Who cares what Putin thinks

"war is to a man what motherhood is to a woman...we will horrify the world by our aggressiveness instead of charming them with our guitars. we love total, pitiles war. so close your hearts to pity. act brutally. i will give a propagandist reason for continuing the war, whether it is plausible or not. the victor will not be asked later whether he told the truth...some think the Russian bear should start picking berries and eating honey. maybe then he will be left alone. but no, he won't be! Because someone will always try to chain him up. As soon as he's chained, they will tear out his teeth and claws!" - Vladimir Putin...what a lovely man!

this is the same Putin who boasted: "I have no conscience"....this is Putin's morality in a nutshell

the man who has led Russia longer than anyone since Stalin describes himself as "a pure and utterly succesful product of a Soviet patriotic education"...an education of war and death?

Putin is small and pale, so cold as to be almost reptilian...

As one law student told a reporter in Moscow: "we have no democracy. our parliament is fake. our politicians are fake. our media is fake...there's only Putin"
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And now we have six.
eh, biden's going with a weak hand, but he's played it. He made sure Ukraine had virtually an unlimited supply of anti-armor and bullets ... .and drones proved suprisingly effective. Had the military anticipated that, we might have allowed Ukraine to burn that russian convoy.

Biden's proven incapable of sustaining bipartsan congressional actions. His own party has been the biggest impediment, but no one expected him to be able to rebuild consensus. He's at best middle of the pack, and he's following Obama, who was a disaster in terms of congressional actions. Ironically, for policy allows the potus to really work around congress. Putin's invasion should be the final nail in Trump's coffin. (literally would be ok for me)

War is normally a result of a crappy diplomatic hand. It is what it is. And pity the Ukranians. Hopefully we'll find a way for Russia to finance the physical reconstruction. Putin has created a very hostile neighbor where one didn't exist before his miscalculatioln.
eh, biden's going with a weak hand, but he's played it. He made sure Ukraine had virtually an unlimited supply of anti-armor and bullets ... .and drones proved suprisingly effective. Had the military anticipated that, we might have allowed Ukraine to burn that russian convoy.

Biden's proven incapable of sustaining bipartsan congressional actions. His own party has been the biggest impediment, but no one expected him to be able to rebuild consensus. He's at best middle of the pack, and he's following Obama, who was a disaster in terms of congressional actions. Ironically, for policy allows the potus to really work around congress. Putin's invasion should be the final nail in Trump's coffin. (literally would be ok for me)

War is normally a result of a crappy diplomatic hand. It is what it is. And pity the Ukranians. Hopefully we'll find a way for Russia to finance the physical reconstruction. Putin has created a very hostile neighbor where one didn't exist before his miscalculatioln.
It is not Brandon's "weak hand" that gives me pause, rather it is his weak mind.
The fallacy in your anaylsis is that the baltics were only admitted to Nato after Putin threatened their borders
What actions did Putin take in 2004 to threaten Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania? NATO lost its reason to exist after 1991 EXCEPT to sell arms to newly independent states like Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania (not to mention Georgia and Ukraine) Follow the Money.
And now, thanks to Putin's aggression, any peace in Ukraine will have to be protected with Nato
Putin's aggression was instigated by thirty years of provocations from the Greatest Purveyor of Violence in the World, including funding a coup in 2014 which brought western puppets to power in Kyiv.

The IMF connection with the Ukraine crisis | MR Online

"The IMF’s operations in Ukraine in 2014 therefore bring out not just the typical aspect of its policy, which is to open up the economy to metropolitan capital, but an additional aspect as well, namely as an aid to U.S. cold war objectives.".
And the war in Ukraine? Tell me again why Putin needs bomb hospitals on purpose there, while Ukraine presented no threat?
Possibly Ukraine's neo-Nazis placed artillery or rocket launchers near those hospitals? It will be months/years before that can be determined and even then we probably won't believe each other's sources.

Ukraine presented a threat to Russia when Victoria Nuland picked its next leader in 2014 which was only the latest in a long line of such meddling tracing back to 1949
Let's see, now that's supposed to be a war against terrorism, that's been bi-partisan right?
Is this a terrorist...

Or a good guy?
Morning Joe | MSNBC Morning Joe Live with Joe Scarborough Putin is going to do what Putin does, and he already has.

Critics of Biden for calling Putin out for what he really is, are people afraid to call a spade a spade, or they support Russia.

I mean seriously folks, at this point, do you think appeasing Putin with soft language is going to stop him from bombing children's hospitals or any civilian living quarters? The guy is a mad man. A war criminal. A genocidal maniac. He's no genius like Trump has called him. If he were really a genius, he wouldn't be bogged down with his military right now.

Ukranian's aren't fighting to steal land like Putin. They are trying to keep there's. In the mean time, Putin commits mass murder. You tell them Joe. Don't be afraid to call him for what he is. We have your back. We don't support Putin's imperialistic massacre like some of these Trump stooges in this country.
Who cares what you think?
What actions did Putin take in 2004 to threaten Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania? NATO lost its reason to exist after 1991 EXCEPT to sell arms to newly independent states like Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania (not to mention Georgia and Ukraine) Follow the Money.
I believe Boosh screwed up, should have helped democratic Yeltsin etc Russia more...Republicans are always a disaster. Even when just obstructing and misleading some Dems...Versailles, League, world DEPRESSION, isolationism, military industrial giveaway to the rich brainwashed insurrectionists...
Putin's aggression was instigated by thirty years of provocations from the Greatest Purveyor of Violence in the World, including funding a coup in 2014 which brought western puppets to power in Kyiv.

The IMF connection with the Ukraine crisis | MR Online

"The IMF’s operations in Ukraine in 2014 therefore bring out not just the typical aspect of its policy, which is to open up the economy to metropolitan capital, but an additional aspect as well, namely as an aid to U.S. cold war objectives.".
Cold war objectives like democracy? GD Putinists
What actions did Putin take in 2004 to threaten Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania? NATO lost its reason to exist after 1991 EXCEPT to sell arms to newly independent states like Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania (not to mention Georgia and Ukraine) Follow the Money.
just stop.
Cold war objectives like democracy? GD Putinists
george is a socialist, not a putinist. I don't doubt his sincerity.

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