Who Are The Palestinians " III "

A successful democratic future for one of many Islamic terrorist dictators.

On July 15, 2022 US President Joe Biden met with PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas. After laying out the efforts of his administration to renew its ties with the PA, President Biden added:

“Now is the time to strengthen Palestinian institutions, to improve governance, transparency, and accountability.

All of this work is critical. And it will help build a society that can support a successful, democratic future, and a future Palestinian state. And the United States will work with you, President Abbas, at every step.”
[Website of the White House, July 15, 2022]
Nasser is not feeling the love. The angry, competing tribes harken back to those halcyon days of civil war when killing and torture was routine,

Former Hamas minister shot in ‘attempted assassination’ in West Bank​

Nasser al-Shaer hospitalized with bullet wounds to legs after attack by unknown assailants in Nablus; terror group accuses rival Fatah of being behind shooting​


Gazans have been furiously downloading this video of the Bianco Resort which was originally uploaded to Facebook a year ago. Apparently it was re-uploaded to Instagram about a week ago.

Gazans were scandalized by video showing a family wearing swimming suits.

Palestinian media are eagerly reporting the story about how scandalous the video is - while publishing the video itself to allow everyone to see these pre-pubescent girls splashing in the pool and hot tub. (The shirtless father is receiving some attention, too.)

The hotel issued a statement explaining that the family shown were Christians, not Muslims, and that the video was publicizing that the resort offers private chalets and pools for families to be able to swim together.

That wasn't good enough.

Today, the Gaza Ministry of Tourism closed the Bianco Resort.

On Tuesday, the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities in Gaza decided to close a chalet in the Bianco resort in the northern Gaza Strip until further notice; "For non-compliance with the conditions and procedures followed in implementing the events and activities, which violate the customs and traditions of our authentic conservative people."
The Bianco Resort has been in the news before.
Last summer, a man in one of the private chalets took a video of his wife who could be seen for a split second swimming nude. That man was arrested by Hamas. At that time, the resort thanked Hamas for the arrest and said it upheld the moral standards of Gaza.

Also last year, Islamists in Gaza bombed the resort because it was holding a mixed-gender concert.

The media tends to stay away from stories like these for two reasons: they don't want to publicize how extreme Hamas is in regulating how regular Gazans, including Christians, may act.

And because they don't want people to realize that Gaza has many luxury resorts and it not the bombed-out shell that the media wants the world to believe it is.

(vide video online)

''Nationwide elections''? Now that's funny.

Can you copy and paste a youtube video?
It is said that the people in Gaza elected Hamas. That is not true. The elections were held in the West Bank and Gaza. And Hamas won overall.

And that leads to the never answered question. Fatah lost the elections so why are they running the West Bank?
It is said that the people in Gaza elected Hamas. That is not true. The elections were held in the West Bank and Gaza. And Hamas won overall.

And that leads to the never answered question. Fatah lost the elections so why are they running the West Bank?
It is said that "if it's not on YouTube, it didn't happen".
Under the guise of concern for Pope Francis’ health, PA Chairman Abbas exploited a phone call with the pope to incite and inflame the Church against Israel.

In their conversation, Abbas repeated the libel that Israel “attacks” Christian and Muslim holy sites:

”His Honor [Abbas] updated Pope Francis on the attacks to which the Christian and Islamic holy sites are being subjected, and especially the Church of the Holy Sepulchre and the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque.”
[Official PA TV News, July 12, 2022]
Palestinian Media Watch has documented numerous such statements that refer to the presence of Jews at these places as “invasions,” “break-ins,” and “attacks.” The statements also expose the PA’s antisemitic ideologies, declaring that the presence of Jews “defiles” and “desecrates” these holy sites.

Even PA Chairman Abbas has argued that Israelis “desecrate the sanctity of our holy sites”:


PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas: "The Israeli occupation forces are committing oppression and arbitrary acts in order to erase the holy city’s identity, change its spiritual and historical characteristics, desecrate the sanctity of our holy sites – the Islamic and Christian ones, and pressure its residents, visitors, and those coming to worship there. The Al-Aqsa Mosque is being subjected to invasions every day." 
[Official PA TV News, March 31, 2019]
PLO Palestinian National Council Chairman Rawhi Fattouh recently reiterated Abbas’ statement, when he stressed that Israeli/Jewish presence “defiles” Muslim and Christian holy sites:

(full article online)

Very resilient.

RAMALLAH, West Bank (Reuters) - Hundreds of Palestinians demonstrated in the West Bank on Wednesday to demand legal protection for women after a 21-year-old woman died last month in what rights groups say was a so-called honor killing.

Every year, hundreds of women and girls are murdered in the Middle East by male family members. The honor killing — the execution of a female family member for perceived misuse of her sexuality — is a thorny social and political issue. Palestinian activists campaigning for equality find it difficult to stop the killings altogether. Legitimacy for such murders stems from a complex code of honor ingrained in the consciousness of some sectors of Palestinian society.

Every year, hundreds of women and girls are murdered in the Middle East by male family members. The honor killing — the execution of a female family member for perceived misuse of her sexuality — is a thorny social and political issue. Palestinian activists campaigning for equality find it difficult to stop the killings altogether. Legitimacy for such murders stems from a complex code of honor ingrained in the consciousness of some sectors of Palestinian society.

The argument goes something like this: if it weren't for those pesky Jews and the Israeli occupation, Arab men would not need or have weapons. And without those weapons, they would not be killing women. Or if it isn't because of the weapons, then it is because of the oppression of men and women by Israel, and the stress this puts on families. Or it is because "the Israeli authorities remain passive and simply refuse to enforce the law," according to one Palestinian contributor to the Israeli-Palestinian magazine 972.
Another Islamic terrorist fashion parade.

Odd. We're told ''this is not a religious conflict'' as we watch Hamas perform the islamist prayer ritual.

[ A "refugee" camp by the beach. Nope, cannot make that up. Blame it all on Egypt and Israel. Are Hamas members refugees, as well? How about members of all other militias in Gaza?]

With Gaza's land borders tightly controlled by neighboring Israel and Egypt, the seaside is a precious resource for people looking to escape their day-to-day stresses.

"The refugee camp has no beach, there is no place for people to sit, therefore, people are forced to pay to go north or (south)."
Abdel-Karim Zaqout

In Central Gaza Strip, Radwan al-Shantaf, from Al-Zahra city municipality, said the authorities had used large quantities of the rubble of houses destroyed in the May 2021 Israeli bombardment to barricade beaches.

He said high waves had forced the owners of a bank to evacuate to a building deeper into the city, and the operators of a power plant to build a concrete wall to reinforce the outer fence.

"The advance of the sea decreased the beach area and finished off recreation, cafes and beachgoers spaces," Shantaf told Reuters, standing in front of the concrete reinforcement.

On Monday, hundreds of Palestinian lawyers protested Mahmoud Abbas' sweeping powers:

Hundreds of Palestinian lawyers held a rare street protest Monday against what they described as the Palestinian Authority's "rule by decree", condemning president Mahmud Abbas for governing without a parliament.

The Palestinian Legislative Council -- created under the Oslo Peace Accords with Israel -- has been inactive since 2007, meaning Abbas has led without a functioning parliament for nearly all of his tenure as president.

But a new leadership at the Palestinian Bar Association has sought to pressure the PA.

The draft Palestinian constitution allows for presidential decrees "if necessary", in cases where the PLC cannot act, but lawyers said Abbas has gone too far.

According to estimates by Palestinian legal experts, Abbas has issued some 400 presidential decrees while in office.

He officially dissolved the PLC in 2018.

The article doesn't come close to describing Abbas' control of all the branches of the Palestinian government.

In order to "legally" dissolve the PLC, he needed the Palestinian Constitutional Court to make that decision. And guess who appointed every member of that group in 2016?

Yes, it was Abbas himself.

So Mahmoud Abbas controls, either directly or by proxy, the legislative, executive and judicial branches of the Palestinian Authority.

But his powers don't end there, because the PA is not independent - it reports to the PLO, which is still legally considered the "“Sole Legitimate Representative of the Palestinian People” - and whose chairman is also Mahmoud Abbas.

This is all documented. It is no secret that Abbas controls everything.

Yet Western media almost completely ignores this basic fact. Abbas is never referred to as a dictator - except by Hamas media.

The reason, as always, is that pointing out the corruption of the Palestinians seems to weaken the overarching narrative of an evil Israeli oppressive presence that controls every aspect of Palestinian life, and that narrative must be protected as much as possible.

With the wave of his hand (and the cashing of his welfare check), Abbas anoints his latest sacrificial Islamobot martyr..

JULY 27, 2022 7:47 AM1
Abbas Hails as ‘Martyrs’ Palestinian Terrorists Killed in Nablus Firefight With IDF.

JNS.org – Palestinian Authority chief Mahmoud Abbas on Sunday hailed as “martyrs” the two terrorists killed on July 23 in a shootout with Israeli forces in Nablus, according to Israeli media reports
Iovely folks consumed by seething hatreds have no issue with throwing campaign fun-money at like minded haters.

Too bad actually working for a living is too much to ask of Tlaib.

The Michigan Democrat began dishing out campaign cash to Unbought Power LLC, a political consulting and advocacy firm, in March 2020 for fundraising services. Since then, the firm has collected 32 checks totaling $204,000 from Tlaib's campaign, according to a Fox News Digital review of Federal Election Commission records.

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