Who are Your Top Five Most Admirable TV Fiction Characters?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Got into this discussion with the wife and daughter, and they chose some interesting people. We often talk about 'bad' characters like Walter and Dexter, but too often ignore the 'Good' characters. Why? Who do we chose to emulate?

I cant defend anyone else's preferences or even understand them up to a point. But for me, it is the following:

1) Aaron Hotchner from Criminal Minds
Aaron Hotchner - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This character has to lead one of the top investigative teams in the FBI so he is always under a spotlight, has impeccable integrity, courage, loyalty, etc, just name the virtue.

Of course that still just isn't good enough for his American wife who divorces him.

2) Mac Taylor from CSI New York
Mac Taylor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Very similar to Hotch of Criminal Minds. Just an exemplary and admirable character. And of course he was single through the whole series. Guess girls just don't take to knights in shining armor any more?

To those who say such people exist only in fictional stories, I have to say I have worked with such people at various times. They do in fact exist.

3) Tyrion Lanister from Game of Thrones

This man has overcome more adversity in his life than any of us today will ever have to face. Tough as nails, smart as can be, witty, great company, only vices I can recall off hand are a taste for whores and a talent for drunkenness.

The dude is amazing.

4) Lt. Leonard Bones McCoy
Leonard McCoy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Can you imagine working with a megalomaniac like Cpt Kirk and also at the same time a cold calculator like Spock for thousands of uninterrupted days in a tiny little ship in the vastness of outer space?

Not becoming a serial killer is an achievement of itself, but the dude is loyal, humorous and has all the virtues of the above dudes. And is still sane, that's what kills me.

5) Protector Kiera Cameron From the TV series 'Continuum"

Heroism has never seen such a character. This lady is the embodiment of everything good in a person, but with the trait of self-sacrifice beyond any character I have ever seen before. And she is funny, loyal and all that as well. And the series is one of the best on TV right now.

There are only hints that she has overlooked wrong among her own while pursuing the terrorists of her age, but she was never in a position to stop any of it, only observe. I think she eventually does the right thing even in this case.

Edit: I have to give honorable mention to Agent of Shield Phil Coulson who has some of the best lines of the Avengers movie, and his TV series he is in is entertaining as well. Phil has some very admirable qualities as well, but is too prone to cut procedural corners for my tastes to put him among the top five and no entertaining vices to balance that out, like Tyrian does. Still he deserves mention too.
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In no particular order:

1. Tyrion Lannister: Bit of a dick, but probably the most noble lannister out there. Dinklage plays him with passion and wit. Actually has a strong sense of honor and duty underneath the whoring and the boozing.

2. Jean Luc Picard. The "Renaissance Man" Star Trek Captain. Learned, well red, decisive, and not the wimp some people make him out to be.

3. Malcolm Reynolds: A simple man with a simple set of rules, not all of them what you would call "good." Fought in a losing cause, and while he has moved on keeps the grudge against the victors. Has a sense of honor, but it is mitigated by the reality of the Firefly universe.

4. Lenny Briscoe: My favorite law and order detective, witty, honest, and lives with his flaws (alcoholism, bad father). Able to go against the blue wall when it was needed.

5. G'kar Honorable leader of Narn. First portrayed as somewhat villainous, later shown to be a spiritual leader of his people. Able to withstand the destruction of his nation and then re-build, and even slightly forgive the Centauri (and Londo) at the end.
Frank Reagan (Sellick/Bluebloods)
A.I.C. "Jethro" Gibbs
Dr. Cliff Huckstable
Col. Sherman Tecumseh Potter
Judge Judy
Ernie Kovacs (as Percy Dovetonsils)
William Gargan (as Martin Kane)
Harry Morgan (first in Dragnet, later in MASH)
Patrick Macnee (Steed)
William Conrad (various TV roles but great as the ORIGINAL Matt Dillon on radio)
in no particular order

Homer Simpson - devoted husband and father, will go and has gone to great lengths for his wife and children
Cpt. Benjamin Sisko - single father with a demanding career that never was too busy for his son
The Doctor - Everybody lives!
Sam Malone - recovering alcoholic taking control of his life and running a successful business
Admiral Bill Adama - So say we all!

- and honorable mention goes to Sheriff Andy Taylor. Devoted father and public servant. Also, the episode "Opie and the Spoiled Kid" should be required watching for any new parent.
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In no particular order:

1. Tyrion Lannister: Bit of a dick, but probably the most noble lannister out there. Dinklage plays him with passion and wit. Actually has a strong sense of honor and duty underneath the whoring and the boozing.

2. Jean Luc Picard. The "Renaissance Man" Star Trek Captain. Learned, well red, decisive, and not the wimp some people make him out to be.

3. Malcolm Reynolds: A simple man with a simple set of rules, not all of them what you would call "good." Fought in a losing cause, and while he has moved on keeps the grudge against the victors. Has a sense of honor, but it is mitigated by the reality of the Firefly universe.

4. Lenny Briscoe: My favorite law and order detective, witty, honest, and lives with his flaws (alcoholism, bad father). Able to go against the blue wall when it was needed.

5. G'kar Honorable leader of Narn. First portrayed as somewhat villainous, later shown to be a spiritual leader of his people. Able to withstand the destruction of his nation and then re-build, and even slightly forgive the Centauri (and Londo) at the end.

Big yes to G'kar

Benton Fraser from Due South

Sam Beckett from Quantum Leap

Tyrion Lannister

Ed Norton
George Costanza
Eddie Haskell
Marie Barone
Homer Simpson
In no particular order:

1. Tyrion Lannister: Bit of a dick, but probably the most noble lannister out there. Dinklage plays him with passion and wit. Actually has a strong sense of honor and duty underneath the whoring and the boozing.

2. Jean Luc Picard. The "Renaissance Man" Star Trek Captain. Learned, well red, decisive, and not the wimp some people make him out to be.

3. Malcolm Reynolds: A simple man with a simple set of rules, not all of them what you would call "good." Fought in a losing cause, and while he has moved on keeps the grudge against the victors. Has a sense of honor, but it is mitigated by the reality of the Firefly universe.

4. Lenny Briscoe: My favorite law and order detective, witty, honest, and lives with his flaws (alcoholism, bad father). Able to go against the blue wall when it was needed.

5. G'kar Honorable leader of Narn. First portrayed as somewhat villainous, later shown to be a spiritual leader of his people. Able to withstand the destruction of his nation and then re-build, and even slightly forgive the Centauri (and Londo) at the end.

Big yes to G'kar

Benton Fraser from Due South

Sam Beckett from Quantum Leap

Tyrion Lannister


Due South! I forgot all about that show!

Sam Beckett nearly made my list. And one of these days I'm going to get around to watching all of Babylon 5. Of course, it'd be a lot easier if it were available to stream.
George Castanza
Jack O'Neil (Stargate)
Al Bundy
George Jefferson
Fred Sanford
James Evans (Good Times...not JJ, the father. What an excellent role model)
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I never got into admirable tv characters cuz it's easy to be brave and say your lines when you know your contract is still good


Kato, Bruce Lee, when I saw him on Batman in the 60's. I thought his moves were faked until the fight scene with Robin. just floored me

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