Who are those few that didn't speak on condition of anonymity?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
The Post is the sole source on the latest leak regarding Mueller and we are expected to believe as do the
vast majority of the MSM who repeatedly state:
Muller is looking into Russia’s role in the 2016 election and is also interviewing senior intelligence officials as the investigation has broadened to look into whether Trump attempted to obstruct justice, the Washington Post reported yesterday, citing five anonymous officials.

Now the same Post told us this back in May 10,2017.......
But the private accounts of more than 30 officials at the White House, the Justice Department, the FBI and on Capitol Hill, as well as Trump confidants and other senior Republicans, paint a conflicting narrative centered on the president’s brewing personal animus toward Comey.
Many of those interviewed spoke on the condition of anonymity in order to candidly discuss internal deliberations.

Inside Trump’s anger and impatience — and his sudden decision to fire Comey

So POST... who ARE those "FEW" of those 30 interviewed that DIDN"T speak on anonymity?
Are you lying about that POST? Name their names!
Dozens of news organizations are quoting Washington Post on the Mueller story.
A Google search on Mueller investigating criminal charges against Trump... has 1,560,000 results.
Mueller investigating Trump for possible obstruction, report says
The investigation into ties between President Trump's campaign and the Russian government has now turned to investigating Trump himself for obstruction of justice, the Washington Post reported Wednesday.
Robert Mueller investigating Trump for obstruction of justice

The Washington Post, citing officials, reported Wednesday night that Robert Mueller, the special counsel now overseeing the investigation is looking at Trump's conduct.

The Washington Post reported Tuesday that the interviews represent a widening of the probe to include a query into whether the President obstructed justice in suggesting to his former FBI Director James Comey that he drop the investigation into Michael Flynn, Trump's former national security adviser, as well as for firing of Comey.

What will Bezo's value of the Washington Post BE when the POST has tremendous EGG ALL OVER THEIR FACES when Mueller announces there is NO Criminal investigation?
I want the Post to identify those "FEW" of the 30 interviewed that didn't speak on anonymity!

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