Who Are The Palestinians " III "

  • Terrorist prisoner Marwan Barghouti who orchestrated shootings in which 5 were murdered and terrorist murderer Maslama Thabet supervise academic studies in prison
  • Barghouti “is behind the great achievement of academic studies in the Israeli prisons” – praise by released murderer
  • 200 terrorist prisoners “already completed a master’s degree” under Barghouti’s tutelage

In 2002, terrorist Marwan Barghouti was arrested by Israel and later sentenced to 5 life sentences for orchestrating shooting attacks in which 5 people were murdered. When arrested he was a member of PA Parliament, and he has been reelected as such while serving time. In addition, PA and Fatah Chairman Abbas appointed him to Fatah’s Central Committee. This month, the PA marks the anniversary of Barghouti’s so-called “kidnapping” by Israel, as Palestinian Media Watch exposed earlier this month, when the PA referred to Barghouti as a “national symbol and a model of inspiration for the masses.”

From Terrorist to Teacher

Another fact about Barghouti exposed by PMW is that he serves as supervisor of academic studies in prison, teaching and tutoring other prisoners who are studying for their MA degrees in “Israel Studies.” Released terrorist murderer Karim Younes shed more light on Barghouti’s doings as a teacher recently when he praised Barghouti at a Fatah ceremony honoring him. Murderer Younes spoke with awe about terrorist Barghouti, telling the audience of his dedication to his terrorist prisoner students – teaching for hours while sitting on an iron pipe with a rag over it. Younes related that 200 of his students have completed MA degrees under his supervision:

(full article online)


Architects of Our Narrative: Emerging Palestinian Writers | Panel Discussion | Palestine Writes 2020​

Israelis deliberately shoot at people fishing and farming! Israel has maintained an illegal and immoral blockade of Gaza since 2008.

Who deliberately shoots children in their spines, and who cares for them?

Israelis deliberately shoot at people fishing and farming! Israel has maintained an illegal and immoral blockade of Gaza since 2008.

Arab commentator acknowledges Israeli military is careful to avoid civilian casualties: “Why don’t the Syrians take a lesson from the Israeli army which tries as much as it can to avoid bombing civilian areas”
Al-Jazeera TV Host: Syrian Army Should Take Lesson from Israel in Protecting Civilians

Arab commentator: Hamas uses Gazans as human shields and targets Israeli civilians, and they steal the foreign aid
Vienna-Based Syrian Journalist Thaer Al-Nashef: Hamas Uses Civilians As Human Shields; Hamas Leaders Split Gaza Rehabilitation Aid Among Themselves
Arab commentator acknowledges Israeli military is careful to avoid civilian casualties: “Why don’t the Syrians take a lesson from the Israeli army which tries as much as it can to avoid bombing civilian areas”
Al-Jazeera TV Host: Syrian Army Should Take Lesson from Israel in Protecting Civilians

Arab commentator: Hamas uses Gazans as human shields and targets Israeli civilians, and they steal the foreign aid
Vienna-Based Syrian Journalist Thaer Al-Nashef: Hamas Uses Civilians As Human Shields; Hamas Leaders Split Gaza Rehabilitation Aid Among Themselves
There are youtube videos showing the IDF shooting at people fishing and farming. There were no human shields. They were the target of Israeli atrocities and I am getting fucking sick of you fuckers lying about this! You are committing war crimes more than Hamas! You!
There are youtube videos showing the IDF shooting at people fishing and farming. There were no human shields. They were the target of Israeli atrocities and I am getting fucking sick of you fuckers lying about this! You are committing war crimes more than Hamas! You!

Chairman US Joint Chiefs of Staff: “Israel went to ‘extraordinary lengths’ to limit civilian casualties during the conflict in Gaza”

“The chairman said the U.S. military sent a ‘lessons learned team’ of senior commissioned and noncommissioned officers to work with the Israel Defense Forces about three months ago. The U.S. military members were interested in learning about the measures the Israeli forces took to prevent civilian casualties during the operation and how they dealt with tunnels, he added.”

Chairman Says Israel Acted Responsibly in Gaza Operation
I am not disputing that. Now, will you address the issues I raised?

Chairman US Joint Chiefs of Staff: “Hamas had become ‘very nearly a subterranean society. This has caused Israel some significant challenges.

The IDF is not interested in creating civilian casualties," the chairman said. "They're interested in stopping the shooting of rockets and missiles out of the Gaza Strip and into Israel."

Chairman Says Israel Acted Responsibly in Gaza Operation
Chairman US Joint Chiefs of Staff: “Israel went to ‘extraordinary lengths’ to limit civilian casualties during the conflict in Gaza”

“The chairman said the U.S. military sent a ‘lessons learned team’ of senior commissioned and noncommissioned officers to work with the Israel Defense Forces about three months ago. The U.S. military members were interested in learning about the measures the Israeli forces took to prevent civilian casualties during the operation and how they dealt with tunnels, he added.”

Chairman Says Israel Acted Responsibly in Gaza Operation
That is fucking bullshit propaganda! Fuck you in the strongest terms if you are pushing that garbage!
Chairman US Joint Chiefs of Staff: “Hamas had become ‘very nearly a subterranean society. This has caused Israel some significant challenges.

The IDF is not interested in creating civilian casualties," the chairman said. "They're interested in stopping the shooting of rockets and missiles out of the Gaza Strip and into Israel."

Chairman Says Israel Acted Responsibly in Gaza Operation
Again. Fuck you if you are going to push that garbage!
That is fucking bullshit propaganda! Fuck you in the strongest terms if you are pushing that garbage!
Chairman US Joint Chiefs of Staff: “The civilian casualties are tragic. In this kind of conflict, where you are held to a standard that your enemy is not held to, you're going to be criticized for civilian casualties”

“Israeli forces did what they could to prevent civilian casualties. It's an incredibly difficult environment, but I can say to you with confidence that I think that they acted responsibly”

Chairman Says Israel Acted Responsibly in Gaza Operation

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