Who Are The Palestinians " III "

Israeli forces generously offered an "Islamic Terrorist Early Retirement Package" to formery breathing islamic terrorists.

Israeli forces killed three Palestinian militants in an early morning operation on Thursday, saying the two of the men were responsible for the shooting of a mother and two daughters
Not clear on why cutting of the welfare payments used by the islamic terrorists for gee-had attacks is not done routinely.

Israel’s Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich ordered the head of the Israel Revenue Authority to transfer roughly $1 million to families of terror victims, from funds originally earmarked for the West Bank's Palestinian Authority (PA)
Times of Israel reports:

Two Palestinians accused of killing Lucy Dee and her daughters Maia and Rina in a shooting attack in the Jordan Valley last month were shot dead by Israeli troops Thursday morning in the West Bank city of Nablus along with a third Palestinian gunman.

In a joint statement, the Shin Bet security agency, Israel Police, and Israel Defense Forces said troops entered the Nablus Old City in order to arrest Hassan Qatnani and Moaz al-Masri, the Hamas terrorists who allegedly carried out the deadly attack on April 7.
The Palestinian prime minister responded:

Prime minister Muhammad Shtayyeh condemned the Israeli aggression on the Old City of Nablus, which resulted in the death of three young men, holding the occupation government responsible for these crimes against our people.
Shtayyeh called on the international community to unify standards and hold Israel accountable for its horrific crimes and continuous violations against our people.

The spokesperson for Mahmoud Abbas, and other PA and Fatah officials also condemned the IDF operation to arrest the murderers.

But not one of them ever said anything resembling a regret, let alone a condemnation, for the murders of the Dee family itself.

They inhabit a world where everything is backwards - murderers are heroes, justice is a crime, women driving a car are aggressors and those who riddle them with bullets at point blank range are the victims.

Over the past few years, the "progressives" including "human rights experts" have eagerly adopted this perverted view of the world.

For the so-called Pal’istanians, the religious duty of martyrdom is also called breeding. Breeding is what creates the stream of disposable children who are groomed to die an early death in pursuit of a religious duty.

Instead of promoting peace and coexistence with Israel, Palestinian leaders indoctrinate their people to believe that it is a duty and an honor to kill Jews as part of the effort to destroy Israel, even if they have to die doing so.


Berlin bans Palestinian terrorist flags at May Day events​

The restrictions follow demonstrations during Passover that featured chants of “Death to Jews” and “Death to Israel.”
A Samidoun rally. Source: Twitter

Lovely, lovely folks those Islamic terrorist groupies.

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