Whitey Charlottesville nationalist rally Thug, was found guilty of malicious wounding. WTF?

Baz Ares

Gold Member
Feb 2, 2017
years? WTF?
White Man Convicted Of Beating Black Man At Charlottesville White Nationalist Rally

WTF...Malicious Wounding. Getting maybe 10 years?
At a minimum, it should have been classed as deadly assault, if not murder.

I hope they throw the book at him.
At a minimum, it should have been classed as deadly assault, if not murder.

I hope they throw the book at him.

Some are into Anal sex, but what's coming for Whitey will be done in an impersonal, very impactful DEEP manners for years!
Some bleeding will be involved. He was safer on the Public Streets with unjailed colors..Yep. Be a
MAGA Whitey Hater, go to jail to live the better Lifestyle,
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Chances are the Aryan gangs in the jail will protect this guy and hail him as a hero.

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