Who cares what Putin thinks

That would be a favorable consequence…Americans and Russians realizing they have a common enemy.

I too grew up during the Cold War and fully backed Reagan’s actions to end the USSR. My wife‘s family are from Eastern Europe and have many awful stories of Soviet mistreatment. Her grandfather was murdered by Soviet troops some years after WWII for no reason. They still hate and fear Russia and Putin without question. They seem intent on pushing for war with Russia.

You'd think they’d know better.
Putin is soviet authoritarian scum. The only question is, are you for democracy and fair capitalism....which isn't the new BS GOP.
"Who rules East Europe commands the Heartland:
Who rules the Heartland commands the World Island:
Who rules the World Island commands the World.

Monthly Review | April 2022 (Volume 73, Number 11)

Since 1945 US foreign policy has revolved around commanding the world. In 1949 the CIA first began using Ukrainian nationals to force regime change in Russia. Forty years later that policy paid big dividends when the Soviet Union collapsed. The US pushed NATO borders eastward, and in 2014 supported a coup that ousted a duly elected president of Ukraine. Eight years of war in Donbas followed:

War in Donbas - Wikipedia

70 years of US attempts at regime change in Russia has forced Putin's hand, and that may turn out to be the good news if America's arrogant use of economic sanctions forces the world to de-dollarize on Biden's watch.:omg:

First, neither the U.S. or anyone else 'Pushed NATO's borders eastward'. Every country that is a member of NATO requested membership and joined NATO voluntarily.

Russia can only blame itself for having such poor relations with it's neighbors that they all want the protections of NATO membership.

Second, you're right. The U.S. never should have backed the 2014 coup in Ukraine. Nor should we have supported the war in Donbas.

Third, the invasion of Ukraine by Russia was, from a military viewpoint, the biggest military blunder since WWII. There is no way this can turn out well for Russia or Ukraine. Putin's days are numbered...and he has only himself to blame.

Finally, The U.S. dollar will remain the world's currency reserve. There is no viable alternative.
Ukranian's aren't fighting to steal land like Putin.
Wrong. Crimea, Donetsk, and Luhansk never voted to be in the new Ukrainian government. In fact they voted for independence or to join Russia. It never belonged to the new puppet regime.
Yes. The US empire may be coming to an end. Once the dollar loses reserve status, it could all come crumbling down and nearly all Americans will suffer, except those Americans responsible will likely benefit.
It is difficult to imagine any single event whose negative effects on society could be larger than those of 911, the Great Recession, and Covid combined, but if (when) the US dollar loses its global reserve status, those three crises might look like the good old days.
Another fear mongered, brainwashed functional moron. The only people lying are murdoch pundits and outlets and their GOP/Trump minions....Change the channel. Every one in the world knows it but the GOP base...
Typical dumb duopoly moron response. Only sees things as D good R bad. Damn. Can’t fix stupid.
It is difficult to imagine any single event whose negative effects on society could be larger than those of 911, the Great Recession, and Covid combined, but if (when) the US dollar loses its global reserve status, those three crises might look like the good old days.
Agreed. If the so called experts are right, losing reserve currency status could result in a huge devaluation of the dollar. So, our money could be worthless.
Jesus man. WTF!!! Are you really this clueless. Are you unaware of Serbia and Libya?

Who controls NATO? Is NATO not designed for killing Russians? Do not NATO nations have enormous war material including nukes all aimed at Russia? War games are constantly held by NATO nations near the Russian border.

How can you be so blind?
NATO is defensive and democratic like the
Typical dumb duopoly moron response. Only sees things as D good R bad. Damn. Can’t fix stupid.
You are the only party in the world that denies vax, masks, GW, US election security, the GOP giveaway to the rich for 40 years, and have given us corrupt world depressions, the stupidest wars ever, worst pandemic response and leadership, and the worst propaganda ever by far. CHANGE THE CHANNEL, BRAINWASHED FUNCTIONAL MORON....Putinist shytte...
Morning Joe | MSNBC Morning Joe Live with Joe Scarborough Putin is going to do what Putin does, and he already has.

Critics of Biden for calling Putin out for what he really is, are people afraid to call a spade a spade, or they support Russia.

I mean seriously folks, at this point, do you think appeasing Putin with soft language is going to stop him from bombing children's hospitals or any civilian living quarters? The guy is a mad man. A war criminal. A genocidal maniac. He's no genius like Trump has called him. If he were really a genius, he wouldn't be bogged down with his military right now.

Ukranian's aren't fighting to steal land like Putin. They are trying to keep there's. In the mean time, Putin commits mass murder. You tell them Joe. Don't be afraid to call him for what he is. We have your back. We don't support Putin's imperialistic massacre like some of these Trump stooges in this country.
Putin is a thug and not to be trusted or believed. He ran the KGB, he has had many murdered and it a terrible person. He is going to do what he wants to do. The world needs rid of him.
NATO is defensive and democratic like the

You are the only party in the world that denies vax, masks, GW, US election security, the GOP giveaway to the rich for 40 years, and have given us corrupt world depressions, the stupidest wars ever, worst pandemic response and leadership, and the worst propaganda ever by far. CHANGE THE CHANNEL, BRAINWASHED FUNCTIONAL MORON....Putinist shytte...
You think I support the GOP and watch Fox. WTF man! Do come here new every day?
First, neither the U.S. or anyone else 'Pushed NATO's borders eastward'. Every country that is a member of NATO requested membership and joined NATO voluntarily.
I think it's more likely rich people in every country bought into western propaganda about eternal war and endless debt.

One writer I've read recently wrote about the Raytheon billboards in Poland that he had witnessed prior to that country joining NATO. The current carnage in Ukraine reveals how well that works out when western merchants of death whose primary concern is to enhance quarterly profits run up against a nuclear-armed reginal power.
Absolute idiot, that's for sure. Are you actually Russian? I'm a democrat who watches/reads real journalists. WTF are you lol? Youtube crap is even worse than Fox etc....
Lol. You’re a D who only consumes corporate media news sources, so you prove you know nothing with every post.
You think I support the GOP and watch Fox. WTF man! Do come here new every day?
He has blinders on, he only believes what the Democratic Party spoon feds him. He is a partisan dupe, that way he doesn't have to think for himself. He is completely binary. GOP bad, DNC good.

Ignorance is his forte.
He has blinders on, he only believes what the Democratic Party spoon feds him. He is a partisan dupe, that way he doesn't have to think for himself. He is completely binary. GOP bad, DNC good.

Ignorance is his forte.
Yeah it’s too bad. We have way too many of these duopoly dupes on this forum.
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