Who cares what Putin thinks

Horseshit, there is a war in Ukraine because they want to be part democratic Europe instead living under Pootin's authoritarian boot.

Three countries on Russian border are NATO members, never any attacks against Russia or incursion into it's territory.

I don't know who is feeding you fringe rightwingers all the Russian propaganda but it's seriously disturbing how you can be such dupes. Hopefully you are just Russian trolls taking home pay for posting this tripe.
They listen to their master, who's a friggin retard.
The Ukraine was a threat - see Biden telling Putin that we are going to expand NATO into Ukraine.
Can't feel sorry for Ukraine, they hide soldiers in Hospitals...classic trick.
Oh my friggin God folks. Have you all ever read anything dumber in your life? Russia's military goes to the border. Russia said they weren't invading. LOL! They then commence to destroy half the country, murdering, raping, and kidnapping civilians, and Ukraine was a threat? :aargh::aargh::aargh::aargh: Ukraine was never a threat you idiot.

If that murdering pos Putin thought NATO was a threat, then why didn't he join NATO you dumb fuck? We'll, we all know the answer to that, except maybe you.
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The Ukraine was a threat - see Biden telling Putin that we are going to expand NATO into Ukraine.
Can't feel sorry for Ukraine, they hide soldiers in Hospitals...classic trick.
This dude is out to lunch folks.
This is your source?
Dude, can you be more fucking retarded with that lame, corny ass shit?
I bet you've never heard this profoundly truthful statement.…

“The first casualty of war is truth.” Learn it. Memorize it!
We'll, you better get your head out of the sand, because you ain't found it yet.
Yep, no truth can be known....proceeds to spread blatantly bullshit state propaganda from the country where you get 15 years in jail for just calling a war in Ukraine what it is
Here's the author of my link:
Point out any Russian state propaganda.

Details - Biased Observers Database

"Political activity
Christelle Neant is a French journalist. She has been living in the so-called 'Donetsk People's Republic' since 2016 and obtained its citizenship. Christelle Neant works there in DONi International Press Center"

"Mariupol—Civilians denounce the crimes of the fighters of the neo-nazi Azov Regiment​

Originally published: Donbass-Insider by Christelle Néant (March 22, 2022 ) | - Posted Mar 28, 2022
Media, WarEurope, Russia, UkraineNewswire"

Mariupol—Civilians denounce the crimes of the fighters of the neo-nazi Azov Regiment | MR Online
How exactly is this war Russia started Biden's mistakes dumbass?
He's started a thread on this, with the entire world negotiating with Russia. LOL

There was a semantic problem .... with Zelensky. Nato said "clearly" that there was no plan to add Ukraine in the near term, but Russia could not dictate who would or would not be admitted. What Darth seems to ignore, or not know, was for months it was suggesting that Ukraine be "neutral" as was Austria in the cold war. But the problem is/was ... neutral to Putin means "ripe for the picking." So NOW, any agreement by Ukraine to be neutral will have to be backed up by western guarantees of their neutrality.

And that's been called "a big ask" of the west. I suppose the option would be for Ukraine to be neutral in terms of not being in Nato, but be armed by Nato with armor and aircraft and artillery that would make any future invasion from russia suicidal. That's not really good either.

Tell Ukraine how feckless the Russian army is, it's only surrounding 80% of the population and bombing the shjt out of them with impunity.
Ha folks, looks like we have ourselves a genuine dictator, authoritarian, white nationalist, Putin loving piece of shit.
It's not a war. It's a special operation.
Similar to what the U.S. called Vietnam; a police action.

True story.

Proof that Putin is scared of the political backlash in Russia. Just as Johnson had no chance of getting Congress or the American people to support a war in Vietnam.
Is he a madman for invading another nation? If so, what does that make O and W?

You’d do yourself a big favor by turning of the propaganda tv.
What country did we invade when Obama was President?

Clearly GW Bush is a war criminal.
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At this point, most of us in America are getting the war propaganda from one side only, namely the MIC "prepare for war to maintain peace" camp; there is another propaganda source most Americans are not hearing:

Mariupol—Civilians denounce the crimes of the fighters of the neo-nazi Azov Regiment | MR Online

"On 20 March 2022, while we were conducting a humanitarian mission near Sartana, on the north-eastern outskirts of Mariupol, we came across many civilians who had recently fled Mariupol thanks to the advance of Russian and DPR (Donetsk People’s Republic) troops.

"One of them, Nikolay, agreed to talk on camera about the crimes committed by the neo-Nazi Azov regiment against the inhabitants. A testimony confirmed by other civilians who managed to evacuate the city..."

"I ask him if he knows by any chance what really happened in the Mariupol maternity hospital and theatre, about which the Western media have recently made their headlines.

"And there surprise, Nikolay knows what happened there, he saw with his own eyes, how the maternity hospital was transformed into a military position and a firing position by the fighters of the Azov regiment (which he still calls Azov battalion by the way).

"He confirms that the hospital had been evacuated to another area and was therefore no longer in working order."
I heard that before, however if the Russians had not invaded Ukraine, none of this would have happened.
He's started a thread on this, with the entire world negotiating with Russia. LOL

There was a semantic problem .... with Zelensky. Nato said "clearly" that there was no plan to add Ukraine in the near term, but Russia could not dictate who would or would not be admitted. What Darth seems to ignore, or not know, was for months it was suggesting that Ukraine be "neutral" as was Austria in the cold war. But the problem is/was ... neutral to Putin means "ripe for the picking." So NOW, any agreement by Ukraine to be neutral will have to be backed up by western guarantees of their neutrality.

And that's been called "a big ask" of the west. I suppose the option would be for Ukraine to be neutral in terms of not being in Nato, but be armed by Nato with armor and aircraft and artillery that would make any future invasion from russia suicidal. That's not really good either.
That still doesn't address my question. Putin started this war on a made up notion Ukraine was magically a threat, while Ukraine was never the aggressor, but Russia was. How is that on Biden?

And by the way, Putin could have joined NATO, and his country would have been protected as well. Just one problem. Putin was a murderous dictator, who wanted to maintain power and control. So right there proves, his fears aren't Ukraine belonging to NATO. His fears are that Ukraine should belong to Russia, and that might not happen.

I agree with most of your post by the way.
What genocide?
You use the term very loosely.
The way you use it you could just as easily apply it to Chicago, drama queen.
I'm not aware of any large bombs dropping on apartment complexes in Chicago there Mr. racist.
That still doesn't address my question. Putin started this war on a made up notion Ukraine was magically a threat, while Ukraine was never the aggressor, but Russia was. How is that on Biden?

And by the way, Putin could have joined NATO, and his country would have been protected as well. Just one problem. Putin was a murderous dictator, who wanted to maintain power and control. So right there proves, his fears aren't Ukraine belonging to NATO. His fears are that Ukraine should belong to Russia, and that might not happen.

I agree with most of your post by the way.
Yes, PUtin oculd have began the process of joining nato in 1991, and it was hoped he would. He also might have created an econ in Russia that was not based on 1980. But yes, he is a KGB officer. And for him, cooperation with the west is simply not killing cia and MI 6 people because then we'd kill his.

It's not Biden's fault that the US has been in retreat from europe since 9-11. We've had five terms of incompetent potus for policy.

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