Who are the Israelis?

Golda Meir was a Christian. Worth mentioning. :)
She was an atheist. Born in Ukraine she migrated to the US and later on to Palestine to steal someone's land and contribute to the killing of thousands of Paalestinians.
et al,

The State of Israel is a complex and diverse multi-ethnic, multi-racial, and multi-religious society. The simplified thumbnail perspective might be broken down like this:

Multi-ethnic considerations:​
NOTE: Some Jewish Ethnic Differences may be seen:​

    • Ashkenazim (Jewish ethnic lines from mostly Germany and Eastern Europe)
    • Sephardim Jews (Jewish ethnic lines from mostly to Spain, Portugal, and Arab countries).
Multi-racial considerations:
  • Caucasian,
  • African,
  • Mongoloid
Multi-religious considerations:
  • Jewish
  • Christian
  • Muslim
NOTE: In addition there are religious differences among Jews,​
  • Ultra-Orthodox ("haredim"),
  • Modern Orthodox ("dati-leumi"),
  • Traditional ("masorati"),
  • Secular ("hiloni").
Israel is, very much, a 21st Century country --- having the highest ratio of university degrees to its population in the world. Israel produces huge number of scientific papers ---- more than a 100 papers per 1000 researchers; which shows in the number of Nobel laureates (12: more than all the other Middle Eastern and North African Muslim countries combined) in Physics, Chemistry, Physiology, Medicine, and Literature. (By comparison: Egypt: 4 --- Lebanon: 0 --- Syria: 0 --- Jordan: 0 --- Saudi Arabia: 0 --- Turkey: 1) Israel is at the tip of the spear in terms of high technology developments and medial research advancements; particularly in the areas of microprocessor design and manufacturing; and as diverse as stem cell research --- and --- the treatment of neuro-degenerative diseases. Israel was the first to develop and install a large-scale, fully functional solar electricity generating plant. Of the 16 women in history that have been named Noble Laureates, among them is Ada Yonath, a protein crystallographer (Chemistry), for her studies of the structure and function of the ribosome.

Most Respectfully,

The first heart transplant was performed in Apartheid South Africa.
Where many black hearts were killed.
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Golda Meir was a Christian. Worth mentioning. :)
She was an atheist. Born in Ukraine she migrated to the US and later on to Palestine to steal someone's land and contribute to the killing of thousands of Paalestinians.

Well, at least our granny could actually pronounce "P-alestine",
and speak the local language, unlike the Arabs claiming the land is theirs.
UAE, Bahrain ambassadors join Israeli ambassador for Hanukkah candle lighting

Israel’s Ambassador to the US, Ron Dermer, on Saturday held a virtual Hanukkah candle lighting with the Ambassador of Bahrain to the US, Abdulla R. Al Khalifa, and the Ambassador of the UAE to the US, Yousef Al Otaiba.

The candle lighting was held in the wake of the signing of the Abraham Accords between Israel, the UAE and Bahrain earlier this year.

BLACKOUT | Episode 5: Ready for Shabbat

Nissim Black, a star rapper who moved to Israel after converting to Judaism,
discusses life, everyday struggles in the Holy Land.

Rabbi Yigal Cohen with Maor Edri - 'Lenatzeah Et HaPahad' (Defeat the fear)

The Revivo Project - Nagilah Haleluyah

Let's rejoice Halleluyah, let's rejoice
Let's rejoice Halleluyah, let's rejoice
The time has come, the time has come, of the redemption
The time has come, the time has come, of the redemption

אל שדי my G-d my G-d, return the furthest of my fellows
And expel my open haters, and expel my declared enemies, my soul can't stand them no more
The time has come, the time has come, of the redemption...

Oh diamond, diamond diamond,
Our nice land, our ancient land
My G-d dwelling heavens
Build Your House in Your Greatness
When will You come to You will I sacrifice
The sacrifice of the First Donation

Oh diamond, diamond diamond,
Our nice land, our ancient land
Only One, and there's no second to You,
Raise and guard me
Graze me through green pastures
Knowing the hidden
Our nice land, our ancient land...

I thank You for answering me
And You've been my redemption
That is the day of doing of my Lord
Let's rejoice and be happy within Him

Here's how well, and how favorable
A tribe of brothers, all together, together, together

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Golda Meir was a Christian. Worth mentioning. :)
She was an atheist. Born in Ukraine she migrated to the US and later on to Palestine to steal someone's land and contribute to the killing of thousands of Paalestinians.

Well, at least our granny could actually pronounce "P-alestine",
and speak the local language, unlike the Arabs claiming the land is theirs.
You lie the lie and beleive it. Look at you.
RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
SUBTOPIC: You lie the lie
⁜→ Issa, et al,

BLUF: I'm confused! "Lie the Lie"

Golda Meir was a Christian. Worth mentioning. :)
She was an atheist. Born in Ukraine she migrated to the US and later on to Palestine to steal someone's land and contribute to the killing of thousands of Paalestinians.

Well, at least our granny could actually pronounce "P-alestine",
and speak the local language, unlike the Arabs claiming the land is theirs.
You lie the lie and beleive it. Look at you.

What falsehood
(first lie) is being conveyed untruthfully (second lie)?

Be patient with me. I'm just an old man...


Most Respectfully,
Israeli Corona Discovery: UV-LED Lights Kill COVID-19

Israelis published the first study in the world using UV-LED irradiation at different wavelengths to kill viruses from the corona family.


Researchers from Tel Aviv University (TAU) have proven that the Coronavirus (COVID-19) can be killed efficiently, quickly and cheaply using ultraviolet (UV) light-emitting diodes (UV-LEDs).

This is the first study in the world using UV-LED irradiation at different wavelengths or frequencies on viruses from the corona family.

Prof. Hadas Mamane, Head of TAU’s Environmental Engineering Program at the School of Mechanical Engineering, led the study in collaboration with Prof. Yoram Gerchman of Oranim College, Dr. Michal Mandelboim, the Director of the National Center for Influenza and Respiratory Viruses at Sheba Medical Center at Tel HaShomer, and Nehemya Friedman from Tel Hashomer.

The researchers tested the optimal wavelength for killing the Coronavirus and found that a length of 285 nanometers was almost as efficient in disinfecting the virus as a wavelength of 265 nanometers, requiring less than half a minute to destroy more than 99.9% of the coronaviruses.

This result is significant because the cost of 285 nm LED bulbs are much lower than that of 265 nm bulbs, and the former is also more readily available.

Eventually, as the science develops, the industry will be able to make the necessary adjustments and install the bulbs in robotic systems, or air conditioning, vacuum, and water systems to efficiently disinfect large surfaces and spaces. Prof. Mamane believes that the technology will be available for use in the near future.

“The entire world is currently looking for effective solutions to disinfect the coronavirus,” says Prof. Mamane. “The problem is that in order to disinfect a bus, train, sports hall or plane by chemical spraying, you need physical manpower, and in order for the spraying to be effective, you have to give the chemical time to act on the surface. We know, for example, that medical staff do not have time to manually disinfect, say, computer keyboards and other surfaces in hospitals – and the result is infection and quarantine. The disinfection systems based on LED bulbs, however, can be installed in the ventilation system and air conditioners, for example, and sterilize the air sucked in and then emitted into the room.”

“We discovered that it is quite simple to kill the coronavirus using LED bulbs that radiate ultraviolet light,” explains Prof. Mamane. “But no less important, we killed the viruses using cheaper and more readily available LED bulbs, which consume little energy and do not contain mercury like regular bulbs. Our research has commercial and societal implications, given the possibility of using such LED bulbs in all areas of our lives, safely and quickly. Of course, as always when it comes to ultraviolet radiation, it is important to make it clear to people that it is dangerous to try to use this method to disinfect surfaces inside homes. You need to know how to design these systems and how to work with them so that you are not directly exposed to the light.”

Ultraviolet radiation is a common method of killing bacteria and viruses, and most of us are familiar with such disinfecting bulbs from their use in water purifiers. UV radiation mainly damages nucleic acids.

Last year, a team of researchers led by Prof. Mamane and Prof. Gerchman patented a combination of different UV frequencies that cause dual-system damage to the genetic load and proteins of bacteria and viruses, from which they cannot recover, which is a key factor that is ignored.

“In the future, we will want to test our unique combination of integrated damage mechanisms and more ideas we recently developed on combined efficient direct and indirect damage to bacteria and viruses on different surfaces, air and water,” Prof. Mamane concluded.

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WATCH: ‘We Are Lighting the Menorah on the Temple Mount!’ Demand Jewish Activists

These “modern day Maccabees” marched toward the holiest site in Judaism to celebrate Hanukkah’s true message.


This morning (monday), a group of activists from the 'Students for the Temple Mount' march toward the entrance to the Temple Mount, carrying a model of the Temple lamp looted by the Romans.

The activists tried to go up to the Temple Mount with the Menorah and restore the famous relief that appears on the Titus Gate, they said, "with a significant change - the direction of walking. Instead of the Menorah coming out of the destruction of Jerusalem, it returns to it by Jews sovereign in their land".


"After two thousand years, we have finally returned to our homeland and rebuilt a sovereign Israeli entity in it. Hanukkah is a great opportunity to return the Menorah as well and raise awareness of the national and cultural importance of the Temple Mount."

Activists tried to get the guards and policemen at the entrance to the Temple Mount to accept the menorah, but they refused.

"It is gratifying to see the passers-by excited by the procession, some joining, some throwing candies and applauding. I call on the masses of Israelis to join us regularly for Aliyahs and to make change with their feet, just like in the days of Aliyah to Eretz Yisrael."


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RE: Who Are The Palestinians? Part 2
⁜→ rylah, et al,


Israeli Corona Discovery: UV-LED Lights Kill COVID-19
Israelis published the first study in the world using UV-LED irradiation at different wavelengths to kill viruses from the corona family.

This is one of those "EUREKA" moments. Who
[Researchers from Tel Aviv University (TAU)] gets the Nobel Prize for this?

I wonder which grocery chain and outdoor market areas will be the first to install these LEDs?

Researchers from Tel Aviv University (TAU) said:
The researchers tested the optimal wavelength for killing the Coronavirus and found that a length of 285 nanometers was almost as efficient in disinfecting the virus as a wavelength of 265 nanometers, requiring less than half a minute to destroy more than 99.9% of the coronaviruses.

This result is significant because the cost of 285 nm LED bulbs are much lower than that of 265 nm bulbs, and the former is also more readily available.


Most Respectfully,
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