude makes no sense. At least one of them had to be struggling to hold it in. The two unspecified employees who refused these businessmen bathroom access should have ignored their stupid policy and let them go once it became evident they were just going to wait there to meet another party anyway. Only then would it be right to insist they make a purchase or leave. I hope those two employees are still getting slapped silly with wet noodles daily.

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