Who Are The Palestinians " III "

^ This is just further proof that the Israel-haters are really just about demonizing the Jewish state. If palestinian Arabs are killed and Israel cannot somehow be blamed, to hell with them!

Actually, there are also other reasons for the haters to ignore this story. The fact Israeli doctors tried to save his life and are still trying to save the life of his brother is oh-so-inconvenient to their narrative of the so-called “apartheid” state engaging in “ethnic cleansing” and “genocide.”

As is the fact we allow Gazans in to Israel to work.

I suspect the problem with any cease-fire is that the Iranian Mullocrats are going to dictate what actions their minions undertake.

Palestinian militants fired a rocket into southern Israel on Sunday, just hours after the Israeli military and Palestinian groups agreed to a cease-fire.

Palestinian Refugees Answer Questions about the Nakba​


No country of Palestine, no refugees from Palestine.
Just another day in that Islamic terrorist enclave known as “Little Tehran”.

Things are getting a little dicey between the competing Islamic terrorist franchises. The angry islamists seem to be on the verge of a turf war. The Shia-wannabes in Gaza would probably have the upper hand when their civil war breaks out.

The Iranian Mullocrats would like nothing more than to supply weapons and ammunition to the feuding Sunni tribes.

Gaza Friday Sermon By Islamic Scholar Sheikh Mahmoud Al-Aklouk Warns Fatah: We Will Show You No Mercy When We Cleanse The West Bank, Like We Did In Gaza​

Palestinian Authority president Mahmoud Abbasissued a decreestating that it is a crime to deny the so-called "nakba."

The decree states that states that "the Nakba of Palestine is an integral part of the Palestinian national narrative based on historical right and international resolutions, and the denial of the Nakba is a crime punishable by law with imprisonment not exceeding two years, and the competent authorities will prosecute the perpetrators both inside and outside the country."

Among the things forbidden to say or write under the decree:

* Questioning some or all of the implications of the Nakba

* Claiming that the Palestinian people left voluntarily and without coercion

* Denying the classification of the nakba crime as a crime against humanity

* Absolving Zionist groups of their responsibility for the crimes

* Denying the role of the British Mandate authority in facilitating the occurrence of the Palestinian Nakba.

It turns out that Mahmoud Abbas himself is guilty of "Nakba denial." In 2009, he gave an interview about the circumstances of how his family left Safed in 1948, and he admits that they left without any coercion:

Fatah's cofounder reminisced at length about his Safed origins and haphazardly let the truth slip out. "Until the nakba", he recounted, his family "was well-off in Safed." When Abbas was 13, "we left on foot at night to the Jordan River... Eventually we settled in Damascus... My father had money, and he spent his money methodically. After a year, when the money ran out, we began to work.

"People were motivated to run away... They feared retribution from Zionist terrorist organizations - particularly from the Safed ones. Those of us from Safed especially feared that the Jews harbored old desires to avenge what happened during the 1929 uprising. This was in the memory of our families and parents... They realized the balance of forces was shifting and therefore the whole town was abandoned on the basis of this rationale - saving our lives and our belongings."

This was the case with most Palestinians who left in 1947-48.

This decree violates international law. It violates the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, among others.

This law obviously violates the human rights of Palestinians, as it infringes on their freedom of speech and freedom of opinion. Palestinian researchers can no longer publish anything, or make a TikTok video, that contradicts what this law says.

And the chance that "human rights organizations" will denounce this law for explicitly violating the freedom of Palestinians is exactly zero.

We'll see if the media covers this at all.

The Islamic terrorists have a favored piece of gee-had material - their children.

Really surprising there were no incidents of spontaneously exploding moslems.

Refuting Abbas’ UN lies, nearly 4,000,000 Muslims visited the Temple Mount during Ramadan​

Maurice Hirsch, Adv. | May 17, 2023
  • While Israel facilitated the visits of nearly 4 million Muslims on the Temple Mount during Ramadan, the PA constantly claimed that the site was – and still is - under attack
  • Despite the record numbers of visitors, in his speech in the UN yesterday, PA leader Mahmoud Abbas lied claiming: “[Israel] denies the Palestinians their right to freedom of worship in the Al-Aqsa Mosque”
  • For the PA, rioters barricading themselves inside the mosque with rocks and fireworks, which they threw and fired at the security forces, were merely conducting “religious ceremonies in the Al-Aqsa Mosque”
  • In contrast, visits of Jews to Judaism’s holiest site are routinely referred to as an “invasion” and “desecration” of the site
  • The PA consistently rejects any right of Jews to practice freedom of religion on the Temple Mount

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