Who Are The Palestinians " III "

What are you doing to repair the education these youths are receiving in Gaza.

Why did that donkey have to pay for their ignorance?

What are you doing? I have never abused Arabs or Jews. Who do you expect to fix what you've done?
What are you doing? I have never abused Arabs or Jews. Who do you expect to fix what you've done?
Arabs are abusing Arabs.

Just ask the Arabs if they would rather live in Israel or in a Palestinian State.
More of what is expected from sociopaths calling themselves Palestinians. It's a cradle to (early) grave program of indoctrination that glorifies death by creating hate and revulsion based on religious enmity.

For the glory of foreign bank accounts held by Hamas and the PA thieves.

PA TV serves as platform for promotion of Martyrdom-death for youth
Nan Jacques Zilberdik | Jul 17, 2022
18-year-old wanted Martyrdom like his would-be suicide bomber brother

Father of dead terrorist: “I’m proud of his Martyrdom-death… Since age 11 my son has been a fighter”

To “die a Martyr” while “fighting” Israel – i.e., carrying out a terror attack and trying to murder Israelis - is an admirable thing to do in the Palestinian Authority. It is something to strive for and a source of immense pride for the relatives, as Palestinian Media Watch has documented at length. Recent cases show that official PA TV continues to highlight this pride and strengthen it by providing a platform for it, thereby encouraging yet more terrorist “Martyrs.”
I missed the news this morning of the islamic hoardes massing at the Doors of Rome, the Vatican, Washington, Moscow, and Beijing.

I'm thinking that the more excitable of the Pally "scholars" may want to tone down the world conquest aspirations.

Palestinian Islamic Scholar Mohammad Afeef Shadid: U.S. President Biden Is Not Welcome Here; May the Mujahideen Smash the Doors of Rome, the Vatican, Washington, Moscow, and Beijing
[ This does not happen because Jews rebuilt their Nation on their ancient homeland. This happens because it is accepted in their culture. Things may have changed since 2019, but it was a reality back then ]

Giu 10, 2019

While no official statistics exists, approximately 10,000 homeless animals roam the streets of theBethlehem Governorate alone. These animals have no legal protection against abuse.

The most effective way to reduce their populations is through Trap, Neuter, and Release (TNR) programs.

Unfortunately, Palestinian president and municipal leaders have not yet taken serious steps to begin those programs. Right now, their only official policy regarding stray animal populations is toshoot and poison them. Stray dogs and cats subject to this treatment die in agony — those poisoned convulse in seizures, while those shot are often wounded and left to die slowly from their injuries. These tactics are so normalized that Palestinian municipalities post notices warning citizens not to be alarmed by impending gunfire, and post pictures of bloodied dogs on their Facebook pages, claiming to have made streets safer for people.

(full article online)


Israel's nature organizations have warned that many rare animal species are facing the threat of extinction due to being hunted by Palestinians in the West Bank as part of a cruel, "culture" activity.

The West Bank offers vast land, rich middle eastern herbarium, ibex and deer, porcupines and partridges, falcons, foxes and hyenas - a hunter's paradise. In the last year, a record of 130 deer were hunted, but the numbers are probably much higher, considering many hunts go unaccounted. The Palestinians, regardless of the law, continue their passed-down hunting tradition, even with species facing extinction.

Israel is home to three different species of deer, considered protected animals by law and prohibited to hunt. They are facing extinction due to illegal hunting, a surplus in wolf and jackal predators, and shrinking grazing territories as a result of growing agriculture and urbanization.

The hunting practice in the area has come under spotlight only recently thanks social media, with many Palestinians uploading to social networks images of the dead animals they had hunted. This is done either for purposes of trade, meat, or simply as pastime recreation. The Israeli Civil Administration and Nature and Parks Authority have attempted to confront the hunters, yet have seen little success.

So who protects the wildlife? Only six inspectors of the Nature and Parks Authority are placed in the West Bank. To support them, a designated unit has been established to fight illegal hunting.

The Palestinians see hunting as part of their culture. In their eyes, they aren't doing anything out of the ordinary, and only continuing their tradition, and extinction of ecological balance aren't part of their conscious. "In many areas there's almost no wildlife left," said Erez Bruhi, enforcement officer of the Nature and Parks Authority who acts under the Israeli Civil Administration. "The hunters act fearlessly, they get very close to the Israeli settlement fences, and not far from the Jordanian border either.

"Before we speak of illegal hunting in Judea and Samaria, we need to talk about illegal hunting in general," said Asaf Levi, judicial advisor of the Organization for Nature Protection. "In Israel there is the law of protection of wildlife and the law of national parks; in Palestinian-ruled territory there is Jordanian legislature... In Area A and Area B - we don't have jurisdiction. Like other areas of the West Bank, legislature is lagging and not up to date like the Israeli law. Wildlife wanders freely, without paying attention to geopolitical differences. A deer can crossover from Area A to Area C, where our authority is limited, without knowing."

Bruhi adds that there are areas in which a whole Palestinian village will go out to hunt. "We know for example that there is competition between the villages regarding who can hunt more porcupines. They send each other pictures and videos to show proof of who's better. Deer hunting is the hardest. They go out wearing camouflage."

(full article online)

After the interrogation of the three, police forces raided a number of targets in the village of Tuba Zangaria and the city of Sakhnin on Sunday morning, arresting another eight suspects on suspicion of involvement in arson.

The three suspects, in their 20s, are suspected of involvement in the arson incidents at the Tzfat Central Station, in which 18 buses were set on fire, in the city of Kiryat Shmona, and other arson incidents throughout the north in the past month. Their detention has been extended in court until Tuesday.

According to the suspicion, the three acted on behalf of a criminal organization that extorted racketeering fees from businesses under the guise of security companies.

Commander of the Police’s Northern District Shimon Lavi stated that “we are working with all our might and with all the tools at our disposal against the phenomenon of collecting the ‘protection’ fees, from capturing the perpetrators in this case to economic activity against their senders – the heads of criminal organizations.”

(full article online)


NGO Monitor has a website where you can see how various NGOs refer to Palestinian minors who are killed - and the truth about the terror attacks they were performing at the time, along with their terror affiliations.

The most recent one is Sanad Abu Atiyeh:

On March 31, 2022, 17-year-old Sanad Abu Atiyeh was shot dead by IDF forces during a gun battle in Jenin. According to the IDF, Abu Atiyeh was among three Palestinian “armed men” who fired at Israeli forces.

During his funeral march, Abu Atiyeh was wrapped in a PIJ flag and wore a PIJ headband, a practice reserved for the terror group’s members.

It is a nice resource.

The Islamic terrorist connections run deep.

Two men who held key positions at nonprofit groups that were found liable in a Hamas terror financing scheme helped organize campaign fundraising events for Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) in 2018.

The men, who organized events that were paid for by Tlaib's campaign, were associated with a network of nonprofit groups that were found liable by a federal jury in 2004 for financing the terrorist slaying of an American teenager, David Boim, at a bus stop in the West Bank in 1996. A federal judge ordered the three groups to pay Boim's parents a $156 million judgment for funding Hamas, a designated Foreign Terrorist Organization
The Islamic terrorist connections run deep.

Two men who held key positions at nonprofit groups that were found liable in a Hamas terror financing scheme helped organize campaign fundraising events for Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) in 2018.

The men, who organized events that were paid for by Tlaib's campaign, were associated with a network of nonprofit groups that were found liable by a federal jury in 2004 for financing the terrorist slaying of an American teenager, David Boim, at a bus stop in the West Bank in 1996. A federal judge ordered the three groups to pay Boim's parents a $156 million judgment for funding Hamas, a designated Foreign Terrorist Organization
Grasping at straws.
Some interesting news about the kuffar legal process of discovery.

Reps. Omar and Tlaib among Democrats tied to group with alleged links to Hamas slaying

At least eight Democratic members of Congress share close ties to a nonprofit group that is now subject to discovery in a landmark federal civil lawsuit that seeks to hold the group financially liable for the terrorist slaying of an American teenager in 1996.
“Palestinian NGOs that claim to promote human rights agendas deny evidence of the recruitment and use of children by Palestinian terror orgs. Our new database of child combatants exposes the terror context ignored by NGOs that demonize Israel,” NGO Monitor tweeted.

The database, which uses sources including statements from official Israeli bodies, media organizations, social media and NGO reporting, features two sections: one focuses on Palestinian minors who attacked Israelis and/or died in clashes with Israeli security personnel, while the other deals with minors who died in Gaza border riots.

Who is in the database?​

One example of the minors featured in the database is Mahmoud Salah, who was wounded by IDF gunfire in 2019 when he was 15 years old. The IDF stated that Salah attempted to throw a firebomb at soldiers on Route 60. In contrast, DCI-P claimed that the youth was shot while attempting to retrieve a soccer ball. After his injury, Fatah referred to Salah as “its wounded ex-detainee son” on a poster.

Mohammad Hamayel is another minor on the list. Hamayel was killed by IDF forces while participating in clashes that included stone-throwing and firework launching. Although the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) called the 15-year-old “its comrade” on an official poster, numerous Palestinian NGOs omitted the fact that Hamayel was affiliated with the PFLP, and one even referred to the protest as “peaceful,” per NGO Monitor.

The database includes important information for UN and government officials​

"This cynical NGO and UN campaign to demonize the IDF has whitewashed the exploitation of Palestinian teenagers for terror attacks, and also erased the victims," Gerald Steinberg, NGO Monitor's founder and president told The Jerusalem Post. "The process of systematically documenting the details of these heinous abuses spotlights the incitement, recruitment and training of Palestinian children for terror, and the continued silence of the self-proclaimed human rights community.

UN and government officials who support these Palestinian NGOs and the blacklist will be provided with the information that these NGOs do not provide about youth combatants, making it more difficult for them to justify their support in the future," Steinberg said. "Our objective is to stop the cynical exploitation of the Children and Armed Conflict (CAAC) framework and restore its moral foundation."

(full article online)

There's real irony in an Islamic terrorist dictator whining about 'occupation'.

And a bit of comedy gold when an Islamic terrorist dictator whines about an ''occupation'' of territory never sovereign to the so-called pallys.

Abbas calls to end “74 years of... occupation" - Israel - at press conference with US President Biden​

Maurice Hirsch, Adv. and Nan Jacques Zilberdik | Jul 19, 2022
What is typically ignored by the leftist media is the inherent fascism that is so much a part of islamist ideology.

But with much less fanfare, apartheid policies—policies that expressly favor Muslims over believers of all other religions—also pervade large swaths of the Islamic world. In fact, the so-called Palestinian territories represent one of the most blatant apartheid regimes operating in the world today.

Consider access to religious sites. In the Palestinian-controlled territories, Jews must sneak in under armed guard if they desire to worship at their own holy sites. Even outside of the Palestinian-controlled territories, Jewish holy sites are still unsafe. Late last year, an Israeli tour guide was murdered near the Temple Mount by a member of Hamas.
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