Who Are The Palestinians " III "

There are a lot of important and obvious points made in the linked document. Islamic ideology has all the elements of fascism as the ideology presumes the superiority of Moslems while vilifying the kuffar. The "apartheid" slogan is a representation of the rage and humiliation felt by Moslems who have a religiously defined revulsion for Jews and Christians. Moslems remain mired in failure and are backward compared to so much of the developed world.

Ottoman land records give no credence to claims made by Pally Arab squatters as to owning land they occupy as so much of the Ottoman controlled territory was actually owned by absentee landowners in Syria, Lebanon and Egypt.

The myth of "occupied Pally territory" is dismantled by the Ottoman land records.

History Turned Upside Down: The Roots of Palestinian Fascism and the Myth of Israeli Aggression
by David Meir-Levi
(New York: Encounter Books, 2007), Pp. xiii, 131.

Reviewed by George L. Simpson, Jr., Ph.D., Professor of History, High Point University

Is Israel the victim of a concerted vilification campaign waged against it by genocidal and totalitarian movements? This is the question that David Meir-Levi seeks to address in his provocative and polemical work, History Turned Upside Down: The Roots of Palestinian Fascism and the Myth of Israeli Aggression.

Meir-Levi contends that the contemporary Arab-Israeli dispute is not a modern, political phenomenon, but rather is an existential one that dates back to the Arab-Islamic conquest. He asserts that the traditional, Islamic anti-Semitism of the Middle East has undergone a transformation under the influence of Nazi, and then Communist, ideology to create today’s radical genocidal movements. The author shows that groups such as Hamas and al-Qaeda are the progeny of this historical process, and insists that they are dedicated not merely to the destruction of the Zionist state, but the complete annihilation of its Jewish inhabitants as well.
[ A people who wakes, breathes and lives violence towards the Jews ]

More of the usual scapegoat tactics from the Pallys. They’re a group which takes no responsibility for their failures and ineptitudes. When a child grows up in an environment of self-hate, when their perceived entitlements are never met, when their purpose in live is to die in a fiery explosion that kills an ‘enemy’ their religion has created, one would expect maladjusted personalities among such yutes.

PA still addicted to blaming Israel for drug “epidemic” among Palestinian youth​

Nan Jacques Zilberdik | Jul 20, 2022
  • PA TV: Israel protects drug dealers who distribute drugs to Palestinians

On International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, Head of the PA Anti-Narcotic Department Abdallah Ilawie blamed Israel for the “rise in the use of drugs” among Palestinians. The PA official claimed Israel deliberately uses drugs as a “tool” against Palestinian youth. The host on official PA TV interviewing him seconded this, stating that Israel “is aiding and contributing to the spread of this [drug] epidemic among the Palestinian public”:
Very strange how we're told, "This is not a religious conflict", when the islamic terrorists indoctrinating children make it about the islamic gee-had.

Children In Hamas TV Kids' Show: The Criminal Jews Are Plotting To Replace Al-Aqsa Mosque With Their False Temple, But We Will Defend Jerusalem To Our Last Drop Of Blood; Jihad Is The Pinnacle Of Islam.

More sociopaths in training.
Recently, a position as Palestinian "Minister of Local Government" was given to the daughter of another minister, causing Palestinian social media to erupt with angerand jeering for a history of nepotism and favored appointments to friends.

There's a history here. Last year several envoys to foreign countries were given to relatives of senior Fatah officials.

Palestinian officials defended the recent appointment, saying that the women was well qualified. Palestinians are responding with skepticism, to say the least, especially since unemployment is high and good jobs are perceived to be going to favored individuals.

On Twitter, the hashtag #عظام_الرقبة - an Palestinian euphemism for nepotism that literally means "neck bones" - is getting many posts, as people complain that in the West, you need a resume for a job, but for Palestinians you need to be related to someone.

Everyone knows about Palestinian Authority corruption - except, apparently, the hundreds of Western journalists whose jobs are to cover Palestinian topics.

The United Nations Committee Against Torture (CAT) concluded an inquiry into allegations of abuse by the Palestinian Authority (PA) for the first time Wednesday.

The committee, a division of the U.N. Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), met Tuesday and Wednesday to question a PA delegation regarding reports of forced disappearances, prisoner abuse and legal subversion, according to the official meeting summary. While the CAT is required to review all 174 signatories of the U.N. Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment every four years, it has never investigated the PA since the PA adopted the convention in 2014, Jewish News Service (JNS) reported.

(full article online)

[ Who in the world behaves like this, except for the Muslim Arab Palestinians ]

Maybe we need to give them more welfare money.

The Palestinian government is complicit in "rampant, wide-spread, and systematic torture of Palestinian nationals" and Israelis, according to a landmark legal complaint filed this week with the International Criminal Court (ICC).

The International Legal Forum (ILF), an advocacy group representing more than 3,500 lawyers and civil society activists across the globe, is pressing the ICC to investigate the Palestinian Authority for war crimes in the first ever case of this nature presented to the court, according to a copy of the complaint obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.
Yeah. We should give the Hamas islamic terrorist franchise more welfare money, too.

For the past week, Palestinians from Gaza have been participating in a series of social media events criticizing Hamas rule in the Strip, voicing concerns rarely expressed in the repressive enclave.

Under the hashtag “They Kidnapped Gaza,” hundreds of Palestinians have taken part in nightly Twitter conversations lamenting the suffering of ordinary Gazans. While also critical of Israeli restrictions, the speakers regularly attacked what they deemed Hamas’s poor governance and corruption.

How strange that abusive, totalitarian islamic terrorist dictators are so common acoss the Middle East yet a mere mention of Jews and these islamic dictators become heroes.
Israel has proposed a plan for West Bank Palestinian Arabs to be able to travel overseas via the Ramon Airport in Eilat, planning test flights to Turkey from which they can go anywhere else in the world.

Up until now, if they want to fly anywhere they need to travel through the Allenby Bridge crossing to Jordan and from there go to Amman.

This plan would save them a great deal of time and headaches, especially with the huge delays at the Jordanian crossing point.

So, naturally, they are opposing it.

Musa Rahhal, spokesperson for the Palestinian ministry of transportation, is saying "it comes within the framework of the policy of apartheid, pressure on our people, and the Israeli economic benefit."

He then went into fantasyland and conspiracy theories:

The spokesman claimed that Israel was trying to force all Arabs – Palestinian citizens and Arab-Israelis alike – to travel through Ramon Airport. All citizens of Israel – Jews and non-Jews alike – are permitted to travel through Ben-Gurion Airport and other Israeli-controlled border crossings.

Rahhal also claimed that the current overcrowding at the Allenby Bridge between Israel and Jordan was part of an Israeli scheme to force Palestinians to use Ramon Airport. In the past few weeks, thousands of Palestinian travelers have been stranded on the Jordanian side of Allenby Bridge because of unprecedented overcrowding and the limited hours of work at the border crossing.

There is a very simple reason why the Palestinian leadership consistently opposes any plan to make the lives of Palestinians easier.

Palestinians have a thriving export business. This export has created lots of jobs in the NGO industry. It has brought in hundreds of millions of dollars in aid from the EU and from Arab countries. It is a critical part of their economy.

The export is Jew-hatred.

Anything that Israel does to help Palestinians live more normal lives threatens this critical export. Palestinian misery is the most important raw material for the profitable export of antisemitism, so the leaders must ensure that misery is generously spread to their people in as public a fashion as possible, s long as the misery is always blamed on Jews.

The Palestinian export of Jew-hatred is the only reason why Palestinians remain the top recipients of humanitarian aid on a per capita basis in the world - a position they have held, unchallenged, for decades. If they couldn't blame their misery on Jews, they would lose hundreds of millions of dollars annually.

So of course they oppose allowing their people to travel more easily to the world. They want to say they live in an open-air prison.

Of course they oppose closing down "refugee" camps even in their own areas. Because they claim that people in the borders of British Mandate Palestine are "refugees" and need hundreds of millions from the international community.

Of course they oppose any peace plan that allows Israel to exist as a Jewish state. They need Jews to blame for everything.

Once you understand this simple fact about the Palestinian export industry, all of the things that seem inexplicable suddenly make sense.

In his letters to America written in 1947 entitled "as the Arabs see the Jews" king Abdullah outlined a laundry list of grievances toward the west. It contained many familiar specious themes that still provide the basis for the dogma of anti-zionism, but do you know what it DIDN'T MENTION? -- any mention of a "palestinian" people.

The reason for that is because they had not been invented yet.

With this in mind, any HONEST discussion in regards to who are the Palestinians needs to be limited to that time period after the creation of Israel.
[ Stopping child abuse.....Anyone???? ]

In a July 15, 2022 episode of "Pioneers of Tomorrow," a children's show aired on Hamas' Al-Aqsa TV in Gaza, a man dressed in a puppet costume spoke about Jerusalem and the Al-Aqsa Mosque with children. A little girl said that the Jews must not be allowed to destroy the Al-Aqsa Mosque. A young boy also said that if the Muslims adhere to shari'a law, Palestine will surely be liberated. The man said that the Muslims must also wage Jihad, and the boy responded that Jihad for the sake of Allah is the "pinnacle of Islam".

In addition, the man said that the "criminal Jews" have a plot, explaining: "They are digging tunnels under the Al-Aqsa Mosque in order to... I forgot, what do they want to build?... They want to replace the Dome of the Rock with the Tem... the Tem... What is it called?" In response, the boy said that the Jews want to build the "false Solomon's Temple", but that this will never happen as long as the Palestinians defend Jerusalem. The boy then declared that the Palestinians will fight to their last drop of blood, and the man agreed and praised the martyrs, the wounded, the prisoners, and the exiles who have sacrificed for the defense of the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

(full article online)

Somebody told Rashida Tlaib that ''white supremacy'' was a nifty slogan she should add to her act.

Watch: Rashida Tlaib Claims Concerned Parents at School Board Meetings Are ‘White Supremacy’​

Rashida Tlaib

Far-left Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) told a group of Democrats that concerned parents who speak out against critical race theory at school board meetings are perpetuating “white supremacy” and are trying to “whitewash history.”

“We can’t allow them to whitewash history,” she said at an online meeting of the Oakland County Democrat Party African American Committee. “Their intention is to try to, you know, expand on white supremacy.”

Her answer was in response to a question from Alexandria Hughes, who falsely defined critical race theory as something that “examines the systematic effects of white supremacy in America.”
Gee whiz. The competing Islamic terrorist franchises aren't feelin' the love. I guess street killing, torture with power tools and throwing people from rooftops might cause each side to be a little cautious about turning their back to the competition.

Relations between Abbas and Haniyeh have been frosty since the civil war in Gaza in 2007, during which Hamas operatives summarily executed close to 100 Fatah operatives and tortured numerous others. Yet Algeria remains on good terms with both sides and has been a steadfast financial supporter of the PA, even while other Arab nations have ceased their donations.
I think fascism better describes Islamist ideology.

Unless you totally understand what the full meaning of Apartheid really is, you have no right to accuse Israel of practicing this shameful part of South Africa’s history. My family has lived in Israel for nearly 25 years and nothing that happens in Israel today comes even close to what I witnessed in South Africa during those Apartheid years we lived there.

Instead, please focus on Hamas and how it treats its fellow Palestinians. It does not take a genius to conclude that Hamas is and will forever be guilty of treating its people in a similar way that the White ruled South African Government did to its Black population during those Apartheid years.

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