Who Are The Palestinians " III "

Just in time for Ramadan, the holy month of killing and gee-had.

PA TV gives prize to boy because he is named after terrorist murderer of 7​

Nan Jacques Zilberdik | May 2, 2023

In a street quiz during the Ramadan reporters from official PA TV asked Palestinians questions and awarded correct answers with a monetary prize. But one boy didn’t need to say more than his own name, Nasser, before he was given a prize.

Accused of Antisemitism for Telling Students about Palestinian Life: Huwaida Arraf & Peter Beinart​


Accused of Antisemitism for Telling Students about Palestinian Life: Huwaida Arraf & Peter Beinart​

Bassam Tawil: Palestinians are proud of their terrorists

Palestinians: We Are Proud of Terrorists

Israel literally elected Menachem Begin, a terrorist, PM.

“On 27 March 1952, a package addressed to Chancellor Adenauer exploded in the MunichPolice Headquarters, killing one Bavarian police officer, Karl Reichert.[72] Investigations revealed the mastermind behind the assassination attempt was Menachem Begin, who would later become the Prime Minister of Israel.[73] Begin had been the commander of Irgun and at that time headed Herut and was a member of the Knesset. His goal was to put pressure on the German government and prevent the signing of the Reparations Agreement between Israel and West Germany, which he vehemently opposed.[74] The West German government kept all proof under seal in order to prevent antisemitic responses from the German public.”


For as long as the Islamic terrorists aren’t held accountable for the money they steal, the islamic terrorists will use that money for gee-had attacks.​

Why is the PA again hiding its financial documents?​

Maurice Hirsch, Adv. | May 1, 2023

  • Despite missing financial transparency, the EU continues to support the PA financially
While constantly complaining to the world about its alleged financial crisis and begging the international community to increase its aid, the Palestinian Authority is once again hiding its financial reports.
Since 2008, as part of an agreement to receive funding from the World Bank, the Palestinian Authority has been required to publish a range of financial documents, including its annual budget and monthly budget performance reports.
It's a shame her day job of Jew hating keeps her from working at the other part time job.

It’s hardly news when a member of The (Clown) Squad makes an anti-Semitic attack against Israel. Whether from Ilhan Omar, Ayanna Pressley, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, or in this case, Rashida Tlaib, it’s a safe bet that the attack — be it verbal or written — will be riddled with blind hatred and despicable lies.
It's a shame her day job of Jew hating keeps her from working at the other part time job.

It’s hardly news when a member of The (Clown) Squad makes an anti-Semitic attack against Israel. Whether from Ilhan Omar, Ayanna Pressley, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, or in this case, Rashida Tlaib, it’s a safe bet that the attack — be it verbal or written — will be riddled with blind hatred and despicable lies.
:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
I suppose we should first recognize an attempt by the islamic terrorists occupying the West Bank to falsely claim a "national" symbol. This is just another attempt by the islamic terrorists in the Fatah syndicate to suggest that the square blocks they occupy is something other than an islamic terrorist franchise that exists on welfare handouts.

Who is the PA’s “national symbol and a model of inspiration for the masses”?​

Nan Jacques Zilberdik | May 4, 2023
  • “An important peak in the Palestinian people’s path… the leader of the Palestinian people’s masses, of the [second] Intifada…a leader of whom we are proud to no end”
    - Abbas’ deputy about imprisoned terrorist Marwan Barghouti, who orchestrated numerous terror attacks and was convicted for his part in 3 shooting attacks in which 5 people were murdered

  • Terror mastermind is Fatah’s “clear national symbol and model of inspiration for the masses of our people and “a prominent symbol on the path of national struggle”

The kicker is that the Israeli courts have no jurisdiction in occupied territory.​

'We Are Determined to Stay": One Palestinian Family's Story of Dispossession in Jerusalem​

Somebody buy this guy a beer falafel.

Al-Aqsa Mosque Address By Palestinian Islamic Scholar Issam Amira: Palestinians Have No Historical Right To Palestine; We Are Muslims, Not Canaanites, And Our History Dates Back Only 1,440 Years

Accused of Antisemitism for Telling Students about Palestinian Life: Huwaida Arraf & Peter Beinart​


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