Who agrees with Rush Limbaugh that reducing the number of JOBS lowers the UE rate?


Censored for Cynicism
Oct 20, 2008
February 17, 2012
RUSH: I want to try this unemployment business with numbers, but I must acknowledge that following numbers on the radio is admittedly tough to do. You can't see them. But I'm gonna give you two examples. Twenty jobs and five people fill them, so 15 of the 20 jobs unfilled. That's an unemployment rate of 80%. You got a universe here of 20 possible jobs, five of them are filled. That means 20% are working, 80% are not. Now let's reduce the 20 to 15. There are 15 jobs, that's what the regime has done, they've simply erased, in my example, five jobs. The same number of people, five people working, but now 15 jobs available. That is an unemployment rate of 66%. It has come down from 80%.

When five people fill 20 jobs, there are 15 jobs unfilled that people are looking for. Unemployment rate, 80%. Now that 20 becomes 15 jobs. Same number of people work at this place, but now there are only ten positions to fill instead of 15, that means the unemployment rate is 66%. So with the same number of people working and the same number of people looking, with five fewer jobs available, if you want to express those working versus the jobs available, the percentage is 66% verse 80 percent, the unemployment rate. You could look at it the other way around, 20% are working. Five people occupy 15 jobs, 33% are working. You simply make smaller the universe of possibility and keep the number of people chasing that number the same. And by simple math, the rate of unemployment, unfilled jobs will go down.

Not because new jobs have been created, by the way. This is the point of it. The unemployment rate in this country is coming down, but there aren't any new jobs being created. This is the scam. They're still unemployed. They're still applying for unemployment compensation. They're still running out of their 99 weeks. They're still giving up looking. Everything's the same. So how can the unemployment rate be coming down? Well, it isn't. What's happening is, the regime is simply reducing the overall number of jobs that are possible to be filled. Look, I am lousy at math, and this makes perfect sense to me. This is undeniable. And this is the scam. Unemployment rate is coming down, but the employment rate's not going up. So what explains it? Well, I just did.
What would you like better 15 people,10 people or 8 people sharing a large pie.
You take a bunch of people out of the jobless equation and Obama looks good on
the issue.Something I felt they would do for over a year now.
The closer they get to the election the more ways they will find to make the numbers looks even
What would you like better 15 people,10 people or 8 people sharing a large pie.
You take a bunch of people out of the jobless equation and Obama looks good on
the issue.Something I felt they would do for over a year now.
The closer they get to the election the more ways they will find to make the numbers looks even
Something I knew from the moment Obama was inaugurated, CON$ would deny any improvement in the economy, no matter how moronic the rationalization, until they can no longer deny improvement, and then they will say Obama had nothing to do with it.

However the question is do you agree with your MessiahRushie's rationalization that lowering the number of jobs lowers UE? He does not change the number of people as YOU do, only the number of jobs.

So is his rationalization valid enough that anyone could accept it or so moronic only a DittoTard could be stupid enough to swallow it?
Something I knew from the moment Obama was inaugurated, CON$ would deny any improvement in the economy, no matter how moronic the rationalization, until they can no longer deny improvement, and then they will say Obama had nothing to do with it.

Well I am not a CON dollar sign (don't even know what the fuck that means, but I don't speak baby talk either) and the improvement in the economy has been negligible. The unemployment rate is calculated based on the number of unemployed still looking for work for the previous four weeks. There are millions of people who have stopped looking for work and thus, are no longer counted causing the rate to drop. This is a fact, which willfully ignorant people like yourself, choose to overlook because it would rain on your parade.

The unemployment rate counts only people who don't have a job and are looking for one. Once you stop looking, you're no longer considered unemployed.

In January, the number of people either working or looking for work — who collectively form the labor force — rose. That's an encouraging sign. It suggests that more of the unemployed were optimistic about finding a job.

The situation has shifted over the past year. The labor force has grown. But it hasn't grown as fast as the overall population. The result: The proportion of the population either working or seeking work has fallen from 64.2% to 63.7%. That's known as the labor force participation rate.

That drop is a big reason why the unemployment rate has declined in the past year.

Unemployment rate hinges on more than job gains

So is his rationalization valid enough that anyone could accept it or so moronic only a DittoTard could be stupid enough to swallow it?

No more moronic than you trying to rationalize that the president has a successful economic policy, but I suppose when you have the bar lowered as far down as the Obamabots do, then failure can be considered success.
Something I knew from the moment Obama was inaugurated, CON$ would deny any improvement in the economy, no matter how moronic the rationalization, until they can no longer deny improvement, and then they will say Obama had nothing to do with it.

Well I am not a CON dollar sign (don't even know what the fuck that means, but I don't speak baby talk either) and the improvement in the economy has been negligible. The unemployment rate is calculated based on the number of unemployed still looking for work for the previous four weeks. There are millions of people who have stopped looking for work and thus, are no longer counted causing the rate to drop. This is a fact, which willfully ignorant people like yourself, choose to overlook because it would rain on your parade.

The unemployment rate counts only people who don't have a job and are looking for one. Once you stop looking, you're no longer considered unemployed.

In January, the number of people either working or looking for work — who collectively form the labor force — rose. That's an encouraging sign. It suggests that more of the unemployed were optimistic about finding a job.

The situation has shifted over the past year. The labor force has grown. But it hasn't grown as fast as the overall population. The result: The proportion of the population either working or seeking work has fallen from 64.2% to 63.7%. That's known as the labor force participation rate.

That drop is a big reason why the unemployment rate has declined in the past year.

Unemployment rate hinges on more than job gains
So is his rationalization valid enough that anyone could accept it or so moronic only a DittoTard could be stupid enough to swallow it?
No more moronic than you trying to rationalize that the president has a successful economic policy, but I suppose when you have the bar lowered as far down as the Obamabots do, then failure can be considered success.
Someone didn't bother to read their own link before they parroted their programming. :eek:
February 17, 2012
RUSH: I want to try this unemployment business with numbers, but I must acknowledge that following numbers on the radio is admittedly tough to do. You can't see them. But I'm gonna give you two examples. Twenty jobs and five people fill them, so 15 of the 20 jobs unfilled. That's an unemployment rate of 80%. You got a universe here of 20 possible jobs, five of them are filled. That means 20% are working, 80% are not. Now let's reduce the 20 to 15. There are 15 jobs, that's what the regime has done, they've simply erased, in my example, five jobs. The same number of people, five people working, but now 15 jobs available. That is an unemployment rate of 66%. It has come down from 80%.

When five people fill 20 jobs, there are 15 jobs unfilled that people are looking for. Unemployment rate, 80%. Now that 20 becomes 15 jobs. Same number of people work at this place, but now there are only ten positions to fill instead of 15, that means the unemployment rate is 66%. So with the same number of people working and the same number of people looking, with five fewer jobs available, if you want to express those working versus the jobs available, the percentage is 66% verse 80 percent, the unemployment rate. You could look at it the other way around, 20% are working. Five people occupy 15 jobs, 33% are working. You simply make smaller the universe of possibility and keep the number of people chasing that number the same. And by simple math, the rate of unemployment, unfilled jobs will go down.

Not because new jobs have been created, by the way. This is the point of it. The unemployment rate in this country is coming down, but there aren't any new jobs being created. This is the scam. They're still unemployed. They're still applying for unemployment compensation. They're still running out of their 99 weeks. They're still giving up looking. Everything's the same. So how can the unemployment rate be coming down? Well, it isn't. What's happening is, the regime is simply reducing the overall number of jobs that are possible to be filled. Look, I am lousy at math, and this makes perfect sense to me. This is undeniable. And this is the scam. Unemployment rate is coming down, but the employment rate's not going up. So what explains it? Well, I just did.

Does Limbaugh realize that the BLS actually compiles monthly data on the net number of jobs added each month? And, somewhat importantly, that is the number that the markets care about, and pay attention to?

Has Limbaugh informed them that it's all a fantasy? :lol::lol:
[ The unemployment rate is calculated based on the number of unemployed still looking for work for the previous four weeks. There are millions of people who have stopped looking for work and thus, are no longer counted causing the rate to drop. This is a fact, which willfully ignorant people like yourself, choose to overlook because it would rain on your parade.

That is simply false. The people you are referring to are counted in U-6, as opposed to the official number, which is U-3.

U-6 is currently at a 36 month low. It has been falling along with U-3.
Perhaps I don't understand what Rush is saying, but from where I can see, he's got things a bit mixed up.

If there were 20 jobs available, and only 5 people to fill them, that would be a 0% unemployment rate.
If there were 5 jobs available, and 20 people looking for a job, that would be a 75% unemployment rate.
Something I knew from the moment Obama was inaugurated, CON$ would deny any improvement in the economy, no matter how moronic the rationalization, until they can no longer deny improvement, and then they will say Obama had nothing to do with it.

Well I am not a CON dollar sign (don't even know what the fuck that means, but I don't speak baby talk either) and the improvement in the economy has been negligible. The unemployment rate is calculated based on the number of unemployed still looking for work for the previous four weeks. There are millions of people who have stopped looking for work and thus, are no longer counted causing the rate to drop. This is a fact, which willfully ignorant people like yourself, choose to overlook because it would rain on your parade.

So is his rationalization valid enough that anyone could accept it or so moronic only a DittoTard could be stupid enough to swallow it?
No more moronic than you trying to rationalize that the president has a successful economic policy, but I suppose when you have the bar lowered as far down as the Obamabots do, then failure can be considered success.
Someone didn't bother to read their own link before they parroted their programming. :eek:

I read the whole thing. What you highlighted does not discount what I told you.
That is simply false. The people you are referring to are counted in U-6, as opposed to the official number, which is U-3.

Don't tell what I'm saying is wrong when you haven't the slightest fucking clue what you're talking about. What I discussed has nothing to do with U-6. Nothing whatsoever.

U-6 is currently at a 36 month low. It has been falling along with U-3.

And I explained why that is. Has there been zero growth in labor? No, but it has been negligible and the real rate of unemployment is nowhere near the 8.3% being touted. It's a shell game of numbers plain and simple and this administration will manipulate in anyway possible to get that number down below 8% before the election. I personally don't think enough people will be fooled by it, though. They can throw any number out there that they want, but an unemployed person on Election Day is still unemployed.
Well I am not a CON dollar sign (don't even know what the fuck that means, but I don't speak baby talk either) and the improvement in the economy has been negligible. The unemployment rate is calculated based on the number of unemployed still looking for work for the previous four weeks. There are millions of people who have stopped looking for work and thus, are no longer counted causing the rate to drop. This is a fact, which willfully ignorant people like yourself, choose to overlook because it would rain on your parade.

No more moronic than you trying to rationalize that the president has a successful economic policy, but I suppose when you have the bar lowered as far down as the Obamabots do, then failure can be considered success.
Someone didn't bother to read their own link before they parroted their programming. :eek:

I read the whole thing. What you highlighted does not discount what I told you.
Of course it did! Last year alone you had over a million Boomers retire, and on top of that you had people leave the workforce because they died, became disabled, went back to school, left the country, or stayed home to take care of a sick, disabled or elderly family member, and in spite of all those workers leaving the workforce, the labor force GREW and the UE rate went DOWN. "This is a fact, which willfully ignorant people like yourself, choose to overlook because it would rain on your parade."
Who cares...................


1 billion less spent for every penny of increase in gas.

No more free shipping for Ed's blow up dolls!!!

That is simply false. The people you are referring to are counted in U-6, as opposed to the official number, which is U-3.

Don't tell what I'm saying is wrong when you haven't the slightest fucking clue what you're talking about. What I discussed has nothing to do with U-6. Nothing whatsoever.

U-6 is currently at a 36 month low. It has been falling along with U-3.

And I explained why that is. Has there been zero growth in labor? No, but it has been negligible and the real rate of unemployment is nowhere near the 8.3% being touted. It's a shell game of numbers plain and simple and this administration will manipulate in anyway possible to get that number down below 8% before the election. I personally don't think enough people will be fooled by it, though. They can throw any number out there that they want, but an unemployed person on Election Day is still unemployed.

The 'real' rate of unemployment is always around 80% higher than the official rate. It's propagandizing at its purest to suggest that NOW, for some reason, we're supposed to focus on the 'real' rate, instead of the official rate.

That the GOP and the Right and the Obama haters were going to launch a barrage of negative propaganda at the reality of the improving economy was just as inevitable as the fact that the economy was eventually going to improve.
That is simply false. The people you are referring to are counted in U-6, as opposed to the official number, which is U-3.

Don't tell what I'm saying is wrong when you haven't the slightest fucking clue what you're talking about. What I discussed has nothing to do with U-6. Nothing whatsoever.

U-6 is currently at a 36 month low. It has been falling along with U-3.

And I explained why that is. Has there been zero growth in labor? No, but it has been negligible and the real rate of unemployment is nowhere near the 8.3% being touted. It's a shell game of numbers plain and simple and this administration will manipulate in anyway possible to get that number down below 8% before the election. I personally don't think enough people will be fooled by it, though. They can throw any number out there that they want, but an unemployed person on Election Day is still unemployed.

No you didn't. You aren't acknowledging that the number of discouraged workers is falling along with the official UE number; you're trying to claim just the opposite.
Is this another (tax-exempt) Media Matters scoop? How do they do it with writing the scripts for left wing news programs, advising the president and supervising sleazy investigators paid to dig up dirt on republicans? Anyway Rush's math seems right but he is only a voice on the radio. How is the president's math doing? Did he learn how many states we have in the union yet?
It's a bit tricky for the Right to argue that the economy and employment aren't improving;

they are effectively arguing against their own insistence that tax cuts stimulate the economy. Their own beloved Bush tax cuts were extended over a year ago, and added to that was the big payroll tax cut.

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