Who Are The Palestinians " III "

The next generation of disposable children the Islamic terrorists will use as “martyrs”.

“Palestinian leaders are going around the world speaking about rights at the same time as they are directing a machinery of oppression to crush dissent”

Torture in Palestinian jails ‘systematic’

“Methods employed by the Palestinian Authority include beatings, electric shocks and stress positions. On one occasion PA security forces tied a cord around a detainee’s penis for eight hours, causing it to swell and turn blue”
“Palestinian leaders are going around the world speaking about rights at the same time as they are directing a machinery of oppression to crush dissent”

Torture in Palestinian jails ‘systematic’

“Methods employed by the Palestinian Authority include beatings, electric shocks and stress positions. On one occasion PA security forces tied a cord around a detainee’s penis for eight hours, causing it to swell and turn blue”
The PA security forces are trained by the US.
The PA security forces are trained by the US.

The death of terrorist Khader Adnan is providing the Palestinian Authority with yet another opportunity to show its support for terror and mindlessly attack Israel. As usual, however, an abyss divides between the PA narrative and rhetoric about the event on the one side, and truth and reality on the other.

Khader Adnan Muhammad Musa (Khader Adnan) was a senior member of Palestinian Islamic Jihad, an internationally designated terror organization. Prior to his current arrest, he had previously been arrested a dozen times for his involvement in terror. While on most occasions he was held in administrative detention - a security measure recognized in international law (see Art. 78 of the Fourth Geneva Convention and state practice) - this time he was indicted for membership in a terror organization and incitement to terror.

Following his indictment, a judge ordered that he be held on remand pending trial. In one of the appeals Adnan submitted against the decision to hold him on remand, the appeals court judge found that there was sufficient prima facie evidence to support the indictment and that considering the nature of the offences, Adnan posed a danger to society sufficient to warrant his remand pending trial:

“After examining the evidence and considering the arguments of the sides, I found that there is a prima facie evidentiary basis that links the appellant [Khader Adnan] to the commission of the offences in the indictment. This evidentiary basis includes, inter alia, videos documenting the appellant committing some of the offences in the indictment; testimony from a large number of people that directly refers to the appellant; and also physical evidence…
A central question that arose in the appeal is whether there is grounds of arrest due to danger. Considering the criminal past of the appellant and noting the nature of the acts detailed in the indictment, my conclusion is that the [court of] first instance was correct in its finding that there is grounds of arrest due to danger. I note that the evidence shows there is prima facie evidence linking the appellant to the commission of significant activity in the framework of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) organization, activity that included, inter alia, incitement and support for a hostile [terror] organization that was committed by him many times...”
[Decision of the IDF Military Court of Appeal, A”A 2321/23, April 30, 2023]​
The court of first instance and the appeals court also considered whether the fact that Adnan had decided to go on hunger strike should affect the decision and found that accepting such an argument would cause others to follow the same course and would end in “security chaos”.

Despite having exhausted his rights to appeal, and despite having been granted additional opportunities to make his claims in court, Adnan continued his hunger strike - from which he eventually died. During his hunger strike, Adnan also dogmatically refused any medical treatment, including refusing to allow the doctors to monitor his vital statistics.

To understand Adnan’s true nature, it is sufficient to listen to one of his speeches exposed by Intellinews on its Twitter account after his death. In the video, Adnan, reportedly speaking at the funeral of an Islamic Jihad terrorist, in October 2007, passionately asks the crowd, who of you is the next suicide bomber – referred to by Adnan as the “next Martyrdom-seeker” – who has the “next explosive belt” and who has “the next shooting?”


Islamic Jihad terrorist Khader Adnan: “O Al-Quds Brigades (i.e., Islamic Jihad’s military wing), strike
O Al-Quds Brigades, shake the earth
Who among you is Hassan Abu Zaid (i.e., suicide bomber, murdered 7)?
Who among you is the next Martyrdom-seeker?
Who among you have the next explosive belt?
Who among you has the next shooting?
Who among you has exploding organs?”
[Intellinews, Twitter account, May 2, 2023​

(full article online)

Can anyone produce any evidence of a civilization called Palestinians existing before the 20th century? Anything at all?
Nobody called Jews made any of that.

Nice deflection, though.

“An ancient mosaic unearthed by BYU researchers in a Galilean synagogue includes depictions of Jonah, the Tower of Babel, and other Bible stories that give insights into ancient Jewish life and worship.”

“An ancient mosaic unearthed by BYU researchers in a Galilean synagogue includes depictions of Jonah, the Tower of Babel, and other Bible stories that give insights into ancient Jewish life and worship.”

One compared to a thousand.

Nice try.
So, nobody lived there for 19 centuries?

You are whack. :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
Historian Alan Dowty: Jews have one of the longest histories, if not the longest, as a distinct people with a continuous identity expressed in language, culture, genealogy, religion. The Hebrews or Israelites survived when others—Canaanites, Jebusites, Philistines, Hittites, Babylonians vanished.”

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