Who Are The Palestinians " III "

You are jumping through hoops to avoid talking about Israeli atrocities!

This fatwa's significance lies in the fact that it is rare for Muslim scholars to declare an organization "unlawful," and it could influence how Muslims worldwide view and interact with Hamas.

This fatwa's significance lies in the fact that it is rare for Muslim scholars to declare an organization "unlawful," and it could influence how Muslims worldwide view and interact with Hamas.

Okay, so it is rare. It is also more rare for Israeli's to admit their role in the violence.
Okay, so it is rare. It is also more rare for Israeli's to admit their role in the violence.

“Hamas Crackdown On Gaza Protests Instills Fear” “Atef Abu Saif was hospitalized in Gaza with a fractured skull and broken hands and legs.”

This is just bullshit propaganda on your part! The fact that you can't take responsibility for Israeli violence, says it all!

Arab scholar Fouad Ajami: “The Palestinian ruin was a long time in coming. No other movement has had the indulgence granted Palestinians over the last half-century, and the results can be seen in the bravado and senseless violence...”

This is just bullshit propaganda on your part! The fact that you can't take responsibility for Israeli violence, says it all!
Can you prove that it was just “ bullshit” and fabricated? The proof that you just make up things and lie says it all !! 🇮🇱🥱
If Israel wanted peace, they'd end the occupation. You have to go back to Nazi Germany to find an entire population of people treated this badly.

Arab scholar Fouad Ajami: Israelis accept Palestinian statehood. Palestinians reject statehood…

If Israel wanted peace, they'd end the occupation. You have to go back to Nazi Germany to find an entire population of people treated this badly.
YAWN…. Deflection If the Arabs wanted peace they wouldn’t have INITIATED the 67 War. Israel offered them almost everything they demanded and it was rejected
You Pro Pal SHITHEADS are never going to understand that Israel will give up access to their Religious Sites
If Israel wanted peace, they'd end the occupation.

They ended their occupation of Gaza, why isn't Gaza peaceful?
If anything the Rockets 🚀 from Gaza INCREASED IMMEDIATELY AFTER Israel 🇮🇱 left. Ask that Pro Pal SHITHEAD why and there will be NO response
BTW, did you know that Israel INITIATED the 67 War because they were stealing Syria’s Water 💧?? 🇮🇱✡️😭
YAWN…. Deflection If the Arabs wanted peace they wouldn’t have INITIATED the 67 War. Israel offered them almost everything they demanded and it was rejected
You Pro Pal SHITHEADS are never going to understand that Israel will give up access to their Religious Sites
And you don't realize there is only one solution to an occupation and that is to end it.

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