Who Are The Palestinians " III "

Hamas Closes Down Luxury Resort in Gaza Where Men and Women Seen Enjoying Themselves

Remember the Bianco resort, a luxurious seaside resort in “concentration camp” Gaza which last year was attacked with an explosive device, reportedly due to it holding events with male and female guests, and then was involved in a scandal involving a tuchus?

Hamas has now reportedly closed it down, apparently for allowing young men and women together inside one of the chalets.

On Tuesday, the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities in Gaza decided to close a chalet in the Bianco resort in the northern Gaza Strip until further notice; “For non-compliance with the conditions and procedures followed in implementing the events and activities, which violate the customs and traditions of our authentic conservative people.”
The ministry said, in a statement received by “Safa” agency, that it “follows up on all tourist facilities and conducts inspection tours to ensure the conditions for organizing events, public safety and the quality of citizens’ services.”
She indicated that she “is granted conditional permissions to hold events and activities in accordance with the national interest, and the traditions and customs of our conservative people.”
She pointed out that it “follows up on a daily basis the visitors and guests of the chalets and resorts according to an electronic system in partnership with the Tourism Investigations Ministry of the Interior.”
And it stressed that it “withdraws licenses and issues administrative decisions, closures and penalties against those who prove other than their commitment to national instructions.”
“As part of the treatment, the ministry confirms its follow-up with the competent authorities to play its role in preserving the values and culture of our conservative people, who deserve a peaceful life and entertainment in accordance with the legitimate requirements,” she added.
She called on the pioneers of social networking sites “not to be drawn behind the voices calling for sowing discord within the conservative society, which aspires to freedom, independence and liberation.”
A video clip of young men and women inside one of the chalets of the Bianco Resort sparked angry reactions on social media.

Hamas finds men and women enjoying themselves to be unacceptable behavior, for religious reasons. Although this video also harms the narrative of Hamas and other Israel-haters that Gaza is just a miserable place where everyone is poor and depressed.

There are poor and depressed people in Gaza, but ultimately they are this way thanks to the actions of their Hamas leaders. And this is another example of how.



Arab Onlookers Laugh as Youth Swims in Temple Mount Purification Fountain

Our friends at the Temple Mount Beyadenu group say they managed to download this video before it was deleted.

It was uploaded by one Nada Bani Hashem, who wrote in Arabic: “This person is swimming and desecrating the purifying space at al-Aqsa, while the other people are laughing.
Nobody criticizes or makes a comment.

What is left that we haven’t done in al-Aqsa?

Dancing, football games,

it’s only a matter of time before intimate relations are performed there.”

Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah organization sponsored a day camp for children in Hebron, called "The Buds of Construction and Liberation camp.”

One of the first activities was for each camper - many appearing to be as young as 9 - to pose in front of a poster of Yasser Arafat and Mahmoud Abbas.

With an AK-47.

This isn't a Hamas or Islamic Jihad camp. This is Fatah, Israel's supposed peace partners.

There are hundreds of photos of kids in this pose on the Fatah Hebron Facebook page.

In case you weren't certain that these are meant to recruit kids to be terrorists, here is a poster from the camp, showing the children with masked militants.

(Hamas members could sell some of their homes, cars, spend less, but......)

The Hamas terror organization in the Gaza Strip imposed new taxes on imported clothing and office supplies, sparking limited but rare protests in the impoverished coastal strip with an unemployment rate near 50 percent.

The Ministry of Economy has proposed taxes on packaged nuts with an import tariff of 2,000 shekels (nearly $600) per ton, reported The Associated Press. Nuts were previously tax-free when imported. The duty on a ton of toilet paper increased from $90 to $580.

(full article online)

As you might expect coming from the UN, something called the "Torture Committee" failed to address torture committed by the competing Islamic terrorist franchises against each others members.

Maybe we just need to give the islamic terrorists and the islamic terrorist enablers at the UN more money.

The UN Committee Against Torture ended its first-ever review of the Palestinians by praising them “for supporting female victims of violence.” Its final conclusions were published today, but these omitted mention of routine torture perpetrated against members of the Palestinian LGBT community or Palestinians who sell land to Jews.

Given recent high-profile reports and legal cases in which the Palestinian Authority and Hamas have been accused of severely torturing and mistreating detainees, one would have expected the UN panel to be tougher on the Palestinian delegation, as it has been on Israel and the United States, for example.
A term one doesn’t usually ascribe to Islamic terrorists would be “trendy”. In light of the religious slogans and appeals to the inventor of islamism, “trendy” isn’t a first choice for these Death Cultists.

It seems these Cultists will live a short life and die a miserable death in service to their Muhammad god and failed Arab supremacism.

1. “From the Water to the Water, Palestine Is Arab”
2. “With Spirit and Blood We Will Redeem You, Oh Al-Aqsa”
3. “Jews, Remember Khaybar, the Army of Muhammad Is Returning”
4. “Put the Sword Against the Sword, We Are the Men of Mohammed Deif”
5. “Oh Qassam, Oh Friend, Strike a Blow at Tel Aviv”

Dancing in Defiance: How Shahd Abusalama uses Dabke to spread Palestinian culture]​

Pallys were not invented until the late 1960's by Yassir Arafat

For over 2,500 years, Palestine was merely a geographical area – not a national identity. It was only after the creation of British Mandate for Palestine that the world referred to Palestinian Jews, Palestinian Bedouin and Palestinian Arabs. These terms simply referred to Jews, Bedouin or Arabs living in the geographical region of Palestine.
"It is common knowledge that Palestine is nothing but southern Syria."

Ahmed Shukeiri, (Founder of PLO in 1964) UN Security Council, 1956.
I do not know if there was a " Who are the Palestinians 1" , as # 2 was definitely NOT about Who They Are, as the first post shows.

So, let us continue with our number "III", #2 has too many pages already, to discuss who those who call themselves Palestinians are, what their history, ideologies, dreams, goals, motives, etc are.

Are the leaders of the Palestinians actually working for a Palestinian State?
Are the leaders of the Palestinians actually taking care of their People?
Are the leaders of the Palestinians educating their populations for a future peace with Israel?
What is the difference in lifestyle between the Palestinians in Gaza and the PA ?
What is the difference in lifestyle between the poor and the rich in both places?
Does one have to belong to a certain clan in order to have a better life?
Does one have to be pro Hamas or the PA in order to have a better life?
Are all who live in Gaza and the PA civilians?
Do all Palestinians approve of their leaders?
What does the common Palestinian want?
Do Palestinians care if they work in Gaza or the PA, or are they willing to work in Israel, as they did before the Intifada?
How does the common Palestinian actually feel about Israel? Will they work there, seek health care or education in Israel if they can?

What is the role of UNWRA in the education of these populations? What do they teach? Are they involved with any other refugees?

What is the role of UNWRA, period, as there are fewer and fewer refugees from the 1948 war. Will there be a time when it could be dismantled?

So, many questions, and there are many more.
All the questions and answers do come out in the news, daily.

Now, discuss.
Palestian's are people to. They are your brothers and sisters.
Palestian's are people to. They are your brothers and sisters.
Palestinian Arabs are Arabs from Arabia. They are not the Jewish people's brothers and sisters. Never have been. Being semitic does not denote brotherhood. Never did.

What a lousy family they have shown themselves to be since their ancestors invaded the Jewish homeland since the 7th century.

There are Arabs and Muslims and Bedoin and Druze who love Israel and being part of Israel.

And then there are any of those groups who continue to be taught the Islamic nonsense of superiority over the Jews. And that Jews do not have rights like other people.

Brothers do not treat other brothers that way.
Palestinian Arabs are Arabs from Arabia. They are not the Jewish people's brothers and sisters. Never have been. Being semitic does not denote brotherhood. Never did.

What a lousy family they have shown themselves to be since their ancestors invaded the Jewish homeland since the 7th century.

There are Arabs and Muslims and Bedoin and Druze who love Israel and being part of Israel.

And then there are any of those groups who continue to be taught the Islamic nonsense of superiority over the Jews. And that Jews do not have rights like other people.

Brothers do not treat other brothers that way.
They didn't invade your homeland; you invaded theirs!
Most Palestinians do not know the history behind 1948. There are several myths about that period of time.
  • That the 1948 war was preceded by months of civil war. Not true.
  • That the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians, i.e. the Nakba, was a product of the 1948 war. Not true. The Nakba and the 1948 war were two separate events.
  • That the Arab armies lost the 1948 war. Not true.
  • That the UN created Israel. Not true.

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