Who are Republicans planning to "count on" during the next election?

the Obama ran on JOBS jobs jobs so he has proceeded to fuck over the American people too?
by golly, I'd say he has. Unemployment went up when he was elected, so go on believing you all stand a chance in hell..

Remember November folks, lets finish the job in 2012

At the end of Bush's last budget, unemployment was 10.1%.

Bush left office with the economy losing 800,000 jobs a month.

Where did you get your education? Fortune cookies?
You can probably forget:

the Elderly
Union members
college professors
many woman's groups
the Unemployed
People living in states that are doing "recalls"
college students
Medicare recipients

So who's left?

Weren't these all the same people that voted in the 2010 midterms?......:eusa_whistle:


An overwhelming amount of people voting were the elderly afraid their benefits would be cut by the Health Care Plan.

How wrong they were.

Little did they know Republicans want to cut their Medicare.
You can probably forget:

the Elderly
Union members
college professors
many woman's groups
the Unemployed
People living in states that are doing "recalls"
college students
Medicare recipients

So who's left?

The Republicans can count on Fox News and Conservative radio to sell their unique spin on events, rewrite history and take Obama's statements out of context. They can also count on their propaganda arm to get out the vote of the mindless minions who show up in mass when directed

They can also count on anonymous Corporate contributions from the Chamber of Commerce and the Koch Brothers

kiss Deans ass some more RW......your getting to sound more like him everyday.....remember this though when you next plant your lips.....Democrats aint no better.........they have plenty of mindless minions of their own........
Yep, that was a fearmongering slap at older folks. Why is Obama frightening and exploiting old folks?
You can probably forget:

the Elderly
Union members
college professors
many woman's groups
the Unemployed
People living in states that are doing "recalls"
college students
Medicare recipients

So who's left?

Who are Republicans planning to "count on" during the next election?

beats me, what does the NY Times tell you they are counting on?
You can probably forget:

the Elderly
Union members
college professors
many woman's groups
the Unemployed
People living in states that are doing "recalls"
college students
Medicare recipients

So who's left?

The Republicans can count on Fox News and Conservative radio to sell their unique spin on events, rewrite history and take Obama's statements out of context. They can also count on their propaganda arm to get out the vote of the mindless minions who show up in mass when directed

They can also count on anonymous Corporate contributions from the Chamber of Commerce and the Koch Brothers

kiss Deans ass some more RW......your getting to sound more like him everyday.....remember this though when you next plant your lips.....Democrats aint no better.........they have plenty of mindless minions of their own........

I wouldn't be suprised if there were some in the Democratic Party. But remember, the Democrats are a coalition, made up of many, many different groups.

Republicans are 90% white. Their leaders give them a "reach around" stroke of "patriotism". They can only see what's right in front of them. But when they go to sit down, they find their chair is gone.

I just heard someone say, "Republicans should get 1% of the vote. The richest 1%. But why are the other 99% voting for them? What have their leaders done from their base or for the country?"
You can probably forget:

the Elderly
Union members
college professors
many woman's groups
the Unemployed
People living in states that are doing "recalls"
college students
Medicare recipients

So who's left?

Americans. :eusa_whistle:
You can probably forget:

the Elderly
Union members
college professors
many woman's groups
the Unemployed
People living in states that are doing "recalls"
college students
Medicare recipients

So who's left?

Also, even if berry would pull one off through voter fraud again, the GOP are aligned to sweep the senate and still maintain the majority in the house, which basically makes Berry a lame duck for 4 years, I cannot wait to see the temper tantrums coming from the white house if this plays out.
The Republicans can count on Fox News and Conservative radio to sell their unique spin on events, rewrite history and take Obama's statements out of context. They can also count on their propaganda arm to get out the vote of the mindless minions who show up in mass when directed

They can also count on anonymous Corporate contributions from the Chamber of Commerce and the Koch Brothers

kiss Deans ass some more RW......your getting to sound more like him everyday.....remember this though when you next plant your lips.....Democrats aint no better.........they have plenty of mindless minions of their own........

I wouldn't be suprised if there were some in the Democratic Party. But remember, the Democrats are a coalition, made up of many, many different groups.

Republicans are 90% white. Their leaders give them a "reach around" stroke of "patriotism". They can only see what's right in front of them. But when they go to sit down, they find their chair is gone.

I just heard someone say, "Republicans should get 1% of the vote. The richest 1%. But why are the other 99% voting for them? What have their leaders done from their base or for the country?"

Why do dems exploit the masses, play on their fears, segregate, engage in class warfare?
You can probably forget:

the Elderly
Union members
college professors
many woman's groups
the Unemployed
People living in states that are doing "recalls"
college students
Medicare recipients

So who's left?

Weren't these all the same people that voted in the 2010 midterms?......:eusa_whistle:

Yeah, the publitards sold them all a bill of goods on jobs,jobs, jobs. Then when elected, they proceed to fuck the above groups. Not again, lenny.

Luckily for us, these same people also realize that the reason the GOP cannot create jobs is because of Democrat opposition to policies that would allow businesses to feel comfortable hiring again, also..these same people are also waiting for 2012 to remedy that situation, which is unfortunate for you.
The Dems hold the senate and the white house, so there is no way a GOP congress could pass any employment friendly bills without help from said senate and white house, Americans know this and will vote accordingly in 2012.
You can probably forget:

the Elderly
Union members
college professors
many woman's groups
the Unemployed
People living in states that are doing "recalls"
college students
Medicare recipients

So who's left?

Weren't these all the same people that voted in the 2010 midterms?......:eusa_whistle:

Not really. Typically, few vote in midterms. This is why we are having recalls all across the country.

And here I thought it was Democrats fudging signatures to get recalls. Silly me.
You can probably forget:

the Elderly
Union members
college professors
many woman's groups
the Unemployed
People living in states that are doing "recalls"
college students
Medicare recipients

So who's left?

The Republicans can count on Fox News and Conservative radio to sell their unique spin on events, rewrite history and take Obama's statements out of context. They can also count on their propaganda arm to get out the vote of the mindless minions who show up in mass when directed

They can also count on anonymous Corporate contributions from the Chamber of Commerce and the Koch Brothers

Oh please, like the left doesn't have Msnbc,NBC,ABC,CBS,PBS and a host of loser night talk show hosts that twisted everything that came out of a GOP'rs mouth, that also humped Obamas leg while it was politically popular to do, and are now backing away from him in droves because he is failing.
Pot, meet kettle.
You can probably forget:

the Elderly
Union members
college professors
many woman's groups
the Unemployed
People living in states that are doing "recalls"
college students
Medicare recipients

So who's left?

Weren't these all the same people that voted in the 2010 midterms?......:eusa_whistle:


An overwhelming amount of people voting were the elderly afraid their benefits would be cut by the Health Care Plan.

How wrong they were.

Obama knew if the Obamacare bill went into effect immediately that he would not get a second term, which is why it is not supposed to go into effect until 2014. The elderly are being fooled, but they are catching on right now and I dont see the mass of them voting berry again.

An overwhelming amount of people voting were the elderly afraid their benefits would be cut by the Health Care Plan.

How wrong they were.

you have proof of that?

And what "proof" would you accept that you won't dismiss entirely out of hand.

Anyone with any knowledge of history knows that typically..these elections are something almost no one pays attention to..and that seniors are the biggest block voting.

But heck..if you need links..before I got through the trouble..let me know what sources you need that you are so inept at your internet skillz..you can't google on your own.

I'd say alot more people are paying attention then you think. And if you want to go from history, look at the last president who was almost this bad, jimmy carter, another 1 termer. People are watching and paying attention, don't kid yourself.
He didnt mention checks to active soldiers either...he knows soldiers dont fall for BS scare tactics.
The elderly however...he knows they will freak out.

which is why I find him absolutely disgusting.


Because he says something that may be true?

The government makes billions of payments a month. Most of this is done electronically. If the debt ceiling is not raised..there's going to be huge short fall of liquidity. No one is even really sure how much.

Given the time left on this..if they haven't come up with a contingency..and it's a pretty sure bet they haven't..

There's going to be lots of problems if the US defaults.

Seniors may very well not get their checks.

They only need to pay on the interest of the debt, which is about $200,000,000,000, which we have. The left are fear mongering, and Americans know it.
As a female, former teacher, Union member and presently getting to the stage of elderly, I would not be voting democrat. I'm not alone. That's four of your categories.

And only one person. Hmm, let's see. Republicans want to take away women's rights, bust the teachers union, slash education and end Medicare. Yea, you sound like a really smart "cookie".

What womans right are you speaking of? If it's abortion then what about the babies right? The baby didn't ask to be created, in this case the baby rights matter more then the womans.
Bust teachers unions? you mean the same unions that prop up lazy teachers who do not educate but simply just show up and constantly have a failing class?
Slash education? The federal government has no business in education, that is a states issue and the Department of Education needs slashed, that would save roughly $400,000,000,000 a year to help pay up the deficit.
Obama is the only one talking about slashing medicare, the GOP said it needs reformed into a private insurance that the elderly can pay into, it's no different then paying into medicare as you work in your career really, the only difference would be you would be in control of your health savings plan instead of the government being in control of your medicare.
Americans are picking up on the scare tactics and the slang words, we know what is going on and who is trying to bring this economy down. 2012 can't get here soon enough.

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