Who Are The Palestinians " III "

Who are the Palestinians is the question.

Who the Palestinians are not is not the question.
Who the pallys are.

While the international community and media continue to condemn Israel day in and day out about a host of grievances, including the demolition of houses built without proper permits, no one seems to be interested in the ongoing human rights violations against Palestinians by the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas.

On June 9, hundreds of Hamas security officers raided the village to destroy several houses, as part of the terror group’s attempt to evict the residents from the area. Hamas claims that the village was illegally built on “state-owned” land.
More of who the pallys are.

Hamas and PA torture of jailed Palestinians is 'crime against humanity' - HRW​

Torture and mistreatment of Palestinians by the PA and Hamas may amount to crimes against humanity, HRW and Lawyers for Justice said.​

''Palestinian'' derives from the Latin term, ''I'm a complete and utter disaster'', or something like that.
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Who the pallys are.

PA corruption in Palestine is, in effect, a self-enforcing system. Perhaps the primary factor in reproducing and maintaining the corrupt nature of the Palestinian polity is “patron-clientelism”.4 In Palestine, patron-clientelism is rooted in the social values of kinship and familial ties, which are in turn shaped by factional politics. These social and political ties provide the ruling elite with a strategic tool to control constituents and expand the network of supporters by redistributing public resources in order to buy political loyalties, which in turn helps the ruling elite to preserve the status quo and maintain its dominance of political and economic assets.
It's who the pallys are.

Much has been said about the sums that the Palestinian Authority spends on salaries of terrorists imprisoned in Israel and the families of “martyrs” – in other words, suicide-terrorists and those killed during their murderous operation. But when you talk to Palestinians about the misappropriation of funds allocated by the international community, the first term they use is “corruption.”

Indeed, a study by AMAN – a chapter of Transparency International co-founded by Jordan – shows that, according to several surveys of the Palestinian population, the corruption of their leaders is the second most popular cause of their misery.
Who are the Palestinians?

Jennifer Jajeh​

Downplaying Terrorism​

Jajeh is the creator and star of a one-woman “tragicomic" show titled “I Heart Hamas: And Other Things I’m Afraid to Tell You," which she performed across the United States from 2008-2013.

Jajeh has described her play as “super controversial" and stated in an interview with the anti-Israel online publication Electronic Intifada that the title of the show was meant to be “provocative."

In an interview with Beirut.com, she stated that her use of Hamas was intended to be “a means to question what is considered terrorism vs. resistance."

On October 23, 2010, Jajeh performed her show at the University of Pittsburgh (Pitt), where she was hosted by the university’s SJP chapter.

Following her performance at Pitt, Pittsburgh Israel Public Affairs Committee President Samantha Vinokor, who attended the event, said she thought the play “made generalizations and glossed over information, such as the purpose of Israeli checkpoints."

On December 29, 2008, Jajeh posted an article on her website in which she condemned an Israeli military operation against Hamas, which she characterized as “a DEMOCRATICALLY elected government" and “a Palestinian political party that has a military wing."

Romanticizing a Terrorist​

On February 16, 2013, Jajeh published an article detailing her meeting with and interview of convicted terrorist, Leila Khaled, in Amman, Jordan. The article romanticized airplane hijackings, violent “resistance," terrorism and the BDS movement.

Khaled is a leader of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) and participated in the hijacking of TWA Flight 840 in 1969 and El Al Flight 219 in 1970. As of 2017, Khaled was a member of PFLP's Political Bureau.

Khaled has said that the second intifada failed because it was not violent enough, advocated for the use of children in terror activities and compared Zionists to Nazis.

The PFLP claimed credit for the 2014 Har Nof Massacre where six people were murdered during morning prayers in a Jerusalem synagogue. The PFLP also claimedcredit for the 2001 assassination of the Israeli tourism minister.

Supporting Terrorists​

On May 17, 2017, Jajeh wrote a post on Facebook expressing support for the Palestinian prisoner hunger strike and condemning the lack of media attention it received.

The hunger strike was initiated by Marwan Barghouti, who was serving five consecutive life sentences for his role in suicide bombings — and shooting attacks against Israelis that killed five people during the Second Intifada.

Barghouti financed the guitar-case bomb used in the Sbarro Cafe massacre. Also among the hunger strikers was Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP)Secretary General Ahmad Sa’adat.

More than 1,000 other Palestinian prisoners participated in the hunger strike — most of whom were also convicted for acts of terrorism.

(Full article online)

Who are the Palestinians?

Ali Abunimah​

Veteran anti-Israel activist Ali Abunimah is currently touring US campuses to hawk his recently published book “The Battle for Justice in Palestine.” As anyone even vaguely familiar with Abunimah’s prolific writings at his Electronic Intifada blog will know, his idea of “justice in Palestine” requires doing away with the world’s only Jewish state, and the BDS (boycott, divestment and sanctions) campaigns against Israel that he champions so tirelessly are designed to help achieve this goal.

Among those who have enthusiastically endorsed Abunimah’s new book is Columbia University professor Joseph Massad, who also introduced Abunimah at one of his recent book tour events at Columbia University. In case anyone in the audience was concerned that Abunimah’s agenda and activism is ultimately anti-Semitic, Massad was ostensibly eager to allay such concerns: as a student attending the event highlighted on Twitter, Massad described Abunimah as “a fighter against antisemitism.” Given the fact that some of Massad’s own writings on Israel echo ideas and language that can be found on racist and neo-Nazi sites such as David Duke or Stormfront, it is downright preposterous for Massad to claim any expertise on anti-Semitism except as an avid practitioner.

Needless to say, Massad would firmly reject this accusation. However, he would do so primarily on the basis of the bizarre notion that anti-Israel activists are entitled to their very own self-serving definition of anti-Semitism – a notion that Ali Abunimah fully supports.

Already years ago, Abunimah made it abundantly clear that he not only regarded Zionism as “one of the worst forms of anti-Semitism in existence today,” but that he also equated Zionism with Nazism.

Who are the Palestinians?

Diana Buttu​

Since anti-Israel activist Diana Buttu has a history of on-air fabrications, a tough interviewing style, as she encountered on the July 10 The Lead With Jake Tapper, seems the way to go. (Click for Transcript)
The hardball interview style might be best suited for discussions with Buttu, who has a history of egregious on-air fabrications. For example, in 2008 and 2009, a time when rockets fired by Palestinians carried between 20 and 40 pounds of explosives, Buttu absurdly insisted during interviews on CNN and Fox News that rockets fired from Gaza “do not have explosive heads.”

At a 2012 conference at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government, Buttu again asserted that the rockets “don’t have an explosive head.” And she didn’t stop there. “There weren’t any grad rockets fired in 2008 and 2009,” she said. (Dozens were fired.) And she didn’t stop there. “The period of 1996 to 2000 were actually the years that were the most secure years in Israel’s history,” she said. (Dozens of Israelis were murdered by Palestinian suicide bombers.) This was hardly the first time she brazenly repeated this (and other) outrageously false claims. When challenged at the 2012 conference about the murders during those years, she stated that “All of the people you are talking about were settlers.” (Again, false.).

Given Buttu’s long history of brazen contempt for the truth, news organizations should think twice before interviewing her and other propagandists like her, whose disregard for the facts has been well documented. But if journalists insist on interviewing Buttu anyway, they should absolutely be prepared to challenge her lies.

Since anti-Israel activist Diana Buttu has a history of on-air fabrications, a tough interviewing style, as she encountered on the July 10 The Lead With Jake Tapper, seems the way to go. (Click for Transcript)

The hardball interview style might be best suited for discussions with Buttu, who has a history of egregious on-air fabrications. For example, in 2008 and 2009, a time when rockets fired by Palestinians carried between 20 and 40 pounds of explosives, Buttu absurdly insisted during interviews on CNN and Fox News that rockets fired from Gaza “do not have explosive heads.”

At a 2012 conference at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government, Buttu again asserted that the rockets “don’t have an explosive head.” And she didn’t stop there. “There weren’t any grad rockets fired in 2008 and 2009,” she said. (Dozens were fired.) And she didn’t stop there. “The period of 1996 to 2000 were actually the years that were the most secure years in Israel’s history,” she said. (Dozens of Israelis were murdered by Palestinian suicide bombers.) This was hardly the first time she brazenly repeated this (and other) outrageously false claims. When challenged at the 2012 conference about the murders during those years, she stated that “All of the people you are talking about were settlers.” (Again, false.).

Given Buttu’s long history of brazen contempt for the truth, news organizations should think twice before interviewing her and other propagandists like her, whose disregard for the facts has been well documented. But if journalists insist on interviewing Buttu anyway, they should absolutely be prepared to challenge her lies.

Do you have any posts that are not from Israeli propaganda organizations?.

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