Who cares what Putin thinks

How would you know? Your news sources are all corporate ones that only promote the government’s narrative, but you aren’t smart enough to figure that out.
It's called journalism and the truth. Every media in the world agrees but Murdoch and russian/totalitarian ones...and nutjobs like you...
you're mysterious but totally misinformed. so who do you vote for? anarchist/libertarian usually means nutty gop...
Yeah I’m mysterious yet I’ve posted over 47k posts here that are pretty consistent.

Masters degree my ass. Lol.
So China and India didn't vote for it? LOL! Well good to get the communist outlook...You are in the world's smallest echo chamber....
The End is Near

The End of Empire

"The empire will limp along, steadily losing influence until the dollar is dropped as the world’s reserve currency, plunging the United States into a crippling depression and instantly forcing a massive contraction of its military machine.":stir:
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That’s a happy consequence. The imperialist empire will be forced to die.
It's hard to imagine how the Masters of the Universe could survive a dollar collapse; however, there were those who had similar thoughts in 1971:

Dollar Recycling | Michael Hudson.

"My book 'Super Imperialism' was about how the United States has gained a free lunch by establishing the dollar as international reserve currency by replacing gold.

"I also showed that the U.S. balance of payments deficit is almost entirely military related to support its 800 bases around the world.

"Ending the gold-exchange standard in 1971 created a situation in which the excess U.S. dollars thrown off by the U.S. payments deficit end up in foreign central banks."
Ignored Comrade! Take your propaganda somewhere else! LOOK AT YOUR SOURCE!
It was originally published by "Donbass-Insider"

IOW? It is an English Language Ukraine journal. . . so what is, exactly, wrong with that? :dunno:
IMO? You owe George an apology. :rolleyes:

About us​

Donbass Insider is a news and analytics website which was launched in September 2018, in order to provide information and insights in several languages mainly about the situation in Donbass, Ukraine and Russia, but also about connected conflicts like Syria and Libya.
This website was created by people working as journalists and translators since years. After working for a news agency, we thought it was necessary to create a new platform, where authors from different agencies, blogs, and information websites can collaborate together to spread information.
The site’s sources will therefore be diverse and will range from official agency sites of all nationalities, to geopolitical analysis sites and personal blogs. The source will be mentioned in each article.
Donbass Insider was also created to raise awareness of the humanitarian missions organized in Donbass, and help them obtain funding to continue to help innocent civilians caught up in the turmoil of war.
This website does not receive any subsidy from a government, an administration, or any NGO. It is funded only by our readers. So, if you love our work, and want us to be able to continue, do not hesitate and support us. You have several crowdfunding and payment platforms which will allow you to help us continue our work.

Mariupol – Civilians denounce the crimes of the fighters of the neo-Nazi Azov regiment​

Horseshit, there is a war in Ukraine because they want to be part democratic Europe instead living under Pootin's authoritarian boot.

Three countries on Russian border are NATO members, never any attacks against Russia or incursion into it's territory.

I don't know who is feeding you fringe rightwingers all the Russian propaganda but it's seriously disturbing how you can be such dupes. Hopefully you are just Russian trolls taking home pay for posting this tripe.
It isn't that simple silly.

Yes, of course, the western half of Ukraine wants to join the EU, and it also wants to be in NATO. OTH? The eastern half of Ukraine speaks Russian, the far eastern portion of Ukraine actually ARE ethnically Russian.

The folks in the western half have acted as a proxy for the American Deep State. You need to get up to speed as to what is going on, it is more nuanced than you are being led, there are no good guys, nor are there any bad guys.

This is a post I helped explain my previous post to the Senior Mod. It links to all sorts of information, on both sides, including a documentary by Oliver Stone, if you are interested in really understanding. . . which I am not sure you are, given the way you posted to someone who is a lefty, with such disrespect.

I'm not sure if you have made errors, if you have been a victim of restricted information, because of the media climate, or if I am just reading your post wrong . . but let me parse this out. . .

The level of diplomatic authority I am not sure, is so much an issue. The problem, as I have been informed, is that the far right wing, Neo-nazi contingents, have been included on the Ukraine side. In some of the first talks, some progress had been made, and they actually either threatened, or killed one of the negotiators before they got back to Zelenskyy . the level of corruption and violence on the Ukraine side, is atrocious, so I am not sure why the Russians would ever even think they have partners they can deal with. If you go back over the history of how we even got the current Ukraine administration, it is as corrupt as Russia's administration, there isn't any trust for negotiation, on either side.

I had wondered, quite a bit about the contents of that Budapest Treaty, and the collection of agreements that the Americans, Brits, and Russia signed. The government, media, and thinks tanks have sure gas-lit the population an awful lot about the contents of them. . . so I went looking for what they actually say, as I do not trust governments, nor corporate media. There is a former military intelligence and diplomatic core member on this site; RoccoR, and we did get into a disagreement of this. I had previously gotten into a disagreement on this with Politiachic, because she just accepted, unquestionably, the Anglo-American propaganda on this issue.

If you would like to see how we came to accord on this, it is here;

The upshot? Not one of the great powers ever signed to be "on the hook," for the defense of Ukraine. They DID all, however, agree, not to violate Ukraine's sovereignty, and if it were violated, to abide by a 1972 accord on European security cooperation, called, “Helsinki Final Act.” I believe this is part of the Security outline that Russia had in mind, that it wanted to negotiate. . . which you are ignoring. . .

I found it interesting, that a full copy of the Budabpest agreement, can not be found on-line. You must actually go find a physical copy. I don't doubt that this is no accident. The best resource I found was in an archieval article from the Council on Foreign Relations, that we discussed at the above link.

The homes of the "pro-democary folks" were NOT in the disputed territory. You are woefully misinformed on this issue. The "damn right wingers" are in the area of historical regions of Red Ruthenia and Galicia. This is the home of Stepan Bandera, their national hero, a man who the western allies, not only shielded from the Nuremberg Trials, but squirreled away to the US, and later used as a tool for stay behind operations against the Soviets. If you don't know who he is, or how he is in inspiration for those who have attacked and continued the civil war in Donbas, get up to speed. . . OTH? Yes, you are correct, Russia has funded the ethnic Russians defense against these folks.

I don't think that is a non-negotiable point. The article that I read, about what was desired, before Ukraine lined 122,000 troops up on the border of Donbas, and Russia put out it's desires in January, seemed? To me to be quite reasonable. The US was one of only two nations to vote against a resolution at the UN, “combating glorification of Nazism, neo-Nazism and other practices that contribute to fueling contemporary forms of racism”. The other? Ukraine.

". . . Almost every Russian knows that it was across the plains of Ukraine’s “borderland” that Hitler’s divisions swept from the west in 1941, bolstered by Ukraine’s Nazi cultists and collaborators. The result was more than 20 million Russian dead.

Setting aside the manoeuvres and cynicism of geopolitics, whomever the players, this historical memory is the driving force behind Russia’s respect-seeking, self-protective security proposals, which were published in Moscow in the week the UN voted 130-2 to outlaw Nazism. They are:

+ NATO guarantees that it will not deploy missiles in nations bordering Russia. (They are already in place from Slovenia to Romania, with Poland to follow)

+ NATO to stop military and naval exercises in nations and seas bordering Russia.

+ Ukraine will not become a member of NATO.

+ the West and Russia to sign a binding East-West security pact.

+ the landmark treaty between the US and Russia covering intermediate-range nuclear weapons to be restored. (The US abandoned it in 2019)

These amount to a comprehensive draft of a peace plan for all of post-war Europe and ought to be welcomed in the West. But who understands their significance in Britain? What they are told is that Putin is a pariah and a threat to Christendom.

Russian-speaking Ukrainians, under economic blockade by Kyiv for seven years, are fighting for their survival. The “massing” army we seldom hear about are the thirteen Ukrainian army brigades laying siege to Donbas: an estimated 150,000 troops. If they attack, the provocation to Russia will almost certainly mean war.. . ."

Agreed. I have been saying since this whole thing began, since Nuland and the corporations triggered these coups and Orange revolutions in Ukraine, it isn't about Ukraine, it is about getting new leadership in Russia, so that the West can have the energy and rare Earth resources in Russia.

Most of us in the west, actually believe that Russia is using all of its military power, and military might on Ukraine. We aren't be told that it is purposely fighting a limited engagement, with limited strategic goals at this point. Folks are being brainwashed to think this is as dangerous as Russia's military is. . .

. . . and frankly, I think it is dangerous.

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