Zone1 Who America Really Is

Republicans are wrong on the issues and are opposed by a majority of Americans.

Hence the fascist right’s agenda of fear, reactionaryism, and hate
Ever considered that maybe the majority of Americans are wrong-thinking imbeciles who would sell their mother into slavery for a 72” flat screen tv or a new BMW or whatever little bit of stuff they want?

Ever considered that the majority may not always be Right?

Ever considered that the fear, misogyny and hate many of us on the far right have is the only means we have to save what we believe in, and that if you folks keep pushing us we’re actually gonna snap one of these days and it’s going to be a big, ugly mess for everyone involved?
Here’s what the New America looks like:

Seventy-nine percent of the United States is either Female (51% of the country), Persons of Color (42% of the country is now Black, Brown, Asian or Indigenous), or Young Adultsbetween 18 and 39 (the Gen Z-ers and Millennials now make up 42% of the country!) — or some combination thereof of these three demographics.

Here’s the truth about who our fellow Americans really are (and here’s the list nobody has bothered to show you because, well, we need to keep perpetuating our own belief that we are stuck living in a white, Christian Nationalist, conservative, red-neck, deep-fried-Oreo-loving country — when, in fact, the vast bulk of the United States is not like that anymore):

of Americans support legal abortion.

72% of Americans don’t own a gun.

90% of the country wants more gun control laws.

72% of us believe the Climate Crisis is real.

71% of all Americans approve of labor unions.

79% of us insist the rich must pay more in taxes.

76% of us want a much higher minimum wage.

70% of all voters believe marijuana should be legal.

73% of the country want student loan debt relief.

74% of Americans want more affordable homes.

65% support term limits on all Supreme Court justices.

84% of Americans want free Pre-k and 3-k.

69% of Americans support same-sex marriage.

65% of Americans want to end the electoral college.

89% of Americans oppose gerrymandering.

of us are demanding a permanentceasefire in Gaza NOW!

72% of all Americans want money removedfrom politics!

70% of Millennials say they would likely vote for a Socialist candidate.

THAT is who we are.
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