Who cares what Putin thinks

At this point, most of us in America are getting the war propaganda from one side only, namely the MIC "prepare for war to maintain peace" camp; there is another propaganda source most Americans are not hearing:

Mariupol—Civilians denounce the crimes of the fighters of the neo-nazi Azov Regiment | MR Online

"On 20 March 2022, while we were conducting a humanitarian mission near Sartana, on the north-eastern outskirts of Mariupol, we came across many civilians who had recently fled Mariupol thanks to the advance of Russian and DPR (Donetsk People’s Republic) troops.

"One of them, Nikolay, agreed to talk on camera about the crimes committed by the neo-Nazi Azov regiment against the inhabitants. A testimony confirmed by other civilians who managed to evacuate the city..."

"I ask him if he knows by any chance what really happened in the Mariupol maternity hospital and theatre, about which the Western media have recently made their headlines.

"And there surprise, Nikolay knows what happened there, he saw with his own eyes, how the maternity hospital was transformed into a military position and a firing position by the fighters of the Azov regiment (which he still calls Azov battalion by the way).

"He confirms that the hospital had been evacuated to another area and was therefore no longer in working order."
Possibly but I doubt it. Putin has a history you know.
Well, perhaps Putin should not have attacked Mariupol.
Putin's war of aggression on Ukraine would not have been necessary without decades of US attempts at regime change which began in 1949.
Russia’s menacing of Ukraine is unlikely to induce NATO to retreat

The current proxy war between the US and Russia would not be happening in Ukraine today absent the US supported coup in 2014 which replaced a corrupt, yet democratically elected president, with an equally corrupt US puppet followed by another equally corrupt US puppet.

Zelensky (another US puppet) ended that in 2019 when his campaign was funded by this Ukrainian oligarch

The same billionaire also funded Zelensky's television show which launched his career in "public service."

Do you think that was a coincidence?

How an embattled Ukrainian oligarch has kept his grip on an economic empire
Putin's timing is excellent.
His execution has been poor as he had designs on going for the whole enchilada of Ukraine due to false ego.
He'll have to settle for the Donbas and a land bridge to Crimea.
Enter 1,000 Wagner Group fighters stage left into the Donbas!
And there is nothing that Sippy Cup and his Russophobe supporters will do.

Keep playing checkers, :ahole-1:'s!!
George is taking his time off of watching the 职业技能教育培训中心 cams in Xinjiang to post here.

I hope you all appreciate it.
How many star-spangled bombs are falling on hospitals in Yemen, Loon?

Yemen: Evidence indicates US-made bomb was used in attack on MSF hospital

There would be no hot war in Ukraine today without US pushing NATO to Russian borders and instigating a coup against a democratically elected president in 2014.

Horseshit, there is a war in Ukraine because they want to be part democratic Europe instead living under Pootin's authoritarian boot.

Three countries on Russian border are NATO members, never any attacks against Russia or incursion into it's territory.

I don't know who is feeding you fringe rightwingers all the Russian propaganda but it's seriously disturbing how you can be such dupes. Hopefully you are just Russian trolls taking home pay for posting this tripe.
Horseshit, there is a war in Ukraine because they want to be part democratic Europe instead living under Pootin's authoritarian boot.

Three countries on Russian border are NATO members, never any attacks against Russia or incursion into it's territory.

I don't know who is feeding you fringe rightwingers all the Russian propaganda but it's seriously disturbing how you can be such dupes. Hopefully you are just Russian trolls taking home pay for posting this tripe.

Too bad Ukraine ain't NATO!
Too bad Ukraine ain't NATO!

Are you done shitting your pants publicly?

We are talking about a war of choice that has now claimed 30,000+ lives of Russians and Ukranians, and is causing total devastation of livelihoods for millions in both countries.

And here you are discussing it like a child that thinks this us some sort of video game you've just won.

What a total fucking degenerate.
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George is taking his time off of watching the 职业技能教育培训中心 cams in Xinjiang to post here.

I hope you all appreciate it.

"On a cold London evening in January 1904, Sir Halford Mackinder, the director of the London School of Economics, 'entranced' an audience at the Royal Geographical Society on Savile Row with a paper boldly titled 'The Geographical Pivot of History.'

"This presentation evinced, said the society’s president, 'a brilliancy of description… we have seldom had equaled in this room.'"

The Geopolitics of American Global Decline
China wants Russia's carbon on the cheap while expanding its commercial markets. Russia doesn't have any markets except wheat and carbon. Absent Putin, Russia may not have any interest in supporting regimes like Assad
LOL you have no clue what you're talking about.

Russia has a lot more than just wheat and carbon. Include everything else.
  • Nickel
  • Steel
  • Uranium
  • Palladium
  • Platinum
  • Gold
  • Silver
  • Fertilizer
  • Petrochemicals
  • Lumber
  • list goes on and on and on
STFU tool


I guess Kamala Harris shouldn't have opened her dumbo mouth and said that Ukraine should join NATO....Or Biden shouldn't have told Putin that his redlines didn't matter.

She's dead because Democrats thought they were tougher than Trump.
Horseshit, there is a war in Ukraine because they want to be part democratic Europe instead living under Pootin's authoritarian boot.
A majority of Ukrainians wanted no part of living under IMF "conditionalities" in 2014, so the US resorted to violence spearheaded by neo-Nazis:

The IMF connection with the Ukraine crisis | MR Online

"The government that came to power after the 2014 coup restarted negotiations with the European Union, for which it obtained a loan commitment of $27 billion from the IMF after showing its 'good intentions' by cutting the gas subsidy to citizens by a half.

"This loan had several notable features: first, it was huge, much larger (in fact more than six times) than what the IMF would normally provide in a comparable situation;

"second, it was given to a country in the midst of a civil war (as Ukraine then was), which is against usual IMF practice; and,

"third, it was known from the very beginning that the loan could not possibly be paid back, so that the only means through which it would be sought to be recovered would be through metropolitan capital taking control of the country’s land area and mineral resources (the most prominent of which is natural gas)".
In the hope that Ukraine wants to be as much as possible, a free to determine its own destiny country I support UKRAINE.

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