Who Are The Palestinians " III "

[ An Egyptian, pro Palestine, seems to laugh at the tragedy caused by a sinkhole in a pool in Israel which took the life of one person. Clearly she is not aware how many sinkholes exist in Gaza, some of which caused by Egypt flooding the tunnels into Israel built by Hamas. Or the deaths of at least 120 children who were made to dig those tunnels for Hamas. ]

One of the defining characteristics of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has been the use of terrorism by Palestinian organizations and individuals in order to harm Israeli civilians and to further their political goals through violent means.

These terrorist attacks have cost the lives of thousands of Israelis and have left countless others wounded and traumatized.

Despite their role in inflicting violence on innocent civilians, a number of Palestinian terrorists have developed an international following, with activists, artists and academics glorifying their actions and ideas.

The following is a list of the five most popular Palestinian terrorists in the West:

1. Leila Khaled​

A member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), Leila Khaled took part in the 1969 hijacking of a TWA flight from Rome to Tel Aviv that was ultimately diverted to Damascus.

A year later, Khaled was part of a two-person team that attempted to hijack an El Al flight from Amsterdam to New York City. During the attack, Khaled removed the pins from the two grenades that she was carrying.

After her partner was killed by Israeli air marshals, Khaled was overpowered by security and taken into custody.

Upon landing at London’s Heathrow Airport, Khaled was taken into British detention. She was released less than a month later in exchange for hostages that had been taken during a separate hijacking.

Leila Khaled currently lives in Amman, Jordan, where she maintains her membership in the PFLP.

Even though Leila Khaled took part in two hijackings that put the lives of hundreds of civilians at risk, she has been internationally glorified for almost half a century by both political activists and artists.

In 1981, the English band The Teardrop Explodes released a song named ‘Like Leila Khaled Said.’

In 2005, Lina Makboul released a film titled ‘Leila Khaled Hijacker,’ where the Swedish-Palestinian filmmaker referred to Khaled as “my idol.”

In 2014, images of Leila Khaled cradling a rifle were painted on two separate wall murals in Belfast, Northern Ireland.

In both September 2020 and April 2021, the Arab and Muslim Ethnicities and Diasporas Studies Program at San Francisco State University invited Leila Khaled to speak online as part of their ‘Whose Narratives?’ program. Both speeches were ultimately abandoned, with the September talk being canceled by Zoom due to the streaming platform’s anti-terrorism policy.


2. Rasmea Odeh​

Rasmea Odeh, also a member of the PFLP, was imprisoned by Israel in 1970 for committing two terrorist attacks in 1969: The bombing of a Jerusalem supermarket that claimed the lives of two Hebrew University students and the attempted bombing of the British consulate in Jerusalem four days later.

Odeh was released in a 1980 prisoner exchange and moved to the United States in 1995. She became a naturalized American citizen in 2004.

In 2014, a court convicted Rasmeah Odeh of immigration fraud for lying on her US immigration and citizenship applications about her terrorism convictions.

Odeh was deported to Jordan in September 2017.

Even though she is a convicted terrorist who is responsible for the death of two innocent civilians and the wounding of countless others, Rasmea Odeh has become a cause célèbre and icon for political activists around the world, having been invited by a wide array of organizations to speak and spread her views.

In May 2017, just months before her deportation from the United States, Odeh was asked to speak at Northwestern University outside of Chicago by the local chapter of Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP).

According to an SJP spokesperson, the organization wanted to host an event to “honor the amazing work [Rasmea Odeh] has done.”

In 2018, Rasmeah Odeh was invited to speak at the Verrekijker center at the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam for a discussion about the “Palestinian struggle for liberation.” The university subsequently closed down the center.

In March 2019, Odeh was barred from giving a presentation in Berlin after she had been invited by two PFLP-affiliated organizations to speak at a conference on “Palestinian women fighting for liberation.”


3. Marwan Barghouti​

Marwan Barghouti is the head of the Tanzim (a militant faction of Fatah) and a senior member of the US-designated terrorist organization Al Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades.

He is currently serving five life terms in an Israeli prison for organizing shooting attacks during the Second Intifada, for directing a terrorist attack on the Seafood Market restaurant in Tel Aviv that killed three Israelis and for an attempted bombing of the Malha Mall in Jerusalem.

Barghouti has also called for a Third Intifada, advocating for a resumption of violence against both Israeli soldiers and civilians.

His terrorist bonafides notwithstanding, Marwan Barghouti is lionized throughout the West, touted as a reputable leader and portrayed as a political prisoner of conscience.

As HonestReporting has already reported, a number of news organizations have obfuscated Barghouti’s violent background, with the AP referring to him as a “popular, charismatic leader” and CNN’s Christiane Amanpour describing him as an “activist.”

Similarly, the New York Times dubbed Barghouti “a Palestinian leader and parliamentarian.”

In 2017, Marwan Barghouti led a hunger strike of Palestinian prisoners in Israeli prisons. The striking prisoners included members of the US-designated terrorist organizations Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad.

Even though the hunger strike was being led by a convicted terrorist and included members of internationally recognized terrorist organizations, student activists from such esteemed institutions as Columbia University, University of Chicago and DePaul University joined together to openly demonstrate solidarity with the fasting prisoners.

Likewise, the Stanford Student Senate helped fund an on-campus talk by Marwan Barghouti’s youngest son, Aarab, where he spoke out on behalf of his father and the other hunger-striking prisoners.


4. Ghassan Kanafani​

A noted Palestinian writer and poet, Ghassan Kanafani was also a leading member of the Palestinian terror organization, the PFLP. Serving as the PFLP’s spokesperson, Kanafani justified attacks on civilians including airplane hijackings and the massacre of tourists in Israel’s Lod Airport in 1972.

In response to the Lod Airport massacre, Kanafani was killed by Israeli forces two months later.

Despite his ties to an internationally-recognized terrorist organization and his justification for attacks against civilians, Kanafani is an icon among anti-Israel activists, academics and far-left political groups.

Support for Kanafani is also allowed to be expressed on university campuses, with the University of Texas at Dallas allowing the 2022 Ghassan Kanafani anthology to be released on its campus.

Similarly, Kanafani’s image was included in a brochure for an event sponsored by the University of Toronto’s Institute of Islamic Studies, Department of History and Center for the Study of the United States.


5. Ahmad Sa’adat​

The General Secretary of the PFLP since 2001, Ahmad Sa’adat is currently serving a 30-year prison sentence for organizing the assassination of Israel’s culture minister, Rehavam Ze’evi, in October 2001.

Even though he is a convicted terrorist and heads an internationally recognized terror organization, Sa’adat has become a cause célèbre among anti-Israel organizations and political extremists fighting for his release from prison.

The PFLP-linked Samidoun organization commonly organizes public rallies in both Canada and the United States in an effort to spread awareness about Sa’adat’s imprisonment and champion his release.

In 2019, Minnesota University allowed for the National Students for Justice in Palestine conference to take place on its campus. At this meeting, Ahmad Sa’adat was lauded and a message of his was shared with attendees.

Ahmad Sa’adat has also become a point of interest for international bodies, with Amnesty International advocating for his release since 2002, the United Nations publicizing work that is sympathetic to Sa’adat and the Inter-Parliamentary Union (a global organization of national parliaments) calling for him to be set free.

As can be seen from the above, Palestinian terrorists who have advocated for and committed violence against innocent civilians are disoncertingly popular, even glorified, in the West.

For peace to come between Israel and the Palestinians, the voices of Leila Khaled, Rasmea Odeh and Marwan Barghouti need to be replaced with the voices of Palestinians who advocate peace and cooperation.

And by finally calling out the dastardly deeds of these enemies of peace, the media can help turn back the process of normalization that has been taking place with regards to people and groups who are motivated solely by the desire to destroy.

Early this morning, the IDF held an operation in Nablus reportedly to capture an Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade leader, and two terrorists were killed.

A statement were released by the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades mourning the two.

The Palestinian Authority issued statements of condemnation.

But in 2008, Mahmoud Abbas claimed to have completely dismantled the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, which is under the umbrella of the Fatah party he leads.

No one seems to ask: why do the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades still exist 15 years later?

This isn't like the Islamic Jihad-based fighters in Jenin. These are allies of the Fatah party that dominates the Palestinian Authority. While one can argue that the Palestinian security services are not powerful enough to secure Jenin (which is a separate problem) can they not control their own allies?

Or, as seems more likely, are the Al Aqsa Brigades doing what the Palestinian Authority wants - a terror group that can be used whenever it is convenient for the PA and Fatah?

If the Palestinian Authority was doing its job - under signed agreements - the IDF wouldn't need to go into Area A to arrest terrorists.

So why isn't anyone asking why the Palestinian Authority is not doing its job? Why is no one in the West upset that the PA is supporting and mourning the terrorists rather than arresting them?

A recent interview with the daughter of a terrorist prisoner again supports this conclusion. The daughter explained that her imprisoned father began transferring his “monthly salary” from the PA to her as soon as he heard she was getting married:

Aya, daughter of prisoner Fawaz Ba’arah: “Ever since I set the date of my wedding, [dad] has been putting in his monthly salary [from the PA] in order to pay for my wedding present with it.”

In 2013, PMW published a rare interview with the wife of a prisoner who chose not to transfer his salary to her but gave it to other relatives.

Then PA Minister of Prisoners’ Affairs, Issa Karake, openly admitted that “the current procedure in the Ministry of Prisoners’ Affairs is that the prisoner determines who has the power of attorney … he gives the power of attorney to whomever he wants from [among his] first-degree relatives to receive his monetary allowances.”

In the past, PMW provided 12 different reasons to entirely debunk the PA claim that the terrorist salaries are a form of social welfare. The reasons given were:

1. PA law defines the payments to prisoners as salaries.
2. PA officials and prisoners’ representatives deny that salaries are social welfare.
3. Prisoners, and not their families, have complete control over the transfer of the salaries.
4. Salaries rise based on years spent in prison and not based on financial need.
5. Social welfare considerations add only small payments to the base salary.
6. Salaries to prisoners are treated with the same status as salaries to civil servants.
7. Prisoners pay income tax on their salaries, like all government employees.
8. Prisoners’ salaries are higher than salaries of PA civil servants.
9. Payments to families of terrorist “Martyrs” are higher than social welfare for those in need.
10. Released prisoners continue to receive monthly salaries.
11. PA officials openly declare that prisoners receive salaries because they are “heroes.”
12. Released prisoner demanded undiminished salary because: “I personally killed Jews.”

This is the truth about Palestinian terror payments; their only purpose is to reward the murder of Jewish civilians.

(full article online)

Early this morning, the IDF held an operation in Nablus reportedly to capture an Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade leader, and two terrorists were killed.

A statement were released by the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades mourning the two.

The Palestinian Authority issued statements of condemnation.

But in 2008, Mahmoud Abbas claimed to have completely dismantled the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, which is under the umbrella of the Fatah party he leads.

No one seems to ask: why do the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades still exist 15 years later?

This isn't like the Islamic Jihad-based fighters in Jenin. These are allies of the Fatah party that dominates the Palestinian Authority. While one can argue that the Palestinian security services are not powerful enough to secure Jenin (which is a separate problem) can they not control their own allies?

Or, as seems more likely, are the Al Aqsa Brigades doing what the Palestinian Authority wants - a terror group that can be used whenever it is convenient for the PA and Fatah?

If the Palestinian Authority was doing its job - under signed agreements - the IDF wouldn't need to go into Area A to arrest terrorists.

So why isn't anyone asking why the Palestinian Authority is not doing its job? Why is no one in the West upset that the PA is supporting and mourning the terrorists rather than arresting them?

They are not terrorists in Palestine

They are only terrorists to foreign juvenile name callers.
They are not terrorists in Palestine

They are only terrorists to foreign juvenile name callers.
There is no country called Palestine.

And only those who hate Jews think of Hamas and all other terrorists as heroes, who will one day destroy Israel.

Endless laughter.
I suppose one first has to determine, ''who are the Pal'istanians', and from there, what grounds would the Arab squatters have as a basis for any lawsuit?

Are the Palestinians going to take the League of Nations or the UN to court?​

Maurice Hirsch, Adv. | Jul 24, 2022
Today, July 24, 2022, marks 100 years since the League of Nations adopted the “Mandate for Palestine.” The sole purpose of the mandate was to empower Great Britain to create a Jewish State in the entire area from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea, from Lebanon in the north to the Red Sea in the south.
As the preamble of the Mandate clearly stated:
"Whereas the Principal Allied Powers have also agreed that the Mandatory should be responsible for putting into effect the declaration originally made on November 2nd, 1917, by the Government of His Britannic Majesty, and adopted by the said Powers, in favor of the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, it being clearly understood that nothing should be done which might prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country;” [emphasis added]
While the Palestinians claim that terrorism is a response to "occupation," the fact is that Palestinian terrorism predates Israel's presence in the territories. Numerous terrorist attacks murdered and maimed Israeli civilians during the two decades before 1967 (and even before the
establishment of the State of Israel in 1948). Therefore,
terrorism was and still is nothing less than a tool intended
to eventually bring about the destruction of Israel itself.

Jan 1, 1952 - Jerusalem
7 armed terrorists attacked and killed a 19 year-old girl in her home, in the neighborhood of Beit Yisrael.
June 9, 1953 - Lod and Hadera
Terrorists killed a resident of Lod, after throwing hand grenades and spraying gunfire in all directions. On the same night, another group of terrorists attacked a house in Hadera.
Jun 11, 1953 - Kfar Hess
Terrorists attacked a young couple in their home and shot them to death.
Mar 17, 1954 - Maale Akrabim
Terrorists ambushed a bus traveling from Eilat to Tel Aviv, opening fire at short range. The terrorists boarded the bus, and shot each passenger, one by one, murdering 11.
Jan 2, 1955 - Judean Desert
2 hikers killed by terrorists.
Mar 24, 1955 - Patish
1 young woman killed and 18 wounded when terrorists threw hand grenades and opened fire on a crowded wedding celebration.
Apr 7, 1956 - Ashkelon
1 young woman killed when terrorists threw 3 hand grenades into her house.
Apr 7, 1956 - Kibbutz Givat Chaim
2 killed when terrorists opened fire on a car.
Apr 11, 1956 - Shafrir (Kfar Chabad)
3 children and 1 youth worker killed, and 5 injured, when terrorists opened fire on a synagogue full of children and teenagers.
Sep 12, 1956 - Ein Ofarim
Terrorists killed 3 Druze guards.
Sep 23, 1956 - Kibbutz Ramat Rachel
4 archaeologists killed and 16 wounded when terrorists opened fire from a Jordanian position.
Oct 4, 1956 - Sdom
5 Israeli workers killed.
Oct 9, 1956 - Neve Hadasah
2 workers were killed in an orchard of the youth village.
Nov 8, 1956 - Terrorists opened fire on a train, attacked cars and blew up wells, in the north and center of Israel. 6 Israelis were wounded.
Feb 18, 1957 - Nir Yitzhak
2 civilians killed by terrorist landmines.
Apr 16, 1957 - Kibbutz Mesilot
2 guards killed by terrorists who infiltrated from Jordan.
May 29, 1957 - Kibbutz Kisufim
1 killed and 2 wounded when their vehicle struck a landmine.
Aug 23, 1957 - Kibbutz Beit Govrin
2 guards of the Israeli Mekorot water company killed.
Feb 11, 1958 - Kfar Yona
Terrorists killed a resident of Moshav Yanov.
Apr 5, 1958 - Tel Lachish
Terrorists lying in ambush shot and killed 2 people.
May 26, 1958 - Jerusalem
4 Israeli police officers killed in a Jordanian attack on Mt. Scopus.
Nov 17, 1958 - Mt. of the Beatitudes | Syrian terrorists killed the wife of the British air attache in Israel, who was staying at the guesthouse of the Italian Convent.
Dec 3, 1958- Kibbutz Gonen
A shepherd killed and 31 civilians wounded in an artillery attack.
Feb 1, 1959 - Moshav Zavdiel
3 civilians killed by a terrorist landmine.
Apr 27, 1959 - Masada
2 hikers shot and killed at close range.
Apr 26, 1960 - Ashkelon
Terrorists killed a resident of the city.
Jan 1, 1965 - Palestinian terrorists attempted to bomb the National Water Carrier - the first attack carried out by the PLO's Fatah faction.
July 5, 1965 - Mitzpe Massua
A Fatah cell planted explosives near Beit Guvrin, and on the railroad tracks to Jerusalem near Kfar Battir.
May 16, 1966 - Northern Galilee region | 2 Israelis killed when their jeep hit a terrorist landmine. Tracks led into Syria.
Jul 13, 1966 - Almagor
2 soldiers and 1 civilian killed when their truck struck a terrorist landmine.

Do you have a link for that?
You got plenty of them. You always deny them. Deal with the fact that the region called Palestine was NEVER an Arab or Palestinian or Muslim country.

The Kurds conquered, the Arabs moved in and were happy with any Muslim rulers as long as the Jews remained non sovereign to their own homeland.

This is now.

They want the whole land to be Muslim? No can do.

They wanted to be part of Syria. So much for a Palestinian State. Call them Syrians, call them Egyptians, call them Arabs, which is what most are.

Leave the poor Arabs alone with your obsession to destroy that which brings respect and decency to the Arabs who live in Israel, and those who want to work and study in Israel. Those will never agree with you, and do not care about how much you do not care about Jews. They do.

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