Who cares what Putin thinks

You have no proof either was in that hospital or was the result of that bombing.
I have proof that your Russian sources are piece of shit liars and you are a usefull idiot spreading their bullshit.

These are clearly two different, late stage pregnancy women and there is absolutely nothing questionable presented about them being in at that maternity ward at the time of the bombing.
GOP POLICIES ARE CORRUPT, superdupe. Giveaway to the rich, screw you policies.

If you don't vote Democratic, you are rich and greedy or misinformed or mainly misinformed. lol
There it is. The duopoly dupe let’s it out. I always knew you to be a foolish partisan, yet somehow you know nothing about me.
I don't remember mysterious wastes of time. You only say what you're against. With no evidence.
I’ve posted over 47k posts, most of them while you were here, yet mysteriously you think I just joined the forum yesterday.

For someone who claims to have attained an advanced degree, you aren’t very smart.
Moron she was PREGNANT and has now given birth. Multiple people, including an AP photographer took video and pictures.


Second woman looks nothing like her and died shortly after her child, let her soul rest in peace.


Additional photos and coverage from AP:

Don’t you consider for one minute the msm which has promoted every war since the Spanish American War, for the benefit of the elite, might be spreading propaganda to benefit the elite? Are you unaware of the msm’s long history and consistent pattern of warmongering lies?

Do you really want WWIII over Ukraine?
Only ANOTHER GOP corrupt deregulation bubble and bust depression could do it....
When the US dollar ceases to function as the principal global reserve currency, it probably won't matter which wing of the Corporate Party controls US government; the resulting depression will be global:

"For many years, the dollar has been the standard currency used in world trade e.g. oil, gold and most commodities are quoted in dollars.

"Many countries hold their reserves in dollars principally in the form of US Treasury Securities.

"De-dollarisation describes a move away from this world order to one where nations sell their US Treasuries to hold reserves in other currencies or gold.

"Simultaneously they seek to use their own currencies for transactions between their most important trade partners."

De-dollarisation: An Emerging Coalition Of Revisionist Countries, Rogue Governments, Techno-Visionaries And Sanction Busters - Or A Sensible Long-Term Strategy?
Moron she was PREGNANT and has now given birth. Multiple people, including an AP photographer took video and pictures.


Second woman looks nothing like her and died shortly after her child, let her soul rest in peace.


Additional photos and coverage from AP:

Why would anyone with even average intelligence believe anything said by the corporate media.

The worst disinformation campaign in modern US political history - worse than Russiagate - was the union of CIA, corporate media, and Big Tech to spread the absolute lie prior to the 2020 election that the Biden emails were "Russian disinformation." Still won't retract it: 👇-Glenn Greenwald
Don’t you consider for one minute the msm which has promoted every war since the Spanish American War, for the benefit of the elite, might be spreading propaganda to benefit the elite? Are you unaware of the msm’s long history and consistent pattern of warmongering lies?

Do you really want WWIII over Ukraine?

What the f does MSM have to do with AP reporting that is being discussed?

Should I not believe my lying eyes?

What the hell are you talking about?
What the f does MSM have to do with AP reporting that is being discussed?

Should I not believe my lying eyes?

What the hell are you talking about?
The corporate media has reported on this war completely on the side of the establishment. It’s all hate for Putin and Russia, but love and admiration for Ukraine and Z. Does this not alert you?

Are you unaware of the corporate media’s promotion of every war? Are you so clueless not the recognize their shameless bias for the establishment?
The corporate media has reported on this war completely on the side of the establishment. It’s all hate for Putin and Russia, but love and admiration for Ukraine and Z. Does this not alert you?

Are you unaware of the corporate media’s promotion of every war? Are you so clueless not the recognize their shameless bias for the establishment?

...do you have some sort of mental disability?

I'm specifically asking you about these images and reporting from the blown up maternity ward and you keep talking about about some general bullshit about media.

Tell me again why I should not believe my eyes.
Why do you suppose he would do that?

Any evidence of such a thing?


Pootin is a war criminal. He needs to find some interesting places to vacation in Russia. Because he will soon be arrested if he tries to fly outside the world of Dictators.
...do you have some sort of mental disability?

I'm specifically asking you about these images and reporting from the blown up maternity ward and you keep talking about about some general bullshit about media.

Tell me again why I should not believe my eyes.
I‘m not interested in your specific point. Anything pushed by establishment media, must be questioned. Try it sometime.
I‘m not interested in your specific point. Anything pushed by establishment media, must be questioned. Try it sometime.


Here is the video. Here are the images. Here is reporting. Here are official Russian sources CLEARLY lying about it.

Question it! Use your your eyes and brain for crist sakes.

Here is the video. Here are the images. Here is reporting. Here are official Russian sources CLEARLY lying about it.

Question it! Use your your eyes and brain for crist sakes.
You might want to think bigger.
I think it's more likely rich people in every country bought into western propaganda about eternal war and endless debt.

One writer I've read recently wrote about the Raytheon billboards in Poland that he had witnessed prior to that country joining NATO. The current carnage in Ukraine reveals how well that works out when western merchants of death whose primary concern is to enhance quarterly profits run up against a nuclear-armed reginal power.

So your basing your great conspiracy on someone seeing a Raytheon billboard?


All the recent NATO countries have free elections and the people of those countries elected leaders that chose to join NATO.

Perhaps the people of those countries would rather be protected by companies like Raytheon then to ever be subject to Russian rule again,
Russia had nothing to gain from continuing the Cold War after the demise of the USSR. US arms merchants had a great deal to lose from a "peace dividend"

Who won that war?


Ex-Nato head says Putin wanted to join alliance early on in his rule

"Vladimir Putin wanted Russia to join Nato but did not want his country to have to go through the usual application process and stand in line 'with a lot of countries that don’t matter', according to a former secretary general of the transatlantic alliance.

"George Robertson, a former Labour defence secretary who led Nato between 1999 and 2003, said Putin made it clear at their first meeting that he wanted Russia to be part of western Europe. 'They wanted to be part of that secure, stable prosperous west that Russia was out of at the time,' he said."

Russia, like Ukraine couldn't meet the standards required for NATO membership.

Just the fact that he refused to "stand in line 'with a lot of countries that don’t matter'", shows Putin's warped sense of reality. Russia is no more significant than any other of the countries. Russia is not a super-power, it's just an international bully.
Imho, wars of aggression can never be condoned but some can be explained. Had the US abstained from meddling in Ukrainian politics I think it's unlikely Putin would have made his Big Mistake.

I suspect that timing is everything in regards to whether or not Putin's invasion is the biggest mistake since WWII since the global economy is far more fragile today than it was when Bush invaded Iraq in 2003.

What is the Great Reset - and how did it get hijacked by conspiracy theories?

The fact that responsible world leaders are seeing the opportunity to organize and build a better world, and that lunatic conspiracy theories emerged has nothing to do with Putin's choice to invade Ukraine.
I think the jury's still out on that one:

"Divided World: The UN Condemnation of Russia is endorsed by Countries run by the richest, oldest, Whitest people on Earth but only 41% of the World’s population"​

Divided World: The UN Condemnation of Russia is endorsed by Countries run by the richest, oldest, Whitest people on Earth but only 41% of the World’s population | MR Online

Imho, much of the world including Russia, China, Iran, Venezuela, and India are becoming thoroughly disgusted with the hypocrisy of US economic sanctions, and the most direct way of dealing with that problem is to revisit the dollar's global reserve status.

There's no such thing an official world currency reserve. It's more of a general sentiment of business people.

Until business people choose to do transactions in other currencies, the U.S. dollar will remain the defacto world currency.

The fact that by far the greatest and most stable economies those of the 41% means that business people will continue transacting in U.S. dollars.

Only China has a substantial enough economy to be considered, but for as long as they are a basically anti-capitalist communist country that manipulates it's currency, the world business people will never switch to using Chinese currency.


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