Who Are The Palestinians " III "

Refreshing to see. Some firm action on this is long overdue.

I would prefer an immediate and complete halt to even a penny going to the Islamic terrorists but this is a start,

A bipartisan bill requiring the US secretary of state to submit annual reports on inciteful and antisemitic Palestinian educational material has been introduced to Congress and unanimously passed in the House Foreign Affairs Committee.

The bill was announced as the Palestinian Authority and UNRWA continue to print textbooks for Palestinian schools that include antisemitism and incitement against Israel and Jews, an issue that the EU passed a resolution condemning last week.
I suspect the Shia Mullocrats see Abbas out of power as an opportunity. The Mullocrat's errand boys in Gaza would likely be pushed to seize greater control in the West Bank even if that meant a return the nasty civil war these lovely folks fought earlier.

Good times.

In 2005, Mahmoud Abbas was elected to a four-year term as president of the Palestinian Authority, filling the vacancy left by the death of Yasir Arafat. Since then, there have been no elections; 18 years later, Abbas is still in office.
I suspect the Shia Mullocrats see Abbas out of power as an opportunity. The Mullocrat's errand boys in Gaza would likely be pushed to seize greater control in the West Bank even if that meant a return the nasty civil war these lovely folks fought earlier.

Good times.

In 2005, Mahmoud Abbas was elected to a four-year term as president of the Palestinian Authority, filling the vacancy left by the death of Yasir Arafat. Since then, there have been no elections; 18 years later, Abbas is still in office.
This doofus does no know what he is talking about.
When the time comes for the selection of a new president, it is unlikely to be a smooth transition; Abbas has maintained his grip on power by ensuring that he has no obvious successor and by refusing to create a process for selecting one.
There is a successor procedure in place in their basic law. (constitution) The speaker of the parliament temporarily assumes the office of the president and calls for elections within 60 days.
Attempts to negotiate a power-sharing agreement proved unsuccessful, and violence broke out. Armed partisans clashed, culminating in a showdown in the Gaza Strip in 2007 in which hundreds were killed and wounded. Hamas won, drove the authority out and took over the territory.
Load of hooey.
I suspect the Shia Mullocrats see Abbas out of power as an opportunity. The Mullocrat's errand boys in Gaza would likely be pushed to seize greater control in the West Bank even if that meant a return the nasty civil war these lovely folks fought earlier.

Good times.

In 2005, Mahmoud Abbas was elected to a four-year term as president of the Palestinian Authority, filling the vacancy left by the death of Yasir Arafat. Since then, there have been no elections; 18 years later, Abbas is still in office.
Interesting since Abbas left the Palestinian Authority on 2007.
No more gee-had for two Islamic terrorists.

The two terrorists who committed the 2022 Elad ax attack received four life sentences and an additional 20 years in prison for the murder spree that claimed the lives of four people and injured three others, the State Attorney's Office said on Tuesday.

Assad al-Rafai, 20, and Tzabahi Abu Shakir, 21, pleaded guilty to the crimes and were convicted, their sentences part of agreements between their legal representatives and the State Attorney's Office.
The death of Palestinian terrorists is an excuse to show off a new mobile phone!
No more gee-had for two Islamic terrorists.

The two terrorists who committed the 2022 Elad ax attack received four life sentences and an additional 20 years in prison for the murder spree that claimed the lives of four people and injured three others, the State Attorney's Office said on Tuesday.

Assad al-Rafai, 20, and Tzabahi Abu Shakir, 21, pleaded guilty to the crimes and were convicted, their sentences part of agreements between their legal representatives and the State Attorney's Office.
Ahhh, the terrorist lady posts again.
Who else would one expect to be seated at a dinner party of Islamic terrorists but the woman who bred islamic terrorists.

Who was Abbas’ honored guest and dinner partner at fast-breaking meal during the Ramadan?​

Itamar Marcus | May 19, 2023
  • The mother of 6 terrorists responsible for at least 10 murders

At a fast-breaking meal at the PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas’ “presidential headquarters” in Ramallah during the Ramadan, Abbas entertained many dignitaries from the PA top. These included:

“Leadership members, Muslim and Christian religious figures, a number of ambassadors and consuls in the State of Palestine, [PA] government members, [PA] Security Forces commanders, families of Martyrs, prisoners, and wounded, judges, academics, publicists, journalists, and businessmen.”

[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, April 16, 2023]
The islamic terrorist attacks aimed at Israel caused the inevitable response by the Israeli military.

The islamic terrorists managed to kill to of their own chikdren.

Gee-had for losers.

Why are the Palestinians hiding 2 Palestinian victims of the recent war in Gaza?​

Maurice Hirsch, Adv. | May 18, 2023
  • PA reports ignore 2 Palestinians killed by rockets fired by the terrorists
  • The same reports include 2 other Palestinians killed by terrorist rockets, because they are children and the PA thinks it can gain propaganda points
  • Two terror groups that are members in the PLO also participated in firing rockets indiscriminately targeting Israel’s civilian population
  • Three terror groups officially claimed as their members 18 of the 31 Palestinians who were allegedly killed by Israel
There is no legal requirement for the Palestinians to divide their country.
Arabs sold their vast land holdings to Jews. Go complain to them.

King Abdullah of Jordan: “It is made quite clear to all that the Arabs are as prodigal in selling their land (to Jews) as they are in useless wailing and weeping.” (“My Memoirs Completed,” 1978, pg. 98)

My Memoirs Completed
I do not know if there was a " Who are the Palestinians 1" , as # 2 was definitely NOT about Who They Are, as the first post shows.

So, let us continue with our number "III", #2 has too many pages already, to discuss who those who call themselves Palestinians are, what their history, ideologies, dreams, goals, motives, etc are.

Are the leaders of the Palestinians actually working for a Palestinian State?
Are the leaders of the Palestinians actually taking care of their People?
Are the leaders of the Palestinians educating their populations for a future peace with Israel?
What is the difference in lifestyle between the Palestinians in Gaza and the PA ?
What is the difference in lifestyle between the poor and the rich in both places?
Does one have to belong to a certain clan in order to have a better life?
Does one have to be pro Hamas or the PA in order to have a better life?
Are all who live in Gaza and the PA civilians?
Do all Palestinians approve of their leaders?
What does the common Palestinian want?
Do Palestinians care if they work in Gaza or the PA, or are they willing to work in Israel, as they did before the Intifada?
How does the common Palestinian actually feel about Israel? Will they work there, seek health care or education in Israel if they can?

What is the role of UNWRA in the education of these populations? What do they teach? Are they involved with any other refugees?

What is the role of UNWRA, period, as there are fewer and fewer refugees from the 1948 war. Will there be a time when it could be dismantled?

So, many questions, and there are many more.
All the questions and answers do come out in the news, daily.

Now, discuss.
Palestinians are a made up race the are arab nomads

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