Who cares what Putin thinks

GOP POLICIES ARE CORRUPT, superdupe. Giveaway to the rich, screw you policies.

If you don't vote Democratic, you are rich and greedy or misinformed or mainly misinformed. lol


Who are the Biggest Donors?​

"Here are the individuals who have dipped deepest into their own pockets for campaign contributions to federal candidates, parties, political action committees, 527 organizations, and Carey committees. Only contributions to Democrats and Republicans or liberal and conservative outside groups are included in calculating the percentages the donor has given to either party."
You only think you're smarter than the rest.
You’re the one who doesn’t know our government has supported numerous dictators.

STOP posting until you get informed. Don’t be a fool all your life.


Who are the Biggest Donors?​

"Here are the individuals who have dipped deepest into their own pockets for campaign contributions to federal candidates, parties, political action committees, 527 organizations, and Carey committees. Only contributions to Democrats and Republicans or liberal and conservative outside groups are included in calculating the percentages the donor has given to either party."
After stupid talking points and insults, ya got nothing...Keep voting for the Big Oil/Health/Pharma giveaway to rich party, dupe...
You’re the one who doesn’t know our government has supported numerous dictators.

STOP posting until you get informed. Don’t be a fool all your life.
That was during the cold war, super dupe. EVERYONE KNOWS THAT. GENIUS. lol. Not anymore, now it's all democracy vs lying authoritarians...


Who are the Biggest Donors?​

"Here are the individuals who have dipped deepest into their own pockets for campaign contributions to federal candidates, parties, political action committees, 527 organizations, and Carey committees. Only contributions to Democrats and Republicans or liberal and conservative outside groups are included in calculating the percentages the donor has given to either party."
Those are the honest old fashioned donors. Google GOP dark money hypocrisy, dupe. BTW, we have a two party system. You vote GOP because you are duped...in effect anyway...

So, as you’d expect, today, Russia’s foreign minister Sergei (This-is-even-more-fun-than-picking-Hillary’s-pocket) Lavrov demanded written guarantees from the Biden administration that its Ukraine-related sanctions will not interfere with the Russian commerce with Iran and other nations that is central to the operation of the JCPOA.

There was an IRAN deal that worked perfectly. Great job, Trump and other shytteheads...Putinist morons....
Is he a madman for invading another nation? If so, what does that make O and W?

You’d do yourself a big favor by turning of the propaganda tv.
There's the moral equivalency we used to see so prevalent in the commsymps of the 70s and 80s.

Trump has turned you all into leftists.
There's the moral equivalency we used to see so prevalent in the commsymps of the 70s and 80s.

Trump has turned you all into leftists.
Lol. Trump. Lol. You too?

Fuck Trump and you too.

How is it you fail to see the hypocrisy of your position? What kind of mental gymnastics must one do?
So your basing your great conspiracy on someone seeing a Raytheon billboard?


All the recent NATO countries have free elections and the people of those countries elected leaders that chose to join NATO
Multiple Raytheon billboards designed to hijack the "peace dividend," at least according to this eyewitness:

Chronicle of a war foretold | Chris Hedges | MEO

"I was in Eastern Europe in 1989, reporting on the revolutions that overthrew the ossified communist dictatorships that led to the collapse of the Soviet Union.

"It was a time of hope..."

"There was a near universal understanding among diplomats and political leaders at the time that any attempt to expand NATO was foolish, an unwarranted provocation against Russia that would obliterate the ties and bonds that happily emerged at the end of the Cold War..."

"The expansion of NATO swiftly became a multi-billion-dollar bonanza for the corporations that had profited from the Cold War. (Poland, for example, just agreed to spend $6 billion on M1 Abrams tanks and other US military equipment.)

"If Russia would not acquiesce to again being the enemy, then Russia would be pressured into becoming the enemy."
All the recent NATO countries have free elections and the people of those countries elected leaders that chose to join NATO.

Perhaps the people of those countries would rather be protected by companies like Raytheon then to ever be subject to Russian rule again,
I think it's far more likely those elected leaders chose NATO because they were bribed in the same way leaders in this country never fail to increase "defense" spending in spite of our recent failures in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Chronicle of a war foretold | Chris Hedges | MEO

"The consequences of pushing NATO up to the borders with Russia — there is now a NATO missile base in Poland 100 miles from the Russian border — were well known to policy makers.

"Yet they did it anyway. It made no geopolitical sense.

"But it made commercial sense.

"War, after all, is a business, a very lucrative one.

"It is why we spent two decades in Afghanistan although there was near universal consensus after a few years of fruitless fighting that we had waded into a quagmire we could never win."
Russia, like Ukraine couldn't meet the standards required for NATO membership.
Ukraine had a "frozen conflict" in its eastern provinces, and of course, massive corruption. While Russia certainly has no shortage of corruption, it's hard to see how Poland would qualify and Russia would not. The last thing Putin needed 20 years ago was a renewal of the Cold War, luckily Raytheon knew better.
Now that’s not nice. When one gets exposed as a fool as you have, one should STFU and go away. Have you no shame?
LOL...You couldn't expose anyone for a fool but yourself...What exactly are you doing in here anyway? You seem to butt heads with nearly everyone in here, and offer no real intellectual input other than railing against anything short of anarchy...Which is why you will never realize any real power in our government.

When I posed that we in this country stand against tyranny, and despots like Putin it was an observation from living a long life in the greatest nation on earth and serving in its uniform. Something I can guess you've never done. Therefore, while I appreciate your freedom in our country to espouse any view you wish, even though in reality, I look at you as a cancer on our nation...

You serve no purpose but to agitate, and that is not worthy of any real debate....So, GFY is appropriate, and proper to tell you.
The fact that responsible world leaders are seeing the opportunity to organize and build a better world, and that lunatic conspiracy theories emerged has nothing to do with Putin's choice to invade Ukraine.
I don't see any responsible actions being taken in regard to the climate crisis, global economic inequality, or taxing war into extinction.

Capitalism was born in piracy and human slavery, and every vast fortune it has created depends on war and debt.

Putin's choice to invade Ukraine was made for him by rich capitalists and their MIC minions YEAR AGO:

Chronicle of a war foretold | Chris Hedges | MEO

"In a classified diplomatic cable obtained and released by WikiLeaks dated Feb. 1, 2008, written from Moscow, and addressed to the Joint Chiefs of Staff, NATO-European Union Cooperative, National Security Council, Russia Moscow Political Collective, secretary of defense and secretary of state, there was an unequivocal understanding that expanding NATO risked an eventual conflict with Russia, especially over Ukraine.

“Not only does Russia perceive encirclement [by NATO], and efforts to undermine Russia’s influence in the region, but it also fears unpredictable and uncontrolled consequences which would seriously affect Russian security interests,' the cable reads and continues..."

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