"Whites Shouldn't Work At The DNC." -Says BLM Libtard


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013

You see what damage the victimology strategy has done? You see what IDENTITY POLITICS has done? I blame everyone on the left. The media, entertainment, education and especially white guilt left wing pieces of shit.

This is the result.

You see what damage the victimology strategy has done? You see what IDENTITY POLITICS has done? I blame everyone on the left. The media, entertainment, education and especially white guilt left wing pieces of shit.

This is the result.

I think whites shouldn't work at the DNC either.

They are working against their interests as this video clearly demonstrates.
No one should work at the DNC. As if anyone actually does ANYTHING productive at the DNC.

They should scrap it and just take over the CPUSA.


Wow, that lady is REALLY GOOD at rattling off all the various Identity Politics groups.

I'll bet she can do that in her freaking SLEEP.

Medically speaking I would argue this oxygen thief's frontal lobe is dead and withered away. So all she is doing is parroting insipid shit roboticly.

You know, like Penelope, Lakoturd, fakey guano et al. These people can't be cognizant of reality and regurgitate this sort of shit like they do.
I would actually say the reason so many blacks did not vote for hillary, is simply cause she is NOT BLACK. I find it funny how the libs pushed and upheld the notion of BLACK LIVES MATTER and then they wonder why blacks did not come out for their WHITE WOMAN. Most blacks voted for obama, for only ONE REASON. That is it, No other reason.

The ironies of that are so thick and rich. They have no clue who freed them, who enslaved them and who continues to captivate their minds with identity politics. They are basically eternally lost in their enslaved mentality and the annoying thing is how white guilt libs continue to placate and patronize them. Like that asshole in the lower left corner who is patronizing the black woman.

Hillary won the popular vote. Yeah, all due to really ONE STATE. Trump won 30 states, and almost 2000 more counties. They blather on and on about the popular vote. Rather have ONLY the urban areas of the country's voice be heard and to hell with the rest. Of course those rural sections, the left especially hate.

We get ALL of their stereotypes and left wing democrat talking points and cliches. Again, the ironies are so thick. To hell with content of character. I forgot who said that. Oh, those ironies again.


looks like that was not a dream, it was a fantasy.

BTW, you see how that "I have a dream" speech is now considered to be bad by the PC police cause it is not gender neutral enough? They want it banned from college campuses.

“What words are is important,” Laurie Woodward, director of the Student Union, told the school’s newspaper the Daily Emerald, “but what’s more important is that people think about what the words should be.”

Woodward told the Emerald that she asked the student union if the quote should remain or be replaced — and one student replied, “Does the MLK quote represent us today?”

“Diversity is so much more than race,” sophomore architecture major Mia Ashley added, the Emerald said. “Obviously race still plays a big role. But there are people who identify differently in gender and all sorts of things like that.”

Ultimately, the student union decided the MLK quote would go back up — though it didn’t happen in time for Martin Luther King Jr. Day, the paper said.


It just goes on and on. Identity politics has destroyed the country. Libs have destroyed this country (really the world.)
over these next three years, we will see democrats registering more pets and trees than last time around, guess they under estimated the number of votes Trump was going to get vs the number of total dumbasses and their pets who did vote, but it wasnt enough.

You see what damage the victimology strategy has done? You see what IDENTITY POLITICS has done? I blame everyone on the left. The media, entertainment, education and especially white guilt left wing pieces of shit.

This is the result.

I couldn't give a rat's ass who runs the DNC or the RNC. Both organizations are garbage as far as I'm concerned.

You see what damage the victimology strategy has done? You see what IDENTITY POLITICS has done? I blame everyone on the left. The media, entertainment, education and especially white guilt left wing pieces of shit.

This is the result.

^^^^Look at the mouf on that bitch. If that ain't a black and decker pecker wrecker, I don't know what is!

You see what damage the victimology strategy has done? You see what IDENTITY POLITICS has done? I blame everyone on the left. The media, entertainment, education and especially white guilt left wing pieces of shit.

This is the result.

They all should be replaced by robots like at GM and Mc Donalds. Folks wanting free stuff could just walk up to a kios and punch in their handouts.

You see what damage the victimology strategy has done? You see what IDENTITY POLITICS has done? I blame everyone on the left. The media, entertainment, education and especially white guilt left wing pieces of shit.

This is the result.

This is another case of blacks thinking themselves way to relevant. They are only 13 percent of the population yet they act like they own the country. Hispanics out number blacks. I am all for them taking over the DNC then they and their victim mentality can be completely ignored.
No self respecting white would work at the DNC
Will you tell that to the people who claim the KKK votes democratic? They're trying to claim the gop isnt the white racist party
Your long tired identify politics failed you stupid fucking ignorant hypocritical puppet.

Now, go fuck yourself and keep pushing the stupid fucking victimology cliches.

Fucking moron.

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