Who Are The Palestinians " III "

The Islamic terrorists are doing their best to martyr'ize anothef wasted bit of space. It's another fail.

Khader Adnan​

Maurice Hirsch, Adv. | May 7, 2023

The death of terrorist Khader Adnan is providing the Palestinian Authority with yet another opportunity to show its support for terror and mindlessly attack Israel. As usual, however, an abyss divides between the PA narrative and rhetoric about the event on the one side, and truth and reality on the other.
Abu Hamza, spokesman for the Al Quds Brigades of Islamic Jihad, issued a video statement where he issued threats against Israel, said that a thousand leaders will emerge to replace the three martyrs," promised a massive retaliation - the usual response.

The funniest part is that he said that al-Quds will confront Israel with firmness and courage.

While he is wearing a mask.

Is he afraid of something?

Thanks to Speaker McCarthy. Rashida Tlaib is prevented from taking her Jew hating carnival of islamist clowns to the Capitol

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy on Tuesday foiled Rep. Rashida Tlaib’s attempt to host an event at the Capitol Building with anti-Israel groups that decries the founding of the Jewish State as a “catastrophe.”
Thanks to Speaker McCarthy. Rashida Tlaib is prevented from taking her Jew hating carnival of islamist clowns to the Capitol

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy on Tuesday foiled Rep. Rashida Tlaib’s attempt to host an event at the Capitol Building with anti-Israel groups that decries the founding of the Jewish State as a “catastrophe.”
Is the modern blood libel any different from the medieval version?

The PFLP 's own writings make it clear that they do not distinguish between their "military" and "political" wings, an artificial distinction made by Western NGOs attempting to minimize their terrorism.

To the PFLP, there is no difference between bombing Jews and attacking them politically. There is no difference between telling Arabic speakers that Jews murder Muslim children to harvest their blood and their NGOs telling Western countries that Israel shoots expensive, precision weapons at Palestinian children for no reason. There is clearly no military advantage to killing kids so it must be that they target them because Israeli Jews are pure evil.

Israel-haters want to minimize the connections between the terrorist, antisemitic PFLP and the respected "human rights" NGOs that the PFLP helped create. But when you understand the undeniable links, you can clearly see that there is no difference between the classic blood libel and the modern ones.

DCI-P press releases are the 21st century equivalent of an auto-da-fé.

(full article online)

The laws of war as propagated by an Arab Warlord who invented a facist politico-religious ideology is still practiced by the retrogrades occupying Islamic terrorist enclaves of Gaza and the West Bank.

Killing 3 Palestinian terrorists and the Laws of War​

Maurice Hirsch, Adv. | May 10, 2023

When Israel killed the three senior terrorists from Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIL) on the morning of May 9, unfortunately, a number of civilians, including children were also killed. The death of civilians, particularly children, is of course devastating, but in this case, it highlights, to a great extent, the difference between the actions of the terrorists and the actions taken by Israel.
The IDF undertook some pre-emptive actions in the Islamic terrorist occupied territories.

Gaza militants fire wave of rockets into Israel after strikes kill top terrorist leaders​


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