Whitney Houston Died

The coroner's office has to figure out how to present the facts and in such a way they aren't called racist.

This is Michael Jackson's death Part Two.

So now the Grim Reaper is racist. Wow. The creativity! :eek:
She was talented, and she was human. It's sad to lose a loved one to addiction. It's not clear it was suicide, is it?

Nothing's released as of yet. Won't be for a while. It is possible, but I would be inclined to think it either natural causes or accidental.

Accidental overdose? Seems to me this woman was in pain.

I've seen a lot of addicts over my career. They are not physically healthy. You can abuse your own body only so much before it can stand no more. We have a tendency to think in terms of the excess alone. And to think if excessive use is stopped, then all is well. But alcohol and drugs used over time damage pretty much every body system. You have liver damage, lung damage, brain damage - particularly with certain substances like cocaine and ecstasy. Cocaine messes up the dopamine system making you psychotic, either transiently or permanently. Ecstasy destroys the serotonin receptors, making treatment of depression impossible. You can induce all the serotonin possible in the brain but if the receptors are gone, there is no way for the body to use it. The skin withers from lack of nutrients, cocaine will ruin your heart and cardiovascular system. Inhalants destroy the frontal lobe of the brain. Many young athletes have died of heart failure because of their concaine abuse. Years of substance abuse kill you and it doesn't always take an overdose to do it. There is just a cumulative effect on the body, and maybe you can come back from the jaws of death, but your body is still a wreck. THEN foist onto that the demands of making a 'comeback.'
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She was talented, and she was human. It's sad to lose a loved one to addiction. It's not clear it was suicide, is it?

Nothing's released as of yet. Won't be for a while. It is possible, but I would be inclined to think it either natural causes or accidental.

Accidental overdose? Seems to me this woman was in pain.

This woman felt she needed the addictive crutch of dependency. It had become her way of life; of coping. I do not judge. I will always think highly of Whitney Houston. Her life was heavy.
She was in a lot of pain throughout her life. May she have a fortunate rebirth.

Yes, imagine the pressures, the pulling on you by every one who loves, needs, wants to profit from, etc., and you feel you need to be all things to all people.

That was more than likely, her undoing. Trying too hard to please, too many.
She was in a lot of pain throughout her life. May she have a fortunate rebirth.

Yes, imagine the pressures, the pulling on you by every one who loves, needs, wants to profit from, etc., and you feel you need to be all things to all people.

That was more than likely, her undoing. Trying too hard to please, too many.

I heard a few musicians who worked with her talk about her today on NPR. She gave and gave. She was a perfectionist.

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