Who Are The Palestinians " III "

The IDF undertook some pre-emptive actions in the Islamic terrorist occupied territories.

Gaza militants fire wave of rockets into Israel after strikes kill top terrorist leaders​

Keeping Israel's terrorist propaganda campaign alive.
As one would expect, the Islamic terrorists are making heroes of their dead minions.

Israel kills evil terror leaders; PA defends the murderers​

Itamar Marcus | May 9, 2023
Last night Israel attacked multiple terror locations of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) terror organization in the Gaza Strip, including 3 homes of terror leaders, terror infrastructures, weapon storehouses, and manufacturing sites.

The PA has once again sided with the terrorists.
Unhinged Islamo-Melodrama Warning


Expect the usual:

"Volcanoes of Fire...."

"Open the Gates of Hell"

"We will Launch more Rockets which will malfunction in flight, land in the territory we occupy and Kill more Pallys"

This is how the islamic terrorists provide generation after generation of disposable children to toss into the gee-had.

From their earliest age, they are indoctrinated with the ideology that an early death while in the service of an all-consuming religious duty that requires killing Jews is their only purpose in life.
“We have no role in this blessed land other than Jihad”

Dear Khalil.

Thank you for being “no longer breathing.”

Couldn’t have happened to a more deserving Pally Islamic terrorist.


Thanks again.

Dead terror leader had called for “blowing up all of this Zionist entity’s cities”​

Nan Jacques Zilberdik | May 11, 2023
  • “Whoever lives on this land and does not merit Martyrdom, he has lost out”
  • “We are educating our children to hate this entity”
  • “We have no role in this blessed land other than Jihad”

The Shia Iranian Mullocrats are laughing at their Sunni minions.

The Pallys kill their own children in furtherance of a belligerent, 1,400 year old authoritarian code.

[ Someone, please send all of these sad Arabs back to their homeland in Arabia. Endless loss of lives for a worthless cause. Superiority over the Jews ]

PA Chairman Abbas’ Fatah Movement has published a video of terrorist Khalil Al-Bahtini, one of the three Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) top leaders Israel killed earlier this week. In it, Al-Bahtini calls for Jihad against Israel, praises “Martyrdom” for Allah, vows to educate Palestinian children to “hate the Zionist entity,” and urges to “blow up all of this Zionist entity’s cities.” Al-Bahtini also stressed that “negotiations” are not an option:


Senior Islamic Jihad official Khalil Al-Bahtini: “What we were educated on, and [what] our culture is, is that whoever lives on this land and does not merit Martyrdom, he has lost out. Allah has honored us in this land with Ribat (i.e., religious conflict over land claimed to be Islamic) and Jihad, and we have no role in this blessed land other than Jihad.It is our honor, all the honor, that we are fighting against Israel, this thieving entity, and that we are educating our sons to hate this entity.It is our honor that we are continuing with all our days, efforts, and intentions to blow up all of this Zionist entity’s cities. Thus we will record in history that the resistance fighters of Palestine, and the resistance fighters of the Gaza Strip, were like a thorn in the throat of this entity, and that they did not negotiate and did not renounce a [single] grain of soil of this land.
[Fatah Movement – Bethlehem Branch, Telegram channel, May 9, 2023]​
Significantly, even though these hate messages were made by a PIJ leader, Fatah publicized this speech on its Telegram channel. As PMW has documented, Fatah agrees with and disseminates all these identical hate messages.

The PA, Hamas, and PIJ all present dying as a “Martyr” as a positive achievement. In this video, Al-Bahtini said that failing to achieve “Martyrdom” is a loss: “Whoever lives on this land and does not merit Martyrdom, he has lost out.”

PA official TV recently broadcast a funeral at which a speaker said: “We love death like our enemies love life.

(full article online)


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