Who cares what Putin thinks

there are twice as many political prisoners under Putin than there was under folks like Brezhnev and Andropov. if we care that every human life is precious and priceless, we should care about that! regime change?
Putin wants to control the post-Soviet space, and the way you do that is to control countries like Ukraine. THAT's how Putin thinks, my friends
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Putin only provided supplies for the 1st 3 days of blitzkrieg, which means he calculated that the Ukranians would surrender early...what a big miscalculation! he thinks the Ukranians are too corrupt and cowardly, that they would run away...that's true of the RUSSIAN army!

the Russian military have no will to continue...military prowess is not how many tanks you have...it's your will to win...the US IS GONNA WIIIIIIIN!

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Anyone who doesn't care what the person who controls the world second-largest nuclear arsenal thinks is a damned fool. This thread has clearly identified them
He's either going to use them or he isn't right? Do we have control over that? No!

The point about not caring what Putin thinks, is the fact that he is going or not going to do what he does. Why should I give that oxygen?

Let's put this into a more common sense sort of context shall we. Putin lied about his intentions to invade Ukraine. Putin said he was afraid NATO was too close to his borders, even though NATO has never attacked Putin's Russia. And the other thing, if NATO and Ukraine were such a threat, then why didn't Putin join NATO? The answer, if we are honest, would explain his invasion. It was never about his fear for NATO or Ukraine. Invading Ukraine meant more power, control, and wealth for Russia. That's what all this is about. And for those who buy into Putin's propaganda nonsense over his fears of NATO, we'll, let's just say those folks need a lesson in critical thinking.

Fact is, we are over thinking Putin, because we already know what he thinks and wants.

You can't give oxygen to what Putin thinks. You have to give oxygen to what he does.
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"war is to a man what motherhood is to a woman...we will horrify the world by our aggressiveness instead of charming them with our guitars. we love total, pitiles war. so close your hearts to pity. act brutally. i will give a propagandist reason for continuing the war, whether it is plausible or not. the victor will not be asked later whether he told the truth...some think the Russian bear should start picking berries and eating honey. maybe then he will be left alone. but no, he won't be! Because someone will always try to chain him up. As soon as he's chained, they will tear out his teeth and claws!" - Vladimir Putin...what a lovely man!

this is the same Putin who boasted: "I have no conscience"....this is Putin's morality in a nutshell

the man who has led Russia longer than anyone since Stalin describes himself as "a pure and utterly succesful product of a Soviet patriotic education"...an education of war and death?

Putin is small and pale, so cold as to be almost reptilian...

As one law student told a reporter in Moscow: "we have no democracy. our parliament is fake. our politicians are fake. our media is fake...there's only Putin"
That law student was right.
He's either going to use them or he isn't right? Do we have control over that? No!

The point about not caring what Putin thinks, is the fact that he is going or not going to do what he does. Why should I give that oxygen?

Let's put this into a more common sense sort of context shall we. Putin lied about his intentions to invade Ukraine. Putin said he was afraid NATO was too close to his borders, even though NATO has never attacked Putin's Russia. And the other thing, if NATO and Ukraine were such a threat, then why didn't Putin join NATO? The answer, if we are honest, would explain his invasion. It was never about his fear for NATO or Ukraine. Invading Ukraine meant more power, control, and wealth for Russia. That's what all this is about. And for those who buy into Putin's propaganda nonsense over his fears of NATO, we'll, let's just say those folks need a lesson in critical thinking.

Fact is, we are over thinking Putin, because we already know what he thinks and wants.

You can't give oxygen to what Putin thinks. You have to give oxygen to what he does.
I'm not giving Putin oxygen. I just think the premise of this thread is ridiculous and potentially suicidal.
Putin wants to control the post-Soviet space, and the way you do that is to control countries like Ukraine. THAT's how Putin thinks, my friends

Putin just grasps human nature.
Give an inch, take a mile.
He knows the West wanted to rip the bear's teeth out, way before his special operation.
I heard that before, however if the Russians had not invaded Ukraine, none of this would have happened.
"Who rules East Europe commands the Heartland:
Who rules the Heartland commands the World Island:
Who rules the World Island commands the World.

Monthly Review | April 2022 (Volume 73, Number 11)

Since 1945 US foreign policy has revolved around commanding the world. In 1949 the CIA first began using Ukrainian nationals to force regime change in Russia. Forty years later that policy paid big dividends when the Soviet Union collapsed. The US pushed NATO borders eastward, and in 2014 supported a coup that ousted a duly elected president of Ukraine. Eight years of war in Donbas followed:

War in Donbas - Wikipedia

70 years of US attempts at regime change in Russia has forced Putin's hand, and that may turn out to be the good news if America's arrogant use of economic sanctions forces the world to de-dollarize on Biden's watch.:omg:
Morning Joe | MSNBC Morning Joe Live with Joe Scarborough Putin is going to do what Putin does, and he already has.

Critics of Biden for calling Putin out for what he really is, are people afraid to call a spade a spade, or they support Russia.

I mean seriously folks, at this point, do you think appeasing Putin with soft language is going to stop him from bombing children's hospitals or any civilian living quarters? The guy is a mad man. A war criminal. A genocidal maniac. He's no genius like Trump has called him. If he were really a genius, he wouldn't be bogged down with his military right now.

Ukranian's aren't fighting to steal land like Putin. They are trying to keep there's. In the mean time, Putin commits mass murder. You tell them Joe. Don't be afraid to call him for what he is. We have your back. We don't support Putin's imperialistic massacre like some of these Trump stooges in this country.
Genius = an iq of 140 or more. The word "genius" is not interchangeable with the word, "wisdom." Putin indubitably has a high iq. Unfortunately he has been unwise in his war on children in the Ukraine. A benign leader never brings shame on a society. Integrity ends when murdering children in a hospital, an orphanage, or a school takes place. all three have occurred in Putin's campaign to take over countries when he can't even discipline himself to stay within the Geneva guidelines of war against another sovereign state.

The anti-American press spews inanities too much against their bitter enemies, namely conservative human beings who have a nation to deal with in a caring way, which is precisely what Donald Trump did.
Genius = an iq of 140 or more. The word "genius" is not interchangeable with the word, "wisdom." Putin indubitably has a high iq. Unfortunately he has been unwise in his war on children in the Ukraine. A benign leader never brings shame on a society. Integrity ends when murdering children in a hospital, an orphanage, or a school takes place. all three have occurred in Putin's campaign to take over countries when he can't even discipline himself to stay within the Geneva guidelines of war against another sovereign state.

The anti-American press spews inanities too much against their bitter enemies, namely conservative human beings who have a nation to deal with in a caring way, which is precisely what Donald Trump did.
Right, Donald Trump, the role model for caring. Was that before or after he stole millions from a charity that was supposed to go to children with cancer?
I believe Boosh screwed up, should have helped democratic Yeltsin etc Russia more...Republicans are always a disaster. Even when just obstructing and misleading some Dems...Versailles, League, world DEPRESSION, isolationism, military industrial giveaway to the rich brainwashed insurrectionists.
I don't think we should forget Brzezinski who as a "proud son of Poland" hated Russia and helped perpetuate the US "Grand Strategy" for becoming "the world's paramount power."

Monthly Review | April 2022 (Volume 73, Number 11)

"Brzezinski remained a key advisor to subsequent U.S. administrations but did not have a prominent official role, given his hawkish reputation and the extremely negative view of him in Russia, which, in the early 1990s under Boris Yeltsin, had a close, puppet-like connection to Washington.

"Nevertheless, more than any other U.S. strategic thinker, it was Brzezinski who articulated the U.S. grand strategy on Russia that was enacted over three decades by successive U.S. administrations.

"The NATO wars that dismembered Yugoslavia in the 1990s overlapped with the onset of NATO’s eastward expansion.

"Washington had promised the Kremlin under Mikhail Gorbachev, at the time of German reunification, that NATO would expand 'not one inch' to the east into the former Warsaw Pact countries.

"Nevertheless, in October 1996, Bill Clinton, while campaigning for reelection, indicated that he favored the expansion of NATO into the former Soviet sphere and a policy was put into motion the next year, followed by all subsequent U.S. administrations.

"Shortly afterward, in 1997, Brzezinski published his book, The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives, in which he declared that the United States was in a position 'for the first time ever [for] a non-Eurasian power' of becoming “the key arbiter of Eurasian power relations,” while also constituting 'the world’s paramount power.'"
Possibly Ukraine's neo-Nazis placed artillery or rocket launchers near those hospitals? It will be months/years before that can be determined and even then we probably won't believe each other's sources.

Ukraine presented a threat to Russia when Victoria Nuland picked its next leader in 2014 which was only the latest in a long line of such meddling tracing back to 1949
I could possibly believe Putin when he said he wasn't going to attack Ukraine, but since he did, I'm sticking with the fact that Putin is a murdering monster of children. Lie to me once, and all bets are off. And your credibility is lost forever.

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